Chapter 13 (So You're Kind of an Asshole Now?)

Chapter 13: So You're Kind of an Asshole Now?

Ethan Warren

May 2028

About 6 years after outbreak


Season 5/The Final Season


"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, brother."

"You're supposed to be dead."

"Currently dying if that makes you happy. And how would you know if I was dead, you never bothered to check."

"I did, you weren't there."


"Clara, keep her alive. Grahame, after she's done lock her up."

"What would Mother think, Ethan! Father too! You forget about the people who love you so easily, how the fuck do you live with yourself!"


Khai Reaver


Evelyn wasn't the only one I found, I found Allan too. To be honest he's one of the last people I expected to find alive after the attack but I'm thankful that he's still here. He's a good person.

Evelyn said she didn't expect to find him either. I told her about Leah, she told me about Ethan. Hearing everyone's name again did something for me. It made living easier.

"We need to get back to Leah, I shouldn't have left her and Amyas the way that I did," I shook my head in regret. Evelyn puts her hand in mine. I can't see her but in a way I almost feel like I knew what she was about to say. Leah's not the only one out there, I have to remember that now.

"Ethan's struggling, he's family too. I trust him more than I trust Leah."

"So do I but Leah hasn't done anything wrong and she's walking around the desert with a two year old. We can't just leave her out there."

"Khai, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"You've known Leah for a long time, right?"

"Since middle school."

"So you know she's strong. She stayed alive even after watching her sister die right in front of her. She's strong, she can handle herself."

"That doesn't mean we can't help her."

"That's all sweet and everything but you probably should know that Chris and Sam are missing," Allan interrupted.

"What happened to them?"

"They went on a run in hopes to find somewhere for us to live. The only problem is, that was two months ago."


Ethan Warren


"So what's it been, four, five years?"

"Six, actually. Almost six exactly or maybe exactly, I don't really know."

"How long have you been this far south?"

"A few years, three or something like that."

"How many people had to pay for your little vacation?"

"What does that mean?"

"How many people are dead because of you?"

"Okay, for starters, Addie, going to California wasn't my idea but it was the best one we had, and yes, people died because of it but that's not what matters."

"If it's so great then why are you living in a gas station?"

"That doesn't concern you."

"You never looked for me, Ethan. You never looked for mom, for dad, nothing. It's been six years and I find you here of all places!"

"I did look for you but I had to accept you were dead so I could be what my group needed me to be!"

"Don't pretend like you didn't choose this, anyone could have been the 'leader' but no, it had to be you. Always the overachiever, right."

"The opposite to be correct, you were the overachiever."

"Well that doesn't matter anymore. I've done things far better than you. I've liberated and shown the right path to those who need to see it. One day you'll see it, Ethie, and you'll finally be happy."

"I have no reason to listen to you."

"You remember that girl? The little light skinned Asian. She's a few years younger than me, with beautiful long hair. Spirit of a wild animal. Does that ring a bell?"

I turn around slowly as her words begin to make sense. I didn't want it to be true. I almost didn't want to turn around, I didn't want to know the truth, but curiosity over came me and there was nothing else I could do.

"What have you done?"

"That doesn't concern you."