Last time on dragon ball When beerus tried to slap bulma karma came and stopped the hakaishin going toe to toe with beerus leaving him vunreble with power of Ikari by his side. and now story continue's
Karma: I didn't think that my bond with bulma would be strong enough for me to step Into ikari despite having such a good control of myself but now that I think ikari could be my go to form, because I was born with God ki so I can't use normal SSJ forms but if while using ikari I could bring out that power, the multiplier could reach very high.
after sometime I went to bulma and asked
Karma: so when do you think our big day should be.
Bulma: how about tomorrow. ahe said with a smile.
Karma: So tomorrow it is. and after that we announced our grand marriage.
The next day, it was our time to take those eternal vows.
we invited all of our friends, including tien, piccolo, launch, yajirobe, korin, Broly & Paragus, Goku and his family, Vegeta, Gohan & videl, Hercule and Majin buu, king yemma, King Kai, supreme Kai & kibito, Grand supreme Kai, beerus & whis, Krillin' s family, 17 and jaco.
after taking the vows of marriage the Priest said
Priest: now, you may kiss the bride.
as priest said this I kissed bulma and she threw the bukey. and as soon as she threw it Vegeta shooted it with a ki blast in mid air. and said.
Vegeta: sorry about that, it was just an instinct.
Goku: Vegeta you've sure been behaving strange lately.
Vegeta: no I am not.
Goku: no you are.
Vegeta: enough of this.
Broly: hey you two cut it out, at least for today.
Vegeta: he started it.
Goku: no you started it.
Vegeta: Ugh, shut up kakarot or I am gonna blast you to smitherins.
Goku: Oh, Vegeta you are no fun
after sometime at our bedroom
Bulma: it's been so long since we've known each other I still remember that day when you showed up at capsule Corp saying that you wanted to meet me and you were goku's friend. the moment I saw you I fell for you, is it called love at the first sight.
Karma: if it is, then I also had something similar, the moment I saw you I gave you my heart.
Bulma: i don't know why but I am not surprised that you fought a God for me, at that moment when beerus was going to slap me I felt that at any moment you will come and save me.
Karma: now that I think about it, it is my fault for not being there in the first place.
Bulma: don't say that even if that is the case you still came with most preacious gift of my life, that ring.
Karma: Oh yeah! now that you mention it, I forgot to tell you about this ring, this ring is made from white katchin metal and has a Zara Dragon stone on it ancient more says that the person who will wear it will be attraction of good fortune.
Bulma: you know, you are my biggest treasure.
Karma: and you are mine. as i said this we lost in each other's eyes and made love. and after that felt asleep.
The next morning when we woke up, bulma said
Bulma: I have a great idea why don't we take a long break from all this saving the universe stuff and go for a world tour of 2 months on our honeymoon.
Karma: it's a great Idea. let's do it.
after two days we went on a world tour for two months and we visited every major city in the world. we saw many wondrous things.
after our tour we returned to our home we brought presents for everyone and when we went to goku's house I had a little talk with Chi-Chi, I asked her for me to train goten. Surprisingly she agreed maybe because of my power that she saw on my fight with beerus, now that I think about it was my first going all out In my base form but still I had many forms left.
after a few days of rest I along with broly entered room of spirit and time for whole three days meaning 72 years inside thanks to new upgrade of the room the aging process remained same as outside meaning we will age only 3 days in real time but the real test was of mind if we could live without our family and friends for so long.
[ this was a short chapter because I didn't had much time and plot to go around since next chapter is full of action. ]
[ Thank you for reading this I am glad that you guys liked it please continue to support me as much as you can and once again thank you for reading this and supporting me ]