Chapter 2

Everyone was home waiting for their kids to come. When the twins came home, Zorin and Sapph were both waiting. Hey kids. Did you have a good day at school? Sapph said as they were walking back. Yeah Mommy. Said Slade. I got to play with Mason today. Oh how did that go? It was fun Mommy. Hey Mommy? Can I go over to Masons house tomorrow? I will have to call Sky and talk to him ok? OK Mommy. Zuri how was your day? I got to play with cousin Jade and Melody. Was it fun? Yeah and they want me to come over. OK I will call my brother. Said Zorin. Homework first. Tomorrow is Friday, so do good at school ok? Then maybe you can go. OK Daddy. Kiara finally came home. Hey guys! I'm home! Hey, got some news Zorin. A guy asked me out. I told him on one condition. We meet at Blue Moon, see how our first date goes. Then I will decide. Well congrats. What's his name? Oh he is a senior. His name is Kiba Valentine. Oh nice. When is the date? Oh I told him I would get back to him, I had to talk to you first. I told him before we went out, he would have to meet you. Oh well good idea. Well how about tomorrow night he comes over for dinner? If I like him enough, you can go out Saturday. How does that sound? Sounds great. I'll give him a call. Thanks Zorin. Then she went in her room to do her homework.

OK kids go do your homework on the dining room table. I'll be right back, I forgot to ask Kiara something. He knocked on Kiara's door. Its me Zorin. Can I come in? Yeah sure. He came in and saw her room a clutter. You need to clean this up, its a mess. Yeah I know. I will. OK. I came in here to ask you, what grade you got on your art homework. Oh I did good. I got an A. Can I see? Yeah sure. She pulled it out of her back pack to show him. Very good Kiara. How are you doing in your other classes? Ok I guess. A's and Bs. Reports cards should be coming out soon, and I want to see it ok? Yes Zorin. OK well I'll be in the dining room if you need me.

Zuki waited for Rain to get home. When she got off the bus, he said, There was someone I want you to meet. Her name is Vale. I hope you like her. OK Zuki. They went inside, she was sitting on the couch. Oh my. What a darling girl. Hello. You must be Rain? Yes. You Vale? Yes I am. You pretty. Oh thank you Rain. I used to have a daughter once. Just like you. She would be the same age as you, but I don't know what happened to her. I was a young Mom. I was 16 years old. Dad made me send her to an orphanage. I'm sorry Vale. Said Zuki.

Bella finally came home and said, Zuki. I'm home. I had an awesome day at school. OH hey. Who is this? Oh sorry. My name is Vale. You must be Bella? Yes I am. Nice to meet you Vale. Don't I know you from somewhere? You look familiar? I don't think so? Bella. Said Zuki. She was just telling me, how she was forced to send her daugher to an orphanage. She was a young Mom. She would be Rains age now. Then you must be the woman I thought. May I talk to this woman please? Alone? Said Bella. Yes. Said Zuki. Go ahead and bring her to your room. OK thanks Zuki. Come with me.

OK now, here we are. Said Bella. Why did you lie to my brother like that? what do you mean? I thought I took her to an orphanage? That is what my father said. You don't remember at all. Do you? Not really. I want too. Well ok then. I was the one you asked to take your baby. I can tell you what happened to us. Then you have to tell my brother the truth ok? Yes please. I was running away from home, because I was looking for my father. I knew was still alive. Then I couldn't run anymore and I collapsed. I thought I was going to die right there. Then you and the man with you, probably your boyfriend, must have helped me. All I saw were shadows before I passed out. Then I woke up in your house. Not long after I got better, you knew you were in danger. You told me to take your baby. You didn't tell me her name. So I named her Rain. When I ran far enough away, I saw flames on your house. I assumed both of you died. Looks like you survived. Yes I did. All this time I have been looking for my little girl. Well now you have found her. She is in the living Room. My brother is hers now. So please don't take her away. I would never do such a thing. Zuki said we can be friends and see where it goes from there. Maybe even more. Would that be ok if I one day became your sister? I don't see why not. Wait Bella. Your Zuki's biological sister aren't you. well half sister. Yes I am. Well I thought I knew your Mother for a short time. If me and Zuki got married, Rain would be your neice. Wow. That would even be better. Even if she isn't blood, she is my sister. Tomorrow after school, and we do our homework, we are going to visit Moms grave. Do you want to come? Yes I would love to. If its ok with your brother. OK well. We better go out and join everyone. Vale come on.

OK guys were back. Rain come with me. I need to talk to you. Hey Rain guess what? That woman Vale? She is actually your Mother. I don't want to leave you Bella. You won't. She said she would never do that. Is brother gonna marry her? Well do you want to talk to her Rain? She has been looking for you for 6 years now. Ever since she survived the fire. Yes I talk to her. Ok come on Rain.

OK we are back. Rain knows that Vale her is Mother now. I know. Said Zuki. She told me. I think its a good idea the two talk. Rain do you want to talk alone, or do you want me with you. I want you here first. OK sure. Hi Rain nice to finally find you after all these years. Bella told me you look for me. Yes I did. Since the fire 6 years ago. I finally found you. I'm so glad. May I have a hug Rain? Yes Mommy you can. She cried in tears when she heard that. She gave her little girl a hug. OK let me wipe my tears now. After they talked awhile, it was dinner time. OK guys dinner. Get to the table. After dinner Vale, I will take you home ok? Yeah thanks.

The next day it was the last day of school until monday. It was the day of a fun weekend for everyone. Little did everyone know after that week their lives would change.

OK Kids. See you after school. Bye Zorin. Hey Zorin? Can my boyfriend hang out here until dinner as well? His parents said as long as its ok with you. Yeah sure. The more we get to know him the better. Oh good. Thanks.

During school, Kiara found Kiba, and told her what Zorin said. He said Ok good. I was afraid he would say no. OK. I have to get to class. Bye Kiba. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and left. He blushed, though you couldn't see it.

Zorin called his brother, to ask him about today for Zuri to sleep over. Yeah sure. The kids asked me too. OK cool. I will let the school know. Sapph called Sky, and asked him about Slade staying the night. Yeah its fine. Actually good timing. I have a day off today and don't work tomorrow. Oh good. We will call the school let them know. Thank you. OK Zorin. Go ahead. They both said yes so call the school ok? Yeah hang on. Hello it's Zorin. Zuri will be going on the red bus. She is going to Melody's house. Slade will be going on the green. He is going to Masons house. OK I will write a note. Thank you. Yep. Bye Melody. Bye Zorin.

OK now that thats settled, we just have to wait for Kiara to get home with her boyfriend. I better go check something real quick. Said Zorin. He went to Kiara's room and saw it was still a clutter. He picked it up for her, and lit a candle to make it smell good in there. OK. There. Perfect.

OK now Sapph. What should we do today? Well I think you and I should go down to the dojo. Hang out with everyone there. Ok sounds good. Let's take our 4 wheelers out. OK Zorin. Saves gas on the car or walking for that matter.

Hey guys. Said Zorin. Hey Zorin! Oh and Sapph for once. Hey Sapph how you doing? Good now that I finally get a break. Hey Sapph. Said Zuki. Want to Sparr with me? Uh actally if you don't mind, the reason I came here was to Sparr with Zorin. Its been a while. We haven't had much time too til now. Sure Sapph let's do this. We should probably go on the field for our fight. Yeah your probably right. Zuki, Master, and everyone else is welcome too. You just might want to have an extinguisher ready to put out a fire. Zania is here. She will fix that. No I can't. I will have something that does. OK guys ready? Said Zuki. First one to give up looses. OK Ready and Fight. Everyone backed up pretty quick.

It went on for a long while. Zorin Pinned Sapph down, and Sapph used her strong vines to push him off and tie him up. Then she pinned him down. He burned the vines, and pushed off. He got up, and they fought again. Wow! Said Zuki. This is getting good. Master came by and said, Finally. They get to fight again. I have a feeling this fight is going to end pretty soon. The last few moves will determine the winner. Zorin had his flames on his hands ready. Sapph had her hands ready to tie him up. They did their power at once, some things were on fire. Even though Sapph had tied Zorin up, they both fell and gave in. Wow that's the first. Said Zuki. Tsuna blew all the fire away. Zuki helped Zorin up, and Tsuna helped Sapph. You guys OK? Yeah were fine. Hey Sapph? I thought you said you weren't going to do that again? Yeah well. I couldn't let you win after all these years. Yeah well whatever. Lets go get our faces dried off.

It was finally noon. Vale was going to come over. Oh that's right. Vale will be here soon. Oh that girl you met the other day? Said Zorin. Yeah. Zuki told him who she really was. Well then. You really do have to marry her. Said Zorin jokingly. Haha very funny. Said Zuki. Vale finally showed up. Hi Vale. Hi Mizuki. Hey Vale? Just call me Zuki. Everyone else does. OK Zuki. She giggled at that name. Sorry, it's just cute. So what are you two going to do today? Said Zorin. Oh just hang out here. Later we are going to Moms grave with the girls. What are you going to do today? Well we get to meet Kiara's boyfriend today. His name is Kiba Valentine. Well have fun with that. I just hope Bella doesn't have one anytime soon. At least until senior year. Oh about that. Said Zorin. He is a senior. She's a junior. So a year apart. Oh wow! Have fun then. If you need help, just give us a call. Ok Zorin? Haha very funny. Hey Where is my brother, Raven, Roxas, and Chloe? OH Jason is on his way here. Chloe is with Raven and Roxas on an errand. They should be back soon. Oh hey Tsuna. Said Zorin. How is Shinta doing? Oh actually, he is settling in pretty good. Hasn't had a tantrum yet. Oh that's good. How is school going for him? Oh pretty good. He actually enjoys it. Oh that's good. Zania what about Zeth? How is he doing? Oh he's doing ok. Nothing to complain yet. Oh that's good.

Hey guys. Said Zorin. I'm gonna go for my jogg. Anyone want to join me? Sapph said, Sure. I will yeah. Me too. Said Zania. Me three. Said Tenma. That's all the people who wanted to come. So all 4 of them went jogging around the track. Once they were done, they sat on the bleachers and talked for a bit, until it started getting time for the kids.

Ok well. Looks like we better head home. Kids will be here soon. Zuri is going to be at Jasons house, and Slade is going to Sky's. I just have to wait for Kiara and her boyfriend. Well see you guys later. Said Zuki. Let us know how it goes. I will. Said Zorin. See ya. They got on their 4 wheelers and left.

Ok. Zorin said. Home sweet home. Yeah. Said Sapph as she took a deep breath. Wow Sapph. You got me good. I'm going to be sore for awhile. Sorry Zorin. Did I get you that bad? Yeah here, let me show you. He took off his shirt to show her. I did that? Wow. I didn't know I was that strong. I'm sorry. Hey I'll live. I've had worse as you know. Sapph why don't you relax and get a shower. I'll wait here for them. OK you sure? Yeah I'll take one after you. OK well then see you in a bit.

Not long after Sapph got in the shower, Kiara came home. Hey Zorin. Where's Sapph? Oh she will be out in a bit. She's in the shower. This must be Kiba? Yes sir. Sorry about my appearance. Said Zorin. I just got done fighting. Fighting? Said Kiara. Yeah I fought Sapph today. It was a draw. Oh wow. Yeah she got me pretty good. So Kiba, it's good to meet you. At least your not the scary looking type. No sir. That's good. Call me Zorin. Don't need to be formal. So you wanted to meet me Huh? Said Zorin. Yeah I did. Mr. J. told me some things about you, and I actually admire you. Oh great. Now I have someone else who looks up to me. Scary. Oh well. Then I guess you will take good care of Kiara. If you don't, you know what will happen right? Yes I do. You will set me on fire Kiara said. No I will not do that. I was just joking when I said that to her. No but me and my buddy Zuki will come after you, and take you in. I will do my best to care for her Zorin. Good.

Zorin bent down and whispered in her ear. I cleaned your room for you, I made your room smell nice. The candle is still in there, but the flame is out. Thank you Zorin. Your a life saver. She whispered back. What was that about? Said Kiba. Oh nothing. Hey want to sit down Kiba? Said Kiara. Yeah sure. Hey Zorin. Are the kids at their friends house today? Yeah they are. OK. Yeah I told you about Zuri and Slade right? Yeah you did. Oh good. Then I have to tell you something else. You know that guy Sky I told you about? Yeah why? He has kids as well. 2 boys 6 and 7 now. Mason is Zuri and Slades ages. Oh ok. cool.

Sapph finally came out of the shower and said, Oh hello. You must be Kiba. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too maam. Oh call me Sapph. Don't be so formal. Hey Zorin. You can take your shower now. Be careful of that bruise ok? Yeah I'll try. Sapph? You got him a bruise? Yeah many when we fought. Except he has a big one on the opposite side of his mark. You were stronger than you thought huh? Yeah guess I was. So Kiba. What kind of power do you have? If you don't mind me asking. Oh I don't mind at all. I have weather changing power. Oh cool. What kind of weather can you do? Oh I can make it Rain, and lightning. I have been working on snow. It''s harder to do. Oh and I can do wind. Wow pretty cool. You would really be handy in battle one of these days. Thanks Sapph. OH So you guys want to go to Blue Moon tomorrow right? Yeah. Said Kiba. Kiara did you tell him my parents own it? No not yet. OH so that makes since. Said Kiba. If you would have said that in the first place, I wouldn't have been so nervous. Sorry Kiba. I didn't mean to make you nervous. It's fine Kiara. Aww. You too are so sweet to eachother.

Zorin finally came out of the bathroom putting on his shirt. Damn Zorin. Said Kiba. Sapph did that to you? Oh you saw it huh? Hang on. There, you can see it better. He took off his shirt. Kiara saw it. Dang Sapph. We better be careful with you. It was my vine that must have done it. Hey you are pretty strong. Oh so you have the same power as Kiara? Yep I do.