Chapter 1

This would be 1 year later. Hey bro. I'm home from school! You here?! Said Bella. Yeah! In the kitchen! Rain is here too! Hi Bella. Said Rain. Hey Rain. Did you have a good day at school too? Yeah I did. I played with Slade and Zuri. That's good. I better go in my room and do my homework. Hey Zuki, I'll eat dinner after homework ok? Sure. Sounds good. What homework do you have? Oh Math, art, history, bla bla bla. Well if you need any help, let me know ok? Thanks Zuki. Zuki looked at the ceiling saying, Thank you Mom, for a beautiful sister. Even if I did meet her late. She is acting like me more and more. Thank you. He went back to cooking dinner.

Hey Zorin! I'm home! Oh good. The twins are too. Hey guys. Zorin? I'm going in my room to do homework. I'll eat after ok? Yeah. If you need any help, let me or Sapph know ok? Yeah. Oh! I have some art homework I might need help on. That's it, I think. I would be happy too help with it. Zuri and Slade? While Mommy's cooking dinner, why don't you do your homework too. Ok Daddy. They had math and writing.

Zorin! I'm finally on my last homework! My art! I'll bring the stuff out there! OK sure. OK. So we are supposed to be drawing something that makes us feel connected to the world. First Kiara? I want to ask you why you signed up for art class. What did you do to show everyone you could do? I decided to try it, cause you did. Since I don't have one, I thought I would try art. So I did a doodle. The teacher thought it was pretty good for a doodle. Here it is. Wow! Mrs. Light is right. That is a pretty good doodle. How long have you been doing doodles? I don't know. I just do them when I'm bored. I guess, since I was in kindergarten. Well there you go. You have a good hobby. OK. So as for your problem here, you need to draw something that makes you connected to the world huh? Yeah. What do you think connects you? I was thinking my power. Since it's flowers and vines. Then I realized that our power isn't what connects us. Your right. Its not. Said Zorin. Plants and flowers can make you connected, even if they aren't a power. Yeah, your right Zorin. I have always liked nature for some reason. There you go. What are you going to draw? Should I say doodle? I don't know. I guess I can doodle myself in a field picking flowers. There you go. If you need help with anything else, let me know ok? Thanks Zorin.

She stayed where she was, and drew herself picking flowers in a field with her Mom. She was finally done, and said, Zorin! Come here! Look! Very beautiful. Is that your Mom with you? Yeah. She was one of the reasons I am here. She gave birth to me after all. Now that homework is over, why don't you come and eat. Actually Zorin, I'm not really all that hungry. Are you ok Kiara? Said Sapph. Yeah. I'll be fine. She went in her room with her pictures and pencils. Zorin looked at Sapph and said, Why don't I go talk to her. I think I know how she's feeling. OK hun. Kids? Eat your dinner. I'm sure Kiara will be fine.

Hey Kiara. Oh Zorin. It's you. She said as she sat in her bed wiping her tears. I know what you might be feeling. I lost both my parents on my 16th birthday. On your birthday? That sucks. Yeah it does. So I know how your feeling. If anything, I should be feeling worse. I was the one who killed my parents. You? How? I don't like talking about it, but I will tell you. Let's see. Where should I start? Oh I know. Ok. When I was in kindergarten, my brother told me I had burned someone. It was Sky. That's why he has a burned shoulder. He was picking on my brother, and I jumped in to stop him and didn't know I had a power yet. When we came home, my brother had to keep it a secret. So since then I had worn gloves, I had always wondered why I wore them. On our 16th birthday, everything was going well. Mom said she had something to tell me after the party. When everyone left, I wasn't feeling well. I went to go lay down, then I had a horrible headache. My whole body was covered in flames. I was really scared. I went on a rapage around the house, then my brother found me. He said I was passed out. The neighbors must have called for help. Mr. J. told the paramedics he would take care of us. I woke up in the hospital. Jason told me Mom and Dad didn't make it. I met Raven at the hosptial. I found out she was a family friend. She knew my Dad. I met Roxas when I went to her house. I found out, if they didn't die there, they would have died anyway by somebody else. When my brother told me about the kindergaren incident, I found out I was being controlled. It was no normal headache. One day, when I do find out who did it, or if I ever do, I want to talk to them. Why talk? I would beat the hell out of them or worse torture them. I thought so too at your age. As I got older, I just wanted to know who did it, and one day meet them. I'm sorry Zorin. About your family. I know, it's fine. It happened a long time ago. You ready to eat? No. I think I'm going to go to bed. It's still to soon for me, for Mom. Even if it did happen 6 years ago. Iff you get hungry later, feel free to cook it in the microwave ok? Thanks Zorin. She laid down, and silently cried herself to sleep.

The next morning it was time for school. Hey Kiara. Feeling any better? Yeah Zorin. Thanks. It was still early enough she didn't need to get dressed for another 5 min. Hey Kiara. Want some breakfast? Said Sapph. Yeah. I'll eat anything right now. I'm hungry. No. I didn't get up to eat anything. I slept through the night. That's good. Ok here you go. French toast and eggs. Thanks Sapph. Mm they are good. Once she finished, it was time to get dressed. She went to her room, got dressed, got her work together and said, OK guys! I'm heading out! Zorin said, Wait Kiara! Aren't you forgetting something? No What? Your Art homework. Its still on the table. Oh thanks. I don't want to forget that. She put it in her backpack, then headed off to the bus. That girl reminds me of myself when I was her age. Said Zorin. Well I wasn't there much for your 16th year, but I figure you probably were like that. OK kids. Said Sapph. We better get you to your bus stop, or you will be late. OK Mommy. Said Zuri. They both went with their Mom to the bus stop.

OK honey. What are we doing today? Actually honey. I think we both should have fun and chill, until the kids get home. We hardly get to do that anymore. Sapph smiled and said, Yes I know. Zorin walked up to her and started kissing her. He picked her up still kissing her, took her to the room on the bed. They undressed eachother, fondled then became one. Once they were done, they rested a bit, got dressed and went to the living room to watch a movie together. Zorin said, OK. Now that the kids are gone, what should I do? I know. I will go to the dojo see how things are. OK. Honey. Just don't get yourself killed. Haha I wil try not too.

Hey Master. How are things here? OK. Nothing much changed. Hey Zuki! How is being a brother going? Oh good. Tiring at the same time, but worth it. Hey. Now that you have 2 sisters, thinking about dating again? Not for awhile. I'm not going to look. If I happen to meet someone good. If not, I'm happy with these girls. I have a friend who has a daughter about your age if your interested. Oh Really? I guess I can check her out. Just one date ok? Yeah sure. Let me call that friend and let him know. Master called his friend, and said that Mizuki would meet her. Hey Zuki! come here a min! Coming! Whats up Master? What time would be good? Anytime before the kids get home. So about noon good? Yeah that's fine. Ok how about noon? OK see you then. OK. She will be coming here around noon. Why don't you take her to the River View to talk? Sure. I guess. Zorin decided to go home after awhile.

It was finally 12:00. Zorin said, Hey Sapph. Why don't we go to the old track we used to go to when we were teenagers? They got their stuff on, and headed to the old Track.

It was time for Zuki to meet the woman. Master said, She will be here any min. Hey Master? She knows I have kids right? Yes she does. That you needed someone too. Master. I said I don't need anyone right now. I'm fine. I said I would meet her, and see how things go. That's all. She finally arrived. Hello. Said the woman. My name is Vale. Zuki took the womans hand and kissed it. He said, Nice to meet you Vale. Aren't you charming? She said. You must be Mizuki? I sure am. You look like someone I used to know. Why don't we go somewhere to talk? OK sure. I have just the place. See you later Master. Said Zuki. Thank you father. See you soon. Said Vale. They walked to the River View.

Zorin and Sapph were having the time of their life. They felt like they were teenagers again. Zorin's Mark started hurting again like it did back then. Ahh no! Not now! Dammit! Zorin was trying to go faster, so the pain would stop. It just made it worse. Zorin stopped so fast, he flung from his 4 wheeler. Sapph stopped and ran to Zorin. Hey Honey. You ok?! He grunted a little in pain and said, I think so. Ahh. He tried taking his deep breaths to calm himself, but did only little. Let's take a break on the bleachers ok? Yeah good Idea. Here we are. Thanks Sapph. What happened? Was it that adrenaline rush you felt again? It might have been. I don't know. I'm fine now Sapph. We got a few more min before we head home ok? Sure. Let's just go fast, but not as fast ok? Like meduim speed. Yeah sure ok

Ok Vale. Said Mizuki. You look like a woman I know named Serena. I don't know why. Vale said, I knew your Mom as much as you did. You might not remember, but we used to play together as kids. In this village. I moved away for some reason. Yes I really did come for love, but I also wanted to tell you that as well. Oh My Mom had another kid. Her name is Bella, and she is my sister. She is 17 years old. I also took in a little girl named Rain. She is 6 years old now. Wow Zuki. You are a responsible man now. Yeah I am. Haha. What is it? Well, Bella was asking if I am going to find someone, cause Rain needed a Mom. I told them I'm not really looking right now, but if one comes along I will check her out. Haha. Funny as ever I see. So when was the last time we saw eachother? Lets see.. I think I moved when we were about 8 years old. It wasn't my Mom you saw. If you are younger than me, you saw the woman and old man that raised me. Her name is Zania. Mom died when I was 6. Mom thought I died in the fire but Zania saved me. Wow. I wonder why I don't remember? Ok well should we get going? Yeah lets. OK good. They walked together back to the dojo.

Hey Master. We are going to head over to my place, before it gets too late for the bus. OK Zuki. Honey are you going to be ok? I have to get going. Sure. I will bring her saftly home I promise. You better Zuki. OK lets go.

OK Zuki, let's take the 4 wheelers back home. It's almost time for the kids to come home. Yeah lets go.