Chapter18 Rule #4

Claire darted her eyes on the road and Duncan who was unusually quiet.

"Focus on the road. I'm not ready to die yet." Duncan commanded without sparing Claire a glance.

"Hey what's with this gloomy face of yours?" Claire asked as she tried as much as possible to focus on the road.


"Come on, DD. Don't play silent game with me. You know I'm not good at it." Claire said making Duncan turn to look at her with unreadable expression. Claire kept her eyes on the road but she could still feel Duncan's gaze on her.

"What does rule #4 states in the contract?" He asked.

"Huh! How am I to know? After all I didn't memorize those silly rules." Claire gave a reply which triggered Duncan's temper.

"You violate the contract and you've got the balls to tell me shit!" Duncan snapped. Claire looked at him in a confused state and immediately pulled over at the side of the road.

"What did I do for you to scold me?!"

"I think you need some punishment before you can start accepting the reality that you're my slave."

"I accept I'm your servant, okay? But could you just quit punishing. Since I don't have a copy of the contract, how can I study the rules?" Claire reasoned trying to loosen up the tensed air in the car which of course happened. Duncan sighed then twisted his body and took Claire's backpack from the back seat.

"Uh, what're you gonna do with my bag?" Claire asked but she had no answer. Duncan just concentrated on unzipping it. Thereafter, he put his hand inside searching for something.

"You know it's quite rude to check a lady's bag." Claire arched a brow but Duncan didn't mind her comment. Soon he removed Claire's tablet from her bag and again threw the bag onto the back seat.

"You should have told me you needed it. I would have gotten it for you. No need for you to touch my stuff."

"Shut up!" Duncan ordered without looking at Claire. He took his phone and switched both devices on. Claire just watched him with a curious gaze wondering what Duncan was up to. Then after, Duncan handed the tablet which still had its screen on to Claire. She accepted it and almost rolled her eyes at the content of the information on the tablet.

"So you've transferred to me a copy of the contract. You are so considerate." Claire said as she scrutinized the information.

"Uhm what does rule #4 of the contract says?" She asked herself scrolling through the contract until she found the rule #4.

It took her every ounce of self control not to blurt out curses at Duncan after discovering the rule.

She looked at him with a hint of surprise. She was wondering in what way did she violate the rule but she couldn't fathom.

"How the hell did I break this rule?" She asked Duncan who looked at her with one brow arched. Then it dawned on Claire...

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you talking about Arthur. When did we even get intimate. We only talked, okay?" She explained.

"Do you take me as a blind fellow, huh?... I forgive you only for today since you've not studied the contract. But remember there's no next time." Duncan warned.

"Ookay." Claire drawled as she dropped the tablet in Duncan's laps.

"Now drive." Duncan said and Claire immediately drove...

As she drove, she countlessly stared at Duncan.

"What is it again?" Duncan asked quite annoyed.

"I'm hungry." Claire simply stated.

Duncan gazed at her for a very long time before telling her a location to drive to. When they reached, Claire parked the car and they both got down. It was a high end restaurant. The two entered and were ushered by a waiter. They booked a table for two near the window and sat.

"Duncan I think the food here are very expensive. Let's try another restaurant." Claire suggested as she sat opposite Duncan.

Duncan was quite amazed with Claire's comment.

Well who wouldn't be shocked. After all, Claire was known by her peers as a daughter of a rich ruthless man. So how come she is worrying about the price of a food.

Awed by Claire's talk, he was quite for a very long time until Claire snapped her finger at his face. He looked up at her with squinted eyes.

"Are you Claire Klein?" He asked.

"Huh?!" Claire was quite shocked with his sudden question. "W-what do you mean?"

"Are you really bothered by the price of a meal? Like seriously?"

"Well I should be bothered. Since my dad is keeping check on my monthly expenditure. I don't want to end up having my card snatched away."

"Why do you say so?"

"If you were to investigate, you'll find out I squandered almost a million within just two months. So my father had to do this since he doesn't want me to be a money lover." Claire explained further.

"...Don't worry the food is on me. Just order anything you want."

"Really?" Claire beamed.

"Mm" Duncan hummed as he picked up the menu to make his order without any thought about the consequences of his decision.

After he was done, Claire started to make hers. As she pointed out her order which seemed to never end to the waiter who stood beside their table, Duncan started to regret his decision. Not that he was worried about the price but it seems Claire was really loosing her table etiquette. And as far as he knew her, she was a glutton.

"That's enough!" Duncan bursted.

"Huh! But I'm not done with my order."

"You've already ordered a lot. That's enough. I really doubt if you can eat all."

"Of course I can. Why would I order a lot when I can't eat all. Stop worrying." Claire stated and started to scan the menu again.

Then something clicked in her mind which made her looked up to Duncan who had a frown settled on his face.

"Wait. I hope you are not worried about the price?" Claire squinted her eyes at Duncan as she tried to confirm.

"Why should I be worried about the price. I'm just worried about your system and how your water closet is going to suffer tonight." He explained nonchalantly which earned him a scoff from Claire.

After she was done ordering, she handed the menu over to the waiter with a smile. He accepted it and immediately left to sort out everything whilst Claire and Duncan enjoyed their wine.

After about fifteen minutes later, he appeared with two food trolleys and started serving the two with most of the dishes going to Claire's side. He left after his work was done.

Claire immediately started eating like the world was coming to an end without waiting for anything whilst Duncan ate gentlemanly. Claire didn't care about how she was eating since they sat at an inconspicuous place. After a few minutes, Duncan looked up just to see Claire has already finished half of the meal and there was no sign of her stopping.

"Haven't you ate enough?" He asked.

"No." Claire answered with food stuffed in her mouth. "And even if I have, I will finish everything since I don't want it to go a waste." She added focusing on the next dish she was feasting on.

Duncan shook his head and sighed helplessly before resuming to his meal.

Soon the two finished their meal and the waiter cleared everything up. Duncan watched Claire who laid in the chair lazily as she patted her flat tummy and constantly belched . He traveled his gaze downwards to her tummy and was amazed to see it was still flat.

The two sat for a while until Claire's phone which was in her bag rung. She lazily reached for her bag and removed her phone. She checked the caller ID and immediately sat up. She swiped the green button up and held the phone over her ear.

"Hello dad." She said trying not to belch.

"Come straight to my office. You've got only an hour." Mr. Klein said sternly on the other side and hung up before Claire could say anything.

Claire stared at the black screen of her phone then sighed. She switched on her screen and went through her contact before selecting a name. She then plastered her phone on her ear, waiting for the call to be answered. After two rings, it was answered.

"Yeah Thane. Can you pick me up from the mall?" Claire asked and immediately hung up after getting a positive answer.

She sat in a deep thought forgetting she was even with Duncan. Duncan has been watching her ever since her dad called and he had seen the change in the atmosphere.

"Is everything alright?" He asked which made Claire looked up to him. She nodded with a smile.

"I think you should drive me to the mall. Thane is off to pick me from there."

"But I can drive you to where ever you want to go."

"No. I'm gonna see my father. So Thane should be the one to be with me."

"Okay." Duncan reluctantly agreed.

Soon the two have already set off to the mall. When they reached, they was no need for them to wait because Thane was already there standing beside his car.

"DD, Please lend me your shades and cap. I think I'll need them?" Claire asked as she was ready to get down from the car. Duncan agreed and gave them to Claire.

Claire then got down and started approaching Thane. Thane met her and took her bag. He opened the door for her and she sat on the passenger seat. Thane also sat behind the wheels and started the car before driving away.

Within thirty minutes, they were already at the premises of VR Empire.

Claire put on a mask then the shades and cap before getting down from the car. She put on her long jacket and went as far as putting the hood of her sweatshirt on. Now she was fully disguised that, not even a tiny skin of her face could be seen.

Thane picked up her bag and walked in with her. The guards made Claire enter since Thane was with her.

Every employee was rushing since it was almost dusk. They were wrapping up their work to submit their report for the day. A lot were distracted when they saw a disguised figure making the way to the elevator without meeting the receptionists. There were a lot of questions roaming in their heads but they had no one to answer.

Claire and Thane got on the private elevator and got off on the fortieth floor. They made their way to her father's office and entered after knocking.