Chapter 7 Afterparty and 7 Years' Timeskip

After defeating cell and saying goodbye to time travelers, Karma and others returned to celebrate their victory.


At the capsule Corp

Everyone is having a great time celebrating. Everyone is sharing old stories.

When Goku mention bulma I was filled with curiosity because I didn't watch original dragon ball so I asked them

Karma: So what was bulma like when she was a teen.

Goku: Oh she was pretty weird back then I remembered that when we first met she shown me he- aghhh. Goku was about to finish his words as bulma punched him and said.

Bulma: Never try to mention it again, you moron! she said it in an angry tone.

Karma: She is pretty good, I see.

Bulma: Goku is an idiot don't listen to him. I am going out for a walk. seeing this opportunity I said.

Karma: I'll accompany you.

As we silently walked outside while smilingat each other, Chi-chi said

Chi-chi: So when did it happen, bulma and him.

Krillin: what are you saying, no way! you mean those two! together! oh man come to think of it I never noticed it but you seem right chi-chi.

Goku: what are you guys talking about.

Vegeta: you are such baby kakarot.

Everyone: Agreed, hehe ha ha ha ha. Goku watches them as they laugh

Outside me and bulma sat on bench together seeing the stars and the glory of this vast universe. I looked at bulma with a smile full of curiosity as she said while smiling.

Bulma: What are you looking at.

Karma: at a girl who is more beautiful than the whole night sky and who is brighter than stars.

Bulma: stop It, you are embarrassing me.

Karma: Bulma can I ask you something.

Bulma: what is it ?

Karma: it's been some time since we've known each other, you know whenever I am with you I feel like I am free, I have no worries, it feels like I could see your smile my whole life, I want this to never end.

Bulma: why don't you try ask for it. as she said this grabbed her and gave her a kiss on lips, then I thought that she wasn't ready for this and said

Karma: I am sorry, I don't know what took over me, I better go to my room. I began to go to my room as she grabbed my hand and kissed me back under the starlight we kissed each other and I asked her that

Karma: Do you wanna get in a relationship with me.

Bulma: Of course! silly. as a tear of joy fell from her eye.

as she went inside I went inside as well, we held each other's hands and started dancing.

After sometime party was over bulma went to sleep after saying goodbye to everyone, I went to say goodnight to her in her bed room, she was very tired so she fell asleep instantly I went over to her holding her hand as she talked in sleep

Bulma: Please never leave me.

as she said this I gave a kiss on her forehead and said that

Karma: no matters what happens, I will never leave you


After party everyone went to their own personal lifes, everyone met each other a few times but not everyone and not frequently. Eventually Goten is born. in these 7 years sayains inclucing Goten unlocked and mastered their god forms as well as SSJ BLUE, Broly mastered his LSSJ and started working towards a new form which was a mix of SSJG AND LSSJ like SSJB is combinations of normal SSJ AND SSJG. In meantime Gohan became a full fledged scholar bit because of upgraded room of spirit and time he was able to keep up with everyone else, Vegeta became a vigilante, as krillin got close and eventually married to 18, and since 17 was with 18 for a long time he started to open up as well. As for tien, Yamcha and Roshi they were also busy in their own personal matters. In this time of peace me and bulma announced our relationship publicly and I was willing to propose her but I was waiting for the right moment, i enjoyed my time with bulma to its fullest, for others we were like a dream couple and in this time I trained to my fullest without room of spirit and time, and at this point in time my base power level is around 800 octilion and according to my knowledge the highest power level of mortals is of Jiren whose power level is around 12.1 octilion and as for gods beerus' full power is 15 decelion which is very high. but still I have many forms and techniques at my disposal at this time I could go toe to toe with even with grand priest even though I am not confident enough that I could defeat him but still it is enough for now.But now It's just time for Buu saga's start.


[Hey guys tomorrow my internet will be down because of Lecturerar exams so I am posting 7th chap now and 8th in the morning hope you liked it and thank you for reading this and please continue to support me as much as you can and once again thank you for reading ]