chapter 13

Sunlight invades the bedroom, effectively waking the messed up and frustrated male. Stefan blinks his blurry eyes slowly coming to his senses. Hands wander over the sheets to find it empty but the spot is still warm. His daughter hasn't left the bed too long ago.

Silence. He checks his phone, seven in the morning on a Saturday. That means one more day for his unwilling wedding with Tiffany.

Still silent, he's figuring out what his daughter is doing, why is she out of the bed so early. But then he heard growling voices and someone scoffed in the living room.

"Shut up if you don't want me to shove a pack of chilies into your mouth!" And that's the voice of Tiffany. In a seconds Stefan quickly get up, yanked the door open and stormed towards the living room.

Hanie runs towards her daddy when she saw him coming out from the bedroom. Swollen and red eyes on her face and he can feel her daughter trembling body as she buries her face on his chest. - Hanie's behavior could only confirm one thing, it must be Tiffany who triggers his girl for her sudden outburst. He feels lightning flashing around him, now shaking with anger as he stared at her causing her to look tense. "What did you do to her?!" Stefan raised his voice.

"Nothing? I just told her off. She's naughty. Look, I made apple juice for her but she spilled it on the carpet. Sara must have not taught her manners!" Tiffany yelled. Oh, bad move. Never talk bad about the child's mother.

"Don't you dare mentioned that name in a wrong way. For all I know, you don't even know how to boiled a water. So, of course the mother of my child made the best apple juice for her." Stefan stern glare now was murderous. Tiffany looked so vulnerable, staring at both father and daughter with those wide eyes that filled with disbelief.

"Really? Stefan, remember we are tying the knot tomorrow. I don't want this girl, I mean, I don't want your daughter to be at our wedding venue." She said softly before she hastily grabbed her limited edition Gucci handbag on the couch elegantly and leaves the apartment.

"I'm so sorry, baby, daddy never want this to happen to you." He whispered softly while lacing his hands on his girl long hair.

"Daddy, Hanie want mama, want mama!" The little girl dried her eyes with her sleeves only to tears welled up again. She refused to let them fall, but failed. Oh, my child.

"Why mama say, my last day to be with her if Hanie follow you, daddy? Mama say I won't see her again, why, daddy?"

Oh, she remembers what Sara mentioned yesterday at the cafe.

Suddenly pain exploded in his chest. Again and again, the pain added but he fights it as he holds his child tight in a warm embrace. He wants Hanie to stayed by his side but by doing so, nothing could comfort his girl. He gently squeezed Hanie's arms in reassurance. Making sure that he will send her back to Sara. It helps, and soon enough her sobbing stops.


The blaring sound of their car horn had Hanie stirring with a jolt on that Sunday morning. As her tired eyes blinked open, she bit back a defeated groan. Stefan had woken her very early and that left her cranky and irritable. Only the warmth of a mother is needed for the little girl.

He had been happily whispering sweet sayings to his girl when he's reversing his car into a carpark lot at Hailey's residence. Because apparently, Sara has been living at Hailey's temporary. "I don't think your mama is awake now, it's still early." He softly spoke, as the five-year-old quickly remove her seatbelt, now freshly awaken as they arrive at the familiar location.

"Hanie want mama good morning kisses! Daddy, quick come faster." She spoke with her cute smile and already racing for the door, her ponytail hair bouncing as she ran.

But before Stefan able to reached for the doorbell, the front door swung open surprisingly that made his breath caught, a frown tightening his features, unable to form any words when he saw Minho welcoming them with Hailey piggyback on him.

The breath he'd been holding escaped with his tension when Hailey get off from Minho's back and immediately grabbed Hanie. - "So, I heard everything from Minho about the cafe incident. Well, thank you for sending Hanie back. Now, could you kindly leave?" Hailey said with a smirked after knowing what Stefan had done to her best friend. Obviously, she felt pained of course.

All manner of scenarios flashed through his mind, and he was reminded of Sara crying on this man's chest. But right now, he saw a different situation. The pair snuggling in front of him. He feels like ripping off their throat, but why is he so jealous of what he witnesses? Sara isn't his.

Shaking with emotion, he reached out, gripping Minho's arm. "Who are you to Sara? And Hailey, do you know how Minho behave intimately towards Sara?"

Hailey truly shocked with what she heard. Stefan seemed unable to understand. "That's not the point, Stefan." Hailey slightly raised her voice angrily and pulling away Minho's hand away from Stefan. Taking a breath, she sought for some strength from Minho, so they held hands together.

"Sara needs a shoulder to cry on, so Minho is there for support. I mean, not only at the cafe, Minho has been taking care and provide support towards Sara and Hanie in the past. Anything else you need to know? If no, I need you to leave because we're both having our wedding preparations. I'm getting married to Minho, he's mine!" Hailey let out all at once. She felt a heavy weight on her shoulder finally lifted off, now that she's blast off at the male.

What had happened? During his long absence, the man that he accused is the one taking over that big responsibility. Now, their daughter was safe and well, and yet, he and Sara were falling apart. Hearing Hailey's explanation only made himself felt more worse than before. He then responded by standing properly and bowing down.

"Hailey, Minho, please forgive my improper actions. I, truly apologize." But will being apologetic solve everything? No.

Minho move closer to Stefan knowing that the man had apologized but perhaps Stefan need to try harder though. Sara is deeply hurt. She's beyond heartbroken. "Be a man and take responsibility please."

Stefan almost hit the floor. No appearance from Sara in the house and they told him she did not return home after out for two days. He desperately needs to get Sara back. Get married back to the love of his life, spending happy moments with Hanie, travelling the world together and many more.

It's now or never or else it'll be like he was playing with someone feelings and not respecting them. A real man doesn't play with a person's heart.