Michael woke up to the twins shaking him awake asking him for breakfast.
The three got out of the tent and met up with the rest of Ricks group. Rick asked if he wanted to search for Sophia but he turned him down. He wanted to stay here and let his hands heal. He would also be able to defend base if something happens. Rick asked Glenn to go with him since Shane was gone and Michael was injured. Glenn couldn't exactly say no.
Michael stayed behind and watched the twins and had them help him do some minor tasks. Like gather firewood and sticks. They did some other minor things and had some fun. Eventually their tasks were done and the twins were bored so study played tag. Michael was it and he took of his jacket and got ready to chase them. The two were told no barn.
The twins had so much energy but they weren't a match for Michael's athletic body. As he chased them around, always letting them escape when he was about to get them he heard some conversation. He also caught a few people send smiles their way. He especially like Maggie's smile as she watched him and his siblings run around like they were the energizer bunnies.
He heard Hershel say that the groups should stay separate. Guess it's time Michael talked with Rick about that. He also heard Glenn say that Lori was pregnant! Like seriously, baby in the oven pregnant. And that she hadn't told Rick yet.
Glenn and Lori smiled as they rand by and didn't think anything of it. But he definitely heard them.
When the twins were eventually tired they took a break. They went and sat in the shade beside the rv and just enjoyed a breeze that passed through every now and then.
Soon the twins had to use the bathroom so he took them inside the house. As he did he let one go to the first floor and the other to the second floor.
Michael saw the women in the kitchen and waved at them and they waved back. Then he saw and heard Maggie talking to her father Hershel. "I think I'm a little old for us to be having this conversation". With that said Maggie starts to walk away.
"Don't get close to them. They aren't going to be around forever". Hershel just had to nail that last bit in before Maggie left.
Michael just stepped outside to not get caught up in whatever was brewing. He waited and then returned to the rv with the twins.
Andrea and Dale talked for a bit and then Dale went into the rv and talked with Glenn.
"Walker! Walker!!" Andrea shouted from atop the rv.
Michael told. The twins to get inside the rv and wait until he got back.
He grabbed his Bo staff and started to run through the field after hearing that it was only one.
He heard Rick tell Andrea to not shoot. But Michael puts his money on her shooting.
Some other people were running behind Michael. It was Rick, Glenn and Tdog.
As Michael got close he saw that it was Daryl. But the man was bloodies and covered in mud. He also freaking had walker ears on a shoelace neck lace.
Michael lifted his bo staff and pointed it at Daryl who may have turned. Rick ran up next to Michael and held out his revolver.
"It's the third time you pointed that thing at my head! You gonna pull the trigger or what?!" everybody heard Daryl and they all visibly relaxed.
Michael lifted his bo staff into the air and started waving it side to side to stop Andrea from shooting. Everyone though he was crazy but not two seconds later a shot was heard and Daryl hit the ground hard.
Hershels family and the women ran out of the house because they heard the gunshot.
"What on earth is going on out here!" Hershel shouted.
Michael threw his weapon towards where Daryl landed and ran to him. Rick shouted no and stop as he waved his hands in the air.
Michael checked Daryls head and saw that it just grazed him.
Michael and Rick picked Daryl up and had him lean on their shoulders. "I was just kidding" Daryl joked. Michael weakly and awkwardly laughed.
Andrea and Dale started running towards them and by the time they got there Daryl had already passed out. Now Rick and Michael were dragging Daryl through the open field.
Andrea kept on going "Ohm my god! Oh my god!" And wouldn't stop. Rick explained that the bullet just grazed his head and that he only passed out.
Glenn asked what happened and pointed out that he was wearing ears. Which was kinda freaky.
Rick said to keep that to themselves as he pulled the ears off Daryl's neck.
Then Tdog holds up a dirty doll that fell from Daryl and asks if it was Sophias.
Daryl was taken to a bed inside the house and Hershel was patching him up. The guy had a bullet wound on his head and an arrow wound on the right side of his abdomen.
Michael left after hearing Daryls injuries. He went back to the twins and passed by Maggie who looked like she wanted to talk but kept her mouth shut. So Michael just kept going towards the rv.
Michael asks the twins if they were ok and if they were ready for dinner. It was getting darker by the minute.
Michael took the twins to the house and saw that it was packed. Michael sat at the head of the second table with Maggie sitting to his left. Briana sat to his right as Paul sat next her.
It was very quiet and awkward. Glenn asked if anybody knew the guitar but nobody did. Michael thought of learning an instrument but decided against it in favor of a survival course.
Patricia said that Otis knew and Hershel said he was very gifted. Michael clenched his left hand hard and moved it below the table before anybody saw. Unfortunately Maggie saw.
After the talk of Otis it went quiet again and only the clinking of the silverware and plates could be heard.
Maggie slipped a note into Michael's lap. He opened it and read "tonight where?" In cursive. It looked very nice. Michael could never write cursive. It just eluded him.
He wrote "Barn" and passed it back. Maggie took it but couldn't read it unless she would get caught by Hershel.
Michael watched as Carol took a plate of food upstairs for Daryl and smiled.
They finished eating and the women offered to clean and wouldn't take no for an answer. Michael tried to offer to help but was turned down with the excuse of "We don't want your hands getting any worse. And you need to look after the twins" Which is partly bull because the twins ended up helping anyway. Even Paul who was the only guy that was allowed to help.
So Michael went outside and went to his tent. He grabbed a blanket as well as a box.
He headed off to the barn. He didn't know why he wrote it down. His hand was already moving by the time he noticed.
His uneasy feeling kept growing as he got closer. It seemed much bigger when you were right in front of it compared to looking at it from the house.
Michael saw that it was locked heavily and went around the side. He saw there was a place he could climb to but decided it would be best not to risk his hands hurting any more. So he went to the back and found it was completely closed as well. So he went back to the front and waited.
He heard some noises from within and got closer. Eventually he put his ear up to it and closed his eyes to focus on what was inside.
"HiiiYeeeeeeeh!!!!" Michael freaked the hell out and screamed. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he jumped forward as he shouted. It wasn't super high pitched but it was barely a manly scream. He turned around and saw that it was Maggie and later down on the ground. Left hand holding the blanket with the box wrapped inside and his right hand over his heart. He had decent nerves but Maggie litterally popped out of nowhere.
"Can I have my heart back?"
"Excuse me?" Maggie says confused.
"My heart. Can I have it back. If you don't have it do you mind looking for it on the ground because it either jumped out of my mouth or it sank out of my a$$"
That got Maggie to laugh a bit but then she remembered where they were.
"Did you see what's inside?"
"No, I was trying to listen and hear what was in there. I heard something moving inside before you scared me to near death. I still can barely hold my hands steady. Got-damn you got me good"
"Listen. Don't come near the barn again. Let's god somewhere else alright? Somewhere more private?" She said as she gave a hand to Michael who took it and stood up.
"Yeah. Let's just get away from this barn. It's giving me the 'Heeby~Newbies' just standing this close. Ever since I saw this barn it's given me a weird feeling...And I would love to go somewhere more private with you Maggie~"
"Has your brain finally caught up? It took you a minute didn't it?" Maggie laughed cutely again as she cover her mouth with the back of her hand.
"Was hoping you wouldn't notice that" Michael scratched the back of his head and looked to the side.
Michael and Maggie walked away from the barn and into the field towards the tree line.
"So I'm not gonna ask what's in the barn, but can I ask why you asked to meet me tonight?"
"Thanks for not asking about the barn, I'll say that the barn is complicated. And the reason why I asked to meet you tonight is to talk….privately"
"Yeah, I got the private part" Michael's looks over to the small house in the distance. They were very far away from anyone.
"You aren't about to make me hold a mouse and off me like Lenny are you?" Michael tries to make a joke about 'Of Mice and Men' or at least what he remembers about the book.
"No, I plan on getting you back to Paul and Briana in one piece"
"That's good to hear. And how much farther. We're practically at the tree line"
"We can stop at the treeline. Then we can sit on the blanket you're holding"
"Sounds like a plan to me" Michael couldn't help but get his hopes up. But he prepared himself for some bad news just in case.
They make it to the tree line and Michael unfolds the blanket forgetting about the box and it drops. Maggie picks it up and gives a blank look to Michael. "Confident aren't we"
Michael nervously laughs. "Ha…ha… What can I say, scout motto is be prepared?"
Michael puts the blanket down and Maggie sits down. Michael sits facing her.
"I asked you to meet me because I realized I was being stupid and rude to you yesterday"
"Does that mea-" Michael gets excited and ahead of himself.
"Let me finish please!" Maggie cuts him off and waits for him to respond. He nods and she continues. "I like you Michael. But I don't know you. And you don't know me. So before we say I love you or not let's get to know each other. Let's start from the beginning, does that sound good?" Maggie wasn't sure how Michael would respond and hoped for the best.
"Hello, my name is Michael Parson. I'm 19 years old, single and ready to mingle. I will say that I am an experienced man when it comes to certain things" he give Maggie a wink and continues. "I don't know where my parents are. They left on a trip somewhere before the apocalypse. I have two younger adorable siblings whom I hold dearly. And there is this one lady who helped me realize that my heart wasn't while until I met her. I'll give you a clue. Her initials that I know of are M.G. Oh, I'm from Georgia by the way. I was lucky and found a nice place pretty close. It took me longer to get there because I had to protect the siblings that I practically raised on my own. Pretty cool if I do say so myself" and he pops his collar up when he said cool for dramatic effect getting a giggle from Maggie.
"Well, Michael. I wasn't expecting your entire to be summed up in two minutes. I guess you really aren't a minute man"
"No ma'am. I like to consider myself a two-minute man. It's double the fun"
They laugh together and Maggie explains her life on the farm. And turns out Maggie had a little bit of a rebellious stage where she went out with a few guys but only did the deed with one guy when she was feeling sad and lonely. She was worried Michael would think less of her but was happily surprised when he wasn't. He told her about him being homeschooled and rarely meeting his parents. They shared a few more stories and laughed together. They talked about their siblings and laughed some more. Then the mood felt right and Michael felt like kissing her. He went onto his knees and leaned close to Maggie. He cupped the side of her face with his hand and brought his lips close to hers. He stopped an inch away and Maggie was the one to close the gap after she realized Michael wasn't going to. It was a quick peck but Michael felt like he was king of the world.
"I'm only falling for you harder. And I don't think I can stop myself from falling harder" Michael whispered to Maggie looking into her eyes.
"Quite the smooth talker aren't you? But I think you need to learn to shut up a bit more" Maggie leans forwards and seals his lips again. This time holding the kiss for a few brief seconds.
Michael is about to talk again but shuts his mouth and just kisses her passionately slipping his tongue in and her doing the same.
Maggie found it adorable how Michael acts and found it funny when he took her advice.
They didn't do anything more than kids and cuddle that night for an hour or two but it was amazing for the both of them. They enjoyed the warmth of the other in their arms as they stared up at the stars or into each others eyes. They had a great time.
But all good things must come to an end. Michael heard a twig snap farther into the woods. He quickly got up and got into a squatted position. He realized he left his weapons at base camp. He scanned his surroundings quickly and moved i front of Maggie. There were more twigs snapping. The sounds were getting closer as well.
Michael found a 3 decent sized rocks.
He held one in his right hand and had two in his left. He walked forward a few steps and kept looking towards the sound. He heard a raspy snarl and groans.
He tried backing up quietly back to Maggie. "There's a walker, maybe more than one. I need you to get ready to run. Don't make any noise and wait for me here. Do. Not. Make. A. Sound"
And with that Michael walked towards the sounds her heard. He stayed in his Crouched position. He looked between the bushes and saw 4 walkers. He couldn't risk leaving them and knew he could deal with them on his own. He backed up and looked for a sturdy stick. He soon found one.
He threw one smaller rock at a tree across from himself to distract the walkers. They turned towards the sound and that's when Michael sprung into action silently. He bashed the head of the first one with a decently sized rock. The walker collapsed onto the ground not even twitching. But the rock was stuck. Before the others could turn towards him he kicked one forward making it fall to the ground. He then stabs the stick he found into the back of the knee of the third making it fall forward with a little push.
The fourth turned towards Michael. He stood up tall and plunged the stick into its eye deep. "At least I got to penetrate something tonight. Still gotta say that I prefer Maggie to walkers" and laughs to himself.
The second walker was back up and shuffling towards him. He threw the last rock he had at its head and it only made it stumble back a step with a new cut along its forehead. Michael quickly made the decision to kick its knee in as it was recovering from the rock throw.
He moved forward and with his boot he kicked its knee. There was a sickening *CRACK* that could be heard followed by growls and groans.
Luckily the walker fell to the side and not towards Michael. Now he has to deal with two crawlers which are much easier to deal with.
He backs away a few steps and eventually decides that his best options are to kick their heads in with his boots or look for a rock or a stick to do the same thing but it would take longer.
He easily just dug his heel into the forehead and back of the walkers heads repeatedly until their skull were open.
Michael breathed a little heavier than normal. It was mostly the adrenaline and using his brain which he prefers not to use unless absolutely necessary.
He sighed after making sure there weren't any more walkers nearby. He made sure to call out to Maggie to not scare her. "Maggie! It's me, don't be afraid! I'm coming out from the bushes now!"
Michael can back to see that Maggie looked scared but visibly relaxed when she saw Michael was alright. "They didn't even scratch me. I took care of them"
"What did you do to them?"
"What do you?….. Oh"
"Michael, what did you do to them?" Maggie stood up and took a few steps back.
"I did what I had to. If I left them they would have attacked you and me"
"They're sick people Michael! You don't kill them!"
"Maggie, let's calm down. You know they aren't people. Not after they turn"
"Then what about my mom? Huh? She's turned. What about her?"
"What do you mean? Your mo-….. No. Maggie no"
Michael just realized what was in the barn. They had walkers.
Michael picked up the blanket and box and grabbed her hand.
"Where are you dragging me Michael?"
"We're getting away from the woods. Tomorrow me and you can go for a supply run alright?"
"What do you mean? Michael what's gotten into you?"
"I just realized what's in the barn Maggie! That's what!"
Michael let her hand go and turned to face her.
Maggie's face got serious quick.
"What do you mean?"
"Maggie, if you care for me I need you to trust me. Are there walkers in the barn?"
"They aren't walkers! They are our family, friends and neighbors!"
"So they are in there... Maggie, you know they are dangerous right? They attack anything living. Ever wonder why they don't eat each other? It's because they aren't living anymore. Let's..... just get you back to your home alright?"
Maggie stayed silent. Michael did bring up a good point. They didn't eat each other but would eat their chickens and other animals. But the thing in the Well left the ham alone but went after Glenn. She didn't want to believe it, but she already did.
"Listen Maggie. I won't tell anyone and you have my word. But they need to know. And I can't leave you here when there is a barn full of…..people that would cause harm to you and your family. I can't leave you like that. I care for you and your family alright? Maggie? We can get through this. Just know I'll be here for you"
Maggie just shut herself away from Michael and was in her own world as they walked back. Michael's boots were cleaned on the walk back for the most part.
Michael made his way to his tent the long way to not be seen and Maggie snuck back into the house.
He left his shoes outside his tent and got into his sleeping bag next to the sleeping twins. He didn't like the way the next few days would go.
That night he had nightmares about Otis and Shane. This time it was worse, because Maggie was also being eaten and torn apart and it felt so real, he felt so…..helpless and weak.