07 - Wave of monsters

(This chapter isn't edited yet)

"No thank you." Shawn responded without even considering the question.

This attitude by Shawn surprised Nolasco. "What is the reason for the refusal?" Shawn asked genuinely curious. He couldn't understand why Shawn would refuse such a tempting proposal, since among commoners, being able to become a knight following a noble would be the best chance to change his life.

"Don't get me wrong, I've gotten used to living my life with freedom after moving away from my family. You know how a bird feels trapped in a cage for several years, and after it breaks free from the cage, the only thing it does do you want to fly freely whichever way he decides? That's my current feeling." Shawn responded with an apologetic expression.

Hearing Shawn's reasoning, Nolasco realized that the boy was only apparently in his early twenties, and from what he said of his own family, perhaps he comes from a wealthy family, making him never have to grieve for anything, like most commoners. . 'He might even be the son of a bourgeois family.' Nolasco deduced and finally understood Shawn's reasoning.

"Well, that's sad to hear, but I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do either. Since you said you decided to help the city defend against the wave of monsters, I'll appreciate your help." Nolasco responded in a more polite way, after assuming Shawn's past.

Bourgeois were not nobles, but held a considerable level of power. They were the kind of people people didn't need to be afraid to offend, but on the other hand, it wasn't advisable to do so if you didn't have a plausible reason.

"Thank you for understanding." Shawn responded with a small smile on his face, pretending to be relieved that Nolasco would understand. "Of course, if there is any opportunity for us to cooperate together, I see no reason to refuse." Shawn said something that made Nolasco more excited.

"This is something that tickles my ears. Are you insinuating how to act like a mercenary?" Nolasco asked excitedly.

Shawn didn't know how mercenaries worked in this world, but he figured the difference wasn't as big as in his previous world. Mercenaries will always be the same anywhere, give an adequate payment and they will do the work you ask for.

"Yes, just like a mercenary. As I pass many places, I don't have a steady source of income, so I usually take jobs wherever I go. From killing a monster, fighting a battle, everything is in my scope of work. Of course. , as long as the reward is proportionate." Shawn replied.

"Well, that's perfect. Since I don't have any parameters of your strength, let's treat this wave of monsters as a test. The more strength you demonstrate, the more we'll pay for your services, after all, skilled labor gets much more than normal workers." Nolasco replied.

"No problem." Shawn responded with a smile before walking out of the man's office and back to strolling around town.

He knew he had offended the nobleman of this town, and that was something he couldn't avoid without someone's protection, but as he hadn't hit the noble boy himself, and if he showed enough strength in today's battle, he felt that there would be no reason to have more repercussions for today's case.

Not to mention that by being able to become a mercenary of the city, he could receive enough money to support himself, in addition to probably coming into contact with powerful individuals.

By now he had met the most powerful individual in town, which boosted Shawn's strength, but knowing Nolasco had a Rank Silver ability, he could imagine that maybe there were other people with such abilities in town, and if so fight people from other towns, he could meet the powerful people of those places too, and best of all, still having his own freedom for being just a mercenary.

If he decided to become a city knight, Shawn figured it would be a lot of work to get out of it, he would probably have to spend a few years here working, and that was definitely not something he wanted.


Hours passed, and finally the time for the monster invasion had arrived.

Fortunately because of the wave of monsters, the Baron of the city had provided a feast for the commoners. Of course, considering tasteless soup and crusty bread a feast made no sense to Shawn, but for these commoners, getting free food was already a great joy.

Unfortunately many did not know that this could be their last meal.

Shawn who was hungry was forced to eat this bad food, initially he had difficulty eating it, but because of the hunger he felt, he didn't feel the food was as bad as he thought.

After eating, alarms sounded and the knights rushed to the castle wall to organize the defense.

As this wall was just a wooden fence around the city, it was impossible to climb it and throw things at the monsters, so the only thing people could do was wait at the city gate and kill the monsters that entered through it.

Of course, this was not a definitive measure, as over time, monsters would likely destroy the wall and start to invade the city from other places, but initially, this would help to deal with a large number of monsters with relative safety.

Shawn was holding the new sword he'd gotten as he stared at the city gate.

This would be his second battle in this world, so he was both excited and worried about it.

In his former world, no matter how he acted, no one would notice him. It was like he had a layer of invisibility around him, but in this world it was different.

Here, as soon as he emerged, Shawn was already noticed by other people, which made him feel good.

Wherever he walked, people looked at him. Some with disgust, contempt, anger, others with sympathy.

This was a new feeling for Shawn.

But looking at these poorly dressed commoners, he knew he didn't want to be like these people, and the best way to avoid that would be to become stronger.

Shawn decided that in this battle he wouldn't hide anything. Rather than using a weaker derivation of the abilities he had, Shawn would fully demonstrate the talent he had with the Amateur level of his two abilities.

This battle would not be to prove how powerful he was, or how talented he was. No, Shawn's idea was to use this battle to temper himself, to use Nolasco's muscle memory that he'd acquired with those skills so he could train himself and get even stronger in the process.

If anyone found out about him using the skills of the city knights, Shawn would just make an excuse for it, but he couldn't miss the opportunity to get stronger in this battle, so he made up his mind.

With a smile on his face, Shawn watched the first monster that broke through the city gate, and not caring about anything else, ran to that monster while pointing his sword at it.


Nolasco was anxious to imagine the number of monsters that would come on this wave today. Unfortunately this town was very small, which meant they had few people to defend it, mostly qualified people.

When Nolasco dropped the bill, there were only two other people who could play key roles in this battle. The sub-leader of the army and the captain of squad 01\.

The wanderer Ma? Nolasco didn't even consider him one of the people relevant to the battle. The boy was very young and probably only had one or two skills in Rank Rookie, at most those skills were at the peak of Rank Rookie, so he would hardly be relevant in battle.

Nolasco's two confidants, the sub-leader and the captain, had Rank High Expert and Rank Low Expert abilities respectively.

They were already powers that could fight 5 common people without breaking a sweat, so Nolasco trusted them a lot.

Before long, the first monster appeared in their sight.

It was a yellow meerkat, one of the weakest monsters found near Silver Dust Town.

But even being one of the weakest monsters, it was something the commoners would have a hard time dealing with on their own. It would probably need two commoners to deal with this little monster, even using the swords provided by the Baron.

Nolasco was intending to leave this monster for the commoners to fight, so they could become familiar with fighting monsters and feel that they couldn't handle it alone without the help of others. Then send a knight to deal with a meerkat with ease and show these commoners the prestige of knights, making them feel even more willing to fight and be able to conquer a position like that.

Just as Nolasco imagined, upon seeing the monster, the commoners were startled and took a step back. There were only a few meters to go before the meerkat reached these commoners.

Nolasco figured no one would move until the meerkat started attacking the nearest person.

But contrary to Nolasco's expectations, one of the commoners moved! No, the commoner ran towards the monster with a strange smile on his face.

This made Nolasco disappointed. That commoner was the wanderer Ma, that Nolasco had some hopes. He thought that this boy might have a promising future, as he always displayed above-average calm, a good trait for a knight.

But at that moment, instead of keeping calm, he jumped towards the monster? Wasn't that asking to die? As much as he had dealt with a boar in the forest, Nolasco supposed the boar was tired after fighting the commoner who died. After all, red boars are more powerful monsters than common commoners by a large margin, to the point that you would need three or four commoners to deal with a wild boar.

But at that moment Ma ran to the meerkat? As much as he had the strength to deal with this monster, he was just wasting strength before the most powerful monsters arrived.

Maybe if this boy had a physique as powerful as his, Nolasco would believe the boy would be able to handle future monsters, but as much as their physique was similar, Nolasco thought the stats weren't that close.

But then he was surprised again, the speed Ma was running was very high, to the point that Nolasco realized that even he couldn't run faster than this boy.

'Damn, he's more talented than I thought…' Nolasco thought as he anticipated Ma's battle against the meerkat.

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