Everyone wakes up and eats breakfast.
"We're gonna have a small group enter the prison grounds and cover each others back. We won't use guns since we don't want to shoot each other and we don't know how many walkers are there. If there's another sliding gate we will use more carabiners to keep it closed"
"Why don't we just bang on the fence to bring the walkers to us and stab them through the gate? We can shout and draw more of them to us without having to enter and risk our lives right away"
Everyone just looks at Michael.
"What? Did I say something stupid?"
"No, we just didn't expect such a smart thing to come from your mouth" Rick flatly stated.
"I'm not that bad!" Maggie just puts her hand on his shoulder. Michael looks at her and slouches his shoulders. "You guys need to differentiate between me being serious and sarcastic" he mumbles to himself.
"Alright. So we will draw the walkers to the fence and get as many as we can. Then Daryl, Michael, Maggie, Glenn, Tdog and myself will enter. We will try and close off any gates or doors we can and clear out any walkers that come out from whatever hole they were hid I guess in. Everyone else will wait her watch and defend the gate or patrol the outer fence. Is that understood?"
Nobody denied or objected to his plan. Everyone made noise and drew the walkers to the fence and were easily taken care of. More kept coming from around a corner farther towards the buildings. So they just held their positions and kept stabbing them. Everyone is glad that the group didn't just rush in there unnecessarily.
The bodies piled up at the bottom of the gate but at least they cleared all the walkers they could do far. They took a few minutes to rest and prepare themselves before they went in.
After they were ready Rick led them in. Even though they were quiet a few new walkers decided they wanted some. So Rick commanded people to attack and lead the group deeper in. They tried to stay close together and Tdog picked up a riot shield to knock walkers back and off balance.
Rick got to a door and looked around the corner and saw a lot of walker still there. He held up his hand and motioned for everyone to stick to the wall. He took the carabiners and ran to close the fence. After Rick went Tdog and Michael tried to follow but were cut off by walkers in riot armor and helmets with a face guard.
Rick closed the gate and only had to kick one walker back to close it. No walker went for his fingers Michael pointed out in his head.
Tdog, Glenn and Maggie tried to stab through the helmets. Even Daryl fired an arrow at the face mask and watched as the arrow broke. Michael wanted to smack all of them across the back of their head. Well, Maggie would be smacked lower down her back. But that's beside the point!
A walker exits the door they were just next to but it has a gas mask on for some reason. It decides to go after Glenn.
Maggie eventually gets grappled and Michael runs towards her. She lifts the helmet up and stabs it's brain through its chin.
She turns around to face the group and excitedly says "See that!?"
Michael reaches her and grabs her shoulders. He pulls her towards him as he turns his body and strongly kicks an armored walker in the chest knocking it back and making it fall.
"Pay attention!" Michael shouted to Maggie and the others for stopping in the middle of the fight. Daryl slings his crossbow over his shoulder and takes down a female walker in civilian clothes with his knife after kicking her knee making her fall.
Michael's shout woke them up and the stabbed the walkers heads by going under the helmet. It wasn't that smart of an idea, but apparently it was like Moses telling people about the testaments or something.
Michael let Maggie go and straddled the armored walker that he kicked and stabbed it through its chin. He got up and joined the others since they also finished killing the other armor walkers. Rick took the gas mask walker to the ground and moved the gas mask off it's face. It just so happened to take the skin of the face with the gas mask. Rick nearly threw up but he stabbed it through its eye. The walker seemed to be extra squishy and soft as the blade went in.
Rick got up and everyone checked to see if there were any more walkers around or not.
They didn't see any so some of them jogged back towards the fence. Mainly Tdog and Glenn.
"Stop!" Rick quietly shouted.
"What, seems safe to me?" Glenn responds while gesturing to the clear courtyard.
"Not by the look of the courtyard over there" Daryl points towards the locked gate full of walkers pressed against the fence and gate. "And that's a civilian" He points towards the female walker he took down not even a minute ago.
"So the interior could be overrun with walkers from outside the prison" Tdog says.
"Well if there's walls down what do we do? We can't rebuild this whole place?" Glenn says worrying that their safe place may not be so safe after all they went through to get here.
"Can't risk a blind spot" Rick states and looks around at the buildings. "We have to push in" He motions towards an entrance off to the side. He walks over followed by the others.
He opens a metal door that is like the fence and has a fence leading up the stairs to another door, this door being solid metal.
Rick gets his machete ready and nods to Daryl who slides the metal door over revealing a small square space before a bar door to lead to the prisoners cells.
Rick walks in followed by everyone else. Once inside Daryl slides the metal door shut behind them while Rick opens the bar door.
It's dark but there are windows towards the ceiling letting light in. Everyone's eyes need to adjust and then they continue in.
The bar door loudly squeaks as it opens announcing their entrance to any walkers inside.
They go down five steps into an area where some tables are.
There's some stairs leading up to a perch where guards could observe the prisoners from above. Then there's another bar door leading to the cells. There are two floors of cells. And there are cells only along one wall facing the wall that leads to the outside.
Maggie finds some keys and Rick goes up to the observation area. Up there he sees a dead body with its brains blown out sitting back in a chair. Blood all over the glass behind it. Rick pokes it and it doesn't move so he takes its keychain. He takes it and unlocks the bar door leading to the cells. Daryl is next to him while Michael and Tdog are behind them.
Rick quietly unlocks it and everyone funnels in. Most of the cell doors are open. Rick and Daryl go to the second floor and take care of three walkers trapped in the cells. Michael, Glenn and Tdog start moving the dead bodies to the far end of the cell block. Maggie is sweeping all the trash to the sides while Daryl and Rick make sure the rest of the cell block is secure for now. Then they go and let in the others and show them the way to their new home.
As the others enter Rick asks "What's do you think?"
"Home sweet home" Glenn mutters but it echoes.
"For the time being" Rick replies.
"It's secure?" Lori looks around and up at the second floor of cells.
There are metal stairs and walkway in the middle of the room to get to the second floor.
"This cell block is" Rick says while looking at Lori.
Hershel walks forward and asks "What about the rest of the prison?"
Michael likes how Hershel is the big picture type of guy. Well, when it's important. Hershel is pretty stubborn actually but he's gotten better on the travel to the prison.
"In the morning we'll find the cafeteria and infirmary" Rick says.
"Are we sleeping in the cells?" Beth asks from the back of the group.
Rick says they have two sets of keys that they found on some guards. Daryl is adamant about not sleeping in a cage and lays down on the walkway of the second floor leading to the stairs.
Hershel pats ricks shoulder as he walks by and everyone goes and claims a cell.
In the cells they are identical. It has a bunk bed, a sink, a toilet and a small countertop. And it's not very big but still bigger than Michael expected.
Michael sees Lori thank Rick who just walks away. Weird.
Then he sees Carl and Beth go towards a cell. Beth set her things down and sit on the bottom bunk. She says something about it being gross and Carl responds with "remember the storage containers?".
"I said I was sorry about that for weeks! Can't we move on?!" Michael exclaims. It was bad, but they had to be exaggerating it right? Maybe they were pulling his leg. But nobody responds and Maggie drags him to a cell. Just before he enters he sees Hershel scare away Carl from Beths cell.
He sees Carl scurry out of there and go talk with the twins. Briana isn't too happy but Carl and Paul don't notice.
Maggie makes Michael sit on the bed and sits next to him.
Michael looks at the blood splattered on the wall and looks back to Maggie. "I'm so exhausted I don't even care" she says.
"Then I don't care either. At least we get some privacy now" Michael takes off his leather jacket and flings it to the top bunk.
He grabs Maggie's arm and starts massaging it. "Y'know you did good today except for the part where you turned your back to a walker"
Maggie sighs and relaxes her shoulders. "I know. I was just caught up in the moment"
"Good thing I was there. Did I look cool?"
Maggie looks into his eyes and smile. "Very cool. Especially the way you grabbed me and pulled me towards you as you kicked the walker back. You looked like you were in an action movie. I probably looked like the damsel in distress"
"You'll always be my damsel in distress" Michael grabs her hand and wipes it clean wit a rag and kissed it.
Michael continued to massage her arms and then moved to her shoulders. Then Michael moved her to lay down on the bed after laying a clean blanket on it. He then went to her back and then lower back. Then back up to her neck.
Michael looked out the cell door to make sure the coast was clear. Seeing nobody and hearing voices echoing he assumes nobody is near. He then brings his hands to her calf's and starts massaging again. Then he moves to her thighs. He can barely hold himself back as he checks to see if the coast is still clear.
Seeing no one, he decides to do it. He puts on a mischievous grin. Maggie is laying on her stomach with her arms at her sides and her face towards the wall to her right. He moves his hands to her ass and starts kneading it. Maggie sharply inhaled and quickly covers her mouth with her right hand. Michael is kneeling with his legs on the outside of her but is sitting on her lower thighs to keep her legs down. She looks over her shoulder and sees Michael's grin and knows he's purposefully doing this and that it's only starting.
"Michael!" She whispers out.
"This is payback for all the times you teased me and laughed about it" He whispered back. He moved his fingers apart to grab as much as he could and squeezed eliciting another inhale and slight moan from Maggie. Her shorts didn't do much to hide her as it clings to her skin much like his shirt. Normally the shorts would have been a little baggy and covered her thighs but it was currently trapped beneath her as it only covers just above her mid thigh driving Michael nuts.
"Do you want to go explore those towers?" Michael asks as he teases her some more.
"Maybe…." Maggie says but then has to cover her mouth again as Michael moves his hand close to a certain place.
A few minutes later Michael stops and gets up. He stands up and grabs his jacket from the top bunk and throws it on. "Stay here for a second" and Michael pokes his head out of the cell to see Rick about to go up to the second floor, probably where Carol and Lori are.
"Rick. Me and Maggie are gonna go outside if you need us!" Michael informs Rick who just waves them off acknowledging he heard him.
Michael turns back around and sees Maggie blushing heavily. He slides her shoes on over her socks as she sits on the edge of the bed.
She looks at Michae and then grabs his face and kisses him. "Ready?"
"I've been ready since we left the farm" Michael whispers to her. He then slides his hand under her knees and the other across her back. He picks her up in a Princess carry and starts walking out of the cell. Maggie has to open the sliding metal door and gate but Michael holds her firmly and they make it to a tower.