Ch. 25 Lemon! And Preparation Ideas!

Michael let's Maggie stand on her own two feet. He closes the door behind him and then turns around.

The next thing he knows he is pushed back into the door and almost falls to the ground. But his collar is caught by Maggie who ravages his lips and mouth with her own.

Michael was caught completely caught off guard but reciprocates the kiss. After two minutes Maggie let's go of his collar since he is now holding himself at her level. She runs her hands along his torso inside his open jacket.

She lets one hand go into the front of his pants and finds something growing harder by the second.

Maggie breaks the kiss for a second as she looks into his eyes as they breath heavily.

"That was surprising" Michael states as he blushes looking into Maggie's eyes which look like she wants to devour him.

Maggie doesn't say anything but goes down to her knees and undies his belt and jeans. Then she moves the jeans and his underwear down releasing his beast. Maggie grabs it and starts going to town.

"Holy!…..Fuck…. Maggie, wait a minute" Michael was not prepared for Maggie to be so aggressive but is welcoming it. But he wasn't prepared for the warmth and feeling of her throat as she took in his length greedily.

"Ever...hear of savoring....the journey!" Michael gets out between his breaths and moans.

He grabs the back of Maggie's head and holds her hair as he also starts moving his hips slightly.

After 5 minutes he stands Maggie up and tries to pin her to the wall but is met with resistance. Maggie steps over to the stairs and steps on the second step. She lowers her shorts to reveal her wet panties and Michael locks the door and drops to one of his knees.

"Lick" Maggie commands and Michael has no idea where this is coming from but he's totally down if this continues.

He slides her panties to the side as her legs are spread slightly apart. He positions his head and grabs her ass with one hand and teases her by just lightly licking the outside and her clit. Michael can feel her body shiver in pleasure and anticipation.

She ends up grabbing his head and pushing him closer into her. He then lets his tongue enter and he hears her moan loudly when it first entered. She's even more sensitive than before, probably since they didn't have much privacy for a whole three months.

Michael cursed Rick since just because Lori is pregnant and doesn't want to have sex he damned Michael to not have any also. But now they have all this space and privacy.

Michael slides his hand beneath her panties and grabs her bare ass and realizes how great it feels.

She had been working out over the last 3 months since they were running and killing walkers or actually going for runs for exercise and he can already see her efforts showing.

Some minutes later and Maggie comes and liquid washes over Michael's chin and down his throat. It wasn't a waterfall or a water bottles worth like in those over dramatic scenes but it was enough for Michael's mind to blank. He really enjoyed this and stood up. He wiped his chin on his wrist and stared down at Maggie. He watched as she took one foot out of her shorts and let the shorts hang on her ankle.

Michael then picked her up and took her over to a cleanish wall that didn't seem too dirty. He pressed her back against the wall so she was an inch taller than him. He grabbed and supported her by her thighs as he was about to enter her from below. He stopped right at her entrance.

He took his right hand and got a condom from his jeans pocket and handed it to Maggie. "Unwrap it for me?" He asked. Maggie tore the wrapper and quickly handed the condom back to him as he quickly but carefully put it on. Once it was on he looked back up to Maggie's eyes that seemed hazy probably like how his own look at the moment.

"Fuck me~" She whispered into his ear and licked it.

Michael couldn't take it anymore and entered her. He didn't do it quickly. He slowly went in until he was fully in. It was torturous how slow he went. Both for Maggie and himself.

"Move!" Maggie demanded and he wasn't one that often said no. "As you command~" With this being said he started thrusting in and out.

Maggie and Michael were drowning in pleasure. Three months of teasing and little romantic touching had built up their anticipation for this moment.

Maggie had her arms around Michael's neck so she didn't fall as she kissed and moaned on his neck.

Michael moves his right hand to her shirt and moves it up paver her breasts. Then he moves her bra up and reveals her bouncing tits. He enjoys the view for a few seconds before grabbing one and bringing the nipple to his mouth. He licks and teases it making Maggie feel even more pleasure.

Maggie has her legs wrapped around Michael and is being bounced up and down with no control except for her arms around Michael's neck and her being pressed against the wall.

Michael moves Maggie to stand on one foot and takes her other leg over his shoulder and let's her lean against the wall as he plows into her. They try to muffle their voices as they moan the others name and sexy things, mainly Maggie asking for it harder and Michael doing so.

After some time, Michael is sat on the third step of the stairs and Maggie is riding him as they make out. Michael has one hand on her hip and the other on her breast. She's rocking her hips and Michael is enjoying sitting back and letting her take control.

Michael doesn't know why, but having their clothes half-on is almost even better than having them all off. It's just something that gets his heart racing even more, and it appears Maggie feels the same way if he can say me by the amount of orgasms she has had. He's only on his second condom so he's got a while longer to go.

*Thump!* *Thump!* *Thump!*

Maggie's hips instantly freeze and their lips separate.

"Ahem…Who is it?!" Michael asks after clearing his throat. Maggi wants to move off of him but he pulls her back down on him almost causing her to loudly moan.

"Room service!"....."who the fuck do you think it is dipshit!"

It appears a wild Daryl has come to interrupt.

"Nice to hear from you Daryl!"

"Put a sock in it!….Rick forced me to check up on the love birds for whatever reason! People were worried they couldn't see you walking around! I figured you were doing two things. One was you stubbed your toe, and the other was your big ego somehow got bigger and deflated! Theres another thing but I don't care to ask about! Just hurry up and tell me something to tell them!"

Michael started moving his hips up and down to keep on going, and the way Maggie was looking turned him on even more.

"I….We we're looking at the view from the top when I saw a bee or something. We came down and I tripped on the last few steps here. Couldn't catch myself and nearly face planted. But just ended up banging.." thrusts harder into Maggie as she nearly collapses onto Michael. "my knee pretty badly. Maggie and are are just sitting her until I can walk again. Thanks for being concerned Daryl, real bro move coming from you!"

"I'm prepared to lose my boot up your ass Michael, don't forget that"

"Will you at least help me find it if you lost it?!" Michael grabs Maggie's ass and moves it up and down so he can go harder and deeper.

"Go fuck your self!"

"Not a bad idea!"

Daryl walks away trying to get away from Michael as fast as possible. He doesn't want to be anywhere near the two if they are behind closed doors…..literally in this case.

"You….are…so bad!" Maggie attempts to slap Michael's chest but she is forced down onto his cock and she feels it go deeper than before and loses her balance on her legs as she cums hard. Michael also cums hard.

Maggie falls onto his chest and Michael lets his head rest on a step.

"Ready to keep going?" Michael asks

"Are you serious? Daryl was just here"

"That's exactly why we have more time! And I want to try something" Maggie sees his smirk but doesn't get time to register it. Michael pulls out of her and puts a new condom on and the next thing she knows she is in the Full Nelson pose while Michael is standing up and railing her. She isn't able to control her voice but it doesn't matter since nobody is nearby now.


An hour later they are done and Michael feels relieved. He doesn't know how he has pornstar levels of endurance and reload speed, but there is no chance he will complain.

Maggie falls asleep in his arms and he just rests. He runs his hand through her now messy hair. He thinks about what he must do for the prison to be safe.

He needs to make sure everyone double-taps walkers inside, or double-stabs the walkers. He doesn't need any fakers to get through and get someone.

He needs to explore the place and take out all the easy walkers he can. There are a lot of bars and gates he can take advantage of.

He thinks he remembers there being a break in the back of the prison. All he needs to do is clog the hole and he should be fine. He could also reinforce the fence with extra wood and metal beams or whatever. He also needs to watch the hole they cut in the fence. He planes on moving all the walker bodies away and burning them but that's a group project Rick already has planned. That day the air will smell just great.

And he thinks of other things he can do to keep them safer. He also remembers a lady with a katana. He liked to use them but didn't like the maintenance of it, doesn't mean he was bad. He enjoyed looking like a badass and swinging it around. What was her name again? Michone? Michele? M-something? Whatever. , she would show up eventually, fate would take care of it.

They eventually get up and go back to their cell and cuddle on the bed there. They didn't do much since it was a recovery day after the fun they had in the morning. The kids went by them and they talked for a bit and Michael promised to train them in the weapons he can. Carl wanted sword training since he found a wooden sword at some point and promised to find a real one eventually. Paul and Brian had basic understandings of some so he would start teaching them more seriously since they are growing older and stronger.

Michael and Maggie slept good that night, not even waking up once throughout the night.

Michael dreamt about some guy called the mayor. He had an eyepatch and drove a fucking tank through the fence or something and walkers were driven in and some bull crap.

He had a lot of prepping to do for the future. At least their ammunition and weapons were doing much better.