AGE 778
Somewhere deep in space
Alien 1: M-m-my lord, d-do you l-l-l-like it.
Beerus: hmm, it's half bad, so only half of your planet will be destroyed.
Alien 1: Sir, please don't do that, I am begging you.
Beerus: I have made my mind, whis let's go.
Whis: yes, my Lord.
as whis and beerus flew out side beerus destroyed half of a planet in an instance.
Beerus: I can't remember why I set the alarm for this short amount of time, do you remember whis.
Whis: yes, my Lord, I do remember because Oracle fish told you that a super sayain God will show up who will be your greatest rival.
Beerus: Oh yeah, now I remember, the super sayajin God. whis search for any sayain survivors from your staff.
Whis: as you say, Lord beerus.
after looking at his staff whis says that.
Whis: Lord beerus, there are Six sayains on earth and especially 4 of them are very strong and apparently one of them is a half-human, half-sayain hybrid and one has purest sayain genes I've seen, one too old and weak, one is a kid, one is apparently prince of the sayain and one is raised by an EarthLing and he also killed frieza.
Beerus: what! killed frieza.
Whis: and they seem to know the use of God ki and they are pretty proficient at using it as well.
Beerus: hmm Interesting, okay then whis, let's head to earth.
Whis: okay Lord beerus.
On earth on a yatch.
Bulma: welcome, everyone.
Krillin: Happy birthday Bulma.
18: this is from me and krillin.
Bulma: thanks, krillin and 18.
Goku: hey, happy birthday, but where is karma, it's been months since I've seen him.
Paragus: Yeah, even I haven't seen him for weeks.
Broly: it's weird, without him.
Goku: Yeah, you guys are always so lovey-dovey, right Vegeta.
Vegeta: huh, ugh, yeah yeah.
Chi-Chi: Come on boys, her boyfriend isn't around and now you are making her upset.
Bulma: it's okay, he must've had some sort of important work to do that's why he isn't her.
Or maybe he doesn't remember my birthday of course I am not that special from him am I she thought.
Chi-Chi: I know it's hard on you but why don't you take a seat and enjoy.
Bulma: Yeah you are probably right.
after sometime when everyone were enjoying suddenly a purple cat showed up with a weird looking man besides him, vegeta immediately recognizes him, but then beerus introduces himself as the hakaishin of This universe and stated his purpose and his purpose was to find a super sayain God to fight him and if doesn't find one he is gonna destroy the earth immediately Goku, Vegeta, Broly and Gohan steps up and Gohan says.
Gohan: We have four super sayain Gods. whom do you wanna fight, Broly is strongest among us.
Beerus: Is that so then I will fight all of you at once.
The four smirked and immediately Goku and Vegeta went SUPER SAYAIN BLUE, but broly went THE TRUE SUPER SAYAIN OR THE LEGENDARY SUPER SAYAIN and Gohan went ultimately with God forms.
As the four went against beerus smiled and said
Beerus: I like it now bring it on.
as beerus says this all of them started attacking beerus in perfect Sync, beerus had little time to dodge, even then beerus was dodging all of the punches thrown at him, but soon one the broly's punches landed on beerus and it made beerus angry and he said
Beerus: I was fool to underestimate you but now I'll show you my full power, tgis is 100% of me, at 50% of power everyone were barely standing up to beerus but now they stood no chance and soon beerus charged a big ki bomb and launched it toward the sayains. when the smoke cleared sayains were barely standing up, as the sayains fell down beerus said
Beerus: these sayains were a disappointment, even though they did good but still it is not enough, now-now what do we have here, oh it's food I will try it. but as beerus tries to take the plate of pudding like canon he gets in a quarrel with Buu. and soon similar to canon beerus defeated Buu and because of bulma's objection he raised his hand and was going slap bulma in his 100% powered form, in fear bulma closed her eyes, but when his hand was about to just hit bulma he stopped no someone stopped his hand who could it be everyone especially whis thought because Lord beerus was strongest creature in whole universe 7 even stronger than hakaishins of other universes. when mortals saw the scene they shouted Karma, ''''he is finally here''''. as bulma opened her eyes she saw karma holding beerus's hand hand beerus was in shock when he asked.
Karma: Bulma, there'sno need to be scared as long as I am here no one will harm you and sorry for the late, it took me so much time to find this ring with which I was going to propose, it was meant to be a secret so I didn't tell anyone about where I was going. so tell me bulma will you marry me.
[ flashback ]
somewhere far away in the universe
Karma: finally with weeks of trouble, I got it, bulma would be so happy to see this. of course why wouldn't she, it took me days to even convince Zuno to find it's location and getting it was a whole another story, I mean who keeps wild stinky carnivore plants to protect their treasure. now It's time to head to earth, wait I sense a very high power level on earth it's around 15 decelian. oh shit! now I remember that on this birthday of bulma beerus arrived, but he probably will be satisfied by Goku and others and took them to his planet to train.
Bulma: Oh, Karma! of course I would. she said as she started crying.
[ Flashback ended ]
Karma: You, you Bastard, you dared to slap her, THAT'S MY BULMAAAAAAA!
as Karma said he didn't know what took over him but Paragus knew as he shouted
Paragus: IKARI, that's ikari the same state as broly.
as Karma went into ikari his power warped to freaky 15 decelian same power level as beerus
beerus: Whis, why didn't told me about this guy he is clearly a sayain, I can feel the violence of his sayain blood.
Whis: yes, Lord beerus apparently he is a sayain and is the strongest sayain intact in existence, but I don't know why my staff isn't showing anything about him, he seems similar to someone from a long long time ago.
Beerus: Interesti--- aaaahh!!!!!. as i punched him across the globe
as I said this I lost all my sanity and brutally started attacking punches after punches beerus was taking too much hits and with a punch to his face he was thrown into the space. beerus thought that he couldn't win against me even if our power levels were the same at the time but our instincts weren't, like vicious beast I ceased every moment to attack, beerus had only one way deal with me now and that was to hakai me. as beerus stepped to hakai me whis said.
Whis: huh, this is interesting Lord beerus is scared from his power even to that point that he is keen on erasing that sayain. as bulma heard this she began crying and collapsed on the floor at the moment Goku, Vegeta, gohan and broly regained their senses. as they saw Karma fighting on the equal terms with beerus. but soon beerus charged an halal and aimed it towards karma and said
Beerus: So long sayain, you fought well but that was your downfall that you fought too well. as he shouted HAKAI!!!! as he said this karma was surrounded in a purple violent energy but soon to everyone's shock karma seemed unfazed by even hakai. as soon as Karma stepped out of hakai he again started attacking. Beerus shouted
Beerus: Whis!!!! how is this possible, how come my hakai didn't erased him.
Whis: my Lord there is only one possible reason for it.
Beerus: Ugh, oh ,aaah what come on tell me before he kills me.
Whis: the reason is that he has more ki than you, you use your ki to form hakai and erase the opponent's life force but his life force is guarded by God ki like other GODS. and because he has more God ki than you, you can't erase him and to erase him you need more ki than him.
Beerus: Dammit! whis stop him if you want to see me make it out alive.
as soon as beerus said this whis nodded* and came on the battlefield healing beerus and he was surprised that Karma wasn't physically tired at all and his wasn't depleted even a bit.
Even whis had an hard time controlling Karma but in the end he regained his senses and bulma eventually regained consciousness too.
as soon as he regained his senses he demanded that beerus would apologize to his future wife
Angrily beerus agreed because he didn't had any choice, he apologized to bulma as Karma apologized to beerus.
Karma: beerus, you fought Goku and Vegeta right.
Beerus: Yeah, they were good.
Karma: why don't you train Vegeta and whis trains Goku.
Beerus: why me isn't it enough that a God of destruction bowed to you?
Karma: because Vegeta is the best candidate for your post and Goku has something special which whis might be able to put out. and you could even use room of spirit and time.
Beerus: you suggest me to take an apprentice eh! but why Vegeta.
Karma: others are too kind to be a destroyers. hey whis can we talk alone for a bit.
Whis: yes I wanted to ask you something too.
as me and whis left for some privacy he asked
Whis: you are different than others and I can't find out your background, and on top of that you have a godly technique, I could feel God power in you.
Karma: sorry I can't tell you that but I would like you to help Goku a godly technique, Vegeta will learn hakai from beerus but this technique only you could teach him. I have seen the signs of the omen in him.
whis: this indeed is interesting a mortal having signs of the omen of angels' technique and another mortal knowing it. very well I should train him and if Lord beerus is gonna teach Vegeta.
I thought nice Goku and Vegeta could learn ULTRA INSTINCT and ULTRA EGO respectively from Whis and beerus. Gohan is already training with Supreme Kai and learning some of their techniques, now I can train with broly and goten. I was thinking of training goten earlier but it's not late for that and it would be best that I train with broly.
[ Thank you for reading this I am glad that you guys liked it please continue to support me as much as you can and once again thank you for reading this]
[ Sorry guys but because of longer chapters I could only write one chapter a day so from now on only on chapter a day will be published. ]