Chapter 5

Remember that day when all of us with the mark gathered and let our power off at once? Yeah I do. Well that meant you were able to use your special power. I think what you were experiencing, is that special power. I thought you would be able to use it at will, but apparently not. Well I think if we practice Master, we will be able to use it at will. Yeah. You might be right. Has anyone else besides me found their special power then? NO you are the first Zorin. Master. How do I control this power? First of all Zorin. Take a deep breath and calm yourself. Your mark will stop hurting. Let go of your mark, and breathe. Zorin took a deep breath in and exhaled out a few times. OK good feel calm now? Yes Master thanks. The next thing you need to do, is figure out why this happened you. You said it happened only once before right? Yes it did. Well what were you doing before it happened the first time? Let's see. I think I was training somewhere. I just can't remember where. When I was training, I can't really remember what happened. I will try to pay attention next time. Well just be careful ok Zorin. I will try Master. All of you as well. Be careful of people around you, and of yourselves too. Yes sir. They all said.

OK well I guess I can't do anything about it now. I better head home. Said Zorin. Wait just a Min. Said Master. What should we do about your friend? Oh when he wakes up? Jason will still be here. Have them come over to my place. I need to talk to him. Alright go on ahead. Thanks. Bye Master. He walked far enough away and flew over to his house.

Hey Sapph. Sorry it took me longer than expected. Something happened. Are the kids still at their friends house? Yes they are why? Good. Where is Kiara? Oh she is in her room doing homework. OH good then I need to talk to you. Lets go in the training shed. I don't want Kiara knowing. OK let's let Kiara know where we are going to be. Zorin knocked on Kiara's door. Hey Kiara its Zorin. Can I come in? Yeah sure whats up? Me and Sapph are going in the training shed to talk. If the phone rings, go ahead and answer it. If it's for me come get me. If its for Sapph have them leave a message. Yeah sure. OK thanks. Is everything ok Zorin? You look a little beat up. I'm fine thanks. Be right back ok? Yeah sure. Ok Sapph lets go.

Here we are at the shed. Said Zorin. OK now Sapph, I will tell you what happened on my mission. He told her everything he knew, and the surge power that happened as well. That's why you look all beat up. I'm glad they were able to fix your burn. Zorin. We need to figure out exactly what was happening when you did that, so we can help you control it. Yeah I know. Oh yeah I need to talk to Kiara and Bella about this stuff too. They have the Mark as well. I gotta hurry back and tell her.

OK we are back. Kiara you still here? Kiara? Kiara! Yes I'm here. Sorry I was focused on homework. What is it? Oh good. You ok? What is going on Zorin? Hang on. I need to call Bella. Zorin called Zuki. Hey Zuki, its Zorin. I need you and Bella to come over. It's urgent. I just remembered something. OK be right there. Rain. Stay here with your Mom OK? Yes Zuki I will. OK good girl. Bella get in the car. OK Zuki.

OK we are here. What's up Zorin? Good your both here. Said Zorin. After I tell you this, Zuki I want you to relay it to the others with the mark Ok? Yes I will. OK good. As long as we are calm, I'm sure we won't have to worry about our special power coming out. I still don't know what caused it, but I do remember my mark acting up. The only time it has done it lately, is when I am really tired. I don't know what is causing my tiredness. Whatever it is, is probably what has been triggering it. Have the Master come over. Have him bring the book, and get the others as well. Ok Zorin. Bella you stay here ok? Said Zuki. Yeah I will. She was looking worried. Its ok Bella. We will figure it out. As long as we are calm, everything will be fine. I'm a little scared. I know you are. It will be ok. Kiara I see your a little nervous too. I will be fine. I know you will.

OK. Said Master. We are here. Here is the book. Zorin took the book to see if he can find something about the special power, and what causes it. Ah here. It should be on this page. When Zorin touched the page, it lit up. Everyone closed their eyes it was so bright. Zorin dropped the book on the ground, and he was unconscious. What the hell was that? Said Zuki. I don't know. Look at Zorin. Zorin. Hey buddy. You OK? Zorin. Zorin. Dammit. Let's look at the book. Master picked up the book, and nothing happened. Let's see. Said Master. Oh I see what happened. It says here, that once someone has unleashed their power, the book will light up an knock them out temperarly. Until their power is controlled. I don't see anything on what triggered it though. Said Master. He looked over the the page it was on, and the one before it. Oh wait a second. Here is says that when someone has a strong feeling about something, good or bad, the power will be unleashed. What could he have been thinking about over there. I don't know. When he wakes up, we should ask him.

Zack was finally waking up. He was out of breath. The Head healer was still out there. Hey Zack. How are you feeling? Let me feel your head. You have a high fever. Until we get this down, you won't be going anywhere. OK. He said and laid back down. Did you call Zen? We didn't have his number, so no. Jason, here is Zens number. Can you call him and tell him I am fine. I will be back soon? Yeah sure. Jason took the paper from Zack, and dialled Zens number.

Hey Zen this is Jason. OH hey Jason. Your Zorin's brother right? Yeah I am. Zorin is doing good too. I hope anyway. Zack is here with us. He is sick now. After he stops by Zorins, he should be heading over. Actually I will head over there. Where are you? Oh we are at the dojo that Zorin hung out at during senior year. OK I know where that's at. See you soon. OK bye. Thanks Jason. Yeah sure. He said he would be coming here. Oh darn it. I hope he wouldn't. I guess there's no stopping him. Yeah your right.

The head healer came to check on Zack, to make sure he was ok. Hey Zack how are you feeling? Does anything hurt? No just a small headache, and a little dizzyness. I will be fine. Well let's have you rest a bit till they pass. I need to check your teperature again. Lets see, you still have a high fever but it went down a tad bit. Zack I need you to lay down and rest. Yes sir. Zack laid back down but didn't close his eyes. Jason stayed with him for a bit, then Zack finally closed his eyes to rest.

Zorin was slowly beginning to wake up. Woah. What was that? Oh Zorin. Good your awake. Said Zuki. What the hell happened to me? Oh well when you touched the book, it lit up and knocked you out. It only happened to you, because you must have let out your special power. Well did it at least say what caused my power outbursts? Yeah it did here. Just don't touch the book unless you want to get knocked out again. Here it says the one who touches the book, who let his special power out, will temperarly get knocked out. Well that would have been a help if we read it before. Anyway here is the part you wanted to know Zorin. It says the power is activated by strong feelings. Wheather good or bad. Now that I remember, the first time I did it, it was a bad feeling. It was strong as hell. I don't think this time it was as bad as last. Zorin. What kind of feeling was it this time? Good or bad one? Oh let me see if I remember. I guess it was a little bit of both. Not as strong as the first. That's why it probably wasn't as bad. I was a little bit off this time, thats probably why I burned myself. OK well looks like we know what causes the special mark to activate. Lets just not have any strong feelings good or bad for awhile. At least until we go somewhere to train and control it. Yeah good idea Master. Said Zorin. What about Kiara and Bella. They are just kids. It might be hard for them not to have any. Especially since Kiara has a boyfriend. Kiara. Can you hold back on having any strong feelings for awhile? If you have an urge to let out your power, you need to walk away from him, and try to calm yourself oK? I will try Master. Thanks. Bella you do the same. If anything or anyone you have strong feelings for, you walk away. Then try to calm yourself. Yes Master. Like Kiara said I will try. OK well everyone else got the idea? Yes. Good.

I better get back to the dojo and see whats going on. Master I need to go too. I need to see my brother and Zack. Can you even stand right now Zorin? Yeah just fine see? OK let's go then. Zorin was a little wobbly, but managed.

OK everyone. Said Master. How is everything? Oh looks like Zack is still asleep. Actually. Said Jason. He woke up, but the head healer told him to rest. I've been by his side since. Thanks Jason. said Zorin. Oh and Zen is supposed to be coming by soon to see Zack. Really cool. Yeah they kept touch after high school, and remained best friends. Thats great! Maybe we can hang out like old times, when everyone has time. Now that everyone has jobs, including me. Now I have 2. Yeah how is training anyway Zorin? Said Jason. Oh good maybe you can come watch sometime. You said you were going to be around more. Yeah I will. I just need to get things situated with the kids is all. Oh ok well hope everything goes ok? Yeah me too.

OH here comes Zen. Said Jason. Zen got out of the car, and said Well I'll be. If it isn't Zorin. How you been man? Haven't seen you since high School. Yeah I know right. How have you and Zack been? OH so you heard we kept in touch. We are doing good. I guess we both have our own families now. Oh really thats cool. Do you have any kids? Yeah I have 2, and Zack does too. We are neighbors. Oh cool. So do you do playdates? Yeah we do every once in awhile. Oh I have a boy and a girl. My girl is named Thea she is 6, and my boy is Rayden. Rayden is 8. Oh wow so you had a baby at 19? Yeah well we weren't expecting one that soon, but hey it happens. We are both happy? Zack has two boys same age as my baby's. He named his oldest one William and youngest one Kion. Well thats pretty cool. My kids are twins. Boy and a girl. Zuri for my girl and Slade for my boy. 7 years old. Jason has girls 8 years old. Twins as well. Melody oldest and Jayde youngest. Thats cool. Oh and we have seen Sky too. He has 2 boys age 6 and 7 Mason is the oldest and then there's Zayne. He ended up marrying Oliva Granger. NO way really? I know right? Me and Sapph said the same thing. OH so you ended up marrying Sapph after all. Congrats man. Thanks. Jason married Mystery. Yeah well thats cool. OK lets go check on Zack see how he is doing. Yeah good Idea.

Hey Jason. Oh hey Zen how you been? OH I have been busy with kids 2. 6, and 8 a boy and girl. I know how you feel. How is Zack? Oh he is resting now. He has a fever and some dizzyness. The head healer says if he gets rest, he will be fine. He will check on him in a half hour. Oh good. Also when he is better, Said Zorin. You guys are going to need to come to my place for a bit. Before you head home. We have some things to talk about. OK yeah sure.

Half an hour later, everyone was back at the dojo from Zorins house. It was finally time for the head healer to check on Zack. Zack was starting to wake up a little. Hey Zack. You feeling any better? A little bit. Let's check your temperature. OK . Well looks like you have a little fever. Not bad. Zack I want you to try to get up slowly. Zack Slowly got up like he was told but winced in pain. Good. Now do you feel any dizzyness or headache? The dizzyness is gone, but headache is still there. OK well here take this. Your headaches should be gone in a few min. I will send some home with you too, in case the headache comes back. Thank you Sir. Ok I think you should be Ok to go. Just take it easy for awhile ok? Yeah I will try. Good. OK Zorin lets go to your place. Zen said Let's take my car. Since Zack isn't 100%. Yeah good Idea. Said Zorin. Its walking distance from here. I will guide you. Everyone got in the car including Jason and headed for Zorins.

Zorin walked in and said Hey Sapph brought some old friends. Oh you sure did. Hey Zen. Hi Zack. How has it been? Oh good I guess. Kids come here please. Coming mommy? Said Zuri. The kids came out and Slade said Who these people? These are mommy and daddy's old friends from school. Hi. Said Zuri. Looking all cute. HaHa she is so adorable. Said Zen. Hey Zorin. Your son has the same look you always had. Yeah I know he is more like me which is scary. OK kids go back to your room. Grown ups have to talk ok? OK mommy. Said Zuri. They both went to their rooms. Kiara must be in her room, doing her drawings. Sorry doodling. Said Zorin. Ok now, the reason I called Zack here, is because he told us someone was after him to get info on his sister, because they think she killed someone is that right Zack? Yes it is. Like I said, she would never do any of that. Unless she was controlled by someone. Yeah said Zen. That innocent girl. What I remember. Said Zorin. Is she looked innocent, but I don't know how she was through the years, because I lost contact with you both. So Zack and Zen, tell me a little about how Nadine grew up. They told them the usual and reminded him of how she grew up. So she didn't change much after all. Why would they think she killed someone? Do they have proof? A picture or something? I don't know. If I ever face them again, they are done for. said Zorin. He was starting to feel his urge of power. He took a deep breath, he still felt a tiny urge so just in case he said Can you excuse me for a min guys? I need to go for a short walk out side. Yeah sure. You ok? Yeah I will be.

Zorin went outside to the shed, that can take a lot of power. He tried taking another deep breath, and as many as he could until he felt lightheaded. Then it finally worked. He started heading back to the house.

OK sorry, I'm back. Hey Zorin. Sapph told us about your mark changing colors. Can we see? I hope that's the only thing she told you about it? Yeah why? Nothing don't worry about it. OK I will show you. He took off his shirt to show them. Wow Zorin! That's a cool Blue. Said Zack. Yeah it sure is. Said Zen. Zorin kept his shirt off. Hey. Said Zorin. I think it would be safer for you to stay at the dojo. At least until things get figured out. Bring your families too. They will go after them, to get you to talk. Both of you go get them now. OK Zorin Thanks. Yeah sure. So Zack got in Zens car, and left for home.

OK. Said Zorin. What should we do now? Well since its getting late, pretty much night time, why don't I cook dinner. Its getting close to that time. Is it really? Said Jason. I better get home. I told the kids I would make them something, if their mommy didn't come home in time. Why wouldn't she? Said Zorin. OH that's right. I didn't tell you yet. She quit her old job, and said she had a better paying one. She would be home when she could. I didn't say a word after that. I was shocked when she said that. I would be too. Said Zorin. If Sapph just up and quit like that, I would be asking all sorts of questions. Yeah I know you would Zorin.Well anyway Jason. You better go pick up the kids from James house. Yeah see you tomorrow bro. Yeah see ya. Drive careful ok? Yeah I will. He left for home.