Chapter 9

Lee Daniel, or better known as Tiffany's father, he's a Chinese-American. Fell bedridden ever since two years ago. After suffering from heart attack, his condition has not improved since then.

Stefan even regards the man as his own father. Five years ago, that person has save his company from going bankruptcy. Millions has been involved and what he became now is what the man made him, and Stefan cannot afford to lose him.

He loved him. He will do anything just to have another time with him. Back again to the hospital, Stefan quickly dashes in towards the room. He looked at the pale feature of his beloved father. Suddenly the back of his eyes feels watery, he felt helpless.

"Papa, it's me, I'm here." He whispered softly, as he leaned forward and take his father's hand to his and hold him tightly as if he never wants to let go. Mr. Lee flicker his eyes in response, then slowly and tiredly open his eyes and saw the young man beside him. "Stefan.. I think is about time." He coughs in difficulty before continuing; "I have something important to tell you."

"Papa, please, don't push yourself too much, you need to have plenty of rest."

"No... I have to say this before I left this world. Please take good care of my only daughter. She will be alone if I died."

"What are you talking about? Can we discuss this again-"

Stefan words got cut off as Mr. Lee tone was a little bit sharp. "Please listen to me carefully my son. Remember who was with you through thick and thin, until you became successful. Many years has passed and you both are still loyal to each other, and now I'll be finally release from my misery knowing that you will be there for her. I want to see you both get married soon."

Stefan simply stares at his father, digesting every word that he heard and finally images of innocent and teary look on Sara's face and crying Hanie comes to his mind. He really thought this was all a dream but this was messier than any situation right now. So, Tiffany saves his life from dying, in return he has to make her his legal wife. See, fate played a cruel trick on them.

"This is my last wish to you, make her your wife. Let me witness that glory moment before I die." Mr. Lee spoke tiredly in a weak voice.


"Daddy, come play swings! You push Hanie, okay?" Hanie said after she sat herself on the swings in the park, Stefan came forward and stood behind her, pulling the swing back just a few scant inches, then pushing it forward.

After a while he stopped pushing and walked around to the front to carry his girl but Hanie happily jumped out and ran to the slide sections. The smile on her face made her look like shining sun, so bright. She looked happy, happier than before.

Stefan walked back to the bench where Sara was sitting with her polaroid camera and clicking photos of her child enjoying her play. He sat and move closer until his shoulder hit Sara's. She turns to looked and suddenly their lips met and it felt as though this was the most natural thing in the world. They stayed like that for a few seconds before Stefan straightened up, reaching for Sara's wrist.

"Come on, let's go to the slide." He said and showing his charming smile. Sara giggling cutely in an excited way and let the male pull her along. If something like these simple occasions made Sara happy, perhaps it was all right for Stefan to

indulge her in a bit of childlike play.


That night, he was thinking, doing house chores, being a responsible father, patting and singing a lullaby song to put his precious girl to sleep, doing those things when he didn't even know where he stood in Sara and Hanie's life for now.

He knew Sara has forgiven him, and confessing her true feelings. Yes, Sara loved him just as much as he did, but he couldn't really be sure what to make of it where feelings mattered.

Once he was sure Hanie is asleep, he pecks a kiss on his girl forehead, left the room and sat next to Sara on the couch. Sara then drops her head on Stefan's chest which in returned he rounded his arms on Sara's waist.

Oh, how long Sara has been longing for these moments. His scents, his touch. "Stefan, I love you, you know that, don't you? You know I've been telling myself each day knowing that I'm going to spend it with you someday and wanting to wake up the next morning with you by my side."

She continues after exhaling out a deep breath. "It's scary to have these feeling and not knowing how to handle them. But our precious girl has been my source of strength, the reason why I could still be able to do what I've been doing, the reason why I'm still here."

"I hate thinking what would happen to me and Hanie in the future when the only thing that's keeping me going is you. I won't be able to live if you're no longer around, Stefan."

Stefan wiping his tears that he didn't realize he was shedding. He forces himself upright and pulling Sara closer, grabbing her by the arms and hugs her. Sara moved to bury her face against the crook of Stefan's neck, her tears wetting his skin as he sobbed quietly against him.

"It's fine, okay? I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I promise that you don't have to deal with anything alone. Even if I get married to Tiffany, its just on a paper. Only you, you have my heart Sara, no one else." Stefan said and dropped a kiss on top of Sara's head. She's still crying silently, trembling against him and Stefan felt so good holding her in his arms like this.

He wishes for never ending moments like this.


Under a running shower, fully clothed, she had a shard of glass cutting across her smooth skin. Stefan ran over, yelling at her to stop and grabbing the pieces of glass out of Tiffany hand. He threw it across the bathroom, cutting his fingers in the process. He ignored his own blood on his fingers and held Tiffany's face in his hands. She was a messed.

"Why are you doing this to yourself, Tiff?" Stefan yelled at her after he looked down at Tiffany bloody wrists.

"I can't take it, Stefan. I can't." She wept, shaking her head and slumping against the cold shower walls. "Daddy is dying and I have no one else. I am such a bad daughter. I don't want to live anymore. You will be leaving me and I cannot live with that." She couldn't even breathe at that point and her pale fingers still wraps on Stefan's arms.

"Darling, I love you so much, but it hurts, please just kill me already." They remained in the shower with the water chilling them to their bones. After a while, Stefan gently pulled her up from the bathtub. He took off her soaked clothes and change into a new clean pajama. He then lay her on the bed.

"I love you, Stefan." Tiffany whispered over and over again.

He looked at her face and tried to locate a space in his heart, trying to be sympathetic towards her situation but he couldn't find any. 'Think of something, Stefan! What should I do now? There must be a way, isn't it?'