Last time on dragon ball, Karma and broly were prepared to enter the room of spirit and time for three whole days and it meant that it will be 72 years inside the room, as they said goodbye to their family both of them entered the room of spirit and time. and now the story continues.
AGE 779
Karma: Broly, now let's begin our training. as you know that like you I was born a LSSJ. so it's beneficial for both of us.
Broly: okay.
I knew that training with broly would be super beneficial because not only broly is strong but aside from Frieza he is the only one who could grow at my pace, Gohan's potential is high but even he can't be matched with broly's insane potential, in Dragon ball Super Broly movie he went to SSJ level To SSJBK X20 IN matter of hours of course he use 1000X multiplier of LSSJ, but still it was insane. and with him to train with me we could further master our LSSJ form, it's some time ago I completely mastered SSJ GOD but When in training I tried to access it again, I wasn't able to, then I found out because I was born with God ki my God ki was pure God ki like angels and kais, it was just some fluke that I went into SSJ GOD, and then I found out with pure God ki I could go SSJ ROSE but why rose after thinking for sometime I came to a conclusion that SSJ ROSE isn't a different Form but rather it is a more pure version of SSJ GOD. Which meant that I could use it as my base form too.
after training for a 10 years my base power rose to 10 decelian and then I thought that now It's time to do something innovative. because I only had two forms one being LSSJ which originally has a multiplier of 1000X, but due to our excessive training, it's multiplier rose to 1,000,000X , I didn't knew that multiplier of LSSJ could be raised but still it is not even near the multiplier of SSJ ROSE 40,000,000,000X and ULTRA INSTINCT 10,526,000,000,000X times multiplier. I think I know why the multiplier of LSSJ rose it was because of God ki, and that's why I am going to try and combine my forms.
After 52 years of time I was finally able to combine all my forms to make new forms, after combining SSJ ROSE AND LSSJ me and broly Found TRUE SUPER SAYAIN GOD form which was a form which had multipliers of both forms at same time kinda like SSJ BLUE but has Coral blue/ metallic blue hair instead of normal blue, and I was also able to mix other forms, and finally I was able draw out all of normal SSJ potential in ikari now It's multiplier is 16000X which is now my go to form, combining forms is a tricky thing to do even with Frieza's potential and my academics I was a unable to do it, it took me a whole year to even combine slightest of my power, and perfecting that power and removing it's side effects of losing some of your ki control was a vast disadvantage, remastering it was most time-consuming out of all things but in the end it was worth it. and with help of zuno I was able to find out a long lost technique which someone very strong will use, I am talking about hit's time-skip. although this technique wasn't called time-skip, but it is very similar to it, I thought of it in my previous life when I was watching Tournament of power that if dragon balls also exists in Universe 6 does that mean that hit's time-skip could also exist In universe 7. and that's how I asked zuno about time-skip. and for rest of Time I tried to master time-skip. but it was so hard that even in remaining 10 years i wasn't able to master is to the extent that hit was able to. And finally it was time to step out I was excited to step out because I knew that this year three sagas of dbs, Ressurection F, Tournament of destroyers and Zamasu arc would happen, when I step out I could already feel that frieza was revived and training but there was a certain someone with him in which I was more interested about.
But I ignored them and went to capsule Corp reunited with bulma, I waited for 5 months but Frieza didn't arrive but I could feel a hakaishin's ki which meant that Tournament of destroyers will be starting soon I was getting impatient by the each passing hour, but finally as I was heading out to face and kill them they came to me. as i sensed their ki I headed there and in front of me was revived frieza and cell, Frieza's lackeys didn't just revived frieza, they revived cell too
[ Flashback ]
[ P.O.V- sorbet ]
Sorbet: Great, now that we have gathered Dragon balls let's start Ressurection of Lord Frieza. as sorbet summons shenron and states his with to revive frieza, shenron says.
Shenron: You must first restore his body with a wish.
Sorbet: ugh! fine, first restore Lord Frieza's body and then revive him.
Shenron: as your wish. soon shenron restores Frieza's body and revives him. after being revived frieza hurriedly says.
Frieza: How many wishes did you use Sorbet.
Sorbet: three, my Lord.
Frieza: Sorbet, do you know that I met a fellow in hell who was also killed by that monkey, we formed an alliance and swore to kill Son Goku with each other's help.
Sorbet: and who might that be my Lord.
Frieza: just watch, my third wish is to restore cell's body with his original programming and his memories till this point. even if cell is like a living being he still is an android and by restoring his body with his original programming and his current memories will mean his revival in only one wish.
[ Flashback ended ]
Cell: well, well if it isn't karma.
Frieza: Monkey, I said it that you would pay one day and that day has come. we formed an temporary alliance to kill all of you.
Karma: and how are you gonna do that, even goten could kill you in a flick of his finger.
Frieza: don't be so cocky just because you won one time, we've trained and gotten a lot stronger than the last time. as frieza said this both of them powered up simultaneously and changed their forms while Frieza became true Golden frieza, cell changed into light blue colored formed his aura and green parts of his body became light blue as he called it Perfect EU-Cell.
Cell: What do you think now?
Karma: not bad but no so good at the same time.
Frieza: So what! against your measly power level of 3 trillion, our power level is 100 quintilion each.
Karma: Oh so You have total firepower is 200 quintilion huh! you guys are weak, too weak. when I first faced broly his power level was 16 hexillion. you aren't even comparable now broly is much stronger his max power now is 500 octilion and mine is this. as let out all of my power the two villains were speechless and I said.
Karma. this is just my base form I haven't even used Ikari yet, and it is my weakest form. even gods namely Shin, beerus and whis were shocked to see my growth in my base power but when Goku, Vegeta and Gohan saw me they weren't surprised at all and even Vegeta said.
Vegeta: That's what I expect from someone who could held his own against Beerus.
Cell: N-No, impossible! how could it be.
Frieza: Ughhh! you monkey you will pay. he said as he savagely shot ki blast towards earth but luckily broly arrived there and stopped all of the blasts as I charges a huge Ki sphere and launched it toward the two villains while saying.
Karma: Now, once again go to hell!!!!!.
and with a single attack frieza and cell were wiped out. Broly came to me as we both teleported to Sacred world of kais. as we went to see Shin, shin praised me and said.
Shin: you did a great job, defeating both frieza and cell with a single attack.
Karma: I actually want to ask you if you could train gohan and in Room of spirit and time time for 3 outside our and three inside years. as i said shin asked.
Shin: but, why, Gohan is already pretty strong and he is training here.
Karma: actually it is because three days later something big will happen and we must be ready for that. i suggested shin to train gohan in Room of spirit and time because of tournament of destroyers. soon shin agreed and went inside the room of spirit and time with Gohan and trained for 3 years of inside, I asked same from Beerus to train Vegeta and whis to train Goku, till this time Goku has already show omen of ULTRA INSTINCT so whis is training him separately. and after turn by turn they stepped out of room of spirit and time I went in there with goten to train him.
at the end of the day Goku had achieved full control over mastered ULTRA INSTINCT and can go into that form for straight 6 hours at will and can maintain Omen for Days. while Vegeta has completely mastered ULTRA EGO and is now focusing on other Hakaishin techniques like hakai, Broly, Goku and Vegeta are on an equal footing in terms of power while Vegeta's power is all about offence and Goku's power is all about defense, Broly's power is in middle of both styles, Gohan has grown a lot stronger too even more stronger than SSJBE Vegeta. while goten has completely mastered SSJ BLUE.
and after a day beerus eventually finds out about champa who is collecting Super dragon balls, and eventually they quarrel with each other and decides that they will hold a tournament between fighters of their respective universes and whoever wins will get the wish. the tournament will be a 1v1 of 5 fighter so beerus selects me as the captain and the first fighter of his team. But I reluctantly deny, and chose a team for beerus which was Broly, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Goten.
[ Guys if you don't know there are mainly two types of cell Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic, Eukaryotic cells are most advance cells so EU In cell's new form's name is short form for Eukaryotic and light blue is the color of Eukaryotic cells and another thing is Metallic blue or coral blue is what you get when you mix Pink and green so TRUE SUPER SAYAIN GOD has that color as a mix of that form, and I Drew potential of normal SSJ forms which all sayains have into Ikari not the forms themselves. ]
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