Chapter3 Bullied

Duncan entered the classroom with Gwen behind him. He casted his eyes around the noisy class and right in the center sat Claire who seemed to be grinning at him with her eyes gleaming annoyingly. He eyed her and started to beeline to his seat.

Gwen who saw how Duncan stared at Claire became jealous. She went past Duncan with the thought of sitting on Duncan's seat to claim ownership of him. She reached Duncan's seat ready to sit down. Immediately she sat, the whole desk collapsed making her to also fall with the desk. The class turned their gaze to see what was happening. They all burst into uncontrollable laughter. She felt really embarrassed and looked up at Duncan who had squinted eyes at that time. She had the thought that Duncan was gonna help her up but she was shocked with the words that came out of his mouth.

"Why are you so clumsy? I hate such girlfriends." He scolded then rolled his eyes.

He looked at the collapsed desk and realized it had been tampered with. He looked around the class wondering who could be so brave to tamper with his desk. That's when his eyes landed on Claire. She looked so devastated as if she had just lost a war. He creased his brows and started for Claire's desk.

Gwen gaped at Duncan who was at that time walking towards Claire. The whole class was still submerged in the chaotic laughter.

Claire had her hands on her table and head hanging down as she sat. Her second retaliation plan had also failed.

'Are Duncan's stars really that lucky?' She asked herself still having her head down. As she was still in deep thoughts, she heard a tap on her table. She jerked at the sudden noise and raised her head. There she saw Duncan towering over her. He was glaring pointy daggers at her.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Did you do that?" He asked straight forwardly.

"What the?"

"I don't want to create a scene right now. Just tell me the truth." Duncan said in a low voice just not to attract attention. Claire glared at Duncan and sneered.

"And what truth do I have to tell?"

"This trap was for me right?"

"How would I know if that trap was set for you." Claire looked towards Duncan's desk where Gwen was still on the floor and the class was still immersed in the laughter. She attempted to get up but fell again. This time, the whole class couldn't control their laughter. She got up in her second attempt and strolled towards Duncan and Claire. The class followed her with their gazes still mocking her. She was really embarrassed. She stopped beside Duncan with fury in her eyes towards Claire.

"Why are you two staring at me as if you are ready to eat me up?" Claire asked furrowing her brows. At this time the whole class was silent watching the situation at hand.

Gwen snatched Claire's arm and forced her up.

"Hey!" Claire shouted.

"What, does it hurt, huh?"

"Leave my hand."

"Hmph... Feel the pain you caused me a while ago you b*tch."

"Let go off me. After all as you can see, that wasn't your seat. The trap was for the owner of that seat, but unfortunately, an unlucky rat ran into the trap. Tcch. So painful right. Now leave my hand!" Claire ordered as she snatched her arm from Gwen's grasp.

"You know you're so useless the last time I saw something like you, I flushed it down the toilet." Claire teased looking at Gwen from head to toe.

"You... How dare you call me a rat. Duncan aren't you saying anything?" Gwen turned to Duncan seemed to be as still as a stone and just watched the drama.

"What can I say. I'm really hungry right now. You know I didn't have breakfast today." He shrugged making Gwen gape at him with shock. "And by the way, thanks for saving me from the trap. I'll give you a nice reward baby. And I give you the permission to do whatever you want with her." He said as he looked towards Claire.

"Huh!" Claire exclaimed. She knew she couldn't defend herself when it came to physical assault because she was such a weakling.

Gwen smirked when she got a chance to do whatever she wants with Claire. She took a step towards Claire with the evil smirk still plastered on her face.

"Y-you, don't you dare touch me or... Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!"

"Or what, huh?" Gwen grabbed Claire's hair.

"Or you'll have to face the wrath of her parents." A masculine voice came through the doorway. All eyes turned towards the door and there stood a handsome tall figure. His masculine beauty was oh so godly that he turned heads wherever he went. He nonchalantly walked towards the commotion and brushed Gwen's hand off Claire's hair.

"You touch her again and her parents will hear of it. I'm warning you." He said and took Claire's hand and walked out with her.

Gwen was really frightened. She turned towards Duncan who was undisturbed and just leaned casually on a table. She shot Duncan a 'Why didn't you defend me' look. but he just rolled his eyes and found himself another seat. At this time, the whole class resumed to their seats since lessons were about to commence.

Meanwhile on the third floor, Claire was still being dragged by her saviour. They stopped at a flight of stairs. There, Claire saw Tracy sitting lazily on a step.

"Tracy what the heck are you doing here. I was expecting you to be in class but you weren't."

"Uhm, s-sorry Claire." She apologized scratching the back of her neck. "Actually, when I saw those two bullying you, I had to rush out to look for Max. You know, he can frighten people quite well. Haha."

"Sigh. Well thanks Max baby. If you weren't early, my hair would have been ruined." Claire appreciated as, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"No need to say thanks pretty. That's a weird word to be heard from a goddess's lips." Max retaliated tracing his fore finger on Claire's jawbone and caressing her rosy lips with his thumb.

"Geez guys. Have some shame at least. I'm here okay?"

"So what do we do now?" Max asked.

"Dunno." Claire sat on a step like a vampire whose power was drained off by a monstrous were wolf.

"How about we go out of school." Tracy suggested.

"Have you got a permit?" Claire asked.

"No, but you two have."

"Hmm. Mine has expired." Claire said.

"How about you, Max?"

"Don't ask because they won't accept my permit. You know I go out too often."

"Oh what do we do?" Claire cried.

"How about we drink soda on the roof?" Max reasoned.

"Yeah that sounds great." They agreed.