Ch. 22 Leaving The Nest

Michael and Maggie woke up early the next morning. They both got ready for the day and went down to the first floor to see that only a few people were inside the house. The kids, Lori, Carol and Patricia were inside. The kids were still sleeping.

Lori and Carol both agreed that the longer they sleep on car rides the better. Less chance of them asking 'Are we there yet?'. Michael hadn't noticed that the twins have that problem. Granted he hadn't driven hours in a row to a destination with them. But he trusted the two mothers.

"Thanks for driving with us Carol. I know the twins can be a handful most of the time. They really enjoy spending time with you. We never really saw our parents at home. I think they may look up to you as a mother figure and I can't think of someone better" Michael says. And he really means it. Sure the kids are fine, but spending time with Carol seems to have helped them more. They never had a father or mother figure really. He was the big brother and pseudo father figure. And they see Maggie as a sort of big sister. At least he hopes they do.

Carol tears up slightly. "Thank you, Michael. They're wonderful kids"

"Michael! Come get your shot from my tent!" Daryl shouted from outside.

"Whoopsie…." Michael scratches the back of his head and chuckles.

"What did you leave in his tent?" Maggie asks, she didn't know he and Daryl were that close.

"Just a bag of things. Nothing too special. Let's just say that all guys will eventually come and thank me. No, that sounds weird. All guys will thank me in due time! That sounds better!"

Maggie sighs. "I don't want to know. Just go get whatever it is" She moves her wrist towards the front door and motions for him to leave.

"It was nice talking" Michael says to the others as he heads outside.

He sees a group of people all around a hood of a car looking at a map and sees Daryl holding his crossbow off to the side.

"Thanks for keeping the c-bag Daryl! Almost forgot about it. That wouldn't have ended well"

"Man, is this why your poor brother is stuck with the name 'Paul'? Does bad naming run in your family?"

"No. And Paul is a decent name! And c-bag is at least more conspicuous"

"Do you even know what that word means?"

"Do you?"

"Shut the hell up and go get your c-bag!"

"Will do!" Michael runs over to the tent and grabs it. He throws it over his shoulder and runs back to his truck. Then he realizes that it's bed is full.

"Daryl! New problem!"

"What do you mean new problem?! You've been a problem!"

"Ha Ha Daryl. No, I don't know where to put this thing"

"That sounds like a you problem!"

"But if we don't have condoms, that's every guys problem"

"Everything ok over there?!" Rick shouts over

Michael looks over to Daryl. "Yeah! Everything's fine!" Daryl shouts as he takes the bag. "Fuck you!" Daryl says to Michael.

"You're the best Daryl!"

"Just shut up and follow me!"

"I've been told that before! When I followed the last person who told me that I got the 'happy ending'. I don't think I want to follow yo-"

"God Michael! How does Maggie tolerate this shit!"

"She doesn't tolerate it, she encourages it!" Michael said proudly.

Daryl just turns around and stares daggers at Michael.

Michael's shoulders slouch. "Fine…..she normally joins in or talks me to shut up and kisses me an-"

"When I tell you to shut up I don't mean it the same way she does you ape!"

"Obviously Daryl. I'm not and idiot. I'm also straight"

"Really?! Could've fooled anyone!"

"That I'm not an idiot or that I'm straight?"

"Fucking exactly"

"That doesn't answer the question Daryl!"

Daryl just turns around and walks to the back of the trailer. "Daryl!"

"Daryl?! Would it help if I said sorry?!" Michael calls out jokingly to Daryl and follows after him.

He sees Daryl open a secret compartment and shoved the bag in and closes it.

"Wow! It's like those smuggler compartments!"

"You happy now you ape?!" Daryl asks and walks back over to the group.


Daryl doesnt turn around but flips Michael the bird over his shoulder as he walk away.

Michael goes back to the house and sees Maggie.

"You two get along well" She says semi-sarcastically.

"Really? That's great news! I almost thought he didn't like me!" Michael takes her hand and sits down on a chair on the front porch. Michael drags her onto his lap and she sits across it. She leans against his chest and enjoys the breeze of the morning.

After like 15 minutes they break the tents down quickly and pack them away. They move the still sleeping kids to their cars and get ready to go. Maggie is in the drivers seat and Michael is in the passenger. Carol is in the back with the twins and they leave. They have 6 vehicles they are taking. That includes the rv and Daryls motorcycle. Daryl says he won't leave his ride behind and won't mind traveling alone. He has a hammock that he can hang high enough off the ground to not get eaten by walkers. The group also give a walkie-talkie to each vehicle to stay in touch.

They left the farm behind and started on their journey to the prison. They tried to avoid main roads if possible but still had to take some.

They stopped to swap drivers every 6 hours and kept driving through day and night. They stopped a few times to eat or rest and stretch their legs. This allowed Daryl to not lag too far behind. But he still was behind them a bit.