Chapter8 I'm his girlfriend

Thane stood tall by the van with a cold face. It seemed he was really annoyed with what the crowd was doing.

"Aww, he is so cute."

"I'm ready to strip naked in front of him."

"Forget about stripping. I'll voluntarily climb into his bed."

"He's so handsome. I wished he was my boyfriend." One girl said.

"I just wish to have him in my bed." Another girl retorted.

The other girls also joined in the wish making competition making all kinds of silly wishes. Claire pushed her way to the front and immediately hugged Thane since some girls were advancing to touch him. Thane's eyes circled but contracted within a split when he realized it was Claire. He stood still with the girl hugging him.

The other girls frowned when they saw the turn of events. They were wondering who this little peasant was that had the courage to hug the god. Some snorted with sheer jealousy while a few admired her bravery.

"Who is this girl to hug our handsome?" One of the girls questioned.

Claire looked up at Thane then sighed. She turned to look at the other girls with a smirk on her face then she glared.

"How dare you take photos of him huh?" Claire exclaimed. The girls were astonished but still persisted with their plans.

"And who are you to question us?" The same girl who seemed to be the leader of the crowd asked.

"I'm his girlfriend." Claire answered holding Thane's arm to claim ownership.

The girls gasped hearing the answer. Thane looked down at Claire with a little bit of surprise in his eyes. He stared at the possessive girl for a while then a smirk made it's way to the corner of his lips.

"W-what shows you're couple?" The girl stammered still not giving up.

"Do you want me to prove that?" Claire asked.

"Of course. Right girls?" The girl asked and everyone chanted a yes. They continued to chant. Claire just stood there staring at them and the girl crossed her hands on her chest smirking.

Since Claire couldn't stand it anymore, she made a sharp turn to Thane. She stood before him with her arms draped around his neck. She tiptoed then whispered a 'sorry' before kissing Thane on his lips.

Thane stiffened the moment her hot luscious lips touched his. His breath seized as he watched Claire close her eyes and kiss him hard.

Claire lengthen the tongueless kiss in order to prove herself right to the girls. She parted their lips after a moment then turned to the girls who seemed to be dumbstruck.

"Do you still want some more proof?" She raised a brow. When there was no answer, she pushed Thane who seemed to be in a daze into the van. She also hopped in and closed the door then ordered the driver to drive.

Inside the van, only silence reigned. Claire gazed at Thane who was as still as a statue.

"Thane, I'm sorry for what happened a few minutes ago. I swear it won't happen again." She tried to destruct him. "You know, if I hadn't taken that action you would have been assaulted in public." Claire tried to reason, though her point was impossible. "I-I-I'll take responsibility of what happened." Claire said and finally Thane moved. He looked intently into Claire's eyes as if he was searching her soul.

"There's no need to do that." He said.

"No I have to." Claire insisted. Thane looked at her with cold icy eyes.

"Don't promise something you can't fulfill."

"No you were humiliated. The video can go viral. I've got to take up responsibility in order to protect you." Claire persuaded causing Thane to squint.

"I am the one assigned to protect you. You need my protection but I don't. Always remember this."

Claire sighed and sunk in her seat. She knew she couldn't bargain with this guy because he was a hard nut to crack.

Soon the van entered the exquisite compound of Golden Gates Noble School and stopped at the parking lot. Thane got down first and shielded Claire's head. Claire got down from the van and stood before Thane. She looked down in embarrassment... Wait, was she embarrassed? No way.

Claire looked up grinning at Thane. Thane didn't care because he knew Claire very well. She was such a shameless ass and a flirt.

"I hope we can let bygones be bygones and still be friends. Right Thane?" She said still grinning. Thane stared at her for a long time before nodding.

Claire jumped in exaltation and jumped unto Thane hugging him. She felt him stiffen and quickly retracted.

"Oops sorry." She raised her hands a bit as if she was a criminal caught by the cops. "We are friends. At least a hug won't cause a damage." Claire coaxed him then he gave in and nodded.

"Okay, I gotta go." Claire tiptoed and patted Thane's hair which quite amused him.

As Claire was going she found Thane following her again. She twisted her waist and turned arching her brows.

"Are you really going to follow me around?"



"You just said we are friends. And friends should always stay by each other's side." Thane replied innocently causing Claire to be thunderstruck.

'Oh my gosh. I almost forgot this being is such an innocent angel. I really dug my own grave this time. How could you be so dumb Claire. Now he is gonna follow me like a shadow... But, no worries. He is such a charming parcel. There's no shame in bringing him with me'. She thought.

"Hahaha, yeah of course." She laughed then walked ahead.

Classes were over and most students were scattered in the hallway. Claire walked amidst them with Thane closely behind her. She kept her head low. The girls ogled and drooled over Thane's beauty, while the boys just stood there with anger and jealousy evidently in their eyes because their goddess was being taken by another man.

Claire entered the elevator with Thane.

"Aren't you suppose to be at the dormitory?" Thane suddenly asked out of a blue.

"Well I need to meet up with my friends. They are waiting for me at my private room." Claire answered. Few of the students had private rooms in the school which was provided to them by the management at high price.

The two got off the elevator at the topmost floor. Claire beamed in excitement as she walked down the corridor with Thane. But it seemed mother luck wasn't ready to see her smile because just a few doors away from her room, she saw Duncan approaching them with a candy in his mouth. She was so unlucky because her room was on the same floor with Duncan's.

Duncan grinned when he saw Claire approaching in slow steps. The stick of the candy dangled outside his mouth.

"Hello goddess." Duncan smiled when Claire was just two steps away from him. He raise his hands to touch her hair but it was caught midway. That's when he realized Thane's presence.

His eyes contracted when they met with Thane's eyes. The two oozed out a cold aura which meant something like 'war'. They were like gods as they threw daggers at each other with their glares. Thane still held Duncan's wrist increasing the pressure each and every passing second.

Claire just stood between them darting her eyes back and forth as the two were silently engaged in world war III. Claire quite enjoyed the fantasy because she couldn't fathom who would win this silent war between these two gods.

She was awoken from her fantasy by the cracking sound of bones. Her eyes rounded as she stared at Thane's hand around Duncan's wrist. His knuckle was white indicating he has applied a lot of pressure on Duncan's wrist.

She looked up at Duncan but didn't see no trace of pain or agony. Just sheer fury. Claire gasped and immediately tried to push Thane away from Duncan but it seemed useless.

"Hey stop what you're doing!" She shouted to deaf ears... "What to do. What to do?" Claire rubbed her brow with her thumb then her gaze fell on a vase on a table beside them.

"Okay, this won't cause a great loss after all. Phew." She said as she lifted the vase and dropped it on the floor with great force making it shatter into a thousand pieces.

Luckily, the two gods snapped out from their invisible war due to the sound of the crush. Thane threw Duncan's hand aside and rushed to Claire.

"Are you okay?" He held Claire's hand in his as he scanned her body.

"I'm, I'm okay. He seem to be the one hurt." Claire pointed to Duncan with her jaw.

"He deserved it." Thane replied casually still scanning Claire's body.

"What? Don't be silly. He is mine!" Claire blurted out.

Thane frowned after hearing what Claire spouted. He stared at Claire's face but she still had the same expression on. Meanwhile Duncan just stood where he was smirking. He was really overjoyed when Claire claimed ownership of him.

"What do you mean by that?" Thane asked.

"What?" Claire also asked quite confused.

"What you said right now. That, that he is yours."

"Of course he is mine." Claire spouted out causing Thane's eyes to turn cold but she didn't notice it. "Nobody has the right to hurt him except me. He is the reason I'm learning taekwondo skills after all. I can't wait to disfigure his beautiful face and dislocate each and every single bone in his body." Claire rolled her eyes. This reason made Thane relax.

She went pass Thane then halted before Duncan whose eyes were glimmering with excitement. Her eyes fell on his wrist which had hand prints on it. She held his other hand and dragged him behind her.

"Hey where are you taking me? Or are trying to abduct so that you force me to marry you?" Duncan teased.

"Stupid. My guard hurt you without any reason. I need to treat your wrist and compensate you." Claire answered without looking back. Thane also started to follow them.

"Compensate me?"

"Yeah, just ask for anything you want and I'll give it to you wholeheartedly."



"You mean, I can ask for anything I want?"

"Yes!" Claire answered quite annoyed.


Claire opened the door to her luxurious room and dragged Duncan in. Thane also followed closing the door behind him and stood by the door.

The luxurious room had an expensive set of white furniture needed to complete a living room in the middle. A three layered chandelier hanged right above the center table. In front of the windows was a drawing board and a stool with various drawing tools and materials nearly arranged on a small table. There was glass-like cabinet in the left corner in which the contents could be seen through outside view. A lot of junk foods as well as candies were packed in it. Just beside the cabinet was a study desk. There was an arch just behind the sitting area where a bed capable to contain two people was. And there was a huge closet fixed in an alcove. Beside the closet was a door which seemed to lead to the bathroom

"What the f*ck is he doing?" Max questioned as soon as his eyes fell on Duncan.

"Well my guard hurt him." Claire answered as she dumped Duncan on the sofa and reached for the first aid kit from the cabinet.

She sat beside Duncan and opened the kit. She removed a pain reliever ointment then smeared it on Duncan's wrist. He intentionally flinched though it didn't hurt just to get Claire's attention. Claire started to blow air on his wrist as she applied the ointment. Duncan watched Claire with an ugly smirk plastered on his face.

"You really care for me." He said barely a whisper.

"What! Don't get me wrong handsome. I need to make sure your health is stable for now, so I can beat you to pulp the day I receive a certificate that I'm a graduate in taekwondo. So make sure you don't get hurt for the mean time and just wait for me." Claire sneered causing Duncan to chuckle.