Chapter 3

Zuki said, Ok girls, let's go to the orphanage. While we are there, we should visit Mrs. Runner. We haven't done that, since Rain started talking. Yeah your right. Said Bella. Sounds good. Said Vale. I have to thank Mrs. Runner for caring for Serena. OK well let's go get in the car.

On the way over, Zuki said We are going to visit Mrs. Runner first, then we will head to Mom's grave ok? Yeah brother. OK here we are. Zuki knocked on the Orphange Door, and Mrs. Runner opened it. Well hello girls. It's about time you came for a visit. Hi Mrs. Runner. Said Rain. OH hi Rain! Nice to hear you finally talking. This is my Mommy. Oh nice to meet you dear. Bella explained who Vale and herself really were. I'm glad you found Rain, and sorry about your boyfriend. I'm glad you found at least part of your family Bella. Thank you. I also want to thank you Mrs. Runner. Said Vale. For taking care of my baby girl. You as well Bella. Your welcome dear. Well. Said Zuki. Looks like you got new kids in. Yeah the place has about 10 new kids in this past year. Wow that many already? Oh well I guess you and Cook have your hands full. Yeah we do. Hey where is cook? Said Zuki. Oh I will go get her, be right back. Cook! Hey cook. We got some visitors. Cook came out and said, Well I'll be. Rain, Bella how are you? We good. Said Rain. OH Rain your talking now? Cute voice. Thankyou. You must be Zuki. Nice to meet you. Said Cook. This is Vale. Said Zuki. Nice to meet you Vale. They talked for a bit, and Zuki told her what they were going to do. Well thank you for stopping by to say hello. Yeah sure. OK. Well girls. Lets go. Hey Zuki. Said Mrs. Runner. If you know any one who wants to adopt, have them come by here. There are plenty of kids. OK I will. Thank you.

OK here we are at Moms grave. The grave said: A loving Mother, Daughter, friend, and Fiance. OH Mom. Said Zuki. You really wanted to marry Dad didn't you? He was still in college when he met you. It was about his 2nd or 3rd year when you said you couldn't be with him anymore. After a year of getting to know you, he was going to pop the question, but then you ended up saying you couldn't be with him. I'm sorry Mom. He said to her grave. So sorry. He was in tears. Bella and Rain patted his back. Its ok Zuki. It's ok brother. I know girls. Thank you. He gave the girls a hug. Sorry Vale. I hate for you to see me like this. It's Ok. You didn't get a chance to get close to her. I'm sure she was a sweet woman. Yes she probably was. Ok Vale. Is there anything you want to say to my Mom? Yes. Serena, I grew up with your son. I moved away at 8 years old. I finally found him again. Now we are friends. I just wanted you to know your son was found and is ok. I hope you and.... I would like to say husband,are looking down right now on him and protecting him. I will take care of Zuki for you. I will do the best I can. OK I'm done now. Bella and Rain do you want to say anything? NO not me. Said Rain. I will. Said Bella. Hey Mom. I finally found Zuki. Although you probably named him something else. The one who protected him was named Zania. Why did you have to leave me Mom? I miss you so much. We have to go Mom. We will see you again soon. I hope. Ok Zuki. Let's go, before I decide I want to stay here. OK girls let's get in the car.

It was gettng later, and dinner time was here. Ok Kiara. In honor of your boyfriend coming, I made your favorite dinner. Chinese food. Thanks Sapph. I hope you like it Kiba? Yeah I like chinese. My favorites are orange chicken and Chow mein. Oh mine too. I also made potstickers. Wow Sapph! You went all out. Said Kiara. Oh Zorin helped. He made the orange chicken and other things as well. Then they started visiting.

The next night it was Saturday. Hey Kids, why don't I take you instead of Zorin? I got called in last min for work. Yeah sure. We don't mind. Hey Zorin. I will be taking the kids. Mom called me in for work. OK. Well then. He came out from his room and said, Ok Kiba. Take good care of Kiara OK? Kiara. Use those powers to tie him up if necessary. Kiara laughed and said, I will Zorin. Thank you. OK. Let's go kids. They went to the car and left.

OK here we are kids. At my work. Sapph went in the back to tell her Mom she was there, and that Kiara and Kiba were there. Ok be right there dear. Sapph, go on in the back. They could use your help. OK Mom. Hey Kiara good to see you again. You must be Kiba? Nice to meet you. My name is Emma. Nice to meet you Emma. Oh nice and polite man you got there. I wish Zorin was as polite, but I guess he had his perks. Sapph still liked him. Ok well. Let's sit you down at a booth. Here we are. Want anything to drink? I'll have a water. Said Kiara. I will have a Dr. Pepper. Thanks. Ok be right back with your drinks. When she left, they were looking at what to eat. So Kiara, what do you recommend eating here? Oh let's see. For starters, how about the steak for you, mashed potatoes and veggies. Ok I will get that then. How about you? What are you having? Oh I am having the chicken burger with fries and a salad. OK we know what we want. Emma came back with the drinks and said, Ready to order? Yes we are. They told her what they wanted and said, Ok be back in a few.

Mystery said, Jason, honey there is somewhere I have to be. What? This late at night? Yeah don't worry, I'll be back soon. If I am not back in 1 or 2 hours, something happened ok? I hope it doesn't, but OK. She gave Jason a kiss and her girls as well. Bye girls be good for Daddy. Bye Jayde. Bye Melody. OK I'm off.

As Mystery was off on her way to her meeting place to meet someone, she was taken. She was far enough away Jason couldn't hear her scream. One of the Red Falcons kidnapped and blind folded her. Let me go! Hey I know your voice. Said Mystery. You must be one of the Red Falcons. What do you want with me? I don't want anything. Our boss does. We will be there soon. Ahh here we are. He put Mystery down. Jay told him to take the blind fold off. Hey sis. Said Jay. Jay! I haven't seen you in 8 years! What do you want from me now? Oh I want you to join me and my crew. What for? I am not turning evil for you! I have to get back to my kids. Oh you will. You will just be secretly working for me. When I finally do let you go, you will tell that husband of yours you had another job opportunity that paid well. Like I said. I will not join you. Oh yes you will. When you find out who killed our Mother. You know who killed Mom? Who was it? Tell me. It was a woman. If you want to know, you have to join me. Fine! I will join you on 3 conditons. You let me go after we beat her, I get to choose my costume, you are not to hurt our family or friends either. OK sis, whatever. Like I said, tell him about the job opportunity and quit your old one. Fine! Can I go now? I told Jason if I am not back in an hour or two something probably happened to me. I am late to meet someone. Oh you mean him? The guy she was supposed to meet stood right next to him. OH so you are with my brother, probably getting me to join huh? Yes I probably was. OK can I go now? Yes you may. I have a feeling I know what costume you want. I will have it ready by tommorrow at noon. Meet me at the River View. It will be only me. I got it. OK. You are free to go now. See you tommorrow sis. Yeah whatever. Mystery drove back home as fast as she could. She finally made it home.

Hey Jason. Sorry I'm an hour or so late. I had to meet up with someone. Lost track of time. Mystery? Are you ok? You look a little shaken up. Yeah I'm fine. I will be in bed. I'm not going to eat tonight. OK. After I get the kids to bed, I will join you. OK honey. I'll be waiting.

Hey Mystery. You ok? Yeah. I just got new job opportunity that pays well. I have to quit my job I have now. Why? You love your job. I just think its time for a change is all. I start my new job tomorrow. What is it exactly Mystery? I can't tell you. Mystery, are you in some sort of trouble? If you are, you know me and the others can help right? Mystery smiled. I know honey. Its just something you can't help me with right now. I will be fine. OK well. If you do, just let us know Ok? I will honey. Thank you. Goodnight. Night honey.

Kiba said, Ok, Since we are done, let's pay for our food, and sit on the bench outside. Yeah sure. So they sat on the bench. Kiba looked into Kiara's eyes and they started kissing. Hey Kiara. Why don't we go across the street behind the bushes? OK let's go. They watched for cars and went over. Then they kissed some more undressed eachother. Kiara said, It's my first time, so be easy ok? Its ok Kiara. It's mine too. I will be careful. He started off easy, then continuted on until they were done. They both layed next to eachother for a few minutes then got dressed and headed back. They sat on the bench waiting for Sapph. Hey Kiara? I didn't hurt you did I? No you were fine. Now it should be better next time we do it. Yeah hope so. Said Kiba. Sapph finally came out and said, OK kids, let's head back home. They both got in the car and Sapph took Kiba home. Thanks Sapph. Bye Kiara. See you again at school. Yeah you too. He went inside, Sapph left and said, How was the date? Oh it was good. He liked the steak and mashed potatoes. Are you sure thats all he liked? Yeah why? Oh no reason. Said Sapph. You just remind me a lot of myself at 17. Is that a bad thing? Well no. In a way a good thing. Oh good. OK Zorin! We are home! Hey how did the date go Kiara? It went good. Thanks. We took Kiba home and came here. Oh good.

The next day was Sunday, the day Jasons family would probably change. When do you have to leave for work Mystery? Oh I gotta get ready now, and head over there. Be careful ok? I'm gonna drop the kids off at James house. Ok I will be home when I can Jason. OK dear. Have fun at work. Ok kids. Get in the truck. We are going to uncle James house. OK Daddy. Said Jayde.

Mystery went to the meeting place, saw Jay sitting on the bench. Hey Jay. Hey Mystery. Ready to go? Yes let's go. OK hold on tight. She held him tight, and they flew up to his ship. Now that we are in the ship, let's talk about what we are going to do. Hold on a min Jay. I forgot to do something. She called her old work and told them about the job opportunity that she would have to quit. We will miss you. If it helps you, I'm glad. Thanks for having me. OK done. Now Jay. Who is this woman that killed Mom? What's her name? Who said I had a name? I just know who she is. Not her name. Here, I have a picture of her.

I've seen that girl before Jay. I know her brother. He went to school with me. Her brothers name is Zack, he was the one that always looked scary. He said he got it from his Dad. So have you seen her around? Not really. Just her brother, and we lost contact after high school. I do have one place I want to check before I say any more. We should check the cave over by the old abandoned palace. He used to hide there when something was wrong. OK we will check there. In the mean time, here. He gave her a costume. Wow your right! I do like the costume! Thanks Jay. Anything for my little sister. You know I am not so little anymore. I am a grown woman, I have 2 kids and a husband now. I have a family of my own too. They are not happy with I am doing myself. I have 4 kids 2 boys and 2 girls. My daughter Lucy and son Grey are twins and they are 10. My other son's name is Laxus, 11 and Daughter levy is 12. So I have nieces and nephews? Can't wait to meet them Jay. I did tell them about you, so they know of you and have pictures. Maybe when all this is over you can meet them. Maybe, I hope so. My wife died giving birth to the twins. They put too much stress on her body. I'm sorry Jay. Its fine, its been 10 years now. They have a stepmom taking care of them. OH so you remarried? Yeah for at least 5 years now. Oh wow. Ok now back to buisness. I'll go have the captain drive over to the palace. Hey Captain! We need to drive to the abandoned Palace. Yes sir! Changing course. He turned around and headed over.