Ch. 20 Good Mornings Don’t Make Good Nights

After waking up on time this morning Maggie and Michael fooled around a bit just teasing each other. They enjoyed seeing how frustrated the other would get.

Michael would press his morning wood against Maggie's soft butt. He would hold her close and kiss her neck. He's also grab her boobs and tease her nipples. He had to keep her mouth covered with his left hand to quiet her moans.

She wasn't idle and tried to get him back. She grinded her ass against him and moved. She felt how hard he was. She also grabbed his ass with her right hand as her left was also covering her mouth on top of Michael's hand.

Michael was not prepared for Maggie to grab his butt. It felt weird. It wasn't bad, it was just new for him.

Maggie was surprised to feel how firm he was. She knew how the rest of his body was but hadn't checked this part yet. When she initially grabbed his butt she felt him stiffen and his muscles constrict. She felt his glutes stiffen under her touch.

She didn't expect Michael to pinch her nipple and hold her breast harder when she did it. She had a light orgasm just from that. She wanted more but knew they shouldn't do more than this.

Michael wanted to relieve himself at least a little. The door was still locked from the previous night. So Michael took out his shaft from his pants and underwear. He couldn't beat her teasing any longer.

As they were spooning he put his shaft between her thighs and pressed it against her pussy. Maggie could feel the hot and throbbing object pressing against her. She closed her thighs and started rocking her hips grinding on it. They felt pleasure from the act, and also the risk that they could be caught.

Michael kept his hand over her mouth and she kept her hand on top of his. Michael had to control himself. He went and out his lips next to Maggie's ear. She could feel his warm breath, she could hear him whisper sweet things and his moans of pleasure as he tried to stifle them. Maggie got extremely turned on. She reached down to Michael shaft and teased the tip as it kept moving against her panties as her skirt had ban moved up previously. She was getting wetter down there and it filled Michael with pride.

Michael would nibble and slightly lick her ear. It was another sensitive spot he had previously found. He felt Maggie squirm as she was about to cum. He moved his hips faster as quietly as he could. He also brought his right hand from her breasts to her clit to make her feel even more pleasure.

Maggie couldn't take it anymore and came hard. Michael was close so he reached over to the nightstand where the tissues were and grabbed two. Michael was close and Maggie knew it. She started stroking him and he got close. He moved the tissue into position and after less than a minute he came hard.

After he relaxed he put it back in his underwear and tossed the napkin into the trash. Maggie rolled over so she was facing him and pressed against his body using his left arm as a pillow.

Michael lifted her chin with his index finger so he could see her blushing beautiful face. They could see the love in each others eyes and then they passionately kissed.

"That was amazing" Maggie breathed out seductively.

"You're telling me" Michael responds. "We woke up on time, but it seems we fooled around for a while longer than I anticipated. They can wait a few more minutes while we cuddle right?"

Maggie just gives him a deep kiss and then puts her head on his pecs and closes her eyes. Michael can't do anything with his left hand due to its current position as Maggie's pillow. He uses his right hand to run his fingers through Maggie's soft brunette hair. Maggie enjoys the feeling and so does Michael. He kinda wants Maggie to scratch his head and run her fingers through his hair. Maybe he will ask her to do it tonight-. Then he remembers what he will be doing tonight and in the morning.

After a few minute Michael pats Maggie's back. "Alright snuggle bug, time to get up and get moving". Maggie groans in a sleepy response.

So he decides to pinch her ass. Maggie yelps and almost bashes her head against his jaw. Luckily it only scraped his chin.

They both apologize to eachother and get out of bed. 'Totally worth it' Michael thought to himself as he runs the impact spot on his chin.

Michael puts his clothes back on properly. He throws on his new leather jacket while the metal is silver like the zipper and pocket buttons. He feels cool and is glad Maggie showed him the store yesterday. He had on a dark red shirt for the day and faded blue jeans. He felt kinda spiffy. What if he got a three piece suit? He imagined Maggie's face when he showed up one day with a fancy three piece suit and a rose in his mouth. Yeah, he will do that eventually.

He walked out of the room to let Maggie change and get ready. He went down the stairs and saw Lori and Carol with Dale and Patricia sorting out the supplies.

The kids were given their own piles to sort. He said hello to the kids first and told them they were doing great work. Then after talking for a few minutes he went to the adults.

"How are you four doing? Hope you can keep up with what we bring in today!"

"Don't worry about us Michael. We will have everything sorted and ready to go when Rick is ready! Also, when you go into town can you look for these things?" Dale handed Michael a list that mainly had repair tools on it. Not only for cars but also some unique things. Like if a generator is at the prison he may be able to get it working. That's an example.

"I'll see what we can find. Pretty sure we cleared through an auto shop or something. We didn't bring the bags yesterday becuase they were heavy and we ran out of room. I'll see if we can find anything else for you Dale. How about you three beautiful ladies? Any shopping list? Maggie already planned to raid all the clothing stores for a fashion show for the ladies. Maybe I can put one on for the ladies by dressing the boys up?" Michael strikes a pose like he was on the cat walk and flicked his glasses on for dramatic effect.

"How charming. Sounds lovely" Patricia said and laughed.

"No wonder Maggie fell so hard for you" Lori said sarcastically.

"I know it's because of my strong personality" Michael says as he flexed his muscles in a 'side chest pose'.

"I think that's a great idea. We could even have the kids dress up" Carol says. That was the happiest he heard her since Sophia.

"Great idea. They'll love to play dress up! And I'll even find a way to convince Daryl for you Carol" Michael said as he gave her a knowing look.

"I…I doubt he would do it" she says a little sadly. He could hear the disappointment as well.

"I wouldn't be so sure. We would do it after we settle into the prison a little I assume. I'll make it a goal to convince him by then. Would you be willing to join in Dale "

"Me? Nobody wants to see little old me"

"We would only do it for fun, it wouldn't be serious. When was the last time you dressed up?"

"It's been a while. But if I have to squeeze into jeans and sweat to death in a leather jacket I'd sit it out" Dale says while pointing out Michaels get-up that would make anyone dehydrated

"I'm sure we can find some outfits that suit your tastes"

"Well….sure, why not. Something to look forward to besides just surviving. We could get back to living our lives"

"In due time Dale. But we all have to survive that long first"

The five of them talk a bit more and have a good time talking about some activities they will do once they are safe at the prison.

Maggie comes down and says hello to the kids for a minute and then goes to the adults next to Michael's side.

"Good morning, has anyone seen Beth and Jimmy? I didn't see them yesterday" Maggie asks worriedly.

"I'm sure Hershel or Rick knows where they went off to" Lori says.

Patricia and Dale both look concerned. They were worried if Beth got worse in her mental state. They didn't think she would, but that didn't too then from worrying. Dale was worried about Andrea for a while after her apparent suicide attempt before they got to the farm.

The six of them talked for a while and eventually Maggie and Michael made their way to Maggie's car. They took the guns out and put them with the others that Dale told them about. It was in one of the rooms in the house out of reach of the kids.

Maggie drove them back to town without any problems. They parked the car just outside of town and enters it on foot. They quickly searched the building for walkers one by one to make sure they were clear. Maggie had to take out three walkers in different stores. Michael wasn't sure how Maggie would handle more than one walker but knew he couldn't watch her all the time and needed to trust and believe in her. Michael had taken down a larger group of ten that he knew Maggie couldn't handle. He told Maggie to watch how he moved and where he struck with the hatchets. He decided to use the hatchets to let Maggie learn how to use a machete in a similar way.

They went further through the town and saw the bodies from the previous day cooking in the son while they lie on the pavement. It was not a pleasant smell. It smelled like...well, like rotting corpses being slowly cooked.

Michael worked with Maggie to take down small groups. They saw Rick and Glenn and they waved at each other and then doubled back to clear some stores.

Eventually Michael told Maggie that he was gonna suck it up and go clean the truck that was semi-crashed. It's battery probably needed to be replaced so they went and got a spare one from a random broken down car that had roughly the same battery.

Maggie swapped it out for Michael.

"Look at you playing the 'hot mechanic lady' part. I think my car might need some more repairs, and maybe my heart too?"

"I don't even want to acknowledge any of what you just said. But I will say I still love you"

"Oof. A swing and a miss. I'll nail it on the next one"

"I'm sure you will" Maggie sarcastically replies as she finishes putting the new battery in.

Michael knew how, but Maggie probably did it faster than him.

"Alright. I watched you swap a battery so now you get watch me clean the bloody mess" Michael takes off his jacket dramatically. He gets the cleaning supplies and exasperatedly cleans the car like the sexy girls in the movies or music videos. He just doesn't get the bloody water all over him. The clean water? Fair game. After having his few minutes of fun he lets Maggie seriously stand guard.

He scrubs the outside first and then opens the door. He has cleaning gloves on so he can just pull the mess inside to the ground outside. The skeleton had little flesh on it. There was a lot of blood over the seat and by the passenger. It took a solid 30 min of deep cleaning to make it go away. Michael had to put some weight behind his cleaning. But eventually it was done. Peeling the flesh from the seat and interior was not a fun experience.

He previously took the keys out of the ignition before Maggie swapped the battery. He turned it on and saw that it seemed to work, it just didn't have much gas. He wrapped the seat in rags and towels and duct taped it good. He didn't want to find out he missed a spot. He and Maggie went to get gas canisters and fill them up with the abandoned cars around town. They got as much as they could and filled up the truck.

Michael drove it with Maggie in the passenger seat to the edge of the town. Then he turned around and parked in the middle of the street.

It was time to take all the supplies they previously bagged and get them inside the truck.

After a while they got almost everything inside the truck. They still had some bags but they would fit inside Maggie's car.

Maggie got into her car and Michael put the bags inside as she drove through the town.

Rick and Glenn also finished up around this time. They had three cars full. Two of which were trucks. They went back before dinner time and Michael led the way back.

They unloaded the supplies into the house while the sorted supplies were moved to the rv which was moved beside the house now.

Daryl was back with Tdog and was bringing gas canisters and random things in garbage bags from the cars and houses around.

"You ready to head out Daryl?" Michael asked.

"Let me eat and then we can go get chased by the dead alright?!" Daryl barked back.

"I see somebody gets cranky when they get hung-" Michael isn't able to finish as he catches a garbage bag full of things with his face.

"Watch the face! What will Maggie get to appreciate if it get messed up?!" Michael jokes

"Why don't we find out smart-ass!" Daryl shouts. He threateningly raises his hand.

"Calm down boys. Dinners ready, wash up and get inside to eat" Lori says.

It appears they had accumulated and audience for their back and forward this time. People were smiling seeing Daryl interacting with them more.

"Whatever" Daryl spits and then moves the gas canister he is holding to where the others are and heads inside.

Michael takes the garbage bag inside and picks up Briana with one arm since she ran out towards him to greet him. Paul was sitting on a chair on the front porch watching them, almost seems he's a bit sad.

Briana doesn't like being picked up unless it's necessary so she was squirming and wiggling to try and escape. "Michael, put me down. Let me go. I'll start biting" Briana says as she is struggling to escape.

"I know you won't bite me because you still remember the last time you bit me right?" Michael held her firmer.

"I won't bite. But I'll start pinching" Briana remembers that the last time she bit Michael he bit her back but not as hard. Now she understands that biting hurts.

Michael has been walking towards the house and sets her down on the porch and goes and drags Paul inside who is forced to follow behind her.

They had dinner early for Michael's and Daryl's mission to distract the walkers.

As they were getting ready to leave Michael told everyone. "We are going to be taking the long way back. It turns out there might be a building full of supplies. We will check it out and see if it's worth the gas to send others there. It'll take until tomorrow morning if we want to be safe. Does that work with you Rick?"

"I know you and Daryl can handle yourselves, careful. You can scout it out but don't do anything risky alright?" Rick wasn't sure if letting them go was a smart choice but if there really was a building out there that had supplies it would be best to get it now instead of when they are over at the prison.

"Ready Daryl?" Michael asks as he turns around to see the front door close.

"Could've at least said something" Michael says dejectedly with his shoulders slumped. This causes a round of laughter to erupt.

Maggie walks Michael out to the porch. "Be safe. Don't do anything more stupid or reckless than you already are doing"

"Me? Do anything stupid or reckless? I would never do such a thing" he sarcastically and exaggeratedly expresses.

Maggie flicks his forehead hard and crosses her arms to pout as she turns away from Michael.

"Owwww….." Michael runs his forehead. "Maggie, you know I won't do anything to get myself killed. Plus I have Daryl to watch my back. He's great in a fight and has great survival skills. Trust the both of us" He hugs her and kisses the top of her head.

"I love you and won't leave you behind Maggie. I can't leave you and the twins alone" Michael says in a low tone.

"I know and that's what scares me damit" She says as she puts her head against his chest and wraps her arms around him. "I love you too much for you to go get yourself killed. If you don't make it back one day I don't know what I'll do"

"I suppose I'll just have to always come back then. I have your dads pocket watch so I can't let myself die while it's in my possession. And it's not going to leave my possession until I pass it dow to our kids or our kids husband"

"Kids?" Maggie looks up at Michael's face.

"I know it's too soon, but I'm just saying I'll follow the Greene tradition of passing the pocket watch down"

Maggie just hugs Michael harder. Michael doesn't know that him saying those things really helped her out. It meant a lot that he was thinking of the future. It was a bit scary to think about having a kid in the apocalypse but she had always wanted to be a mother.

"Let's go love birds! We're burning daylight! I'd rather not be chased by walkers through the night!"

"See you in the morning Maggie, don't get too lonely without me" Michael says giving her a peck on the lips and walks away.

"I'll be fine thank you. Be safe!" Maggie started sarcastically to mask her worry but couldn't fully.

Michael walks next to Daryl. "I'm not riding behind you on your motorcycle"

"The fuck! I never asked you to! Your taking you damn truck mr. 'We might find supplies'! Bring your truck by the tent would ya" Daryl walks off to his tent that he didn't call his. This out a smile on his face. He seems to have gotten closer into the group now. Progress.

Michael drives the truck to to the tent and they load the guns and some empty garbage bags incase they find anything worth while.

Michael drove the truck while Daryl drove his motorcycle even though they were gonna be dealing with walkers. Whatever. Daryl can handle himself.

They successfully found the walker horde on the road but it was farther down and off the road sort of. This allowed them to pass and kite them farther down. Once they got a good distance they continued riding until they were a mile out. Daryl left his bike off the road because it made too much noise to stealthily approach a human group. The car was loud but much quieter than his bike.

They marked where his bike was roughly on the map and continued on. They eventually got to a spot where they could climb a tree and see the group from a distance. Michael parked the car and unloaded what they would need. He got the snipers and rifles out with the goggles and ammo.

He felt like he was on a stakeout from those cop or vigilante movies and shows. He also had food since it would be a long night probably.

They got into position and saw things of nightmares.

"They're fucked" Michael stayed with a frown.

"None of these rats are walking out alive!" He heard Daryl.

"I'm gonna make my way to the opposite side. I'll take the first shot so you know when I'm in position" Michael said and didn't hear a response.

It was horrific. It was tents and pop up tents. There were maybe 30 people. It was mostly guys that looked gross and nasty like they were disease ridden.

The place was nasty. There were bodies here and there that may have been walkers. But some of them clearly weren't.

Then there were the crosses that were standing with people crucified on them. It was terrible. The men seemed to have been crucified while the women.... They were used and then thrown out onto the dirt when they weren't of use to the sick fucks. There were even kids. Michael was fuming. He wanted to watch them all suffer but there were too many to take his time.

Michael made his way quietly to the opposite side. Nobody was inside the tents for some reason, they were all open…..Did these guys take this place from a previous group and are having their way with them? Michael felt even more angry which he wasn't sure he could feel.

Michael heard someone whistling while taking a piss. The sound of water hitting the dirt and leaves were distinct. Michael took a hatchet from his belt and held the sniper while the rifle was on his back. He saw a fat man that looked sort of like the guy he capped at the bar. He went behind him and slit his throat. He kicked him forward to fall in his own piss. It was quiet enough to where nobody could hear it.

Michael continued on his way. He got far enough away to not be spotted and climbed a sturdy enough looking tree and got ready. He checked his extra bullets and was ready.

He saw a group of them surrounding women and it took everything he had not to shoot them. He needed to start from the outside in.

He knew Daryl would think the same. He spotted everyone he could see and planned the order of who he would shoot. He would get the ones Daryl couldn't see first and then get the ones they could both see. Torturing really was on his mind but he will see if any get unlucky enough not to instantly die.

He raised his barrel to his first target. There were 43 targets. A few came out of some tents or from whatever hole they crawled out of. Michael would make sure he sent them all the way to the bottom of hell.