Ch. 7 The Calm

Michael and Maggie get fully dressed and try to make it seem like they didn't just do the deed.

"You're gonna have to wipe that smirk off your face or everybody will know what we did" Maggie told Michael since he had a wide silly smirk on his face.

"Me tell the world I just banged a gorgeous woman and bent her over a desk? Yeah, why would I ever tell anyone that.....Don't worry. I'm not a loud mouth that will go telling anyone. I'm used to keeping secrets from my brother and sister and they are the nosiest people I know" Michael tries to save himself. Maggie just flicks his forehead moderately hard. "Just keep your mouth shut and keep your cock in your pants"

"I can and I will. But you'll have to take it out next time then" Michael stated causing Maggie to sigh and roll her eyes.

They picked up their things and Michael exited the room. He made sure there were no walkers as he exited the store.

Glenn was nowhere to be seen in the store or outside.

"Do you think he heard us?" Maggie asked concerned, more so that her dad will find out and not that Glenn heard them.

"I'd be surprised if he didn't. We kept it quiet but he could have gone up to the door and heard us" Michael was blunt and earned himself a punch to the shoulder.

"Note to self, she's stronger than she looks" And he got another harder punch. He forgot he wasn't monologuing in his head. He's still riding his high of losing his V-card in this life.

"His horse is still here so he's probably in another store. Let's just stay here and wait for him. We can ask each other questions while we wait" Michael tries to get to know her better.

"Listen, I tried to be nice earlier and let you down easy. My dad is gonna try and get you guys off the farm as soon as possible. I don't want to lead you on"

"Then me and my siblings can go to a place nearby and bunker down. I'm not part of Ricks group yet, officially. If it's between them and you I'll choose you. I know we only just met and barely know each other but I want to get to know you and fall madly in love with you!"

Maggie was about to respond but Michael cut her off. "And no, not because of your body. While it's a bonus I want you. The way you laugh or roll your eyes. The way you are willing to flick me or punch me, not to the point of abuse might I add or hope. All of it. I want to learn more"

Then Michael heard a door open up down the street and turned to see Glenn exit and walk towards them. His pack seeming much fuller than before.

"I can be very stubborn but if you tell me know I'll take the hint"


Michael sighs and pulls out his sunglasses from his bag. "Haaah, I guess you have until we leave to change you mind. Think about it and let me know, please" He puts on his sunglasses and waves to Glenn before going back into the store to get some more candy. He's going to need some to fill his heart back up.

"Where's he going?" Glenn asks

"He forgot something on his list and went back for it" Maggie said a little ticked off.

"Are you alright? Did he do something to you?" Glenn asked concerned. He didn't think that Michael would do something like force himself on a girl but it was the apocalypse and he didn't know the guy all that well.

"No, he didn't do anything wrong technically"

"Okay..." Glenn didn't know how to carry on the conversation any longer.

They waited 2 minutes for Michael to come back out.

"Sorry, forgot the second Candy that was written down" Michael laughed at his own joke as he showed them his list. He may have also went in for another box of condoms, but who can say.

No other words were said on their way back. Michael decided that he would look for a hat that went with his jacket to look even cooler, he wanted to see Briana's and Paul's reactions when they see him fully decked out eventually. If they think he looks cool now they'll be blown away when he puts a cool hat on as well.

By the time he was done monologuing they had reached the farm.

Maggie went to the house immediately after putting the horses back. She talked with Hershel and then as Maggie walked away Hershel looked over at Michael and Glenn. He was trying to think which one it was. He didn't need to think too hard though.

Lori made a b-line for Glenn and he handed over something in a bag that she shoved down the back of her pants.

Michael went looking for his siblings and heard them in the rv. He saw Daryl enter and stayed outside as Daryl talked to Carol about the Cherokee. Michael had to admit, Daryl has his soft side and it made him seem extremely kind. Extremely human. Not just a redneck or whatever.

And when he said that he believed the flower bloomed for Carols little girl even Michael felt like crying. But no tears fell. Not so much as a drop.

Michael stayed leaning against the outside of the rv and nodded to Daryl when he exited. Daryl looked at him and just walked off.

Michael figured he was just shy about being kind and showing emotion so he shrugged it off.

He entered the rv after knocking and when the twins saw them they were all smiles and bundles of energy. He played games with them and thanked Carol for watching them and that she can be free now. She laughed and told him that it was alright and that she enjoyed having something to keep her mind off of Sophia.

Time passed quickly and Michael realized that it was dark and he forgot to put up a tent.

But then Carol said that Tdog, Dale and Lori already put one up for them. So he had Paul, Briana and himself thank them for putting it up and Carol for watching them.

After that he put them to sleep and moved their things inside the tent. It was a little cramped with three sleeping bags and 5 packs full of things now. But they didn't complain. The twins enjoyed being close to their big brother. They all slept good that night. Even Michael forgot about Otis and Shane while the twins slept beside him.