{ HeHe early upload for you guys This chapter is Exactly 4500 word long so please read it if you can cope with it just this time }
Last time on dragon ball The moment Tournament of power started, Karma With an attack similar to Kid Buu's human extinction attack Took down 30 warriors with ease, all Gods were Jaw dropped by this, While Beerus Teased them while a smirk appeared on belmod's face when Jiren Got serious. As Jiren headed towards Karma Fighters from other Universes Somewhat scared by The Raw power Jiren was outputting and now the story continues.
Jiren: Hmm, pathetic. Jiren said while looking at karma
Karma: Oh! Nice to meet you Mr. Pathetic. As Jiren replied Laugh till you can. as Jiren went back to his position and started meditation.
Beerus: How ignorant of your universe's fighter to meditate in middle of a tournament.
Belmod: I give you that your universe is strong but That person there, Jiren is someone whom even I can't control him, even though toppo is The Apprentice God of Destruction but even he doesn't hold a candle to Jiren, Jiren is as strong as me as other G.O.Ds (Gods of Destruction) heard this they were speechless after hearing this. while suddenly a loud voice could heard" hehehehehe Hahahahaha so he is as Strong as you haha" Belmod replied looks like the old cat has gone senile as beerus replies in Cocky tone Even if that Jiren is as strong as You But karma is On a different level not to mention that we still have other sayains who also are on God level. after hearing beerus Gods went silent seeing beerus's confidence in His team.
meanwhile on the battlefield
Karma: According to our plan Gohan, Goten you guys will take care of Universe 6, Goku you will Go after Dyspo while Vegeta defeats Toppo and as for broly he will face Jiren head on while 17, 18, Piccolo and Majin Buu will take care of other fighters while I provide assistance as they heard this they went to do the task they were assigned for as Goku Goes for Dyspo, Dyspo starts running around Goku landing kicks after kicks as the Gods were aweing at Dyspo's speed Suddenly Goku Powers up to SSJ BLUE while he says Man it's been a long time since I used Blue in battle as a vein pops onto Champa's forehead while he shouts HOW MANY FRICKINNN!!!!! FORMS DOES THAT SAYAIN HAVEEEEE!!!!!!! as Beerus says Why do you need to know he aside from his teammates these is no one on that stage whom he can't defeat and how much he holds back is on him I can't control it and besides if he holds back what is wrong in that while champ says is he mocking others while beerus just scoffs him off.
while in the battle between Dyspo and Goku Goku may not be as fast as Dyspo's max light speed but due to using ULTRA INSTINCT as his base while in training made his overall senses and instincts more refined that any other person aside from karma since he has ULTRA INSTINCT from birth and his mastery over it is unsurpassable, with his sense he could easily tell and dodge Dyspo's move as he does so it makes Dyspo more and more angry with each attack and after sometime of dodging Goku was finally looking to end the match as he flared up his to the point that it had shaken the whole Arena and even caused Jiren to notice him as he focused his ki on his fist and Uses A dragon fist straight at Dyspo's Stomach which sends him flying across the ring as he falls down from the stage.
Karma was gathering spirit energy from all across the arena as the fights were going on as he shouted *SPIRIT DOMAIN: ULTIMATE CONTROL* as Karma Says this a white steam like aura covers the battlefield and starts to put pressure his foes while healing his allies to full power and reducing their damage taken while slowly sucking the energy out of their opponents. while the yardrat on Universe 2 team Jimize knew what he was dealing with as he shouted Noooo! this is like the ancient technique of Yardrats and it even has a similar name this technique according to elders is one of the Strongest techniques that are passed down from our ancestors as it allows user to control reality around him to a very high extent but with cost of A huge amount of spirit energy, but it took hundreds of years for out great grand elder to even get a hold of this how is this primitive sayain is using this as he didn't knew with help of pybara and frieza's potential there was nothing which with time Karma couldn't learn.
On the other side of the ring Gohan and Goten were taking care of Universe 6 while They easily took out Namekians, magetta, Dr. Rota and frost others stood against them as it was a two Vs five now even though Cabba had learned SSJ on his own but still he wasn't able to achieve SSJ GRADE4 as he didn't had mastered the form yet Goten still easily took him out Goten and Gohan were happy that they were taking out them so easily and could do the same with others but soon their happiness went away as both hit and Caulifla took two pair of potara and first Caulifla gave one to kale and they both fused in Kefla as Hit and Botamo did the same By fusing into Hitamo and the more surprising thing was that hit agreed to fuse and even did so on without second thought and without even bother to fight first.
(A/N: champa was that much eager for power that he gave two pairs of potara wow! but this fusion between Botamo and hit would be insanely broken due to Hits firepower and botamo's defenses Botamo looks like hit but yellow with red stripes from his cheeks to arms and legs and a bit bulkier)
As Both Goten and Gohan saw this they were shocked and even though Gohan would have been able to held his own against one of them he can't do them with them both and Goten can do nothing as they remember that they can't mess around and ask for help as Karma have trusted them with This and they won't back down ad both Goten and Gohan charges toward the two fusions Gohan Goes into Ultimate as he was fighting in the SSJ GOD previously as starts fighting Hitamo on the equal terms but his attacks doesn't cause much damage to the fusion, Gohan is attacking without stopping as hitamo was using time skip and Botamo' s body properties to get the upper hand It was looking like That gohan was looking while he let out a sigh as a evil grin appeared on Gohan's face as he made some signs with his hands and started chanting while dodging after sometime a sudden burst of energy appeared from gohan's body while Beerus said to Grand supreme Kai "what've you done to him old man as Grand supreme Kai laughed as shin and elder Kai looked in confusion Grand Supreme Kai said hehe this is the ancient technique of Kais called Kāio-shin-no-Kyõfu or Kai God's Dread it allows user to access Purest God for some time it drains user's sanity after use of this technique user Becomes berserk but in case of Gohan this technique can't make him Go berserk since he is training this method for quite some time and his control over ki is on par with a supreme Kai.
meanwhile Universe 2, 9 and 10 simultaneously gets taken out while Gohan's ki is enough to make him as strong as toppo's destruction form but more sinister due to enhanced ki control and hightened potency of ki as Goha charges ki bullets on the tips of his fingers as shoots them toward hitamo Gohan's speed before was enough for him to overcome Hitamo's time skip and now there is no way for Hitamo to win Now while Gohan Jumped high and Charged a HUGE and I mean a planetary Spirit Bomb size Masenko which was unseen before as Gohan shouts Vitality Destroyer Masenko as it land on hitamo both hit and Botamo unfuses and gets Knocked out by the impact of the attack while Gohan Powers down and says I still have to master this technique as it puts a great toll on my body. as Gohan gets healed by Karma' s spirit domain technique
meanwhile Goten was facing Kefla he couldn't compare to Kefla in any way yes He was strong but still Kefla pummeled him as he was outdoing himself as Voice Echoed through Arena, "Goten stop! as Goten heard Karma, Goten could see karma at a distance while he looked towards Karma while Karma said Clear your mind and focus She may Have edge in everything but you still have us focus and find her weakspots as Goten hears his sensei he clenched his fist in determination as he once again starts fighting Kefla as start seeing little flaws in Kefla' s ki as he starts fighting in rhythm he uses an Infinity striker which he learned from Karma but still Goten was nowhere close to defeating Kefla but at that moment Goten loses first he is a teen now so temperament issues and the anger quelled by Kefla it all rages out Goten' s power heightens as well as seeing this opportunity Karma heals Goten and and overcharged him with his to the extent that his power level even rose above the Power of SSJ Kefla Goten' s hybrid potential and the vigorous training had made him suitable to control even massive amounts of Foreign ki. As Goten Pummels Kefla with A series of punches as Kefla pukes and Goten With power of his sensei cups his hands and shouts "INFINITY LIMIT BREAKING KA-ME-HA-ME-HA" as the radiance of the beam covers the whole Arena as Kefla is Unfused into Caulifla and kale as they get knocked out with the impact and Universe 6 is also erased but with the recoil of the attack Goten was about get knocked off the ring as Karma catches him and heals him and told him to rest as 17 and others utterly destroyed Oniraza and takes out Universe 3.
On the Other side of the ring Vegeta and toppo's Fight was Going on for sometime while toppo says You were quite a challenge Vegeta but but there is no turning back now as toppo Powers up To his hakaishin form as Vegeta maniacally laughs as he also let's put his Hakai ki but restraining his ULTRA EGO as launches towards toppo overpowering him as he says that I don't know for how much time You have been training but it certainly is not enough as toppo shoots hakai blasts towards Vegeta but Vegeta just counters them with his own hakai ki as he blast toppo with a hakai ki enhanced Final flash which Defeats toppo and finnaly he puts his hand on the ground and Shouts *HAKAI* as a purple aura surrounds toppo and a very big part of arena is destroyed beneath him is destroyed and both him and the last fighters from Universes 3 & 4 are also taken out. as their universes are destroyed as now only universe 7 and 11 remains but the only difference is that while 7 has all 10 fighters in the ring while 11 has only Jiren who is Fighting broly.
Broly and Jiren both are fighting while holding back for sometime as broly says Why don't you show your full power as this match is going nowhere so let's get serious shall we he said then he starts Powering up to his majestic LSSJ as Jiren also powers Up to His Full Power Form and from the pressure Everyone is rendered Shocked Not by power of broly but the Power of Jiren as He powered up more and more as Jiren Power's up his peak strength a Sinister Grin Appears on Broly's face as He Lifts His right Shoulder pad and reveals a strange Kanji like Mark As Belmods Sees that mark he sighs and says that we have already lost this match as that mark is Sealing mark Of Ikarian race for sealing the power Of even Gods. as broly puts some of his ki directly into the seal It breaks and Broly's ki flares up to the point that he could even Go toe to toe with a God of destruction and may even survive without a scratch, Without Giving broly a chance to attack Jiren attacks broly and Punches him with all of his might but his punch is caught by broly's Single hand without any effort as Broly bulks up a bit then Pucnch Jiren from side of his Face as Jiren was sent flying soon Broly's overwhelming strength Was causing the whole stage to Be destroyed as Broly Says humph! you were Good but not enough as he charges his Omega eraser cannon and launches it towards Jiren while the whole Arena tremble and with a single blast from broly centre of Stage is destroyed while it also splited the stage into two sides as the Jiren the final warrior of Universe 11 falls down and With it aside from universe 7(without any elemination of any team member) all other participant universes are deleted by Zen-oh
With it the tournament of power comes to an conclusion And naturally I was chosen to make the wish while Super shenron appeared my team members nodded at me as I said
"MY WISH IS TO BE RESTORATION OF ALL THE UNIVERSES DESTROYED BY ZEN-OH" as I said this all of the erased universes were restored. and Grand-priest explains that if That I asked would've been any different or any other universe had asked for different wish then that universe along with other Universe would've been perished as shivers ran down every hakaishin's face after hearing and seeing the coldness in Grand-priest's voice. then our team returned to beerus's side as every other Universe was Jaw dropped by our performance quitella said Huh it must've been a fluke or beerus cheated only then he could win unscathed as sidra agreed with him while saying Yes It's sounds nearly impossible that a Team went into the tournament of power and won without anyone getting knocke- as A loud Voice interject "does Other hakaishins also think the same that we cheated or used some underhanded tactic and did you just called beerus a cheater, I may not see him as a God or how lazy he is no matter but he still is our universe's hakaishin" as the Gods and Teams of other universe looked at the Direction of the Voice it was none other than Karma, Quitella was pissed by the fact that a mortal had disrespected him as he launched a Ki blast Coated with hakai Ki with nearly Unmatched speed As It flew past everyone only to be caught by Goku who used His ULTRA INSTINCT OMEN to stop the blast as everyone was Shocked to see a mortal use the technique of the Gods Grand-priest smiled as looked towards whis and he smiles back while other angels were quite impressed that a mortal could use ULTRA INSTINCT OMEN this proficiently as Vegeta Returned the favour by launching a blast equally powerful toward Quitella as he barely dodged it while it made him more angry Karma Bursts into laughter as he says You call yourself God and can't handle mortals as Suddenly The smile on his turns into a cold look and with a cold tone he says HOW dare you disrespected us, After becoming a hakaishin You have forgotten that You were also mortals, karma looks towards Grand-priest and says That I want compensation for this behavior of Hakaishins as Grand-priest looks towards me and says very well so what do you want in the form of compensation as Karma replies I WANT TO FIGHT EVERY HAKAISHIN ASIDE FROM BEERUS IN A ONE VS ELEVEN BATTLE WITH TWO RULE FIRST THAT HAKAIDHINS WILL USE USE THEIR FULL POWER AND THE SECOND RULE WILL BE THAT MATCH WILL ONLY END WHEN IF I '''''DIE'''' OR EVERY HAKAISHIN IS KNOCKED OUT. as everyone hears karma say this They were scared that what had karma said as the hakaishins will use any method they Know to kill him but the Sayains of Universe 7 were calm and collected even after hearing this as they knew if it was karma who said this it is not impossible that he Could win, Grand-priest looks at zeno who was very excited and says Okay then with allowance of Lord ZEN-OH this match shall begin
As Gods of Destruction heard this they were shocked due to Someone as wise as Grand-priest approving a suicide wish as all of the Gods were sweatdropped by the expressions on the face of Whis because he had a Huge Evil Grin on his face as Giin said Very well we shall do what zeno-sama wants us to do as all Hakaishins obliged and entered the ring as Grand-priest restored it
The match began and karma let out my full power as I still was in my base form as Rumshi said How scary is this mortal without any Form or special technique his power level is 15 decelian, Liqir says I've never seen such a strong mortal if we didn't had the Hakai then would've been Fodder to him as Arack, mule and Iwne attack karma at a high velocity which Karma Counter and Shoots a flurry of Ki blast at the three but before he the Blast could hit them he was side Kicked by Champa as champa said I expected more from you as looks at beerus Who was calm unlike his previous self which made Champa more and more nervous as he knew beerus wouldn't have been this calm if he thought that Karma would lose as all of the hakaishins surrounds Karma as heles launches a Ki beam towards Karma who just stood at his place and took the blasts as all the other Hakaishins did the same and Charged full power blasts as 11 hakai coated super attacks headed towards Karma who was surprisingly losing as Beerus may looked calmed but he thought that '' c'mon why aren't you using the Power that you used against me as he looks towards whis as whis looks at him and nods* as Beerus smiles as he just found out why wasn't he fighting back and Taking hits after hits as he looks towards Goku as Goku says '' Maaan! that's cheating he is using my tactics'' as Vegeta says '' quite cunning isn't he using such methods against Hakaishins'' As Broly says'' he is taking full advantage of the point that he is a sayain and the point that he is the greatest Master of spirit control of Yardrats'' as Goten and Gohan smiles others looked confused as Hit remembers something as cold sweat drops from his forehead as Cabba and other's were shocked to see hit sweating as Beerus laughs and in a manhical tone says Champa Brother how could you be such an idiot that you forget about lineage of sayains with those word champa came to an dreaded realization as he exclaimed ''IMPOSSIBLE '' as the other Hakaishins saw the smoke from their combined blasts clear out they saw Karma standing with too many wounds as Suddenly his wounds started to heal at an unbelievable rate as He completely healed His powers were doubled as he got a 200% Zenkai boost from the beating as his power level now was 30 decelian Gods were in a daze of fear as champa said that this the very same tactic used by Son Goku in the tournament of destroyers vs Hit. Karma's head was lowered he Softly in a cold tone with an evil Grin spoke So this is how a zenkai feels it's Great, as he lifts up his head and say maybe being a God gives you power But the one thing it doesn't give you is intelligence and wisdom. as Karma' S ki flares one more time as his body bulls up and he transforms into his ikari form. as The Hakaishins froze in fear after seeing power of karma by their own eyes as he starts laughing Sinisterly as God could sense His Power of 480 Undecelien as The warrior of other Universes, Hakaishins, kais, Angels and even Grand-priest was surprised as he thought Hmmm that power of his is exactly like him There's No denying it. As karam's in his ikari form became a monster.....
A silence took over as Karma was standing still as Quitell thought that there is only one way, he never thought that he would have to use this in a 11 vs 1 match where he is in the court of the 11 Quitella blasted towards The Sayain as He puts his palm Towards the sayain and shouts hakai as a purple glow engulfs the Sayain, Hit and Jiren looks at him as Beerus Began laughing loudly as the sound of his laughter covers the entire arena and everyone looks towards him he says '' Idiots! I said before that I fought him and do you think that I am kind enough to let someone go after when i got beaten up by them, You think that You are the only one who got the idea to use hakai. Suddenly a punch from the purple haze came as the punch lands on Quitella he was launched across the Arena as a figure appeared behind him and with both hands punched him downwards as Quitella lost his conscious Karma Appeared As The 10 hakaishins were scared as heels said while stammering wha-what kind of b-b-beast is he? as Pell the kaioshin of Universe 2 say I-I've never seen heles-sama scared.
Karma makes his way towards the destroyers as he suddenly sprints all Hakaishins scatters as he appears behind sidra and heals and Uses An *INFINITY STRIKER: BARRAGE* as the attack was about to hit the two hakaishins they try to destroy the attacks but there were Just too many even if they were hakaishins and their primary work was destruction still destroying millions of Billions of blasts strong enough to take down Jiren weren't easy to destroy though they destroy Many blasts but in the end they get caught in them they wanted to escape but there was Just no was for them to do so as The blasts were coming from all of the directions soon a big blast occurred as it revealed A Gravely injured heels and sidra soon the hakaishins formed teams of two for attacking karma First iwne and arack attacked together but their efforts in vain as they tried to go in close quarter combat as Karma Pummels them with his sheer force he crossed his hand both of his palms were faced against The two destroyers as he shots a *POINT BLANK INFINITY DRIVE* as the both destroyers get knocked out as all of the hakaishins evades Karma for some moments Karma Decides that if they are going to use hit and run tactic I will destroy any place they could run to as he lifts up his and make a Ki sphere similar to Spirit Bomb but thousands of time Bigger than any Spirit Bomb in canon as he launched it towards arena Rumshi,liqir and Mule/Moscow gets Knocked out by the impact of the attack as Karma spots Champa and runs toward him engaging in close quarter combat he lands a flurry of punches on champa as champa retaliated with a punch to the chest but it seemingly had no effect on him as he says'' from what are you made of'' a dreaded Grin Appears on karma's face as he punches Champa in the Gut and kick him on the side of his head and rush forward while cupping his hands while charging an *INFINITY DRIVE* kinda like the one ULTRA INSTINCT OMEN Goku used on Kefla to end the match as the champa also gets Knocked out. Now the only ones left are belmod and Giin will Grand supreme Kai thinks I didn't thought that Karma would be able to defeat them but he did it, Universe 7 what kind of monster have you produced.
Now it was just Belmod and Giin but those two unlike others were far stronger as both of them get coated in Hakai No both starts running towards Karma in a Zigzag pattern as Bellow Kick karma but karma blocks it with his hand and Giin strikes with an uppercut to the face of Karma as Grand-priest looks and Says this match was over the second it started hakaishins never did stood a chance, everyone present there looked at Grand-priest as ZEN-OH states Karma may look that he is Going all out but I can see More and more power laying Dormant inside him and it is both blurry and absolute at the same time.
Karma Says Ultimate extinction isn't the only attack I picked From Buu there is one more as he looks at Vegeta as he shouts *FINAL EXPLOSION* as karma's body starts radiating yellow energy as the whole ring is destroyed and bellow and Giin were falling unconscious in the Void as Karma catches him and Grand-priest declares karma the winner and all angels heal their respective destroyers
all of the destroyers were ashamed because they thought that they were almighty beings who can't be beaten no matter what by any mortal. Jiren was more ashamed due to his behavior and finding out that there is such a person who is stronger than Gods Quitella and sidra Bowed Down in front of karma and apologized for the action as everyone headed to their respective universe while Grand Priest said to Karma that we will meet soon.
Sometime After When Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Gohan, Goten And Karma Were training on the sacred world of kais Suddenly and strange man appears Saying that he is Future Gohan's Friend and that he is in trouble.
{ end of Vol.1 }
[ Hey guys This was the First Volume the second volume will start after a week or maybe before it if everything is right, I thought that the last chapter of volume 1 should be longer and more of a banger, thank you to you Guys my Loyal Readers and anyone who even read a single chapter Canon was was Just a start Volume 2 & 3 will be Way more creative and better so please keep reading and Sayonara]