Last time on Dragon ball, Beerus finds out that his brother champa came to meet him beerus showed champa courtesy and treated him with earth's food, after tasting the food of earth champa was so attached to it that he started collecting the Super dragon balls to restore the earth In his universe, but beerus didn't approve it because half of the Super dragon balls were in his universe. So they decided that they will have an tournament between the fighters of their universes there will be 1v1 matches of five fighters the tournament will go on until all of the fighters of one universe are defeated by ring out or knockout and whoever wins will get the Super dragon balls. and now the story continues.
Beerus: Okay then I'll start building my team.
Champa: Me too, let's go vados. as he leaves beerus summons us and tells us the whole story.
Beerus: so, now that you know the whole story so karma I appoint you the team leader or If you wish you could just sweep my brother's entire team or whatever.
Karma: I respect your decision beerus, but sorry I can't take part in your tournament.
Beerus: And why's that. as beerus looked at me angrily.
Karma: When I was training in room of spirit and time, I trained with a method because of which my ki control went unstable, I can't activate my ki for sometime and because of that fight with Frieza and Cell it became more unstable and besides that I have already have a perfect team in mind.
Beerus: I understand, so tell me whom of your team is composed of.
Karma: the best team for 1v1 matches would consist of Goku, Vegeta, broly, Gohan and Goten.
Beerus: other four are great but Goku's younger son, I don't think it would be a good idea.
Karma: He is stronger than other fighters that are left.
Beerus: haah! Fine, if you are saying. So are you guys ready.
Goku: i am ever ready but, well about goten I don't think that Chi-Chi will agree.
Karma: Don't worry I've already taken care of that.
Goku: wh-when, how?
Karma: just now, I telepathically told everyone that there is a friendly tournament that beerus and his brother is holding and I invited few friends to see us win, with an audience it will be more fun for us and more humiliating for your brother, Lord beerus.
Beerus: alright! alright! I'll allow them.
Karma: I guarantee our victory. and especially now that I think about it, there is a person in other universe who is too strong but with this team, we might be able to defeat even him with ease.
after sometime everyone including all of the fighters and their families as well as kaioshins of Universe 7 arrives as beerus orders whis to take them to the Super dragon balls where Champa and his team are waiting. aside from those on the teams everyone stepped down. and now beerus started making the line up then I asked him to let me arrange the fighter of our universes, I knew what was the line up of Universe 6 was going to be so I made a line up so matches would look like this. according to my line up the first match will be Broly vs Botamo, The second match will have Vegeta vs Frost,the third match will be Gohan vs Magetta, the fourth match will be Goten Vs Cabba, and the last match will be Goku vs Hit. and now the match begin, I told everyone to use as little power as they could use while fighting and asked especially Goku and Vegeta to not use their ULTRA forms. as well as I told gohan about the weakness of Metalmans so it would be easy to defeat Magetta. now the first match began. Both Broly and Botamo stepped in the ring.
Broly and Botamo stared at each other, and as soon as broly punched Botamo he felt something strange so he backed down for a bit and started attacking quickly he threw a barrage of punches, Botamo took punches after punches from broly but he was unfazed. when Grand supreme Kai realized something and spoke.
Grand supreme Kai: Oh, now I get it! that guy, Botamo he is like a punching bag the more harder you hit him the harder he hits back, he is like Majin buu in some way. Broly try to lift and throw him out of ring. as broly heard it he went Controlled ikari, lifted Botamo and tried to throw him out of the ring, but he failed Botamo managed to land inside the ring, now the fight started heating, suddenly bulma said.
Bulma: it is so tiring for my neck to watch the match, ouch* my neck hurts. after hearing this I picked up bulma like I did on our wedding and flew a bit higher so she could see the match easily.
Karma: so how is this angle. I said while I looked towards her and smiled. others started to laugh while saying "look at those two lovebirds always the same". while Chi-Chi said
Chi-Chi: I wish that Goku was like that.
but in the ring, broly had enough of it as charges a full power Eraser canon and launches it towards Botamo team of Universe 6 was shocked to see broly's raw power and when the smoke cleared Botamo was lying outside the ring unconscious and the first round went to broly.
Coming up the next match between Vegeta and Frost. Vegeta was shocked to hear that frost was a good guy. Vegeta didn't believed it and said.
Vegeta: Universe 6 or 7 someone from Frieza's race could never be a good person. as frost replied to Vegeta.
Frost: I don't know who this frieza is, but I assure you I am not like him.
Vegeta: huh, whatever, let's decide it inside the arena.
as the second match started Vegeta went full powered in his base. as frost also did when Vegeta said.
Vegeta: I know your race has different forms, just already go to your final form.
Frost: how do you know that, anyways I'll show you my final form as frost said this he went all out but Vegeta was dodging all of his attacks. soon Vegeta got bored while frost full power in his final form was 120 million but at the time Vegeta's base power level was 100 quadrillion with beerus's training, with single punch to gut and Frost was nearly dead while champa accused Vegeta for trying to kill frost while I put down bulma and stepped up and said while looking at champa.
Karma: Oh, do you really think that Vegeta tried to kill frost, why don't you take a look at frost's wrist.
Champa: What are you implying. as i headed towards frost and showed everyone the poison needles on frost's wrist, everyone was shocked and said wasn't he a good guy, champa was pissed because of frost. while I headed to champa and said besides that if Vegeta or anyone of us wanted to kill anyone of your five fighters, they wouldn't be alive. after hearing this champa attacked me with anger and before he could hit me beerus stepped up and said that.
Beerus: He just showed us what we couldn't have seen. as champa cooled down and went to his side. and bulma asked me.
Bulma: hey, when did you see those needles. while I simply replied.
Karma: I have learned millions of techniques across the universe and some of them were clairvoyance techniques to find out various things including poison and metals so I figured it out.
Bulma: Ohhh! So you could find anything.
Karma: not anything but somewhat close to it.
Bulma: okay so I have some part that i can't find so could help me with those.
Karma: Okay okay I'll help you.
onto the next match it was Gohan Vs Magetta. but as soon as Gohan entered the ring he didn't powered up instead he dissed Magetta and it worked Magetta lost pretty easily, and when he stepped out of ring champa said it's against the rules but beerus said that there is no rule that you can't trash talk to your opponents. And gohan said thanks to me for telling him the Metalman's weakness.
onto the fourth match which was between Goten and Cabba. Both goten and Cabba were pretty excited to fight a sayain of another universe. the match started and Goten and Cabba exchanged some blows while Cabba was getting the upper hand on goten said.
Goten: nice work but now it is time to take it up a notch. as he transformed in SSJ and with that gained an upper hand in fight and after a few punches and kicks goten ended it with a kamehameha. and the fourth match was also in the favour of universe 7 champa was worried at first when he realised that other team has all 5 of their fighters while his team only had one but soon his worries went away as he realised that the one left was hit. he was very confident in hit but little did he know that at this time Goku could single handedly take down even Jiren.
as the fifth match started Goku knew that he couldn't win against hit in his base form in which he had power level of 100 quadrillion same as Vegeta, Goku directly went SSJ3 with his power reaching 40 quintilion 4 times more than hit. So hit also raised his time skip to 1/10 per second to 1/2 per second and his power level rose to 100 quintilion. Goku was getting badly beaten by hit everyone was shocked to sed this they were thinking why isn't Goku using his God forms but me, Vegeta and whis exactly knew what he was going to do soon hit thought that he finished Goku, but when he thought that Goku laughed and he used a healing techniques which whis had taught him in Room of spirit and time it drained a massive amount of ki but when Goku stood up his base power level shot to 500 quadrillion, everyone was confused when Vegeta laughed and Said.
Vegeta: kakarot, that guy, he fought in SSJ3 just to get beaten down and gain a zenkai boost after healing with the ki drain of that healing technique and the brutal beatdown hit gave him he got a permanent 500% power boost. as everyone heared this goku stood up and powered up once again to SSJ3 and his power level now was 200 quintilion twice of hit. and now Goku greatly outspeeded and overpowered hit. and Goku said
Goku: you were strong but I win this match. as Goku shouts SUPER KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAA!!!!. and hit is knocked unconscious. and just like that Universe 7 won and everyone especially beerus was impressed from Goku. now it was time for the wish as whis summoned super shenron, like in canon beerus asked for the earth In universe 6 to be restored. as soon as wish was granted zeno-sama appeared on stage and everything went like in canon, beerus and champa bows down to zeno but Goku became friends with zeno-sama and zeno-sama promises Goku to hold a big tournament between universes. but when this was happening Grand-priest ( Daikaishin ) came to me and said.
Grand-priest: indeed as whis said you highly resemble him, I expect big things from you.
Karma: what do you mean by that.
Grand-priest: if you indeed are like him then both you and me will find out about it sooner or later. he said in a mysterious tone.
zeno-sama gave Goku the zeno button and he left with grand priest. beerus and champa were very angry because of Goku and scolded him.
as the tournament of destroyers ended all of us took a rest and especially I took some rest in Room of spirit and time to correct my ki control. after few days I was back at my normal self with my perfect ki control broly was very lucky that he resolved his ki stability in Room of spirit and time I thought, as i felt a chill down my spine, I wondered why is my body reacting like there is something ominous around, but to my surprise a guest was coming to visit soon.
[ Hey guys, next two arcs will be very different and after that there will be an original arc to this story named the omni king arc instead of universe patrol prisoner arc and universe survivor arc. I hope you guys will like it and please let me know in comment section if you will read that arc and please tell what do you need in order to get contracted by webnovel app to start earning ]
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