chapter 10

Sara slept a lot longer than she meant to. She slept so comfortably that when she opened her eyes, her head was on Stefan's chest. His arms snuggling on her tummy, She wondered, how long have they been like in this position.

Her eyes gazing to the classic bedside table, she saw two cups and the aroma of hot chocolate penetrating her nose. Sara tapped on his chest with her fingers to wake the male, but he didn't wake up, so she poked him in the stomach.

Stefan snapped up surprisingly. "Oh, baby, you're awake. Have a drink first. I made for you." Stefan gestured at the hot chocolates, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "I wish I can sleep forever with you."

"Same. I wish I can hear your heartbeat forever." Sara said after she put back the cup down and rested her head back on Stefan's chest again. Then a realization hit both of them. "Stefan, you are leaving me again. In a week..."

In a week, Stefan will be someone's husband. He's the groom. The bride? It's Tiffany. The male had a deal with her that they will be get married together but she shall not interfered in his existing relationship with Sara and his child.

"Sara, I hope you will stay by my side until I figure things out." He holds her chin to turn to his face and he kiss her nose and down to her lips. Which in returning she says, "I will always stay with you."


It's Saturday, Stefan brought Sara and Hanie to the beach for fresh air. The smell of sea salt lingering and sparkling, but the most favorite smell at the moment will be Sara's raspberry scents. He knew he fall for Sara again but this time he's fallen much, much deeper.

They talked about bringing food, but Stefan decided against it; they could always walk and buy something along the way if they were hungry. They talked about what the weather might be like and what they would do if it rained while they're there.

Both mother and child were catching each other, running around in the sand barefoot until Sara accidentally screaming in pain and she fell onto the sand. Hanie cried seeing her mama in pain and she screamed for her daddy.

Stefan got snapped from his daydreams and he quickly run towards his loved ones. He saw a small glass piece stuck in Sara's petite foot which is now bleeding. He carried her in bridal style, Hanie following from behind, worried is seen on her face but with her daddy around, she knew her mama will be fine.

Stefan walked quicker to the medical room which is nearby, next to the lifeguard post for help. "I'm sorry this happened to you, my love." Stefan said with overwhelmingly sad voice.

But Sara just sighed and smiled. "No, it's not your fault, Stefan. Please, I want you to know that I love you so much and I.. I have a favor from you."

"What is it, baby? Tell me." - "Carry me like how you did earlier, I mean, carry me whenever you spend time with me. I understand if you have to go with Tiffany, but only when we're together, is it possible?" Sara asked trying to control her tears from falling.

What do you do when the person you want comfort from the most is the one who caused your pain before? Sara desperately wanted Stefan to wrap her up in his arms forever.


Days later. "Tiff, what do you want?" Stefan answers the calls after the third ring.

"Stefan..." Her voice shook when she spoke. "Can you come over, save me, please."

"Tiff, I can't. I have a meeting with an Ambassador from Japan." He told her, "But what's going on? What's wrong?"

"I..." She trailed off, tears falling from her eyes as the shock wore off and the pain became even more intense. Blood was pouring from her injury, and she gritted her teeth as she tried to put pressure on it. "I got stabbed. I need help."

By this time, his heart was pounding and he'd already left the lobby of the building in which he was supposed to be having his meeting. "Tiff, talk to me, tell me what's happening." But he could only hear her labored breathings and whined of pains.

Finally, after what felt like ages, he found Tiffany laying on the living room. He struggled to keep the panic from his face as he quickly crouched beside her and putting his hand over her wound to put pressure from bleeding further.

"Oh, dear, what had happened??" Stefan demanded; his eyes wide. "Where's everyone and why didn't you call the police for help?" He questioned worriedly, already calling the Ambulance while on his way to Tiffany's mansion. Now she's struggling to keep her eyes open.

Her voice was weak and scratchy, sweat had broken out on her forehead "No... police.. She's someone you know and I don't want to get her arrested."

"Who? Who is she?!" Stefan muttered under his breath. Before she could response, Paramedic already hovered over and he stepped back. It took less than six minutes for them to arrive at the hospital, where several nurses were waiting with a gurney, they gently placed the women on the stretcher and as they wheeled her away into surgery, she managed to mentioned a person's name that made the male taken aback with what he heard.

"It's Sara. She stabbed me."


Clearly he was not having a good day. To start off, he had already woken up forty-five minutes late that morning, as a result, he missed breakfast, not being able to get his daily dose of coffee in the morning and therefore becoming very grumpy.

Adding on with the unnecessary drama of wedding preparations with Tiffany and that he's not looking forward to, also with the sudden issues of Sara had stabbed Tiffany. That probably might get her arrested and because of that matters, it cause him to lose a million-dollar deal with the Japanese investor. Such a bad day. Fated as it is.

"If you keep staring up like that, your eyes are going to roll backwards and fall down your throat!" Sara jokingly said, softly giggling and poking the male cheeks.

Caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice Sara came out from the lift apartment and is now standing next to him. He moved his eyes from the ceiling to Sara and fixed her with a weird look not before he harshly pushed away her hand from poking his cheeks. "Where have you been? Do you know how long I've waited for you?" He asked her.

Sara raised her eyebrow as she frowns. "Really? You waited for me? How sweet of you." Sara moves closer to snuggled and tried to kiss Stefan's veiny neck but was again being pushed to the side.

"Now, why there is bloodstain on your shirt?"

But before Sara could say a word, the male already feel himself filled with anger. "You really going to make me suffer, aren't you? Because you obviously don't feel the same and to think that I'm stupid for even considering a relationship back with you! Is this some kind of revenge after what I did to you in the past?!"

But Sara, on the other hand, was genuinely confused. She looked so adorably innocent with that perplexed look on her face. "I don't understand? No, this is not a blood, and why are you behaving like this? Wait, do you even know what were you saying?" Sara finally asked, surprised by what the male had confessed.

Stefan cupped her chin as he gently forced her to look at him; "Tell me the truth, Sara, do you really, genuinely love me?"

"Where is this coming from and what should I do to prove my love for you?" She replied and Stefan let his hands down. Silence tensed filled the air. Out of sudden she laughed at their situation. "Are we arguing now? About what? And even if I prove my love, will you believe it then?"

"What are you? Five years old?" demanded Stefan looking quite annoyed. "Why did you do it? Why did you stab Tiffany? And you should count yourself lucky she's alive. If she made a report, do you know you could be arrested anytime now."

Sara remained stubbornly silent not looking at all pleased at the predicament she was in. She sighed deeply as she stared at the problem that was brewing right before his eyes. She really thought Stefan had waited for her, so she was about to tease the man to carry her back to her room for some moments, you know. Since Hanie went overnight camping with Hailey and Minho. But it all came down to this.

"Fine. Let her make a report then. Let me get arrested."

"Sara! Did you just admitted to it?!"

"Stefan Smith! Since you believing in her so much, please let her know to just proceed with the reports, alright? Because whatever I say won't make any sense right now. So please, leave. Just leave please!"

They were both being cautious now, each aware of the damage they could do if they said or did something they'd regret. Stefan just walked away while Sara dash in to her apartment. Slamming the door behind and venting out her frustrated by scattering all the books from the shelfs everywhere throughout the apartment. The loud sound of the television could be heard echoing through the lounge into the bedroom of the flat. She needs some noise at that moment.

Moments later, a beautiful messed-up Sara were sitting on the windowsill, staring out at the beautiful pattern of peaceful and night cloudy skies. That night, she cried her heart out uncontrollably.