Ch. 18 Morning and Supply Run

Michael and Maggie woke up and enjoyed the fact that they were together. It being the morning, Michael was awake and so was his staff. Maggie found it amused about that and the fact that he technically can't take care of it unless he risks getting caught while everyone is in the house. That ticked Michael off a bit and so he grabbed her boobs and pressed his staff against her. She felt a heat from deep within her and didn't appreciate Michael have to suffer with him.

Michael got up and started stretching. Maggie watched Michael's muscles as he flexed and relaxed them. Maggie knelt on the bed and hugged him from behind. He stopped stretching and turned around.

"What got into you?" Michael asks as he scratches her head and looks down into her eyes.

"Nothing. Just wanted to hug you"

"Say no more" Michael wrapped his arms around his back and gave her a kiss before putting his head on her shoulder.

A few minutes later they separated and Michael was told to leave. "Alright, I need to change. Why don't you go see how the twins are doing?"

"I can't watch?" Michael got a hard flick to the forehead and got pushed out of the room.

Michael rubbed his forehead that sting for a few seconds. He went downstairs to see that everyone had woken up and most people had left the house. Dale and Patricia were sitting at the dining room table talking.

"Hi Dale, Patricia"

Both turn to look at Michael as he walks in. Michael has his leather jacket over his left arm.

"Hi Michael. You and Maggie sleep well?" Patricia sweetly asks.

"Yes, we didn't mean to sleep in but you won't catch us complaining. How about yourself?"

"It was a stressful night. I love this farm, but I don't think it was built for the apocalypse. I'm looking forward to getting somewhere safer" Patricia looks sad that she will have to leave.

"The others are going for supplies. They want to leave yesterday but don't want to go without stocking up. The kids are with Carol and Lori over at the fire pit. The kids were getting restless so they took em out for some fresh air after the others made sure the farm was secure. I think Rick sent Daryl and Tdog to make sure the fields and woods are clear of walkers" Dale said while scratching his beard and trying to remember.

"Rick said for you and Maggie to go to town and check it out after you woke up. Rick and Glenn should be there"

"Thanks for updating me Dale. Send Maggie outside when she comes down would you? I want to check in with the kids"

"No problem" Dale nods his head.

Michael goes out the front door and sees the kids running around with so much energy. He sees Lori and Carol hanging laundry and walks over. "Good morning. Thanks for watching them, let me help" Michael helps hanging some laundry"

"Hello Michael. You don't have to help us" Carol says in a tired voice.

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. I'm waiting for Maggie anyway" Michael smiles towards the two women.

"If that's the case we won't turn your offer down. Rick won't admit it but he was freaked out yesterday when you said the silhouette disappeared in an instant. He may not always seem like it, but he's worried about everyone" Lori looks over to Michael to let him know.

"I know he cares. And I know he's trying his best. Our heads sometimes end up on opposite sides. I won't go against him on big things that are his decisions as leader. But if he hesitates to get his hands dirty for the safety of the group, I'll gladly dirty my hands in his stead"

"Michael….." Lori says.

"Michael!" "Big Bro" "Brother". Carl, Paul and Briana came running over to Michael. The twins gave him a hug and Carl stopped in front of him as Michael gave him a fist bump.

"You guys have so much energy this morning" Michael says looking at them.

"You have no idea" Lori says and Carol chuckles a bit.

Michael talks to them as he helps hang the laundry up to dry. After a few minutes Maggie comes out of the front door to the house.

"Maggie! Grab my staff before you walk over please!" Michael had left his bo staff on the front porch the previous night. Hershel doesn't like weapons in the house, but he allowed guns last night.

Maggie had walked down the steps when she had to turn around and grab Michael's staff.

No, not that staff…..yet. Gosh, the kids are right next to Michael. Get your head out of the gutter.

Maggie walked over and said hello to the kids. The twins weren't sure if they liked her before. But now they do, Michael doesn't know what happened but won't complain if his favorite people get along with each other.

Maggie helps Michael finish his basket that had a few articles of clothing left in it. Lori and Carol thank them. The kids want to play with them but are told that they have to head to town so they can leave the farm sooner. They reluctantly let Maggie and Michael get in Maggie's car and go to the town. Michael had a few dirty thoughts that would make the windows fog on a cold night.

Maggie prepared herself to kill a walker in case they had to. Michael was there and would help her but you never know what can happen I'm the apocalypse. There was a walker in a field but the two let it be because it was far away from the farm and they had more important things to do than kill one walker way in the middle of a field nowhere near the farm.

As they approached the town Michael told Maggie to park the car facing towards the way back to the farm.

They entered the town on foot. They had two boxes of garbage bags to stuff things into. In the town we're only a few walkers. Michael easily disposed of them and had Maggie kill her first. She had a fire axe and was able to use it, barely. It was almost too heavy for her. She also didn't know how to properly use it efficiently. Michael taught her what he could but it was just a crash course. He made sure he was close enough to step in if things got messy but Maggie handled it well. But they were in the open and not in the woods or in a cramped space. Michael would enter the store first and Maggie would be behind him. He got quite a few kills and they had cleared a few shops. They would put things inside the garbage bags and leave them near the entrance of the store on the inside so they can just drive through with a truck and just toss the things inside.

They hadn't seen Rick or Glenn so they assumed they were on the other side of town.

They eventually locked themselves in a room to eat a late lunch together. They may have also fooled around a bit.

After their break they went back to work. Michael saw the white truck from the group of people that tried to shoot at them at the bar. There weren't any walkers near it but it was just bloody as hell. The walkers must have bled as well because Michael doubted that one guy can have all that blood. The window was down but the doors were still closed. He and Maggie went and searched the car. Michael made sure to stab the walker with his knife twice just to be safe.

He checked the glovebox and center consul of the truck. He found a map where the other group had marked its location on with the note: "don't forget where we are again dumbass" attached to it. Michael didn't tell Maggie about it and just pocketed it. The group may have changed locations but was pretty far away. It seems that this group was just to scout if the area was safe. It clearly wasn't since the scouts didn't come back so he doubted they would come. But he would take care of them before they had the chance to be a problem.

Maggie found rifles and ammunition in the back of the truck. Michael could feel himself drool. He just planned on murdering their group and they hand delivered him the tools to do so.

They immediately bagged everything and took them to Maggie's car immediately. Luckily there were no walkers and that only made Michael more worried. That means that they had gone somewhere he doesn't know.

They kept bagging things like clothes, medicine, food, water, anything they thought could be remotely useful. They had the time and resources to be thorough. It's better to have it and not need it than to not have it and need it.

There was a hunting store but it seems to already have been cleared. A few stores had actually been cleared by the looks of it so Michael figured they were getting close to Rick and Glenn.

Michael decided to stop looting and look for Rick and Glenn just in case they got into trouble. Michael laughed internally because he knew they probably were because it was Rick. He always had trouble. Nothing was easy when he was around.

The turned down the last street and saw a horde of walkers trying to get into a store.

"They're in there" Michael whispered.

"How do you know?" Maggie looked in horror at the sheer number of walkers.

"It's Rick we're talking about here. Of course he's in there...And that's their truck they took here probably" He pointed towards the light blue truck that wasn't on the farm when he went outside. It had supplies in the bed of the truck. It was surrounded by walkers currently, but the walkers were only focused on the store meaning they weren't eaten inside the truck.

"What do we do? How do we help them?" She asked worried.

"That… a good question. This is an extremely dangerous situation. I believe they are still alive. We can't just melee them all to death. The best thing to do is to get in your car and draw them away. We don't need to waste all the ammo we just got. We can lead the horde away down a road and double back and clear the walkers that stayed behind. Are you ready? Want me to drive?"

"Yeah…. Heres the keys" Maggie thinks about it for two seconds before handing Michael the keys. She doesn't trust herself to kite the walkers away properly and it seems Michael knows what he's doing.

They get back to Maggie's car and get ready.