Chapter12 Agreed to the contract

Steven and Claire as well as Thane went to the IT department on the thirteenth floor.

"Marcus, please spare us a minute." Steven called one guy who sat in front of numerous computers. He wore thick glasses and he looked in his late twenties. He had a dirty blonde hair which was well combed.

"Sure, what can I do for you?" He asked glancing from Steven to Claire who has already worn the mask and Thane.

"We want to hack a phone. Don't worry, the CEO knows about it."

"That's just a piece of cake for me." He said as he spun his chair around to face the computers. Steven sidled beside Claire who seemed a bit confused.

"Don't worry, he's the best hacker in the company. For him, this work is just like killing an ant." He whispered giving Claire a thumbs up. Claire smirked devilishly since she'll be able to get rid of the video.

Marcus asked for Duncan's phone number and Claire gladly offered it. He punched in the numbers. After some seconds, Claire could see a frown on his face.

"Uhm, is anything wrong Marcus?" She asked the man whose full attention was still on the computer with a frown on his face. He stopped tapping on the keyboard and turned around facing them with a frown.

"Sorry, I couldn't penetrate." He said feeling remorseful. For the first time ever he has failed to hack just a simple cellphone.

"Huh! What do you mean?" Steven asked.

"I couldn't hack the phone. The phone can't be hacked." Marcus answered and Claire's hope just got buried. She knew for sure that this time Duncan has won. She looked around and didn't want to be suspected.

"Hahaha, just forget about it. It's just my photos he's got. I'll just have a word with him and he'll delete them. Don't worry." She patted Marcus shoulder trying to sound positive.

"Are you sure you can handle it on your own?" Steven asked looking quite worried.

"Of course I can. Have you forgotten who I am?" She wriggled her brows making sure not to sound suspicious. Steven nodded and thanked Marcus who was disturbed before the trio left.

"Mr. Yates, thanks for helping. I'll be leaving now. I don't want to disturb my dad or you." Claire smiled as they walked to the elevator.

"Don't worry boss. I'll always be there for you and your family." He assured.

He escorted Claire and Thane to the parking lot and bid them goodbye as the van left.

As Claire sat in the moving van, she received a message and it was from Duncan.

'You have just an hour left. A second after that and you've not signed the contract, the video will not be on only you and my phone but everyone's. It will be telecasted. Just an hour left. And the countdown starts now.(^.^)'

Claire wiped away the beads of sweat on her forehead and urged the driver to drive fast making sure not to make Thane have suspicions.

It was a long way from VR Empire to her school and she was afraid she might be too late. The driver stepped on the gas and the van drove at lightening speed. Claire checked her phone and it was just left with fifteen minutes. She tried to calm down.

Soon the van entered the grand premises of her school which was well lit since it was dark. She immediately said bye to Thane and dashed into the building running down the empty hallway as she checked the time. It was left with just five minutes.

She took the lift and it opened on the fifth floor. She ran out of it heading for Duncan's private room. She checked her phone just to see she had only thirty seconds left.

When she reached Duncan's room she immediately opened the door panting. She saw Duncan sitting at his usual spot. Duncan looked at the door immediately he heard it open and smirked when he saw it was Claire.

"Just right on time." He said chuckling. Claire walked over to him and stood before him with just the coffee table serving as a barrier.

"You won. I lose. And I accept it. I'll sign the contract since I have no other option." Claire said as she picked up the contract on the coffee table. She sat down on the sofa and opened it to read.

"Wow, being considerate. Keep it up. And nice suit you've got there." Duncan cheered but Claire just focused on the contract still panting a little. Her eyes slowly widened as she read it.

"What the... A five year contract?" She asked looking confused towards Duncan. "We have barely a year to graduate. And you want me to sign a five year contract with you?"

"It's my choice. If you don't accept then just go." He shrugged. Claire returned to reading the contracts. Her eyes were even wider reading the rules. They were really ridiculous.

Rule #1: Whenever the boss summons, you must report.

Rule #2: You have to accept the boss' every decision.

Rule #3: You can't date without the boss' approval.

Rule #4: You can't be intimate with any other male apart from the boss.

Rule #5: You'll only be with the boss.

Rule #6: You'll take up the boss' blame when he's to be punished.

Rule #7: You have no right to question the boss' decision.

Claire shot her head towards Duncan after reading a few of the ridiculous rules which seemed to never end.

"You want me to sign a contract which violates my rights?" She asked.

"You have no choice." He shrugged. "I know you tried to hack my phone. I got an alert." He said as he smirked waving his phone.

"Fine, I'll sign. It's just a matter of few months then we'll graduate. After that, we'll never see each other again." She spat.

"You're right. That's why, I want you to serve me within these months. But don't forget, it's a five year contract. Five years." He smirked.

"Whatever." Claire rolled her eyes and took the pen on the table. She signed the contract without thinking of the consequences and threw it on the table angrily. "Now get rid of that video."

"No, it'll be in my safe zone. No one will have it. Relax. So from now onwards, you are officially bound to me." Duncan smiled as he took the contract making Claire roll her eyes. "You can leave now. I'm really sleepy. We shall meet tomorrow. My lovely pet." He teased.

Claire clenched her fist to control her surging anger. She walked out slamming the door behind her as she puffed out invisible smoke from her nostrils.

Meanwhile, Duncan walked over to his nightstand. He kissed the contract and kept it safely in the first drawer before having a warm shower and drifting to paradise.

Claire entered her dark and silent room and threw herself on the bed without switching the light on or even changing the suit she was wearing.

"My miserable life is doomed." She said staring blankly at the dark.

The room was silent until her phone rung. She lazily took it and checked the caller's ID and saw it was Tracy. She swiped the green button up and plastered the phone on her ear. She jerked when she heard Tracy's loud shrieks.

"Claire where are you?! Ever since you left for your taekwondo classes, I've not seen or heard anything about you! Do you know how worried I am?!"

"Calm down girl. Just paid my dad a visit at his company."

"You should have told me earlier. You've made me really worried."


"Are you coming to the dorm?"

"No. I want to sleep in the private room today."

"Hmm. Okay. Have a good sleep. I can figure you're really tired. Bye"

"Bye." Claire hang up and spread her hands wide apart on the bed gaping at the dark ceiling. She soon drifted to sleep without changing.


The sun rays penetrated the room shining brightly on the sleeping girl. She glared at the intensity. Her natural long lashes fluttered like butterfly and her eyes opened. She blinked a few times to adjust and she almost shrieked when her eyes were wide opened. Duncan was staring right at her face kneeling on the bed.

"What the f*ck are you doing here? How did you even get in?" Claire glared at Duncan as she still lay beneath him.

"Door was unlocked. Came to wake you up. You are beginning your job today." He smiled but Claire rolled her eyes when she saw the annoying smile first thing this morning. She knew her day will be a disaster. She shrugged Duncan off her and got up rubbing her eyes.

"What's that smell?" Duncan asked pinching his nose.

"Are you now realizing how your brain really stinks?" Claire questioned back sarcastically.

"Did you shower before going to bed?" Duncan asked still pinching his nose.

"Does that concern you?" She rolled her eyes.

"It's really obvious. You're still wearing the suit. Gosh, Claire, you really stink!" Duncan fanned the air around him.

"If it bothers you then just get out."

"Are you shooing the boss away?" He smiled. Claire got off the bed and entered the bathroom to shower.

Duncan comfortably laid on the bed with one hand under his head, and the other on his stomach. He was grinning from ear to ear as he stared at the ceiling.

Fifteen minutes later, Claire walked out of the bathroom wearing just an above knee cute white bathrobe and her hair was still wet. Duncan gaped at her as he slowly sat on the bed. Claire just sneered at him and slid the door of the huge closet open. She removed her uniform and walked back to the bathroom.

Duncan came out of the trance when he heard the door shut. He subconsciously licked his lips as he recalled the image he just saw. His eyes was full of lust but he immediately shrugged the dirty thoughts away.

Claire soon came out fully dressed. She had dried her black and purple hair and had tied them into two ponytails. She wore a white Adidas kick and took her bag.

"Do you want to stay here all day long. I'll be glad if you do so. Since I'll be able to spend my day without meeting you." Claire commented sarcastically.

"Let's go." Duncan grinned taking his bag and walking towards the door. Claire also followed him feeling annoyed.