Chapter 58: Plan A

"Everyone, the difficulty of these three missions is extremely high! Even ignoring the first two missions, just the Legendary mission alone I believe all of you know what I'm talking about! After all, everyone here has a first-hand experience of the Deep Sea King power!" Stardust slowly said.

"Big Boss Stars, just tell us your plan and we'll do as you say!"

"Yeah Big Boss Stars, we'll follow your orders!"

"Just tell us what we have to do!"


The players spoke up.

After all, most players are self-conscious enough to know that they will not complete these three missions alone.

It's better to leave all the thinking and planning to someone else while they tag along.

"Since every one of you trusts me, then I will try my best to come up with a plan within an hour!" Stardust nodded and start the meeting.

"The end goal of 100 miles, if we try to complete it step by step, we'll never make it in three days! There are way too many monsters obstructing our path and it is way too time-consuming to kill them one by one in the forest! So my plan is to..."

"Let a few players go in first to bait out most of the monsters in our path and then kill all of them in one fell swoop!"

"To put it simply, first we bait the monsters, then we gather the monsters, and finally we killed the monsters!"

Stardust was the first to give his proposal.

"That's a great idea!"

"We can form a Bow Squad and then we can bombard the monsters with arrows!"

"Yeah, a Squad of Great Swordsmen can act as an impenetrable wall, and one slash one kill the monsters!"

"But with so many monsters charging at us, if we can't halt their momentum, we'll be in great trouble!"

"And there is one more question, how in the world are we supposed to attract that many monsters together? After all, some of these monsters are quite smart!"

"Yeah, none of them are as stupid as the graphorns!"


The other players quickly gave their opinions.

"Um, to put it simply, there are two problems with the plan....first how in the world do we attract so many monsters!"

"Second, when the monsters charge at us how do we stop their momentum and control their movement so we can wipe them out in one go!"

Stardust summed up all of their problems.

If they can't solve these two problems, then there is no way for his plan to work.

"If you're worried about stopping the monsters you can leave that part to me!" At this time, World Number One Ice Mage stood up.

World Number One Ice Mage has long since invented a large AOE CC skill!

However, the problem with this skill was that it cost way too F***ing much MP!

Making it super impractical for any use besides looking cool!

World Number One Ice Mage was planning on asking He Yi Ming for advice, like ways of reducing the MP cost, some way to increased MP regeneration, or something else along those lines.

"Then what about attracting the monsters?" Stardust asked.

"...." The players went silent.

If it was a monster like the Burning Berserk Bull, a single taunt will be more than enough to get them to chase a player.

However, if it was a monster like the Black Panther who hide in the shadow and only sneak attack, was there any way of luring them out.

Especially gathering large amounts of monsters will be even more difficult!

After all, the monsters are not stupid!

How in the world do they make the monsters chase them like crazy?

Just when the players are at a loss.

"F***ing hell, I...I finally made it back!" A hoarse voice faintly sounded.

Many players turned their heads around and were stunned by what they saw.

In front of them was a homeless man.

'Cough', a player.

It was Beef Noodle!

His hair was covered in filth, his face was filled with bruises, his body was covered in dirt and wounds.

His clothes were tattered and his shoes were filled with more than a dozen holes, even his toes were exposed.

Beef Noodle was also holding a cane with both hands with his body trembling as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

"Holy shit, how the hell did Noodle Bro become like this?"

"Noodle...Noodle Bro, what happened to you?"

"WTF happened? Why did Noodle Bro become homeless?"


Many players were baffled.

"Woooooo..." Beef Noodle cried, he truly cried.

16 hours later he is finally back!

"Noodle Bro it must have been hard for you, here, have a Deep Sea King skewer!"

"Noodle Bro here is some freshly made bone broth!"

"Noodle Bro what do you want to eat? I will cook it for you!"

"Noodle Bro, here is my Black Panther Leather Trench Coat, you can have it!"

"Noodle Bro let me give you a massage!"

"Noodle Bro let me carry your backpack!"


The players gather around Beef Noodle and gave him whatever little support they could give.

Eating a freshly cooked skewer, drinking a bowl of warm soup, and wrapped in a thick trench coat, Beef Noodle was already feeling much better!

"Noodle Bro, what happened? How did you become like this?" Stardust can't fathom how Beef Noodle came back like this.

How pitiful!

Beef Noodle recovered a little and start recounting his journey.

Yesterday, Beef Noodle was chased by monsters and fell into the river, after being washed a dozen miles away, Beef Noodle who was unwilling to let go of his level took the treacherous journey back.

Along the way, Beef Noodle was attacked by a swarm of bees!

(Although he bumped into their hive first.)

Was surrounded by a pack of wolves and almost had his butt bitten off.

(Although he scared away their prey first.)

Was eaten by a piranha plant and was almost digested.

(Even though he should have seen this coming a mile away.)

When he was hungry, he could only eat wild fruits.

When he was thirsty, he could only drink cold river water.

It took 16 hours of hardcore survival mode before he finally made it back.

It was so difficult!

It was truly very difficult!

"Noodle Bro pogger!"

"Holy shit, you have been online for 16 hours straight...POG!"

"Sasuga ni Noodle Sama, turning a cultivation game into a Rogue Survival game! Nice!"

(As expected of)


The players didn't hold back on their flatters!

"By the way, Noodle Bro, what's in the bag? It's quite heavy!" At this time, a player who took Beef Noodle's backpack weighed it and found that it is quite heavy.

"Oh that, it's just a bunch of mysterious substances I found laying on the ground! All that show up when I use appraisal was a bunch of ? so I thought it might be something valuable and stuff it in my backpack!" Beef Noodle casually replied and then open the seal backpack.

"Whiff!" As soon as the airtight backpack was open.

An indescribable smell began to disperse out.

How should I put it?

It wasn't smelly.

Nor was it fragrant.

It's just an indescribable scent.

"Huh? WTF? Did this stuff change color?" Beef Noodle looked down and was a bit confused.

"Purrr!" While Beef Noodle was still confused about what happened to the mysterious substance, a terrifying roar suddenly sounded.