Ch. 22 Whoopsies and Intermission

Ok. It's official. Michael is not going to be touching another map. Nobody stopped to consider how long it would actually take. They saw the distance but didn't anticipate a ton of different hordes and then some hordes would merge together.

Daryl had to leave his bike behind and joined a car.

It took them three months.

Yep, three. 3. Tres. 1 plus 2. Michael was kicking himself. He remembered that in the show they found it by chance after walking for months. Like through the winter months.

Nobody was mad at Michael, but they weren't happy being stuck roaming around. They were able to keep the cars fueled and going. But it was the food and water that hurt them.

Everyone got used to fighting walkers. Except Lori. She got babied by everyone and Michael disagreed with that. Sure she had a kid on the way but she should know and be experienced in defending herself. But he kept his mouth shut.

The c-bag stayed hidden and untouched. Michael and Maggie couldn't fool around during the months and it tortured Michael to no end. The twins and Carl grew taller. Not too tall but enough to notice.

Paul and Briana told Maggie and Carol about their big brother. The fact that he would be hyper focused and train hard. But he would forget things. And sometimes it was major things. It was mostly the things of the past. Important things he would remember, but certain events he would forget about. They didn't know it wasn't normal until they started spending time with the others. This worried Maggie and she saw it happen. Michael forgot about some of the things they did in the past. Not wverything, but like their night under the stars, he didn't remember taking down 4 walkers. Maggie found the bodies the next day and put the pieces together that Michael beat them with rocks and a stick.

He also forgot some other minor things. Maggie didn't know what to do but it wasn't that big of a deal. She just had to make sure he was fine.

They raided houses and various places to rest for a day or two at a time. Michael made sure that the twins and Maggie were safe after each fight. They got annoyed but knew Michael was worried about them.

Michael and Maggie enjoyed holding hands and cuddling together when they could. A lot of their time was spent in silence or Michael's terrible attempts at comedy.

Everyone grew closer and stronger together. There were plenty of close calls but they watched each other's backs.

Daryl showed Michael and the twins how to make their own arrows. Michael could do it but they would break after one shot. Daryls were sturdier.

Michael started to remember more about the events of the walking dead show, but it was almost useless as he had no idea what the time frames were. But he was glad his mind was getting better about the past. Maggie had apparently noticed he was forgetting things. But it seems him having to use his brain more and be cautious and careful helps his brain. It seems he is better during the apocalypse than in society. He feels much better than in his last life.

Rick seems way too stressed. He is freaking out over small things and his relationship with Lori is strained. Michael wouldn't say anything unless he needed to. He wanted them to work through their own things. Oh, and Rick told everyone that we were all infected already. That the virus was inside all of us. He just dropped that one night. Nobody particularly liked that he withheld such important info but Michael didn't really care, at least he told them.

Anyway, Jimmy is really incompetent. He's going to get himself or others killed. Michael doesn't want to admit it but he may have to take him out unless he gets things together. He might have to make him hold a mouse and kneel in the woods.

But that's the last case scenario and if he doesn't die before then.

Beth has gotten friendlier with Carl and Paul. Paul seems to have taken a liking to her, which Michael caught immediately. Carl seemed to be just as dense as his dad. But he was a charmer, much like Shane had been.

Yep, Michael remembered the useless facts about Shane sleeping around as a high schooler after Rick brought it up.

Jesus, he really would have appreciated something useful. He also realized he really skipped a lot of events by just killing 2 people. Shane and the kid on the fence. He was happy about that immensely.

After another week they saw it. The gate that enclosed the entrance of the prison. It was full of walkers but the gate was an amazing sight.

Everyone was happy to finally reach their destination.