Last time on dragon ball After taking care of Zamasu, I returned to my timeline, I knew Goku after some time Goku will remind zeno about The Tournament he promised so I started making the PERFECT team for Universe 7. and now the story continues.
After returning now it was time to deal with Zamasu of the present timeline, I told beerus and whis about zamasu and showed them my memory as a aolid proof as we went to Universe 10 and showed rumshi and Gowasu the proof as rumshi destroyed zamasu, a tear felt down from the eyes of Gowasu as he saw his most tressured disciple getting destroyed as he said He sew the seeds of hatred and harvested his death, You must pay for what you sew. after taking care of Zamasu in this timeline and started thinking about a team for tournament of power.
After thinking for sometime I came to a conclusion for the PERFECT team for Universe 7 which will consist
1. Karma (me)
2. Goku
3. Vegeta
4. Broly
5. Gohan
6. Goten (present)
7. 17
8. 18
9. Piccolo
10. Majin Buu
after deciding the Team I went In Room of spirit and time for a whole day to refine my techniques and my forms. and when I stepped out my power was more refined than ever and as I expected Goku asked zeno for a tournament and Zeno announced tournament of power and held zeno expo. as soon as I find out about this I telepathically informed My team of Universe 7 as they all agreed hearing the Stakes were high as the destruction of the universe while Grand-Priest was announcing the rules for the tournament and of course krillin was a bit disappointed after hearing that he or any other human didn't make it on the Team. and soon it was time for zeno expo to start as Grand-priest announced the rules for tournament of power, zeno expo's lineup was same as canon due to Universe 7 & 9 having lowest mortal level The first match was between Buu and basil goes the same Buu defeats basil with ease and now the next match between Lavender and Gohan starts which was going to be way different.
as the match start Gohan immediately goes Ultimate since he was training with Supreme Kai and Grand supreme Kai anytime he was free he in ultimate was stronger than SSJBE Vegeta, it doesn't even looks like that gohan put any effort into the fight as in a single punch into the Guts was enough to take lavender down as Gohan powered down Toppo was looking quite shocked as his power could match his G.O.D. form at it's peak as the third match was Goku Vs Bergamo Sidra said Beerus your warriors may be strong but bergamo is strongest in trio of Danger, Get ready for a defeat. Beerus smirked and said threre' s no way a puny Dog will defeat Goku as he is trained by Whis himself and On top of that he has something up his sleeve which could even be considered strong enough to defeat a God of destruction himself. Sidra snarled and said Oh is that so then let's see. as champa thought Sidra is Just an idiot Son Goku was able to surpass hit's speed, there's no way he has chance of winning.
With Grand-priest allowance The third match started as Bergamo began charging toward Goku, Goku immediately appeared on his backside as he launched a kick towards bergamo's head somehow bergamo sensed it and blocked it as he felt the immense power within Goku, Goku Directly went SSJ GOD as he did this God of Destruction especially champa was jaw dropped by seeing that son Goku had this form and he didn't even used it in against the fight with Hit, Damn he is really troublesome, I need to find a was to take care of him. As sidra thought Ohhh! now I've lost this bergamo can't defeat him while Bellow whispered to toppo, Hey Toppo looks like Someone of your caliber has appeared as toppo replied he maybe a match for me but even me with my hakai powers I can't match with Jiren our victory is solidified. "Huh I didn't expect that from you toppo looks like even you an apprentice Hakaishin can't sense his powers but I can, Look that person who is standing besides beerus he is not as simple as he looks he is a very strong individual indeed." Belmod said as toppo replied now that you've said this Lord belmod it's really weird for me to not be able to sense someone's power as I can't even sense his pressens.
the match between Goku and bergamo became purely one sided as Goku annihilated Bergamo with a *Super KAMEHAMEHA* and the match reached it conclusion, this time toppo didn't interfere because he knew if he fought Goku it would Hurt him as much as him. So now we had the time worth 100 takka or 48 earth hours, Beerus was mad at Goku for Him reminding Zeno for a tournament but he calmed down and said Anyways now the deed has been done we can't stop it so now we need to assemble a team as beerus said this I said no need to worry while the expo was going on came up with a perfect team for this tournament with which we would definitely win, Beerus was amazed to hear this as he said so what are you waiting for assemble them as we have to come up with Some tactics, as beerus said this I replied relax Lord beerus I got this in bag as I said *ULTRA TRANSMISSION* as all of us and All of us teleported to Kami's lookout where the Team was waiting and All of them agreed to help on my single request as whis curiously asked Karma-san what was that technique that you used now I replied it is an enhanced version of Goku's Instant transmission as it can teleport me and whoever I want to wherever I want by converting them in ki and teleporting. Everyone was shocked to here that a technique like this even existed as whis asked me to tell him how I do it after the tournament ended as it would be very beneficial for angels instantly teleport wherever they want. Lord beerus in my team me, Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Gohan, Goten (present), 17, 18, Piccolo, Majin Buu
I said Now that everyone is here we will enter the Room of spirit and time for 12 hours meaning we will have 12 years to train and with the 36 hours remaining we could form a perfect strategy as everyone nodded towards me as 15 people including with Team Beerus, whis, Supreme Kai, elder kai and Grand supreme Kai entered the room of spirit and time for training the warriors as libido stayed outside so he can watch over universe while the others are gone.
When we went inside I said that Goku will train with whis, Vegeta will train with Beerus, Gohan will train with Grand supreme Kai and aside from Broly and Goten elder Kai will unlock other's potential including piccolo and androids as android are like living beings and they get strong by training too. while Buu completes his year long Hibernation. Supreme Kai will Train piccolo and androids and after Buu wakes up after few years of training he will teach Them some magic. as i will train with broly and Karma while training them in technical way and Raise their form's power output. As the training began Goku and Vegeta were improving their respective ULTRA forms and Gohan was mastering the power of life and spirit with Grand supreme Kai. only after 3 years of training tournament of power was more of a child's play than anything because till this point Goku's mastery over ULTRA INSTINCT grew that much that he could maintain ULTRA INSTINCT like his base form without stopping and same could be said for Vegeta as he surpassed even toppo in the practice of Hakai as he could erase Many objects like weapons and ki blasts pretty easily and could maintain ULTRA EGO for an extended period of time. Broly also caught up to Vegeta In matter of power he still was shy on power when it comes to be a match with Vegeta as his power was now more of a balance of Power and speed and I taught both Goten and Borly many of techniques that I mastered throughout these years and Gohan was also way stronger than in canon not to say he knew as much magic as Majin buu and Had more power than Toppo. while androids, piccolo and Majin Buu were also stronger as the 12 hours on outside ended all of us exited and just even with our pressens Sidra's spied got frightened as they hurriedly ran to tell Sudra about power of our universe Gohan sensed them and he was about to Kill them with a single attack but I stopped him saying that they can't match our powers, Gohan nodded* and said so what should be our strategy as I said I've already came up with a plan.
After that I said that I've gathered knowledge on other universe's team as I said that these are some of the strongest people I know from other universe, as I said From universe 6 we have five confirmed members who are Cabba, Magetta, Botamo, hit and frost. as Gohan heard the name frost he exclaimed What! frost why do you think that that they will ask frost after what he did in the tournament of destroyers I replied that they need power more than anything right now so they will ask frost and the other possible members are Caulifla and kale who are two female sayains whom Cabba know Kale like broly is a legendary SSJ AND probably Cabba would've figured out SSJ till now and he would also have taught them that Kale is shy as she considers Caulifla her sister she wouldn't go anywhere without her and champa wouldn't pass an opportunity like this as Caulifla is an elite when it comes to battle and the only other universe which can cause a threat is universe 11 because of only three people the first one is toppo the man who was standing beside Belmod at the time of zeno expo he is an apprentice of Hakaishin belmod and quite proficient at that, the second one is Dyspo he is one of the fastest warriors in the multiverse as he can run at the speed of light but that is his only plus point as he lack raw power, And lastly the biggest obstacle is Jiren the grey of Universe 11 he is the strongest mortal of Universe 11 and he is considered as Strong as a hakaishin by belmod himself who is one of the strongest hakaishin in the multiverse including Beerus and Giin of Universe 12 so we must take some precautions even though I have confidence that We can easily dispose of him. Everyone nodded* as I told them what my strategy would be in tournament and everyone agreed to my plan as took rest for a day and finally next day was the day of the tournament as we headed to The Null realm we saw the arena as Grand-priest once again told us the rules of the tournament as it would be Battle royale. Everyone was excited as we entered the arena. The pressure rose as everyone looked excited with the start of the tournament I lifted my left hand up and shouted *ULTIMATE EXTINCTION ATTACK* as I launched a white arrow in the sky It came back in a humongous amount as the smoke and flashes covered the battlefield and as the smoke Cleared our of 80 fighter only 50 were standing on the arena as a single attack Took out 30 fighters
Karma: It's time that other Universes know who the real boss is when it comes to edge in power and Technique.
Beerus: Haha take that, Universe 7's single Roar is enough to take out 30 fighters and Universe 7's fighters don't even have a scratch. as all Hakaishins and kais of other universes looked in disbelief as they saw Karma annihilate 30 warriors in a breeze.
Toppo: Jiren, I think that You Should Fight him. as Toppo said this a grin came on Jiren's face as he walked towards Karma.
The heat is getting intensified as the moments go by.
[According to you guys this format of 2000 word and Mediocre detailing is enough next chapter will be a mega chapter as it is also will be the end of volume 1 and Wait for 5 to 7 day for Volume 2 to start as the Volume 1 was cannon arcs, Volume 2 will be non-canon arcs and the last or Volume 3 will be an original arc]
[Thank you for reading this I am glad that you guys liked it please continue to support me as much as you can and once again thank you for reading till the next time]