Chapter4 Shameless b*tch

"Cheers!!!" The trio toasted on the roof and enjoyed their soda.

"Wow, I really enjoy skipping class. I just hate to be always stuck on my books." Claire said grinning as she leaned on Max.

"I'll make sure I renew my permit before weekend so we can all go out and chill." Max assured...

"Well this toast is to my biggest enemy! The one I'll forever hate in my miserable life, Duncan Dylan! I hate you very very much! I hate you!" Claire toasted with bloodshot eyes. Max and Tracy saw the hatred in her eyes.

"Claire, come on. You shouldn't hate that guy too much. You guys just pull pranks on each other." Tracy reasoned.

"No, I can't help hating him. I know it's just a game but I don't know why. There's this feeling that makes me hate him everyday. I can't help it. I. Hate. Him. Very. Much. If I happen to fall for that boy, I promise I'll quit eating junk food, I'll also quit drinking whisky in the dark and also quit eating candies. But I know I'm not gonna quit my junk food 'cos I'm never falling for that blockhead. Mark it. I swear I'll hate him. He made that stupid Gwen to pull my hair huh. He will suffer with her, I promise."

"Girl be careful with your words. My granny once told me words are really powerful." Tracy advised.

"If words are that powerful, then I wish to never fall for Duncan Dylan. I want to hate him forever!" Claire panted after her long cursing.

"Tracy, I think you're also a witness. Someone is gonna quit eating junk food and also filling her water bottle with whisky if she falls for a guy." Max teased.

"I can't wait for our goddess to quit drinking in the dark. And also we are not gonna see candy wrappers stuffed in our own backpack." Tracy also teased.

"Come on guys. I know I'm never falling for that blockhead."

"Claire you know, Duncan is such a hot guy. He's every girl's dream boy..."

"Not mine." Claire interrupted Tracy.

"I'm not done talking." Tracy annoyingly talked back. "He is such a nice guy. Why don't you hide your hatred in your treasure box for now and date him. Isn't that a good idea."

"I damp your stupid advice in the gutter." Claire rolled her eyes.

"Max isn't that a good idea." Tracy turned to Max grinning expecting him to support her but her expectations was also damped in the gutter when Max gave a cold 'no'.

"What? Come on Max. Not you too." Tracy disappointedly said.

"Tracy, stop dreaming, please?" Claire who was annoyed said.

"At least just give it a try, please." Tracy pleaded with puppy eyes.

"In your dreams." Claire shattered Tracy's dreams before leaving.

"What! Why is this goddess trying to play hard to get?" Tracy asked Max but he just rolled his eyes and also left leaving Tracy alone.

"These guys are really something. That's Duncan I'm talking about. The most handsome and eligible bachelor here in this city or should I say this whole country. Claire come on girl. You're such a beautiful creature. I think you should use your beauty to charm him." Tracy kept on talking to the air.


Somewhere unknown...

"Master she made a vow on a small issue. This can really affect her indirectly." A young man stood in front of a superior who sat in the dark and addressed in a low voice.

"Hmm. She chose that path. No one can stop her wishes." The superior said in a low husky voice as he twirled a red liquid in a wine glass, probably... blood. "You may leave. Next time, make sure to bring a more essential information." He dismissed the young man and within a twinkle of an eye, the man vanished into thin air leaving the superior in the dark hall as he sat in his huge throne sipping on the blood.

"This is the just the beginning." He muttered giving a dark smirk.


Most students were at the luxurious canteen enjoying their breakfast. The canteen was not much noisy since they all followed the table etiquette.

Claire and her friends, Tracy, Max, Sue, Dave, Sophie and Yuri sat at a table which was not so much at the center of the huge luxurious canteen. They gossiped and laughed but not noisily.

As the group were enjoying their meal, they saw their rival who were none other than DD and his friends as well as Gwen's friends also approaching. Their rival took the table opposite them. As Duncan sat on his chair facing Claire, he had a devilish smirk plastered evidently on his face as he looked at Claire.

Claire who noticed the smirk on Duncan's face just rolled her eyes at him and focused on her friends.

"Gwen babe, how about I spoonfeed you today?" Duncan asked Gwen who sat next him. He spoke in a manner such that Claire could hear it very well.

"Yeah, I would be really happy if you do it." Gwen replied happily.

"Woooooooooooh." Duncan and Gwen's friends wooed. Duncan took his fork and used it to pick a boiled carrot then stuffed it in Gwen's mouth.

At this time everyone in the canteen watched the lovely couple enjoying their meal. Some stared at Claire who seemed to not care. They felt sorry for her thinking if Claire had accepted Duncan's proposal, she would have been the one to be spoonfed by him.

"Look at that Gwen grinning from ear to ear. She's looking like an idiot right now." Tracy who was boiling with anger whispered to Claire sitting next to her.

"Do I care?" Claire raised a brow.

"Come on Claire, they are trying to show off in front of you. Don't you realize it."

"How does that matter to me? And talking about showing off, I can do it better. So forget about them."

"How can I forget about them when they are right in front of me. I think you should also show off as well." Tracy suggested. Claire just gave her a disgusted look and gently shook her head.

"Doesn't matter. I know you. Just two minutes." Tracy patted Claire's shoulder giving her an assured look.

"What do you mean?"

"Your anger... Tcch... just wait." Tracy waved her hand but Claire still didn't get her.

"Duncan don't you think we are overdoing it. If this continues, then I don't think the broken b*tch can handle it." Gwen said in a seductive tone throwing a glance at Claire who had her eyes focused on her food.

"Do I care if some one breaks down right now?" Duncan replied with a question wiping Gwen's lips gently with a tissue.

Claire's eyes became bloodshot and it seemed Tracy noticed it.

"Max." Tracy elbowed Max as she whispered to him causing Max to turn to her.


"Get ready, there's gonna be a show." She giggled.

"But the show is already on going." He said pointing a finger towards Duncan and Gwen.

"Tcch, not them. I mean Claire, look at her."

Max averted his gaze unto Claire and saw her bloodshot eyes and how hard her grip on the fork and knife was.

"What's happened to her?"

"She's gonna explode due to anger. Just wait." Tracy giggled.

"Duncan." Gwen called using the same seductive tone. "You know, I won't be able to handle it if someone burst out of jealousy.?" She playfully pleaded with puppy eyes.

"I think Gwen got the keyword wrong." Tracy whispered to Max. "It is rather burst out of anger."

"I don't care about anyone. But if someone interferes us right now, I'll let you punish the person okay." Duncan soothed Gwen.

Claire who had reached her limits angrily slammed her cutlery set on the table causing everyone to turn to her.

"Show is about to start!!" Tracy shrieked.

Claire got up angrily and glared at Duncan and Gwen.

"Oops, Duncan, I think someone had burst due to jealousy." Gwen teased.

"Showing off huh? Can do it far better." Claire said before walking away from her seat and heading to Max's seat.

When she reached his seat, she first looked towards Duncan and Gwen with a devilish smirk and looked at Max winking at him then she raised one leg and sat on Max's laps straddling him. Everyone at the canteen gasped.

"That's the shameless b*tch." Tracy cheered. Yeah indeed Claire is really shameless when she is angry.

"OMG!" Claire's friends screamed.

Claire took a sausage with the fork from Max's plate.

"How about I feed you." Claire smiled to Max then turned to look at Gwen and Duncan."With my mouth." She added before holding the sausage between her teeth.

Max knew what Claire was going to do because this was not the first time they had done this though the only difference was that they were doing it publicly right now.

Max parted his lips slightly and just like that, Claire closed in on him and stuffed the sausage between her teeth in his mouth. Max nibbled on the sausage which was still between Claire's teeth. With the show the two were putting off, they made everyone dumbstruck even Duncan.

When their lips were a breath apart, Claire backed off and chewed the remaining sausage. She used her thump to wipe fragments of sauce at the corner of Max's lips then licked it. This action caused thunderbolt to struck everyone at the canteen.

Claire then got up and stood beside Max who seemed to be not thrilled with the event that just happened. She looked at Duncan and Gwen with one corner of her lip curved up. Duncan seemed to have recovered from the shock a long time ago because he seemed to not care. He just sat there smiling.

"Miss Klein, Mr. Dylan, Miss Shenton, Mr. Nicholls. The principal summons you." A security guard announced.

"Oops, what happened now?" Tracy exclaimed. Claire just walked away lazily as if being called by the principal is an everyday thing.