06 - Famous

Shawn took a moment to observe the level of the riders he was training and was slightly disappointed. He thought he might be lucky enough to find a knight with a level of battle mastery higher than Nolasco's level, but unfortunately no one there met his criteria.

Some knights actually seemed to have a higher battle level than Shawn, but still, he knew it would only be a matter of time before Shawn got past these people, with the System he had.

These knights had been training for years under Nolasco's tutelage and yet they had such a weak level. Shawn in just 1 day has become stronger than at least 90% of those people, both in stats and skills.

There were only three knights who had caught Shawn's attention, exhibiting a greater swordplay level than Shawn could wield, probably around Expert level, and one of them having reached Expert level!

As Shawn was preparing to leave to find a place to rest before the wave of monsters, a young man approached Shawn, followed by two other young men.

"Hey commoner, wait a minute!" The young man shouted in a voice of arrogance.

Hearing this, Shawn managed to keep a neutral expression, but his heartbeat still increased at the boy's words. 'I need to practice more control over my body. As much as I can keep my appearance like other people I've seen, keeping my insides like that is much more difficult.' Shawn thought as he turned to face the arrogant young man.

Without saying a word, Shawn just stared at the young man with an expression that said nothing, as if he had no emotions.

"Kneel down, commoner! This is Sir Robinson, the son of Baron Robert!" One of the boy's followers yelled in an even more arrogant and authoritative tone, as if he were the person worthy of respect.

"This isn't the first time I've seen an idiot peeing with someone else's dick." Shawn couldn't control himself and said this with a contemptuous expression as he looked at the young man who asked him to kneel down. "When he shits himself, will you go there and wipe his ass with your tongue too?"

Hearing what this young man said, the man who yelled at Shawn was extremely embarrassed, but to hide it, he yelled even angrier. "What did you say? Are you by any chance disrespecting a nobleman? Know that you are only alive because Baron Robert allows it, commoner. Recognize your place and kneel down!"

Shawn was pleased to say those words and soothed his anger a little. This time he didn't say anything and just looked at the slightly plump boy who had an arrogant expression as he looked at the others, the son of Baron Robert.

"Aren't you going to get down on your knees?" Sir Robinson asked with an expression of surprise as he looked at Shawn.

"And why should I?" Shawn asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Very well, make him kneel." The boy replied in a cold voice as he frowned.

He is the son of a baron of a small manor. He's used to these commoners kissing his feet and always trying their best to please him to get his and his father's favor, this was the first time anyone disrespected him in all 16 years of Robinson's life.

Hearing Robinson's command, his two followers, who wore light leather armor, drew their swords and rushed over to Shawn to make him kneel to Robinson.

Unfortunately for them, the two boys were only 17 and 18 years old each, having trained with Nolasco for only 1 year, they demonstrated that they had a talent for sword training and were hailed as the little geniuses of the small town.

Their pride grew even more when the Baron designated them as Robinson's two protectors, giving them a little more authority and making them bring pride to their families.

But having trained for 1 year, the "talent" they showed was just being able to learn the [Military Sword-play from Silver Dust Town] skill and leave that skill at the Novice level.

For normal people, that level of learning was considered genius, in a year, and at such a young age, they learned it to the point of getting a skill, which was amazing. Even more so that when they learned the skill, they got even better using it, making their strength, which was already above average among their pairs, increase even more.

They didn't even learn the Foot-work taught to the city guards, but they were still very proud of their development.

But in Shawn's view, it was like watching two clowns trying to do a circus play but not even managing to do the most basic juggling. They looked like good clowns in the eyes of the commoners, but among the true powers they were nothing but deceivers.

Seeing this, Shawn knew he didn't need to reveal much in this battle, so he simply drew his own sword and began defending himself against the boys.

As his mastery of Silver Dust Town's \[Military Sword-play skill\] was already at the Amateur level, Shawn was able to wield a lot more than these boys with a sword. But not to make it clear that he knew the techniques of the town, Shawn slightly changed his skill and swordplay to make it look like he was using something different.

Of course, with Shawn's limited knowledge level, doing this lowered the skill level to Low-Amateur level, which was way below what a real Amateur could do, on the threshold of going back to Novice level, but still, it was enough to deal with these two boys, who hardly knew what they were doing with their swords.

As the boy who yelled at Shawn came forward and slashed at Shawn, Shawn used the edited Foot-work to naturally slip to the side and use his own sword to defend against the other boy's attack.

When the defense connected, Shawn quickly forced the sword to remain attached to the boy's sword, as Shawn's stats were much higher than his, and used his leg to kick the young man who screamed and missed the attack on him.

At 13 Strength points, Shawn's kick was much stronger than anything these boys could take, so that alone was enough to send the boy flying as he spat out some blood and coughed to get his breath back.

Meanwhile, the other boy lost some of his attention as he was startled by the distance his friend was thrown, and that was enough for Shawn.

With superior strength, Shawn used his own sword to push the boy's sword away, while kicking the boy in the stomach as well, making him fly even farther and cough desperately unable to breathe, as blood came out of his mouth almost doing it. He chokes on it.

The situation happened in less than 10 seconds, causing the young noble Robinson to be shocked and scared. Unconsciously he took a step back to get away from Shawn for fear of getting one of those kicks too.

But Shawn was ignoring the boy. His focus was entirely on the sword that was flung away. Shawn knew that his sword was defective, being slightly tilted to one side, which would make that sword break much faster than good quality swords. And seeing the boy's sword lying on the ground, Shawn walked slowly over to the sword and picked it up.

Watching him from various angles, Shawn smiled slightly and nodded his head in satisfaction, before sheathing the sword for himself and tossing his own sword to the ground for the boy to pick up later.

"Every action leads to a reaction. Where I come from, this attack would be worthy of me ripping your puppies' heads off, but as this is not my home, I'll just let it go with the price of this sword. But in case something like that happens again, my price won't be that low, boy." Shawn said as he looked at Robinson before walking away.

Robinson just nodded, not knowing what to do, while the two boys lying on the ground were horrified with fear of death. They saw that Shawn's skills weren't very good, even worse than the three best knights in town, but Shawn's stats were very high, so high that for a second they felt they had received those kicks from Captain Nolasco himself.

If they knew that this kick had exactly the same strength as Captain Nolasco, they would be even more horrified.


Shawn was pleased with the new weapon he received, which was much better than his previous one, and would likely greatly increase Shawn's chances of surviving the wave of monsters that would happen in a few hours,

He didn't know where to go, since he didn't have a house, or even money, but as Shawn wandered through the poor little town, one of the knights appeared in front of him.

"Mister Ma, Captain Nolasco is calling for you to discuss something." The knight said respectfully.

"Alright, lead the way." Shawn replied calmly before following the knight into an office.

"In less than an hour in town, you've already become famous, and that surprises me." Nolasco said with a small smile at the corner of his mouth as he looked at Shawn.

"I don't think I know the reason for my fame?" Shawn asked in surprise. What did he do that deserved 'fame'?

"Well, to beat up the Baron's son's guards and take one of his swords, I have to admit it wouldn't be any Joe who would have the guts to do that." Nolasco said with his smile getting wider as he looked at the sword sheathed at Shawn's waist.

Finally Shawn understood the reason for "Fame", after all he was a man from a modern world, a world where people were treated as equals, the life of a rich man in America was as valuable as that of a poor man in Africa . At least, in theory the world was like that.

But now he was in a medieval world, a world where there are nobles and the lives of nobles don't equal the lives of a thousand commoners, something Shawn didn't agree with.

So when he, a commoner, beat up a nobleman's guards, the knights who saw it must have been running to tell other commoners until they reached Nolasco's ears in less than 30 minutes of what happened.

On the other hand, Shawn didn't care about that. His only concern was getting benefits for himself. If things become difficult in this Town, he would just have to go to another Town, or maybe a bigger town with a greater variety of people with great potential for him to transform.

"But don't worry, even if it's a 'crime', as long as you're strong enough to support yourself, it won't be that serious. You've already demonstrated that you have great strength for your age, to the point that even I I'd say I couldn't do better than you in performing those kicks, but your skills aren't very high level, right?" Nolasco said his deduction from the situation.

Shawn was surprised by the man's deduction of his own strength, after all, he didn't even see the battle and could measure that Shawn's kick was as strong as his? This man's observation is better than Shawn imagined.

"Yes, you're right. Traveling like a trickster, I came into contact with some skills from a few places, which allowed me to learn fast, but I never had enough time to study those skills for so long as to rise to a level higher than Amateur." Shawn responded with 'sincerity'.

Hearing this, Nolasco's ears itched in excitement. Those words were exactly what he wanted to hear. This young man of apparently 20 years old had stats apparently as high as his, but his abilities were limited.

And he knew that if he offered this young wanderer a good opportunity, he would definitely take it. After all, with this talent, he was sure the young man knew that if he trained in one place, it would only be a matter of time before he reached higher levels.

Nolasco even figured that with Shawn's current strength level, the chance of Shawn reaching frightening strength at age 30 would be pretty high, since at age 20 he had the same stats as himself.

Unfortunately Nolasco didn't know that this wasn't how Shawn's stats worked. He could also train and develop statistics slowly, but that would be very inefficient for Shawn. The best scenario would be to meet increasingly powerful people and transform into them to train and get stronger.

"Since you need time and a place to develop, how about our Silver Dust Town? With your talent, in a few years you will be among the top 3 knights in town. The salary will be high, life will be comfortable, and you can even learn from me." Nolasco said proudly, knowing this offer would be every young boy's dream.

"No thank you." Shawn responded without even thinking. He had previously thought that staying in this Town would be a safe and stable development for him, but seeing how low the level of people here was, Shawn changed his mind without a second thought.

This town was very small and weak. Staying here would only limit his potential. Shawn wanted to see a bigger world and get stronger at it, and that's what he would do!
