After 7 years 25th Tenkaichi budokai is upon us, and every one plans a reunion on papaya island everyone is going to be there and take part in it. Gohan in this timeline didn't became the great sayaiman, till this time gohan and videl had already met, she also found out that gohan is a bit odd so she challenged him to enter 25th Tenkaichi budokai.
Karma: Are you ready to go, bulma.
Bulma: Yeah, let's go. as she says it I held her in my hands bridal style.
Karma: Let's go.
Bulma: Wha-what are you doing, we aren't
teleporting, she said as she blushed
Karma: Flying over there is Much more fun, and besides that you like wind blowing on your face.
Bulma: Nodded* fine, let's go. she said in long tone.
As she finished her word I took a stance and start flying at a fairly slow speed. as we flew to papaya island everyone were present there as we landed there Chi-Chi said
Chi-Chi: look at two lovebirds
Bulma: So what, you are jealous that's all.
Krillin: ladies ladies please calm down
Goku: You two look good together, right Vegeta.
Vegeta: Huh, ugh, oh yeah, yeah.
Karma: hey, who is participating in tournament.
Tien: Krillin,me,18,piccolo,Goku,Vegeta,gohan and goten in junior division.
Karma: Huh broly, you and 17 aren't participating.
Broly: no, we don't want to and besides that registration is already finished, we aren't surprised that you didn't take part.
Bulma: I tried so much to make him participate in the tournament, but still here we are.
Karma: you guys should have fun, if I was to take part in it I would've spoilt your fun.
tournament started and proceeded normally only difference being that this time I already knew supreme Kai and he told everyone about his plan to capture babidi, and at this point we could easily stopped Buu's resurrection, but I had a different plan.
Tournament approached Normally piccolo forfeit, videl was beaten badly but this time around with my knowledge of techniques I instantly healed videl and then it was time for Gohan' s match, it started like normal but this time gohan was as strong as SSJB Goku, so spopovich and yamu were instantly killed by gohan and with God ki sensing mortal ki was very easy so I sensed dabura's ki and I signaled Goku, Vegeta and broly to come with me while I telepathically told gohan to stay here and participate gohan first denied but ultimately stayed there and guess what, won.
On the other side the four of us arrived at babidi's ship even though he had concealed it's presence but we were able to find it and when we arrived inside at babidi' s ship pui-pui and yakon were respectively killed by Vegeta and Goku and when dabura showed up I killed him in an instance, after few time babidi and shin simultaneously arrived while shin said
Shin: it's over now babidi hand us buu's egg. and asked me blow whole ship if he doesn't.
Babidi: Noooo, never, if I only had a bit more energies. as i said
Karma: what if you had it, let me give you some. as i lent some energy to babidi shin said nooooooo! what have you done! karma.
with my energie buu was revived but as sayains saw him they let out a sigh, and Vegeta said
Vegeta: So this is the Majin buu that supreme Kai is making a fuss about he isn't that big of a deal.
Broly: yeah supreme Kai, don't mind but he seems kinda-
Goku: weak.
Shin: what! Majin buu weak! he thought now that they have said it compared to them he does seem a lot weak.
Vegeta: I could kill him right now.
Karma: stop Vegeta!
Vegeta: why are you stopping me karma, I could finish him In a single Gallic gun.
Karma: I know that but first, use forced spirit fission on him that you learned from pybara.
Vegeta: but why, doesn't matter I'll use it.
As Vegeta uses forced spirit fission on Buu, he splits into four parts one was grand supreme Kai, second was southern Kai, third was kid Buu and fourth was fat Buu.
after they saw it, Goku said
Goku: who are these guys and why are there two Majin buu.
Karma: The two kais were absorbed by Majin buu, and the when he did it their good will turned a part of Majin buu good, and that good part is fat Buu and the other is kid Buu the pure evil. Hey guys take the other three to a safe place, I am gonna destroy kid Buu alone. as i said this Goku,shin and vegeta teleported with everyone else. although they didn't trust fat Buu they had faith on me and besides that they could kill fat Buu anytime they want.
Finally it was me vs kid Buu at the start of the fight kid Buu screamed as he charged a human extinction attack I said
Karma: no you ain't gonna deceive me and kill all humans one of them is my girl. as i said this with a single INFINITY STRIKER I destroyed right side of buu and teleported near him as he regenerated I landed a barrage of punches on him while dodging every single one of his attack at the end he got mad and charged a big planet burst attack and launched it towards me in order to destroy earth with me as well as he did it I also charged an attack while saying
as our attacks clashed, kid Buu' s destruction was inevitable as he perished every single cell of his body vaporized.
After I returned to papaya island everyone were celebrating Gohan's victory as I said
Karma: hey! I saved the planet.
Shin: And you were the one in the first place because of whom the planet was in danger
Karma: Oh that I was trying to save kais
Shin: how did you even knew about kais anyway I never told you about them.
Karma: it is a secret grave.
as bulma ran and hugged me and said
Bulma: Ohh! I am so proud of you
peace was once again established, Buu took a liking to hercule and stayed with him, hercule made an excuse for his lose and everyone once again returned to their personal lives and like this Buu saga ended.
[Thank you for reading this and please continue to support me as much as you can and once again thank you for reading this and sayonara]