Chapter 4

It was noon, when Zorin and Zuki had some business at the abandoned castle. Jason, Zania, Tenma, Raven, and Roxas, were there in case something happened. Zorin and Zuki told everyone to promise not to tell anyone what they were doing, or where they were going. They were told to stay out of it for some reason. They were about to find out why. Ok guys. Said Zorin. I have a plan. I want to check out the palace. Zuki I want you to check out that cave. We are going to split up, so I want Zania to be a lookout this time, Jason and Tenma go with Zuki. Raven and Roxas with me. Ok good plan. Said Zuki. Let's go. So Zorin went in the castle and Zuki in the cave.

Not long after Zorin went into the palace, Zania shouted Zorin! Hey Zorin! I sense trouble. Zorin and the others tried to turn around but were trapped by rubble. OH crap. Zuki! Hey Zuki, trouble! He turned around and they barely made it out before they were trapped. What is it Zania? Well for 1 Zorin is trapped in the castle with the rest, and for 2 look up. Oh crap we do got trouble. Zania! You think you, Tenma, and Jason, can hold them off while I get Zorin out? we'll try. OK good go.

Who are you guys? Said Zania. We are called The Siblings. I am Zada, and this is Jay. What do you guys want? Oh we want nothing from you. If you get in our way, we will have to do something about you. I don't know if we can handle them or not but we will try.

Zorin! Raven! Roxas! You guys ok in there?! I'm fine! Said Raven. So is Roxas! Zorin isn't looking to good! He needs some air! Dammit! Ok! I will try to get this rubble off of you! He tried pushing the rubble down, but not strong enough to budge.

Before everyone was giving up hope, Mr. Sanchez the PE teacher, and a few others from the dojo showed up. Finally. Said Jay. I wondered when reinforcements were going to show up. Mr. Sanchez! Said Jason. You need to help my brother and the others. Zorin, Raven and Roxas. Got it said Sanchez.

Hey Zuki so what's up? I need your strength. I tried using my shield to push, but it wouldn't budge. Zorin needs air. He may not be breathing right now. We need to hurry. I will do my best. Everyone! Can you hear me?! Said Zuki. Yes, Roxas and I can! Said Raven. Get Zorin and yourselves far away from the rubble as you can! Sanchez is going to knock the rubble down and get you guys out. OK hang on! OK Roxas help me move Zorin. All right here we go. OK we should be at a safe distance. Hang in there Roxas! I know you are getting out of breath. OK Ready! Said Raven. Zuki said OK Sanchez do it. He smashed the rubble with his right hand multiple times to make it big enough to get out of. Raven and Roxa, got out, Raven was dragging Zorin.

Hey guys! Said Raven. Zorin isn't breathing. I was afraid of that. Said Zuki. Hold on. Raven I will do the chest compressions, you do the breathing. Right. Zuki put his hands on Zorins chest and started compressing. 1...2...3... Breathe. 1...2...3...Breathe. Come on Zorin! You can't leave us! Not now! Said Zuki. 1....2...3...Breathe. 1...2...3...Breathe. Ok I'm afraid we can't do anymore. Said Zuki. I think we lost him. Just as he was thinking that, Zorin ended up coughing. Cough Cough Cough. Then he took a deep breath and was out of breath. He was still asleep and hadn't woken up yet. Well at least he's breathing now. Said Zuki. Raven, Roxas. Stay here and protect Zorin. Sanchez and I will join the others in the fight. Yes sir. Said Raven.

Zorin was slowly waking up. Uhh. He said in a groggy tone. Zorin you ok? Said Roxas. Zorin said I guess so. What the hell happened? Raven told about the collapse, and how he stopped breathing. That Sanchez got them out and Zuki as well as herself brought him back. Thanks Raven. I better get up and help. He tried to get up Raven stopped him. NO not yet we just brought you back. I have to help the others. Look at them, they are getting tired. Plus I know that guy. I need to find out what they want, I have my ways. I just need to get up. OK fine. Said Raven. Get up slowly. If anything happens to you, I'll kill you myself. HaHa you just want to save me to kill me? Thats funny. OK well I better change into Bluefire hang on. He pushed his belt and changed to Bluefire.

Bluefire flew up to join the ones who could fly. They others were fighting on the ground. Who the hell are you guys? Said Bluefire. Well you should know who I am Bluefire. This is Zada, and we are called The Siblings. Weird name but ok? What are you doing here? Why are you fighting us? We actually came to the cave to look for someone, but we can't now, because the cave decided to collapse. Who exactly are you looking for? We can't tell you that, its a secret. You will find out soon enough. You got friends who can. Don't you Bluefire? He didn't say anything. If you are looking for who I think you are. Said Bluefire. Why don't you fight me? I might know one other place this person could be. I will make you a deal. If you beat me, I will tell you. If I beat you, you will give up looking. Sorry that is something we can't agree to. Fine then I guess I am just going to have to beat you, until you retreat like the others do. Why don't you try it. Said Jay. Bluefire ended up fighting Jay.

ON the ground Jason was fighting Zada, and the others were fighing Red Falcons. Hey Zada! You remind me of someone. Said Jason. Do I know you from somewhere? She had a voice changer in her suit so no one knew it was her. NO not really. I would remember. I have a good memory. Now enough talk, and let's fight. Almost tall of the minions were knocked out.

Fine Bluefire! You win this time! Next time I see you, you are a dead man. Retreat Zada! Let's go get the men. Bluefire said Let them get their men and retreat. We need to recover. They all listened to Bluefire, and sat down or laid down. Bluefire landed by the cave and sat down, then laid down out of breath. Once everyone was distracted by catching their breath, Bluefire changed back into Zorin. Zorin was still out of breath himself. Still laying down. Raven came over to him holding her stomach. Hey Zorin. You ok? She said in a strained tone. Yeah..I am...OK...just a little...out of ...Breath. Zorin said in pain. What is it Zorin?! Hey, what is it?! No! Not now! Raven you might want to back up. I have to get away before I explode. Zorin are you ok?! I have to get away! Zorin got as far back as he could before the fire in his body exploded and a huge surge wave went over. Then Zorin collapsed right on the spot. He got himself burned from the surge. Raven said Anyone a doctor here? Zorin needs our help. I have some knowlege. Said Zuki. Where is he? He went back here. Oh and Zania, we need you too hurry. Zania ran over to them as quick as she could, since she was weak from the battle. They saw Zorin Collapsed, and a huge burn hole in his shirt. Zorin saw the burn and said I know someone who can heal him. Hang on. He fought with us in battle. Zania I want you to suck up all this fire. And do what with it? All I can do is throw it back at them. Not to far from here should be a river. Blow it down there ok? Yeah sure. She sucked all the fire up, and went to the river and did just that.

Zorin was still unconscious. I have an Idea. The river water is cold right? Raven take Zorin to the river. Lay him where it touches his burn. I will get Tsuna, he can heal as well. Got it. Zuki went back to the others, and said Tsuna. How is your healing power? OK. I still have enough to heal. Good follow me everyone else rest we will be right back.

They caught up to Raven. Zuki said Here let me take Zorin. First. Said Tsuna. Let's get him to the river. I will check his wound. Here we are. Wow! Said Tsuna. Yes get him in the river, and fast. I won't be able to do anything until it cools down a bit. They layed Zorin down in the river with his head up so he could breathe. Zorin felt the pain so he screamed at the top of his lungs. Ahhh. Then eventuallly the pain subsided and Zorin was breathing a little easier. They took him out of the water, and laid him down. Lay him here, and I will heal his burn. Tsuana said This might hurt Zorin. If you can hear me, I have to touch your wound to heal it. Tsuna touched his wound, he flinched but didn't make a sound. Tsuna was able to heal most of the wound. OK that is about as much as I can do. He should be out of danger now. I can patch this part up. They waited for Zorin to wake up.

Come on Zorin. You gotta wake up man. Said Zuki. The others are waiting. Said Raven. Tsuna felt his head, and said He has a bit of a fever, but its not bad. Zorin was slowly waking back up. Zorin! Hey man. Said Zuki. How you feeling? Zorin tried to sit up but couldn't. Hey easy. Let us help you. Nah I think I can do this. He held on to the bench and groaned in pain when he stood up. Damn! I hate it when that happens. Zorin, what exactly happened? Said Zuki. Well it only happened once before this. After battle I collapsed from exaustion. When I think I am better, I stand up. I feel my mark acting up, and I have this strange urge to let power out. I go enough away from people, before I let the power out. This is the first time I must have burned myself though. Thanks Tsuna. Yeah I was only able to cure most of it, but there was still quite some burn there. Enough its not life threatening anymore. Good thanks. Well we should probably go back to the others and head back. Said Zorin. Hey Zorin. Let me and Raven help you. NO I will be fine. He took one step, and almost collapsed. OK Zorin. We are not giving you a choice. Tsuna come on, let's help Zorin. Raven still looks in pain from her battle. OK sure.

Hey guys we are back. Hey Zorin. Good to see your ok. Said Jason. Both Jason and Zania ran over to him. Yeah I'm fine Really. OK so how are we getting back home? Said Zorin. Just as he said that, there was a sound. Sounded like someone saying help me! Hey! Zorin said Do you guys here that? Everyone quiet. They were quiet and they heard it again. Help Me please! Zorin yelled Where are you? I'm in the cave. Hurry I can't last much longer. Then he passed out. By the time they found the cave, he had stopped breathing. They didn't know, so they yelled. Hey can you still hear us?! Said Zorin?! NO response. Sanchez can you still use your strength? I can try hang on. I just hope the kid is far enough away. He punched the rubble enought to get in. They searched for the kid, and saw a hand. Sanchez got all the rubble off and helped him into the fresh air. The person wasn't breathing. Zuki help us. Zuki ran over and said Oh no the boy isn't breathing. Zania you breathe I'll compress. 1...2...3... Breathe 1...2...3... Breathe. Come on kid. live. 1...2..3.. Breathe. 1...2...3... Breathe. The kid finally coughed. Cough. Cough.Cough. Then took a deep breath and coughed some more. Cough. Cough. Cough. The kid woke up. Water. He said horsely. Zuki said Anyone got any water left? Tsuna came over and said Here. He lifted the boys head and gave him some water. Thanks. Here let me help you sit up. He helped the kid sit up against the wall.

Hey man. Said Zorin. You look familar? Are you by any chance Zack? Yeah I am. Zorin is that really you? Yeah its me. What the hell are you doing here? Are you being followed by any chance? Yes I am. They must have come. Haven't they? Yes they did. We made them retreat for now. Good. They want to know where my sister is. They think that she killed someones mother. I don't think she would be capable of that. Zack was about to pass out again. Hey stay with us Zack. Sorry I will be Ok. Zen is probably worried about me. After High school, Zen and I kept in touch and we are still best friends. Zack. We are going to take you with us. Just to get you help. Then we will take you to Zen. We will call him if we have to, when we get to our destination. Thanks Zorin. He passed right out. OK. Said Tsuna. I will take Zack, and Zuki you take Zorin. We have 2 vans. Between the two of you, they should seat all of you. Let's get Zorin and Zack in first. Those two will be in the same van. So will Jason. Then the others can choose from there. OK let's all head back to the dojo.

It was about 4:00 when they got to the dojo. Hey Master! We need the healer fast. Mostly for this guy Zack. Zorin as well. He is weak, but he should be fine. As for this guy, I don't know for sure. OK I will get him now. Master knocked on the healers door. Hey healer we need your assistance. Bring your assitant too. Your trainee Zeth as well. Sure. OK here we are. Assistant, why don't you and Zeth look at Zorin. I will take a look at this man. Yes sir. Said Zeth.

Looks like this boy will be out of it for at least 2 more days. What happened to him? We found him collapsed under some rubble. Said Zuki. You went to the Palace didn't you? After you were warned not to. Yes sir. We wanted to know why. We were curious. Zorin was trapped in the castle. He is fine now though. I was in the cave. Before it collapsed I was out. When we were getting ready to leave, that's when we found Zack. He wasn't breathing, so I had to do Cpr. I also had to do it on Zorin. Sanchez got him untrapped. Just don't go there again. Got it? I'm sorry Master. Said Zorin. I can't make that promise. There may be a time I might have to go back there. I just hope its not any time soon. Just make sure you don't get yourself killed then. Take someone with you when you do. I will. I learned my lesson.

The assistant saw a bandage on Zorin, and said What happened here? Zorin. Oh that. It was a bad burn,Tsuna helped most of it. There was still quite a bit left, so he bandaged it. Head healer, what should we do? Let's take off the bandage and take a look. I might be able to heal the rest, depending on how bad it is. The assistant took off the bandage and the head healer saw and said That must have been a bad burn. Luckily I can heal this much. Zorin I have to touch the burn to heal it. So bear the pain ok? Yeah sure. Zorin winced a little, and bore the pain until the burn was healed. Ahh much better. Thanks head healer. Yeah Zorin. What the hell happened to you? Oh that. Its something I want to ask Master about. He might know. Hey Master. Can I talk to you and the others who have the mark? OK I will be in my office if you need me. If anything changes with you, or this friend of yours, let me know. Ok Zorin? Thanks.

OK Master. This was the second time its happened. The first time I have burned myself. The reason why I called all of you here, is to see if it happened to you. After I was pulled out of the rubble, and brought back to life thanks to Sanchez, Zuki, and Raven, I was fine. I was able to fight. After the fight, they got away. They will be back. I don't know when, but if it happens, we need to go back to the palace. Zorin was holding his mark like it started hurting again. Hey Zorin? You OK? Said Zuki. Yeah I will be. As he was still talking, he was still holding it. After the fight as I was saying, I got tired. So I sat down, then laid down like I nornally do. Then Raven came by to see if I was ok. She was still in pain. She was holding her stomach. I told her I was fine, so I got up and took a deep breath and exhaled. Then I felt like I had to let a surge of power out. I told Raven not to follow me, she would be in danger. I knew what was about to happen because it happened before. Once I was far enough from everyone, I let out that surge of power. I felt like there was a wave of some sort, of power, and I collapsed. Then Raven spoke. I ran over to get Zuki and he told me to go to the river. Then he went and got Tsuna to help. Zorin had a really bad burn on his chest. There was fire everywhere. So Zuki had Zania suck up the fire and relase it on the river, the others took me to the river, Tsuna saw his wound, and told me and Zuki to put him in the river. Once they did, he was screaming in pain until the pain subsided. Then we took him out, and Tsuna healed him as much as he could. Then Zorin started talking again. Like I said, this surge of power is the second time. Master what's happening to me? I think I might know what's going on.