Chapter7 Taekwondo class

A week has passed ever since the incident occurred. Claire sat on her desk in class with her legs on the table enjoying her junk food. It was break time and a few students were in the class. She looked busy on her phone as she enjoyed her junk food.

"Hey babe." Max called out when he noticed Claire in the classroom. He grabbed a chair and sat next to Claire holding a can of soda. "What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just applying for a taekwondo class. One of the famous in the country. I heard it's got the best tutors all the way from Korea." She answered not throwing a glance at Max.

"What do you need that for?" Max asked quite confused.

"What do you mean?" Claire put her phone on the table in a noisy manner. "Don't you realize everything. Those two bees have been buzzing around me and always stinging me in every opportunity they get. Because of that, I'm gonna grab some skills and put them in their right places especially Duncan. He'll be the first I'll beat to pulp after my classes. He should just wait and watch."

Max gulped down his soda before he gave an applaud for Claire.

"Wow that's really great." He praised. "But make sure you don't use your skills on me. I'm afraid I'll not be able to handle you."

In the middle of their chat, Claire's phone dinged which indicated she has received a message. She took her phone and checkout the message.

"Oh my god Max, my application has been accepted. Two months intensive training and I can start classes from tomorrow, two o'clock in the afternoon!" Claire screamed out in joy, making the few students who were in class to turn to her in astonishment. "Now I can't wait to beat up those hooligans." Claire lowered her voice for only Max's hearing when she realized she has attracted attention.


The next day, forty minutes before two, Claire sought permission and rushed for her private van which awaited her right in front of the block. Whilst she was running, she bumped into someone causing her to halt in her track.

"You are always rushing." Duncan complained.

"So? Excuse me. I've got no time to exchange words with you." Claire sounded desperate.

"Where are you going with all the rush?"

"And why should I tell you?" Claire crossed her hands over her chest and shifted her weight on her left leg.

"You should." He answered with an annoying smirk on his lips.

"Hmph fine. Actually I've got a taekwondo class to attend so it'll be better if you get out of the way because I'm running out of time. Or do you want to be my punching bag during my lessons?"

"I would love to." Duncan smiled. "Then, that means I'll have to go with you."

"Hell no!" Claire rejected Duncan then left.

When she was a few meters from the van, she saw a figure in black standing by her Mercedes Benz Vito. She noticed it was her bodyguard, Thane. She was quite happy to see this bodyguard of hers after a long time.

Well, Claire was his admirer after all. He was very very handsome. His perfect figure could turn heads wherever he went. Though he was lean, one could tell from his physique that he was very strong. His pale skin was rather tough and scar free which meant nobody could even hurt a strand of his silvery black hair which was messy with his bangs hiding his brows and hanging slightly on his abnormally thick long lashes. His long legs quite complimented his exaggerating height. His black eyes were like empty holes which seemed to penetrate through one's soul with just a single look.

"Hey Thane, it's been a long while." Claire raised her hand to give him a high five which surprisingly he answered but he still had his hard look which was impenetrable on. "Hmph, still tough." Claire shook her head then jumped into the van. Thane followed her in then dragged the door closed before ordering the driver to drive.


The van screeched to a halt in front of a huge building. Thane opened the door and got down then Claire followed. Claire had a wide smile as she acknowledged the building.

"Thane, very soon, I'll be as good as you in fight then thereafter we can spar during our free time." Claire said whilst looking up the building with sparks in her eyes.

As she kept on day dreaming, she felt a hand on her head. She turned towards Thane and realized the hand belonged to him.

"Good luck." He uttered then let go off Claire's head.

Claire stood awestruck not because Thane had his hand on her head but rather, she saw one corner of his lip raise but it was gone in a just a blink. This really surprised Claire, because ever since Thane was assigned to be her guard, she had never seen him smile. Always having a stern look on his handsome face as if the whole world was against him.

"O-okay." Claire managed to respond.

She headed for the entrance after she had regained her composure but stopped in her tracks when she realized Thane was following. She turned towards him then squinted her eyes.

"Uhm... Thane, I think you should stay in the van or else you're really gonna cause a chaos with your looks." Claire suggested.

"Are my looks unacceptable. Am I really that ugly?" He asked innocently.

"No no no, you got me wrong Thane. You are so handsome by the time we leave this place, half the girls will be rushed to the hospital because of your looks. I swear on my Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey, you're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen."


"So you stay in the van."

"But I need to make sure the place is safe before you enter."

"Don't worry, Thane. The security service is quite good. I'm sure I'll be safe okay." Claire patted his shoulder as she gave him an assuring smile. He backed off which indicated he won't follow. Claire turned towards the building then entered.

On the first floor was the reception. Claire approached the receptionist.

"Good afternoon madam." Claire greeted.

"Good afternoon. Are you new?"

"Yes I just applied yesterday. My name is Claire Klein."

"Okay let me check." The receptionist said then scrolled through the list of names on the computer. "Oh right. I found your name, Claire Klein. Welcome to International Taekwondo Training. Here is your uniform." She smiled as she handed Claire a white dobok* with black stripes at the edges.

"Thanks madam."

"No, you can call me Miss Sanders. I'm quite young. Just twenty four. Let me lead you to your class." She smiled and walked ahead of Claire whilst Claire meekly followed.

Sanders stopped in front of a washroom on the same floor and instructed Claire to change into the dobok she has given her. Claire obliged and soon came out of the washroom with the attire on. It fit her quite well.

They then entered the elevator and got off on the third floor they went to the locker room and Sanders showed Claire her locker. Claire stuffed her her bag in it then removed her boots leaving only her socks on her feet then placed the boot in the locker as well before closing it.

They then headed on for Claire's class. They passed by many huge halls which seemed to be the various classrooms. At last they came to a stop at one of the class. They entered and Claire saw that the population of the class was about fifteen.

The students sat on a large blue mat. They sat in a squarely manner with their legs crossed and hands on their knees. Their back was straight as they listened attentively to their lesson.

Sanders and Claire approached the tutor. He stopped teaching when he saw them coming.

"Hey Miss Sanders." He waved.

"Hi, this is Claire Klein, your new student. Claire this is Sir Ji-Hoon, your tutor." Claire and Ji-Hoon exchanged pleasantries before Sanders left.

"Class this is your new mate Claire Klein." Ji-Hoon announced.

"Hi everyone." Claire waved for which some smiled and some others glared at her mostly the girls.

"Enjoy your class Claire. But I hope you know your reason to be in taekwondo class."

"Reason? Have I got a reason? Yeah. My reason for joining taekwondo is because there are these two bugs... oh sorry, students in my school who always bully me because of my weakness. I would like to learn some skills to beat them up blue and black."

"Alright but keep this in mind. Never bully the weak with the skills you will learn."

"Okay sir. Gomawoyo*." Claire bowed.

"Wow you speak Korean?" He asked in astonishment.

"Yes please."

"Hmm, that's good. You can have your seat." He instructed.

Claire went to sit beside a boy. He looked quite serious and wouldn't tolerate any nonsense. But he still looked very good. Claire took in a deep breath then squared her shoulders to calm down.


"Max, a day without Claire is really boring." Tracy drawled as she sat on the empty stairs with Max.

"Yeah you are right." He sighed. "I wonder how she's gonna cope with the lessons. It's quite hard for beginners."

"Poor girl. If I were her, I would rather stay back and wholeheartedly accept almighty Duncan's bully than receive the torture of learning martial arts."

"Don't worry she'll be alright. Come on let's go to class. I'm not ready to receive stupid punishment for being late." Max patted Tracy's knee then stood up.


"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Claire screamed causing the other students to stop training and focus on her.

Her legs were widely apart since two other students were instructed by Ji-Hoon to spread Claire's legs in order to make her pelvics a bit flexible.

"Sir, I'm here to learn not to be tortured." Claire complained in the middle of her pants.

Ji-Hoon walked to stand behind Claire who still had her legs apart. He bent his arm then pressed his elbow firmly on Claire's back. She yelped due to the intense pain.

"Sir, do you bear a grudge against me?" Claire cried.

"I'm sorry but your muscles need to be relaxed."

"When will we quit this?"

"Until you're fit."

"Wuaaaaaaaaa!!!! Mommy!!!!" Claire cried even more.


Claire staggered to the locker room after the intense training. Her body felt really sour. She sat on a bench when she reached the empty locker room. It seemed everyone had already left.

"Sigh. I don't think I'll last a week here. I feel so worked out." She sobbed then opened her locker.

She slowly changed into her noble school uniform which was a white shirt with black pleated short skirt and black coat with white strips on the edges and the school crest on the left chest as well as a black tie.

Well, Claire never dressed decently unlike the other ladies in her school. She preferred not to tuck her shirt in her skirt. She also hated wearing those long socks so she always wore high quality kicks with pretty much short socks. Her tie was always loose around her neck.

After Claire finished sorting everything she slowly walked to the elevator and got on it. She got off when she was on the ground floor. She saw the reception was empty and headed outside noticing a crowd.

"What's going on there?" Claire asked herself as she approached the crowd.

She noticed the people were mostly females and they all held their phones high taking pictures of something. Claire squeezed through the crowd and her jaw dropped to the ground when she realized the cause of the commotion.