Chapter 59: Imagine Spending 16 Hours Bringing Home A Bunch Of Shit, Ha Ha Ha Couldn't Be Me

"WTF?" Many players were baffled.

Immediately, they felt the ground shaking, and saw the distant forest trembling, as countless monsters swarm out of the forest!

"Closed the bag! ! !" At this critical moment, Evolution reacts the fastest and loudly exclaimed.

"PRRR!" Just as Beef Noodle closed the backpack, a crazed Black Panther quickly rushed forward, eyes redden, ignored the other players, and headed straight for Beef Noodle.

(TN: Where in the world can I find animal sounds in words?)

"Black Panther? Doesn't this monster only launch sneak attacks? What got into it?"

"What are you guys standing around for? Attack!"

"Kill it!"


The other players were all startled and hurriedly attack the incoming Black Panther, instantly killing the feeding monster.

However, what the other players couldn't understand at all was that even until death, the Black Panther didn't even glance at its killers, from start to finish its eyes never left Beef Noodle.

Or to be more exact.

The backpack in Beef Noodle's hand.

"WTF is going on!" Many players couldn't understand what was going on and they didn't have any time to think it through.

Because the next wave of monsters has already arrived, more than a dozen monsters frantically rushed at the players!

With even more waves of monsters coming from behind!

"Armament Team step forward!"

"Where did I leave my sword? F***, where the hell did I put it?!"

"Quick, bombarded the monsters with Frostbolt!"


The players faced the oncoming monsters in a panic and after an hour of bloody battle, they have finally slain all of the monsters.

Although several players kick the bucket in the process, there was more than one hundred monster corpse laying on the ground.

"WTF is going on here? Why did all of these monsters charge at us like crazy?"


"We cleared almost all of the surrounding monsters before, so these monsters must have come from far away, but why?"


The players were all puzzled.

Only the player Evolution's eyes lit up as his gaze locked onto the backpack in Beef Noodle's hand.

"I think I know the reason, everyone followed me into the Silver Chariot, and oh, don't forget to close the door!" Under the direction of Evolution, the players abandon looting the monster corpses and all of them hurriedly got into the Silver Chariot.

After entering the Silver Chariot, Evolution immediately opened Beef Noodle's backpack and reach his hand in to dig out a lump of mysterious dark gold substance.

(Of course, after confirming the door was properly closed.)

At this time, the lump of mysterious substance seems to have undergone some sort of change, previously it looked like jello but now it more resembles ice cream. The color also changes from the previous gold color to a dark gold color.

"My theory is that this is what is attracting the monsters! If I have to guess what this is...then..."

Before Evolution could even finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Farm Master.

"Holy shit, isn't that a bunch of shits? What a bunch of amazing shits! This is my first time seeing such a POGGER level bunch of shits!" Farm Master professionally came to this conclusion.

(Evolution: Doesn't that mean that I just put my hand in a bunch of shits? F***!)



Beef Noodle and the other players were all taken aback.

"F***, are you telling me that I just spend 16 hours of my precious life, overcoming many life or death situations just to bring back a bunch of shits?!" Beef Noodle was left completely stupefied.

Remembering that he even accidentally ingested several mouthfuls of this stuff before...

Beef Noodle was left completely devastated.

"Please let me have a bite, just one bite! ! !" Farm Master excitedly leaps toward the lump of mysterious dark golden substance.

Several players hurriedly jump out and block him, after a long struggle, they finally pull Farm Master away.

F***! If they haven't done that, this bastard will live stream himself eating shit in front of everyone here!

Just thinking about it...

Many players began to feel nauseous.

"The Black Panther's shit is relatively dry and thin. After refining it into Shitty Pills its effect is worst than the graphorn Shitty Pills!"

"The shit of the Burning Berserk Bull is not only moist, but it was also very thick and robust, perfect from making fertilizers, its effect was also far better than the graphorn's shit!"

"You need to give me this shit brought back by Noodle Bro, just the smell alone tells me that this shit is one million times better than the graphorn's shit!"

(The other players: F***, we don't want to know that!)


Farm Master's eyes shine bright as he excitedly exclaimed.

"This guy is beyond saving!" The other players rolled their eyes.

Although they long know Farm Master love studying fertilizers and farming.

But ever since he successfully refined the Shitty Pill with Beef Noodle, it was as if he has become possessed.

While other players are busy farming monsters, earning contribution points, and getting new equipment.

Farm Master was off by the side studying the shits of various different kinds of monsters every day, purifying it, mixing it, and even sometimes tasting it himself, or in his word he was just testing its freshness.

At this time, Evolution kicked Farm Master aside and stood in front of the crowd of players.

"No matter what kind of shit this is, one thing we know for sure is that this is what might be attracting the monsters!"

(TN: The OG goes more like "This shit was sitting in Noodle Bro's airtight backpack and was accidentally fermented after leaving it in there for over ten hours! This cause the smell of this shit to change and so as long as this smell spread, a vast amount of monsters will be attracted by this shit!" like bro, how the F*** do you know that you haven't been in contact with that shit for like more than thirty minutes! Do you know the author or something?)

"If my theory is correct, we can give a couple of players a tiny bit of this stuff to bait out the monsters, and if it does work, we can go on with Stardust's plan!"

Evolution explained word by word.

"!" The other players' eyes lit up!

Oh yeah!

Didn't Noodle Bro just give us the best bait?

The only issue is...

What kind of monster's shit could be this attracted to the other monsters?

A dragon? A phoenix? Or some other kind of mythical beast?

'Spit spit spit' Yeah right!

(TN: In Chinese spit can be used for denouncing something or someone)

"F***, sasuga ni Noodle Sama! Always carrying us through at the most important moments!"

(As expected of)

"Praise our lord and savior Noodle Bro!"

"Isn't that obvious, who can spend 16 hours straight in hardcore survival mode slaughtering his way back? Even Panda Senpai can't do that, right? Only Noodle Bro can! Noodle Bro Pogger!"


The players didn't hold back on their flatters, bringing the devastated Beef Noodle back to life.

"Noodle Bro, can you give us some of your shit so we can use them as bait?" Stardust asked Beef Noodle directly.

(TN: The OG was "Noodle Bro, we are planning to use the unknown shit in your backpack as bait, what are your thought?" but I think this is funnier)

"Ah? OK!" Beef Noodle agreed straight away when he heard they were going to use his shit as bait.

"Noodle Bro, why don't you go offline and get some rest? You haven't slept for over 16 hours....can you still hold it?" Evolution reminded Beef Noodle.

To be honest, Beef Noodle was feeling quite tired.

After 16 hours of hardcore survival mode, struggling through many challenges and obstacles, it left quite a toll on Beef Noodle's mental and physical body.

But after listening to Stardust's plan, Beef Noodle came back to life!