Chapter13 Petty, feed Master

Claire and Duncan walked out of Claire's room with Duncan having a bright smile on his face whilst Claire had a gloomy look. Duncan suddenly halted in his steps making Claire almost walk into him.

"What! Do you want to enjoy your class here?" Claire frowned but Duncan just rolled his eyes and slid his bag down into his hands.

He dug his hands into it and removed a black crest from it. He took Claire's hand into his and put the crest in it. Claire stared at the crest which had Duncan's initials on it in confusion. She looked up at him arching a brow.

"What do you want me to do with this?" She asked.

"Just keep it. You might need it someday." He simply stated.

"Why will I need this?"

"I said just keep it. This isn't a request. It's an order." He demanded turning Claire around making her back face him.

He took the crest and threw it deep inside her backpack then zipped it. Claire tried to protest but it was already late.

Duncan again spun her around and bend his arm like a gentleman telling Claire through his actions to lock her arm with his. Claire sighed and held Duncan's arm.

"Good girl, now put on a clean and broad smile for master." Duncan said smiling. Claire grinned showing every tooth in her mouth with silver braces. "Eeww, I said a clean smile." Duncan reminded. Claire closed her mouth and put on a bright yet gloomy smile. Duncan nodded and the two headed for the elevator.

Meanwhile Gwen and her two blind followers, Cherry and Bianca stood at the opposite end of the corridor. Gwen had bloodshot eyes as she glared at the retreating figures of Claire and Duncan.

"Oh Gwen you were right. Duncan really broke up with you just to be with Claire." Bianca said.

"They looked really intimate. And even Duncan came out of Claire's room with her this early in the morning. Only God knows what happened between them in the night." Cherry cried.

"Shut up! Just shut up you two!" Gwen roared. "Claire really thinks high of herself. I don't care whether she's the daughter of a business couple or a certain heiress but I'll ruin her. If I can't have Duncan then she or no one else can have him." Gwen growled scaring the shit out of her friends. She immediately wiped away the tears that were in her eyes and turned back into the arrogant Gwen.

"Let's go girls we have a class to catch up." She said walking away which surprised her friends. Wasn't she the one who a few seconds ago looked just like a demon. The two thought. But they could do nothing but to just shrug and follow Gwen.


Duncan and Claire stepped in the noisy hallway still having their arms crossed. Everyone's movement halted immediately they saw the two. They all gaped at them. Some of the girls started giggling.

"Oh look, the king and goddess are finally together."

"They are just the perfect duo. Just made for each other."

"Look at how the king stares at her so lovingly."

"I just wish my boyfriend will be as lovely as him."

"Their love story is just like what happens in Kdramas. From hate to love."

"Just yesterday they fought like tom and jerry. And now they look just like Romeo and Juliet."

Duncan smiled lovingly hearing all the gossip whilst Claire kept on sneering and snorting in disdain with every comment that brushed her ears. She was now living in her own nightmares. She looked at Duncan with animosity scorning at him, then glanced her eyes through the students searching for her saviours, Max and Tracy.

As if mother luck heard her prayers, she saw Tracy making her way towards them with a slight frown on her face. She stopped before Duncan and Claire causing them to halt. At this a lot have stopped staring and doing their own things.

"Hi, Tracy." Duncan waved grinning. Tracy just faked a smile and turned back to Claire who had a helpless look on her face. She guessed Claire might not be doing this on her own will.

"Uh, Claire, I did not see you yesterday evening. I was so worried about. And I needed to tell you something really important." She said looking at Duncan as if asking for permission. Duncan got the meaning of the look then sighed.

"Well right now I don't need my 'pet'. So you can have her." Everyone who heard Duncan call Claire his pet gasped. Tracy gaped at Duncan in horror but her attention was cut when Claire held her hand and dragged her as if if they spent a second around Duncan they will burst into bubbles.

"W-what did Duncan mean?" Tracy asked Claire once they reached a deserted place. "Why did he call you his pet? What did he mean?" She continued to throw the questions whilst Claire twitched her lips and scratched her scalp causing her hair to mess up a bit.

"Claire what did you do this time? You always scratch your head when you want to lie. What happened?"

"W-well, I... I..."

"Come on Claire. When did you start keeping me in the dark. Just tell me."

"Y-you have to promise not to tell anybody. Not even Max because it's quite embarrassing."

"I promise not to open up to Max. Now tell me what happened." Tracy provoked. Claire sighed and told Tracy everything from when Duncan started threatening her with the video till she agreed.

"Geez, girl. What have you gotten yourself into? A five year master-servant contract? You're doomed. You know Duncan is a devil in disguise. He doesn't care about rules. And speaking of that night, I remember I was there right on time so nothing happened."

"Yeah, nothing happened Tracy. But Duncan had everything planned. He played vulnerable on the corridor where the security camera was installed. He trapped me Tracy! He f*cking trapped me!" Claire shrieked as she tucked her ponytails.

"Okay calm down hmm. Now what do you intend to do?"

"Nothing. I'll just have to play along. It's just a matter of few months then we'll graduate. Right? Unless..." She gave Tracy a meaningful look which of course Tracy understood.

"Unless there is no contract." Tracy completed the phrase.

"Exactly girl!"

"But how are you going to have it?"

"I'm yet to figure out. But I know I will surely find a way. And when I get it I'll burn it to ashes." Claire smirked.

"Hmm. But you have to make sure you don't violate the rules in the contract for now. Right now you're under Duncan. You've got no choice girl. And I won't advice you to tell your dad. Because it'll be like adding fuel to the existing fire." Tracy consoled. "Let's go to class. It's almost time." She said as she wrapped her arm on Claire's shoulder and left.

After about two and half hours, a break was granted. The hallway and canteen became crowded.

Claire as usual sat with Tracy and Max near a window at the canteen to enjoy their epicurean meal. The atmosphere around the three friends was very cheerful as they giggled whilst eating.

But as usual mother luck wasn't always ready to see Claire's teeth because Duncan suddenly appeared out of no where and sat beside Claire startling them. They sat in a way where Claire and Duncan faced Tracy and Max. Claire ignored him and continued to chat and eat.

"Sigh... Master is hungry." Duncan complained causing a halt in the conversation. Claire threw him a side glance then continued to chat. "Petty, Master is hungry." He continued to nag. Claire placed her fork on the tray and turned to the Duncan squinting her eyes.

"Was that for me?" She asked and Duncan nodded in a 'yes'. "And what's that shit you called me?"

"Huh, you describe Petty as a shit. No, no, no. It's your new name master has given to you okay. So cherish it." Duncan patted her head. Claire sighed in defeat.

Max also watched the show in confusion. He slightly elbowed Tracy but she acted like she didn't know anything.

"Petty, I hope you heard master's first order. I am hungry." He complained to Claire who has resumed to eat. Claire again turned to Duncan with a glare.

"Did you forget your legs at the asylum? Go get your food yourself."

"Uh-uh. No refusal on master's requests." Duncan shook his head pouting his lips slightly. His childish behavior amused Max and Tracy.

Claire rolled her eyes in annoyance and dropped her fork on the tray then got up. She threw a death glance at Duncan who had an annoying smirk on his face then walked over to the counter which was at the extreme end of the large luxurious canteen.

When she reached the counter, she saw her other friends there. They all joked with each other as they approached Max and Tracy after picking their meal. As they neared, they saw Duncan sitting with Tracy and Max. They all turned to look at Claire who had a murderous look as she gazed at Duncan. They all sat down and threw each other a questioning look but no one knew what was going on. Claire noisily put Duncan's food before him then sat on her seat.

"Feed me." Duncan spoke in an authoritative and cold tone as if intimidating Claire. Claire gave him a 'like seriously' but he just stared at the food before him.

"Why, are your hands numb? Or do you take me as your nanny?" Claire asked sarcastically.

"Not as a nanny. But as a servant and pet. You know the consequences of disobeying your master, so it'll be better if you oblige." He said with a smirk on his face as he looked at Claire's reddened face as she struggled to control her bubbling and raging anger.

Claire's friends gasped when they heard Duncan. But they didn't speak a word for the fear of being targeted by Duncan.

"Petty, feed Master." He commanded. Claire nodded as she shivered with anger. She started to feed Duncan the fried chicken salad.

Duncan had already had five forkful of it and his face was already flushed and full of sweat. A devilish smirk crawled on Claire's lips as she stared at Duncan's flushed face. She raised a meat which was stabbed with the fork to his lips but Duncan pushed it away.

"Master is full Petty. You have done very well. Master will give your reward later okay." He said haltingly forcing a smile as he patted Claire's head. Claire grinned as she continuously nodded her head like a fool.

Duncan got up still sweating and left the canteen with a lot of girls drooling and ogling at his sweaty face which they found extremely sexy. After Duncan left, Claire turned to her friends but jerked when she saw the hawk-like stares coming from them.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"You seem to be really happy with Duncan." Max said squinting his eyes.

"What! No way. Didn't you see his flushed and sweaty face? That's because I served him chili powder without him knowing. Aren't I great?" She said clicking her tongue. Everyone cheered for her after listening to her explanation. Soon the canteen was empty since the break was almost over.