

Sigh!" Hearing this, I let out a sigh as I explained to her that this was not what she was thinking, but that I had only managed to decipher one of the old library books and thus achieved this technique.

"Fine, but I don't want to hear from someone that you're doing wrong outside!"

I nodded my head at her before heading back upstairs to my room. I was very excited about this new technique that allowed me to decipher old languages, and it could bring me many techniques in the future.

With that in mind, I sat back down on the bed and went back to practicing my technique! 'Nine laps celestial technique' that was the name! It was called that because with each complete cycle, a new spirit would be integrated into my body automatically without my needing to buy one.

Furthermore, the spirits also evolved along with me and would not even have a chance to get out of control. I was still ranked as a student, so I hadn't even completed a lap yet, and I was just building up enough energy in my body.

Following day…

I grabbed my handmade weights and ran through town. I started training my body heavily last week with the help of old exercises! At first it was difficult, but with time I started to get the hang of it and it got easier every day.

Without realizing it, a year has passed!

My body was already very strong, my six pack was fully formed, and I was one step closer to reaching rank Bronze. However, my body was already almost at the gold rank of pure physical strength.

This year I trained my body more than my technique, so I still hadn't reached Bronze rank. This year I didn't pay attention to anything other than training, except for a short time to read the alchemy books in the library.

I knew how important alchemy was, so I decided to learn it myself! I didn't take any test as I still didn't know how I would do in a practical test, but if it was a theoretical test; I was sure I wasn't below a great alchemy master.

Two years have passed!

I had been in this world for three years now, my body was as strong as a five-star Gold rank Spiritualist. My crop was on the Bronze rank of four stars. All of this was hidden by me, I knew I shouldn't be too open in showing my strength, so I kept myself hidden.

I passed a technique on to my mom a year ago, and currently she was already in the Bronze rank of three stars. My mother's talent was very good, and she had a soul realm of pure ice! So the technique: "Frozen Soul Technique" suited her very well.

Nowadays, if someone got within a few meters of her, they would already feel a slight chill emanating from her slender body. She was very shocked at first since in her childhood she was told that she had a red soul realm and had no talent for cultivation, but seeing this now, she understood how much her son was learning in the library. So she told him never to tell anyone about it.

I naturally agreed with her. So we both kept it hidden from the people around us. I was now nine years old, there were still five years to go before the canon began.

Five years later…

Well, five years went by extremely quickly. In a room at the Holy Orchid Institute, several children were sitting as they listened to the teacher on the podium. Among these children, a young man with fair skin, blue eyes and black hair was sitting next to a beautiful girl with brown hair. The young man from time to time took a peek into the beautiful girl's face, and raised his sword eyebrows as he thought of something.

I was already ranked gold after spending most of my time cultivating. My body was nearing the legendary rank, and I had already become a master alchemist of the alchemist association.

The entire city of glory was shocked to learn that a gifted alchemist had been born into an ordinary family. Several families tried to recruit him to their side, but the city lord interfered and ordered the young man along with his mother to stay on his property.

I naturally went along with my mother. We no longer needed to keep so hidden as there weren't many people capable of threatening us in the city. I just went to get closer to Ye Ziyun, as I wanted her for me in this world. Of course, I wanted the others too.

When my soul realm was tested, The city lord spread to everyone that I had a rare Azure colored soul realm! Shortly thereafter, he also announced that his daughter would be my bride on the day we turned sixteen. This shocked the entire city! Since the only one capable of the same feats was Lord Ye Mo!

So, everyone began to admire the young man who had an unlimited future alongside the lord's daughter. Ye Ziyun didn't like it very much at first, but as time went by she started to accept it, and even started to distance herself from Shen Yue who she had a good impression of.

This made the Holy family very angry, and so began the assassination attempts at the town lord's house. Unfortunately, even capturing these people, they would kill themselves soon after and be unrecognizable. So it was impossible to know who was behind the attacks.

But I already knew who it was, but I still haven't moved into my plan of destruction. I was exactly waiting for today.

When I saw Nie read with his eyes closed and sweating profusely at the back of the class, I got up and came to his side. The class also noticed that Nie li was in some danger, but no one said anything as they saw the alchemy genius approaching him.

That made a smirk appear on my lips! Yes, everything I did was for the arrival of this moment! I strengthened my body as much as I could, and became a genius at alchemy just to have more chance of this move working.

The others were silent as they watched him place his hand on Nieli's head and close his eyes. Nobody tried to stop it since nobody knew anything about alchemy, so they just watched what was going on.

When I touched Nie Li's head, I could feel a force trying to push me away, but I held my ground as another technique began to circulate in my body. "Absorption of memories!" This was a very old technique that would allow you to absorb multiple memories from one person at the same time. Thus, the person would forget all the memories that were absorbed.

Soon, I felt a surge of information rushing towards my brain. But contrary to what I thought, it wasn't Painful, just a little uncomfortable.

Teacher Shen seeing that Nie li had started to breathe normally let out a sigh of relief! If any nobles were injured in her room, only God would know what would happen to her and the reputation of the Sacred family.

The other students noticed it too! Soon, everyone started to applaud that he had managed to cure him.

Nie li soon opened his eyes again. But when he saw that everyone was staring at him intently, he blushed slightly, and gave an embarrassed smile.

Lu Piao who was beside him when he saw him still confused. Began to explain what had happened! Hearing this, Nie li rose and bowed in my direction. But I could see in his eyes the unwillingness to do this. I knew he already liked Ye Ziyun, but I didn't mind and just accepted the bow.

So, under everyone's gaze, I walked to Ye Ziyun's side before wrapping my hand around her slender waist, making her face flush with embarrassment, but she didn't try to shake it off.

Shen Yue seeing this was almost about to yell something, but was stopped by a menacing glare from Shen Xiu. Nie Li also clenched his fists at the sight of this, but he couldn't help it as his talent was mediocre compared to me.

I finally got what I wanted! All the knowledge Nie read should have. This automatically raised my alchemist level to a gigantic degree! While I was thinking about it, a translucent page flew from Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er's body towards me. Luckily, it seemed that no one had noticed that...