
Teste 2

In the Forest of Death!

Yuki was already running into the middle of the forest with the help of his shunshin, there were some beasts or even teams that tried to intercept him but he managed to pass them calmly.

Yuki knew that sasuke would be marked with the cursed seal but he decided not to intrude on it, as he knew that sasuke would be fine and strong quickly with the help of orochimaru.

That's why yuki didn't have to worry. He went further and further and began to fight the creatures that inhabited the Forest of Death, even if they weren't that strong, they would still serve as a whetstone for yuki to improve his jutsus.

[Water style: jutsu water blades!] With a gesture of his arm, several blades made of water ran towards a large black bear that was running towards him… And when the bear got in front of him there were already several signs of cuts through your body.

yuki just kicked him away, and with that kick the bear shattered like a disassembled puzzle. His water blades had already cut his head and limbs.

'This jutsu is good for slow enemies, but it won't be much help against fast enemies!' - Yuki then 'looked' at his chakra reserves and saw that he still had a lot left.

Yuki could be considered a chakra battery, no matter how much it was used up, his chakra would recover at an impressive speed.

Even from a distance, yuki could still hear the noises that could possibly be from the fights between Orochimaru and Team 7… Only after an hour did the noises completely stop. Yuki then stopped his training and ran towards where the noises last happened.

There was already chaos in the place, many fallen trees and holes in the ground were made during the combat… Naruto was still trapped in a tree by a kunai and Sakura was holding a unconscious Sasuke.

Yuki seeing this scene was not scared or scared, but was thrilled. A scene he could only see on his TV was now happening in real life.

But yuki didn't have much time to remember that, as Naruto who was trapped in the tree started to fall. Yuki then jumped up and caught him before he fell to the ground.

"Yuki-kun!" Sakura squealed happy to see yuki walking towards her with naruto in her arms… Now there was someone else to help them through this phase so she was extremely happy."

She finally understood how weak she was...she, who was always screaming at naruto not to get in the way in the missions, found out that in fact it was always she who needed their help. And she really felt guilty for the times she yelled at naruto, even though it didn't happen to be his fault.

Yuki: "Sakura what happened to you? Who left them in this state?" - Yuki asked with a face of false concern.

Sakura: "He said he was orochimaru! One of the three legendary sannins, he even left this strange mark on Sasuke's neck" Sakura replied still with tears in her eyes.

"Orochimaru! If I'm not mistaken, he was counted as a konoha renegade. But what would he be doing here?" - Yuki continued with his act.

Sakura: "He said he wanted to give Sasuke a 'gift', so he left this weird mark here!" Sakura pointed to the three tomes around Sasuke's neck.

"Well, he's already escaped and there's nothing else around here. Come with me to the central tower, I got some scrolls from the ninjas that crossed my path, I'll give you two so you can pass this test." - Yuki sighed as he spoke.

Sakura: "Yuki-kun, thank you so much for what you're doing for us, but I think we should fight this with our own strength. I don't want to be just a nuisance to my team, so I hope you'll let us fight in our own strength." -Sakura tried very hard to turn down this chance that seemed to have fallen from heaven to them.

Yuki: "You know, but I'll still leave the two scrolls here; if you can't get a pair or find someone from konoha who needs you, you can give these to them!" - Yuki knew they would be fine, so he didn't insist on staying to help or take them to the tower."

"Mm! Thanks again, Yuki-kun!" Sakura thanked him for the last time, then Yuki quickly left the place.

Yuki used shunshin and quickly reached the tower where he was supposed to open the scroll to find out who would be his messenger and get to pass to the third stage… *Poof* … When his scroll was opened; Yamato appeared, later telling him about heaven and earth and their meanings linked to the body and mind of a shinobi.

So the days went by quickly and the time limit for the second text was over, the genins who had finished the second text in time were lined up in a large hall where the hokage and its structures were also. There they were informed that more genis than necessary had passed the second test, it would now be necessary to do a preliminary to eliminate the remains and the weak.

At Mitarashi Anko's request, a huge black screen was opened on a large wall in the hall where two names would be chosen to fight. The first was Uchiha Sasuke from konoha who would fight Yoroi Akadō from the village of sound. The fight was intense as Yoroi was able to absorb people's chakra, and Sasuke was still in pain after having this mark implanted on his body; and each time his chakra was absorbed the mark of the curse got stronger consequently the pain got stronger too. But in the end he still managed to win and passed out soon after.

Shino Aburame of konoha was second to fight; his opponent was also someone from the village of sound, but with a good plan and good preparation Shino used his insects to clog the air vents that his opponent had scattered all over his body. In the end his opponent lost after having his arm exploded while forcing his chakra out, so Shino ended up winning.

The rest of the fights went on as in the anime, except that Yuki also had to fight some random extra that he defeated in two easy moves and didn't even have to think too much.

Of all the fights that happened, Rock Lee's fight against Gaara and Hinata against Neji were the most exciting where each one fought and showed that with enough effort they could overcome their natural gift or even their destiny.

Yuki was really thrilled to see this battle live, and can even feel Hinata and Rocklee's dedication to their battles.

In the end the winners were: Gaara, Sasuke, Naruto, Temari, Kankuro, Neji, Yuki, Shikamaru, Dosu. Everyone went through the foreplay. When choosing the numbers, Yuki fell to fight Dosu who was from the village of sound. And so, the preliminaries ended with the Third Hokage warning that they would have a month to prepare and improve their fighting styles.