Chapter14 Fed with chili then kissed to sooth her tongue

Claire walked in the empty corridor to her lounge alone after morning and afternoon lessons were over. She hummed happily as she hopped in the corridor since she spent almost half of her day without Duncan. She was so happy she didn't even realize there was a fuming somebody who stood tall in the middle of the corridor.

Blinded by her excitement, she bumped into the fuming being causing her to take a few steps back. She raised her head just to see Duncan glaring at her with bloodshot eyes. She gulped hard and slowly turned around planning to initiate a quick escape. But Duncan grabbed her by her collar when she has just taking two steps. He started to drag her along.

"What are you doing?" Claire said as she hit Duncan's hand holding her collar but he didn't budge. He kept on dragging her till he reached his private room. He locked the door from inside and threw Claire on the bed.

"What the..." Claire protested as she sat on the bed. She glared at Duncan who stood before her then straightened her crumpled collar. "Now what?" She said still glaring at him.

Duncan started approaching the bed in slow calculated steps still furious. He climbed into the bed on one knee and his hands leaning towards Claire who was still rooted at the spot she sat not bothered about Duncan's advances.

Duncan lifted his hand slowly and fiddled with some purple strands of Claire's hair. He looked into her calm blue eyes unlike his which was bloodshot. His face inched closer and closer to Claire's until they were a breath away. Duncan's breathing pace seemed abnormal. He looked at Claire with an unreadable expression.

He got up from the bed without a word and walked towards the center table. Claire followed him with her gaze. That's when she noticed what was on the table. A whiskey tumbler, a bottle of whiskey and... wait... is that chili powder!!! Claire's eyes circled in horror when she saw the chili in a small container. Well who knew the worse was just at the doorstep.

Duncan poured some whiskey into the glass. He picked up the chili then turned his gaze towards who still sat on the bed horror struck and a wicked smile crept on his face. He poured the chili into the whiskey in the glass grinning at Claire not even planning to stop.

Claire gulped hard. 'Duncan I hope you're not making me drink this!!! Please don't do this!!!' Claire screamed in her mind as she stared at Duncan.

Duncan slowly put the small container on the table and started to approach Claire slowly. He sat in front of Claire on the bed. Claire subconsciously moved back making Duncan chuckle.

"You fed me chili without my notice. But I'm feeding it to you with your full concentration. At least aren't I considerable?" Duncan winked. He slowly held his hand holding the whiskey out signalling Claire to drink it but she vigorously shook her head.

"Don't force me to feed you with it baby." He said in a cold voice but Claire still shook her head backing off.

Duncan immediately forcefully grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him.

"I warned you." He said then pinched Claire's jaws so hard her mouth was opened.

Duncan started pouring the whiskey into her mouth. Claire couldn't spit it out since Duncan held her jaws so hard. The whiskey burned her tongue and throat as she was forced to gulp everything. When Duncan saw Claire has finished the whiskey, he released her jaw.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!... It hurts!!!" Claire jumped off the bed crying as she fanned her hot tongue which was stuck out.

She ran around the room like crazy searching for water whilst Duncan sat relaxed on the bed enjoying the show.

Her tongue, throat and every part of her insides burned that she felt very hot. She removed her coat and tie and tossed them aside as she undid the first two buttons of her shirt.

She ran helter skelter still searching for water. She found a jar proudly sitting on the table and grabbed it but it was empty. She threw it aside still searching and found the fridge. She ran to it like her life depended on it. She held the handle and pulled but... it was f*cking LOCKED!!! She almost lost it when her eyes fell on the door to the bathroom and quickly dashed towards it. She turned the knob but it was also locked!!! This time she was really losing her mind. She decided to get out of the room but unfortunately, the door was also locked. She turned to Duncan and rushed towards him. She grabbed his collar as she stared into his deep black eyes.

"Water." She growled but Duncan just smiled which annoyed Claire to the core. "I. Said. Water!!! My tongue is burning."


"Open the fridge now."

"Your tongue is burning?" Duncan asked quite amused. "How about I help you sooth it." He offered smirking darkly.

Before Claire could process everything, she found herself pinned under Duncan's body. She looked at him with fury in her eyes as she panted.

"This is also your reward for feeding me at the canteen." Duncan said before he caught Claire's lips with his on a hot fiery kiss.

He licked, sucked, nibbled and bit her lips pleading for her to make him enter her mouth. He forced his tongue into her mouth and started to explore each and every corner of her mouth as his hands also did justice to her body roaming around her sides. Claire tried pushing him away but he was far too strong for her.

Their tongue intertwined as they danced and played tug with each other. Claire's tongue was already burning and Duncan's tongue was igniting the heat. When she realized her protest was in vane she gave in and allowed Duncan to do whatever he wanted with her. For now all she wanted was to cool her tongue and her insides. The kiss grew intense each and every passing second. Claire was almost out of breath but Duncan was not planning to halt his act. Claire's protesting was all muffled so she bit hard on Duncan's tongue that she could taste blood. Duncan immediately withdrew panting hard as he glared at Claire.

"What was that for?" He asked coldly.

"Are you trying to kill me?... First you forced me to drink that shit and now... you're sucking every single oxygen I've got in my lungs." Claire said between her pants.

Duncan rolled his eyes then took a remote control from the drawer beside the bed. He nonchalantly pointed it towards the fridge and pressed a button and there was a click sound from the fridge indicating it was already unlocked. Within a few seconds Claire was standing before it already opened and was gulping down the mineral water. After she was done, she dropped the empty bottle in a trashcan then glared at Duncan who grinned at her.

"F*ck you a**hole." She cussed then stormed out of the room without bothering about her condition.

Meanwhile at the end of the dark corridor, three people stood there with their leader almost bursting out of anger.

"Gwen, did you hear her screams? It seems they had a hot steaming section." Bianca said.

"Yeah everything is evident. Didn't you even see the condition she was in and even her swollen lips." Cherry added

"And she even said it hurts. Probably it must be her first time."

The two girls continually ranted their thoughts whilst Gwen clenched her fists and jaws in anger. She shot them a death stare then departed from them. The two girls gulped hard when they saw Gwen's stare and followed her.


Claire entered her lounge where Max and Tracy were already relaxing. When they saw her state they rushed to her.

"Girl, what happened to you?" Tracy asked with cncern evidently in her voice.

"Call the receptionist of the taekwondo school. Report that I'm under the weather and will be off for three days." Claire said and went over to the windows where her drawing board and materials were set. She sat on the stool before the drawing board and took some acrylic paints and brush.

Tracy and Max just stood there watching her.

"Max, it has been ages since she painted. What happened."

"I don't know. But I think something might have triggered her. Let's just give her some space."

Claire started smearing acrylic paint on the canvas. Nobody knew what she was painting. As she painted she continued muttering Duncan's name in rage. After almost two hours she dropped the paint brush and stood up kicking the stool away. Tracy and Max approached her and when they saw what Claire has painted their eyes bulged out of their sockets.

She had painted Duncan and herself. The details was quite vivid and almost real.

Duncan was stark naked with long horns and fangs as well as long claws and tail. He looked just like a demon. Claire also wore a white flowing gown with her hair let loose. She held the hilt of a sword which was pierced deeply into Duncan's chest. Dark fumes were emerging from the spot where the blade of the sword was buried.

Tracy and Max looked at each other in horror. They realized the cause of Claire's anger was still Duncan.