Chapter17 The law is in the hands of your parents

"What the f is going on here?!" Someone exclaimed.

The two were drawn out of their trance and looked towards the door just to see Alexa standing by the door with a shocked expression.

Well, when Duncan stormed out of the classroom, Alexa followed him. She was quick to take the other elevator when she saw Duncan heading for the top floor.

Once she got off, she again saw Duncan walking down the empty corridor. She followed him trying to catch up but, Duncan walked so fast the distance between them was very great.

Then Duncan stopped in front of a door then barged in without knocking. Alexa assumed it was Duncan's room so she made a beeline for the door but was stopped midway by a teacher who wanted Alexa to do something for her.

She wrapped up everything quickly and came back to the top floor heading straight to the room Duncan entered. She lightly knocked on the door but there was no answer so she opened and walked in since it wasn't locked. Then there, she saw the scene.

Claire squinted her eyes and turned her gaze towards Duncan who also seemed to be a bit confused. She slowly got off Duncan's lap and walked over to Alexa coming face to face with her.

"Who are you?!" Alexa asked as she didn't understand anything.

"What do you mean? This is my room." Claire rebuked. Alexa looked at Claire in confusion, she then threw her eyes on Duncan.

"Then what is he doing here?"

"He? He is just an intruder. Who are you?" Claire asked.

"I'm Alexa. I'm new. Just joined today with my twin brother." She proudly said.

"Oh okay. I'm Claire. I'm in the same class with that idiot." Claire pointed at Duncan who still sat on the bed playing with his phone without any expression on his face.

"I'm also in Duncan's class. What a coincidence!" Alexa stated excitedly.

"Wow! Then we are classmates!" Claire added.

"I guess I've got my first friend in this school." Alexa said.

"I'm thankful you made me." Claire grinned but Duncan just rolled his eyes as he felt dejected.

"Uh... What happened to your face?" Alexa pointed at Claire's cheek.

"Oh this, you should blame the idiot sitting there. He is a real maniac." Claire reprimanded throwing a death stare at Duncan but he just rolled his eyes.

"We should treat it. You've got such beautiful face that even I don't want a scratch on it." Alexa said as she pulled Claire to the sofa.

Claire laughed hearing her comment then turned to Duncan with a proud smile on her face having a 'You see, everyone finds something special about me unlike you' look but then Duncan snorted at her.

Soon Alexa has finished smearing some ointment she took from the first aid kit on Claire's cheeks. The two chatted and started growing familiar with each other whilst Duncan sat on the bed sulking feeling very dejected.

As the girls talked, Claire's phone rung. It was on the bed so Duncan got the chance to take a glimpse of the caller ID. His face turned sullen when he saw it and clenched the bed sheet.

Claire walked over and took the phone. She picked it up after realizing the caller and plastered the phone on her ear.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Aren't you going to taekwondo class today?" The person on the other side asked.


"I'm at the parking area. Come let's go." Her caller interrupted her.

"Really?" Claire beamed. "Alright I'll be there in fifteen minutes time." Claire said and hung up. She happily walked over to her closet and selected a few clothes.

"Hey Claire. Where are you going?" Alexa asked out of curiosity.

"Well I've been attending Taekwondo classes recently and a friend is here to pick me up." Claire said grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh okay."

Claire entered the bathroom and soon came out wearing a baby violet hoodie with a white tattered jeans miniskirt with fringed edges and a purple long jacket.

She wore a white socks and slipped her feet into her white sneakers. After she was done, she pulled her hair into a messy bun and put on lip balm then cleaned the ointment with a tissue before applying a concealer on the red marks on her face then took her backpack.

"Okay guys, I'm leaving. See you later!" She bade then left the two.

Duncan glanced at the opened door with a gloomy expression then also left Alexa who was about to initiate a conversation between them. She was quite disappointed then also left closing the door behind her.

Claire saw Arthur leaning on a black Maybach. He wore a black shirt with black pants and a white Jordan kick. As usual he was busy on his phone. Claire trotted towards him grinning from ear to ear.

"Hi." She stood before him. Arthur was diverted from his phone and stared at the petite girl in front of him.

"Hey." He smiled then bent his body and hugged her. After the hug broke, he opened the backdoor for her and she got in. He closed it and went around the car and opened the other side and got in before the car accelerated.

Meanwhile, Duncan watched everything from the top floor through a floor to ceiling window. He snorted in disdain when Claire got into the car then left.


Claire and Arthur made their out the building since it their classes were over and it was almost dusk. They walked side by side with each other as they talked happily.

Well one enjoyed the walk, whilst the other sulked silently. Arthur was, the one who was enjoying whilst Claire sulked in her inner self since today's training was worse than ever and every part of her body ached.

But somehow, she was starting to see some advantages of the training, since she could feel her muscles relax.

"You know I really admire you Arthur." Claire confessed as she side glanced at Arthur who smiled. "You are really good when it comes to taekwondo and I know that's not all. I can see you are a promising person." She praised. "Unlike me." She muttered but due to their close distance, Arthur heard her.

"You don't believe in yourself?"

"Why would I?" She sneered. "When others have lost all hope in me, what's there to expect from me. Nothing good."

"You see yourself as incompetent?"

"Mm. After all, my mum has already given up. She used to always advice me to take my studies seriously, but I didn't heed and always laze around." She shrugged as she stood before Arthur since they were already at the parking area.

"Then why don't you try making them proud?"

"As if they will appreciate." She snorted looking around.

"You mean?"

"Well, my parents wants me to join their business after I'm through with my education but that's not my dream. I have my own dream but they never appreciate it. So if they don't, then I will. After all that's not a crime." She explained in a funny way making Arthur chuckle.

As they stood and chatted, Claire saw a familiar car entering the premises. She had a thought but brushed it off since it didn't match with her logics. The car halted a few meters away from them. Claire was distracted and so her attention wasn't on Arthur anymore. Arthur upon seeing this followed Claire's gaze and saw a black Bentley packed at their side.

Claire waited for the driver to step out and when it happened she almost collapsed. There, Duncan stood by the car wearing black top and military cargo pants with black boots. He also wore dark shades as he stared back at Claire and Arthur with a teasing smirk on his lips. He slowly made his way towards them.

"What are you doing here?" Claire asked once she has recovered from her shock.

"I realized your driver didn't know you're coming here so he didn't bother to pick you up that's why I came." He explained flatly.

"Not so sorry to disappoint you, but I'm already leaving with Arthur." Claire stated but Duncan didn't heed and snatched Claire's backpack.

"Hey!" She exclaimed

"Let's go." Duncan turned around and started to walk away without bothering about Claire's words. Claire on the other hand turned to Arthur. He saw the disappointment in her eyes.

"I think you should go with him. I've got something to take care of after all." Arthur suggested. Claire nodded and bade him before running to catch up with Duncan.

Duncan upon reaching the car opened the backdoor and shoved Claire's bag onto the seat then shut the door. He turned around to see Claire standing a few feet away from him. He stood there as Claire glared sharp daggers at him then dug his hand into his pocket and removed the car key.

"Catch." He said then threw the key at Claire who was quick to catch in confusion.

"What should I do with it?" She asked.

"You're driving of course." He simply stated.


"Yeah. I'm really tired after driving from school to here."

"But I didn't ask you to do it."

"Whatever. You are driving."

"But I'm not legal yet."

"The law is in the hands of your parents."

"You are going too far Duncan."

"Get going." He said then sat on the passenger seat shutting the door behind him.

Claire sighed helplessly then turned her head back to see Arthur still standing at his same spot looking towards their direction. Claire waved at him and he also waved back then Claire circled the car to get to the other side.

She removed her long jacket and dumped it on the back seat leaving her with the hoodie and tattered skirt. She sat behind the wheel then fastened her seat belt. She threw a dead stare at Duncan who looked straight with the shades still on. She ignored him then turned on the ignition before stepping on the accelerator.

Arthur watched the car bolt away with a smile then sat in his own and left.