Michael is in the drivers seat and Maggie is in the passenger.
"Do you have any music you want to play?"
"I don't think this is a time for music Michael" Maggie flatly said.
"Fine, guess we can get their attention the old fashioned way". Michael starts the engine and backs into the town. He drives to the street where the horde is. He turns around so he faces the horde and revs the engine getting their attention. They start shuffling towards the car. Michael backs up slowly trying to kite as many walkers as possible. Maggie is slightly freaking out having so many walkers right in front of them.
Instead of going the way they came, Michael goes the opposite way out of town. He keeps going slowly and the noise of the car is enough to attract the walkers. Luckily they had a full tank of gas. They didn't burn much, but if they didn't have enough it could have been bad.
He takes them to the next intersection and then goes back the long way leaving the walkers in the dust at the intersection a decent ways away from town.
Michael got back to town and went to where the horde initially was. He gave Maggie a knife, a machete, and a pistol just in case. He took the fire axe since his stick wouldn't be all that great for him against the remnants of the horde. There were maybe less than 50 walkers still trying to get into the store. Michael couldn't count accurately unless he wanted to waste time.
Michael left the guns in the trunk of the car since he did t want to draw the walkers back to the town.
Since they were mostly trying to get into the store. He made quiet noises to get the stragglers attention.
Michael cleared his mind of distractions. It was hard with Maggie so close, but he made sure she was safe and armed.
The walkers shuffled towards him. It was five and they were coming one at a time.
He easily buried the axe into or through their skulls. The bodies hitting the ground made some noise drawing more over. Now since he was in battle he probably wouldn't get a chance to rest unless he heavily retreats. But as long as nothing unexpected happens he will be fine.
Michael would sometimes have to use the body of a walker to get between him and the next one. He wasn't stationary and kept changing his position to advantageous fights. After 20 zombies he felt his muscles complain about the weight of the fire axe. Luckily his hands had healed but he left the bandages on just to be sure for the day.
Michael would kick their kneecaps in to delay some of them. After another 9 he had a break. There were only about 10 more outside of the store. But now that he got a better line of sight he saw the shop had been broken into. Luckily it didn't look completely full, but still not and easy time.
He took a minute of rest before he went behind the walkers silently and horizontally swung the axe hard. He got through 5 walkers and buried the axe into the 6th walkers skull. He quickly yanked it free and backed up. He wasn't quiet as it cleaved through the skulls and brains of the walkers.
A lot of walkers turned to face him and exited the store. "Whoopsie" Michael says as he backs up. He goes to the truck where he saw two light hatchets. Well, they were lighter than the fire axe he was previously using.
He started to just mow through them. Now he realized he was stupid for trying to swing the big one for so long. It was good for a few walkers and keeping them farther away than the hatchets. But the hatchets allowed him to make more swings. He did have to use more strength to break their skulls because the axe had gravity and momentum help. The hatchets were quicker and didn't need a big swing.
Michael got blood splattered across his clothes and face. He had to be more careful. He put his sunglasses on and wrapped a cloth over his nose and mouth. All he needed was a hat and he would look like a bandit or something.
He kept moving and hacking away at the walkers. Michael noticed that if it was Rick he would have fallen and tripped over his own feet a dozen times by this point.
Michael backed up as the bodies littered the pavement and became obstacles. Some walkers tripped over them which helped him. Finally he was able to clear most of them. He made sure they were all dead.
He double tapped any that could have been undead still. He didn't want to risk any fakers on the ground like Hershels wife when she almost got Both at the barn. Better safe than sorry. Rick wouldn't mind a few more minutes.
Michael walked into the store and saw it was a food store or meat shop or something. He banged his hatchets on the door to draw 7 more walkers out. He's rather not fight inside just incase.
"I can't do this all day" Michael stated as he readjusted his grip on the handles of the hatchets. His arms were getting freaking tired as hell. He lost count of how many times he swung. Granted he wasn't counting because he had more important things to think about, but the point is still there. Hopefully.
Michael easily takes care of the walkers as they fall over the piles of corpses littered unevenly outside the store and in the street. A walker would fall on its face and Michael would cleave the back of its skull open exposing the insides to the sky.
After the 7th walker goes down he walks back in. "Rick! I've cleared the others! Wait for a minute while the last few leave the store and then come out and take care of em! My arms are tired!"
Michael didn't get a response but knew he yelled loud enough to talk over the last 2 dozen of walkers. They may or may not have been a bakers dozen but he wasn't going to count. He kicked a stand over to make more noise to draw the walkers outside. He backed out of the store and nearly fell over a particularly large pile of walkers. But he was able to stay standing and continue into the street. He checked both ways before crossing to make sure he wasn't going to get boxed in and saw one to the right. "How did you get....over there? Let me…..help you join the others.....over here buddy" Michael said with a bit of difficulty. Michael was breathing hard but wasn't exhausted. He took care of the walker and saw Rick and Glenn about to attack the group of walkers. He decided to just get it over with and helped the two guys take care of them.
Michael was breathing hard still and let his arms drop to his sides. "The hell…..did you guys do…..to get stuck in there?" Michael asked as he went to rest against the truck.
"Did you do all of this?" Glenn asks as he looks around at the ground and sees all the bodies. Then he looks at Michael again to see him take off the cloth around his face and saw how bloody he looked.
"Perhaps...." Michael slowly said as he looks at the piles. He really went to town on them. He stood up and walked over the Maggie's car that was in the middle of the street. "You're welcome by the way" Michael doesn't look back.
"Michael!" Rick calls out. Michael stops and turns his torso towards Rick. "Thank you!"
Michael waves at him and continues walking away towards Maggie.
Maggie steps out of the car holding the machete and meets Michael halfway.
"Hey Maggie, I was thinking about a date idea. What do you say about clothes shopping?" Michael asks as he presents his bloody clothes.
"Michael... we are not going to brush past the fact you just killed over 50 walkers single handedly" Maggie says concerned.
"But I didn't do it single handedly" Michael says. Then holds both hatchets up. "I killed fifty walkers 'dual-wield-ed'" Michael has a smartass grin on his face. Maggie just closes her eyes as she sighs at the ground.
"Michael" Maggie says slowly and you can hear the emotion beneath her tone. She wasn't too happy he was joking at this time. She would have laughed if it was a different situation.
"Maggie, yes. I defeated a ton of walkers on my own. It was hard but they could only walk and stumble towards me. There wasn't even any close calls. What's wrong with me taking down so many?"
"I'm not saying it's a bad thing or that I'm mad. I'm glad you are able to do it. It just seems unrealistic. And you didn't look like you were yourself when you were taking them down. And it's not all that shocking. Ive seen what's beneath those clothes"
"Hmmm. Soooo....that's a no for the date?"
Maggie sighs. She doesnt know why she was worried after he was already safe. He was safe so it's best not to worry. "Let's go get you changed into something that doesn't smell like decaying corpses"
Maggie leads the way to a men's clothing store. It was popular with the highschool guys she dated in the past. She knew that Michael would like it. She doesn't know why but Michael has a thing for leather jackets, but she wasn't gonna complain because they were hot on him.
Michael let Maggie take the lead in making sure the store was clear and safe. He didn't like it but knew she would have to do it eventually.
There weren't any walkers inside so Michael stripped in the middle of the store and tried on some clothes. Maggie helped him. She even made him try on some 'risk-ay' clothes. They were in the back of the store and were fitting for a different type of apocalypse. They had a good time. Michael now had two bags of extra clothes for himself and Maggie was a tiny bit jealous.
Rick and Glenn peeked in through the glass windows at the front midway through Michael's fashion show. They left rather quickly and they didn't stick around. They were both men that could appreciate a mans body but they were not about to watch whatever was going on in there. They may or may not have shown up when Michael found some tear-away clothing. That's the type of clothes a male stripper would wear and they would literally pull their pants off in one go at the beginning of the show. Y'know, the types of clothing with buttons along the sides. Michael had a blast when Maggie wasn't expecting it.
Poor Rick and Glenn won't be able to unsee that for a while. They couldn't drink heavily yet but that didn't stop them from going to the bar and taking a shot and grabbing whatever alcohol wasn't shot the other day.
After Michael had his clothes they went to find clothes for Maggie. Michael knew he was doomed when she started talking about 4 stores. But at least he would get a great view for his time.
6 hours and 5 stores later, Michael can say that he had a great time. Maggie took an hour at each store. Now, 6 hours and 5 store, that doesn't add up if each store took an hour. Well, Michael couldn't take Maggie's teasing after the 5th store so he had to get back at her. A few of Maggie's outfits were ruined, but neither complained because they had a blast. Litteraly in Michael's case.
Michael found a good supply of condoms, and he would be sure to put them to good use. As much as he doesn't want to use them, he doesn't want to get Maggie pregnant…..yet. That's why he always had at least two condoms on his person at most times. Definitely not to boost his ego.
Maggie and Michael rest after their hour workout. They take their bags of new clothes to Maggie's car. They also grabbed some clothes for the twins and Carl. They'll grab extra clothes for the others tomorrow. They had a fun date and met back up with Rick and Glenn. Maggie and Michael didn't know they were seen by them.
Michael told Rick about the guns they found in the truck. Rick didn't like Michael's theory that they were scouts and had that much firepower. This made Michael realize he should be more careful when he goes to take care of them.
Rick wanted to leave sooner than soon. But they would have to see how much fuel the others were able to get.
They raided a few more stores and then loaded the truck with bags of supplies. The rv will definitely be put to good use. Dale was tasked with making repairs and making a list of things to look out for incase a car breaks down. Maggie's car couldn't hold that much.
They went back to the farm and unloaded the supplies for them to be organized and rebadged the next day.
Maggie went inside the house and Michael went to talk to Daryl that came back as they were unloading the supplies.
"Daryl! I need to talk to you privately"
Daryl puts down a canister he was holding and walks over to Michael.
"What ya want?" Daryl says after he gets next to Michael just out of earshot of the others.
"I think I may know where the main group may be of the people that shot up the bar"
"What do you mean 'think'? How many are there? And did ya tell Rick?"
Michael pulls out the map and note. "I don't know how many, but I do know that they are most likely still there. Rick won't do what needs to be done. I'm not saying we have to kill them, but if they are a bad group we might have to"
Daryl looks at the map and sees where the other group has their camp marked. He scratches his facial hair and seems to be thinking.
"What did you bring the to me for?"
"You are the only other person in this group that understands the state of the world now. You know that we can't leave these people alone. They will come to bite us in the ass or hurt other people if we leave them alone. We just got some nice weapons that I can use to pick them off from afar, but I need someone to watch my back. We won't do it today, probably leave here tomorrow after an early diner. We can get there and move on foot to scout them out. We would stay there overnight and pick them off whenever we think we have the best chance. What do you say?"
"I say you're fuckin nuts man. But you're right. I'll have your back but you gotta explain to Rick what we're doing besides killing these guys. And we are killing them only if have proof they are bad. And what types of guns did ya find?"
Daryl wasn't too pleased going behind Ricks back but knew the man wouldn't be able to make the call to end them. He sided with Michael, he would back out if it got too risky and drag Michael back.
Michael took him to Maggie's car and showed him the guns in the trunk. There were rifles and pistols galore. Even some snipers. And a good amount of ammunition too.
Daryl followed Michael into the house to talk to Rick. Michael entered the house and hugged Maggie and they went to talk to Rick who was sitting on the couch with Lori and Carl.
"Rick, can we talk about the walkers you had surrounding you today?" Michael questioned.
Lori looked confused. Rick apparently forgot to mention about his near death experience. Apparently rick had to fire some rounds inside the store to save Glenn and himself but ended up drawing the attention of the whole town to them. It happened probably when Michael and Maggie just left the farm and got on the road. Lori really wasn't pleased to hear about Ricks close call and Carl was also worried. They both thanked Michael and Maggie.
Michael then explained that they had to lead a majority of the walkers away down the road. They weren't able to lead them too far away before they went back to save Rick and Glenn. Michael asked if it would be alright if he and Daryl went to draw the walkers farther away. Maggie didn't like it, but Rick thought it would be a good idea. But they had to be careful. Michael didn't think it would be that easy to convince him, maybe being trapped for hours had shaken him and he would allow a mission to keep the walkers away. Michael really didn't care anyway. The route to the enemies was the same road the walkers were lead earlier.
Michael excused himself and Daryl followed Michael to plan on how to draw the walkers away and where they could possibly scout the camp or building they might be holding up in. After an hour flew by Maggie came and dragged Michael away.
Michael and Daryl already had a plan but we're talking about themselves a bit. It was mostly Michael talking, but Daryl opened up about his brother Merle and a bit about his childhood. Michael thinks Daryl would be a riot of a drinking buddy. When they got the prison secured he would definitely have to give it a try.
Michael wanted to ask how he and Carol were doing but the right time hadn't come. The three of them returned to the house. A few f the bags were already being sorted and organized.
Michael froze and asked Daryl to follow him to Maggie's car again. He promised Maggie he would be really quick.
He ran to the car while Daryl jogged behind. Michael opened the trunk and grabbed a bag that seemed to be full of a bunch of small boxes. Michael opened it and sighed.
Daryl goes next to Michael and peeks inside the bag.
"Damn dude, I know you must be horny but fuck. You plan on using all of these?"
Daryl sees the garbage bag filled with boxes of condoms. He was almost shocked. But then he remembered that Michael just got a girlfriend and figured they already finished a few baseball games.
"It's almost like I stocked up for the apocalypse or something!" Michael laughed at his own joke. Daryl realized exactly what type of person Michael was. He was sort of like Merle, without the racism, sexual harassment, being a dick….. ok maybe not like his brother, but he was a jokester like his brother in a way. Almost as if his brother in an alternative world where he was a decent human being.
Daryl could tolerate the bad jokes because he had thick skin but that didn't stop his brain from recoiling at the terrible jokes.
"Funny" Daryl muttered sarcastically.
"What? Did you want some? Who's the lucky lady you stud?" Michael elbowed Daryls side lightly as he asked.
Daryl pushed Michael's shoulder forward away from himself. "There ain't no lady! And I didn't ask for any!" Daryl shouts.
Michael laughs a little. "Alright alright. I'm sorry, but if you ever need a few you know who to ask. Although I'm sure you can find your own"
Daryl scoffs and then looks at the guns.
"That's the second reason I dragged us back out here Daryl. We get our pick of the lot. I'll probably take a sniper and a rifle. And a lot of ammo. Oh, and my compound bow. Better safe than sorry ya know? What about yourself?"
"I'll take basically the same as ya. I'd prefer my crossbow but we're planning to fire from a greater distance than it would be worth. I'll bring it just incase….. are those night vision goggles?"
Michael pulls out a pair of night vision goggle that aren't garbage. "Yep! It'll help don't ya think?"
"And you just happened to not mention that when we were planning?!"
"Whoopsie" Michael says and shrugs his shoulders with an apologetic look on his face.
"'Whoopsie'. I'll give you a 'Whoopsie' when my foot goes up your ass!" Daryl tries to grab Michael but Michael gets away. Daryl wasn't trying to hurt him, he was just messing around and trying to vent his frustration. Daryl tackles Michael to the ground and they roll around a bit.
"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! I won't forget anything important again!" Michael pleads as they are rolling around on the ground.
They get up and off of eachother and dust their jackets off.
"Nice jacket by the way" Michael comments.
"Yours ain't that bad either" Daryl says after calming down.
"Thanks, now let's put our things in your old tent, unless you have a better spot? Oh, and can I keep the condom bag in there too?"
"You need a better name than condom bag. And sure, whatever. But I'm keepin the guns after!" Daryl grabs the guns and ammo.
Michael followed him with the condom bag and his own guns. They put the things inside and went back towards the house.
"Oh, since we're sorting supplies anyways can you help me take some bags inside? It's got the things me and my siblings collected since we were traveling here"
Daryl nods and they grab the bags out of Michael's tent. But Michael stops Daryl and pulls out the two boxes of condoms from a bag. One of the boxes being almost empty already.
"Fuck dude! What the hell!" Daryl says seeing them come from one of the bags he's holding.
"What? At least I'm using protection. Maybe I should give some to Rick?"
Daryl chuckles a little bit but wipes the smile off his face quickly.
"Just shut up"
"Maggie tells me to do that a lot" Michael comments.
"I wonder why?" Daryl shoots back sarcastically.
"Well normally she says it when she wants t-"
"It was rhetorical dumbass!" Daryl clarifies.
Michael laughs as they walk back to the house.
They drop the bags off and they get sorted with the rest of the supplies.
Michael goes over and sits next to Maggie who was sitting on a chair behind the twins while they were playing a board with the Grimes family.
Michael held Maggie's hand and it was a nice night. When the kids fell asleep Michael and Rick moved them to their sleeping bags. Michael and Maggie took first shift again and the same events as the previous night passed, even the events in the morning. Michael really wanted to pin Maggie beneath him and relieve their stress but refrained himself. But he did tell her his plans to get her hit and bothered as well.
This day was gonna be an interesting one and Michael had to be mega focused.