Chapter 15: Never Underestimate
Ethan Warren
May 2028
About 6 years after outbreak
Season 5/The Final Season
"I know it's not really my place to say but I don't know anyone else who will say it."
"What is it, Clara?"
"You don't always have to be the hero. I know what these people mean to you but they can solve their own problems. It doesn't always have to be you."
"I never wanted it to be me."
"You tried to take a break, but it didn't work. They respect you for that but mentally, you're still in high school, and I don't mean that as an insult, I'm just saying, living like this is gonna destroy you eventually."
"It already has."
Clara's words were wise but at the time, they weren't what I needed to hear. I knew the others were capable of everything I've been doing but maybe I can finally admit, I like living like this. I don't know how to do anything else.
I heard the muffled sounds of crying as a light, unexpected rain began to fall. I didn't know what words of wisdom to say this time, maybe I should take Clara's advice and leave that job to someone else but I don't think any of us knew what to say.
Lila turned around and left with Archer, Rudi sent Juna with them, I don't really know why we were naive enough to bring her along in the first place. I let them leave knowing there was nothing I could say to make Lila stay. There was nothing anyone could say.
Rudi was the only one of us who stayed unphased. He walked forward, grabbing one of the dead and stabbing it through the eye with one clean swoop. I walked after him, leaving the others to make their choice to carry on or not. Going forward wasn't a thing I had a choice in. Airianna, Angie, and Steve are family. I've already failed them too much to give up now.
Some of the others stayed. Grahame caught up eventually, he was the only one I knew would stay. I felt a cold breeze brush over me, and I knew it wasn't because of the rain. It was this uneasy feeling with no explanation. The way the dead looked at me seemed different. I was being paranoid now.
Clara must have felt the same but she was the only one brave enough to turn around. Instead of screaming she let out a gasp but it was enough to worry us all. Carefully, I looked too only to see something I was gullible enough to think impossible.
Addie had broken out, rope burns on her arms, bruises on her faces, and blood dripping from her bullet wound, her mouth, and open cut because Rudi threatened me not to give her stitches. She made her way towards us with that same creepy smile she always made when we played make believe in the backyard. I'm surprised I didn't see she was insane sooner.
"You really thought I would just back off, Ethan? You should know, the minute I discover your people back when you lived in that stupid excuse for a community, I only wanted to see you suffer. Like I did, because of you."
"You've known about me that long?"
"Of course I did. My people broke in and you kindly let them go. No questions asked. That kindness from you, that's unexpected, dear brother. To be honest, I am impressed."
"That was you?"
"You send children to do your dirty work. If you would have faced your problems on your own like a big boy we would have had our happy little family reunion a long time ago."
"Where are they?"
"Where's who?"
"Airianna. Angie. Steve. I swear to God if you've killed them I'll-"
"Ethan, I'm disappointed. Do you really think those idiots are the only ones I have? Mother said you were slow but I never did believe her. I thought she was just being cruel. You will not save your friends, not this time. This is where you fail, Ethan. You deserve to fail."
Her smile faded and I heard the sound of footsteps from behind me but before I could react or warn the others, I felt a sharp pain, and then darkness.