Chapter 6

A few days went by, and it was soon time for The Siblings to show up again. Hey Sapph I'm bringing the kids to the dojo with me today. So have fun at work. You have the car today. Sapph me and the kids are going to walk down. Ok Zorin have fun. I will bye. OK kids ready? Can you guys keep a secret? Even from your mom? Mommy doesn't like me doing this. Yes we will daddy. Said Zuri. Slade shook his head yes. Zorin looked around no one was watching. OK kids. Hold on to daddy's neck. He picked the kids up, and they held on to his neck and flew up. Wow Daddy this fun! Said Zuri. Yeah daddy. It fun. Said Slade. Once they got close enough he landed and put the kids down. OK kids we walk the rest of the way, so daddy can keep his secret ok? Ok daddy. Said Slade.

OK here we are. Hey Master I brought the kids today. Thought they needed to go somewhere other than school. Kiara's home alone right now. She said she would head down if she got bored. Oh hey kids. Remember Mommy and Daddy's friends? They have kids your age. Do you want to play with them? Yeah daddy. Said Zuri. Yeah. Said Slade. Ok here they come. Hey Zack and Zen. Brought my kids over. Would it be ok for them to play? Yeah sure. Ok kids go ahead? The kids went running and were friends in a heartbeat.

So guys. Said Zorin. How are you guys sleeping? We manage. If we meet up with these people again, Said Zorin. Will you too be able to fight Zen and Zack? Have you been training your powers? Yeah we have. Oh good I have too obviously. I am a trainer after all. I train kids from 5 to 8 in one class and in the other class 9 to teenagers. Mostly just fighting though. Some kids don't have powers yet. The ones who do, I train privately together. The other job I have is negotiating. Most of the time its here in the IR Room. The interrogation room if you didn't know what that meant. Also sometimes the Magic Cel,l and most of the time out where the danger is taking place. Zuki is my assistant. If I have to go to interrogation or I can't do anything for some reason, he takes my place. We have been putting the classes on hold for awhile, so kids can focus on studying for tests. Wow Zorin you are a busy Bee aren't you? Said Zack. You do all that and take care of 2 kids? Well I try. Most of the time, they are with Sapph or my uncle James.

Chloe finally showed up at the dojo. Oh hey Zorin hows it been? Oh good. Sorry Chloe. These are my old friends from highschool. Zack and Zen. Those must be their kids playing with Zuri and Slade. OH cool. Hey Zorin Jason and Zuki want to see you for a min. OK I'll be right there. Excuse me for a min guys. Yeah sure. Busy guy huh? Zack. Yeah busy man.

Hey whats up guys? Said Zorin. Oh good your here. Said Zuki. I heard that the reason you went outside when we met up with Zack and Zen, was because you felt that power urge didn't you? That was the real reason you went out. Yeah so. I took a deep breath, then there was a tiny urge, but I went out took some breaths until I got lightheaded. Then I came back. That bad huh? Yeah. OK now for the real reason we called you over here, is because we heard rumors about someone looking for Nadine. It must be Jay and Zada. Where are they now? Where were these rumors? Relax. Like I said they are probably rumors. Well you said probably rumors. We still need to check it out. Where did they say they saw them? Tell me now, or I will go out looking for them myself. The were saying somewhere downtown, is where they were last spotted. Zuki, Jason, will you with me? Yeah of course. Let me tell Zack and Zen I have some work to do. Then we leave. OK Zorin. Said Zuki. They followed Zorin over to Zack. Hey guys sorry to run off on you, but I got work to do. Master can you do me a favor and watch the kids? Business. Yeah sure I will I love watching my grandkids. OK thanks. If Sapph comes by, tell her I'm at my first job. She will know what I mean. OK sure I will. OK thanks Master. I really appreciate it. OK now go. Don't be late. OK Guys. Said Zorin. Lets go. They made sure no one was looking and headed to town flying. Zorin flew, Jason Rode with Zuki on his shield.

OK we are here. Said Zuki. Now let's wait a bit to hear if there is any commotion. Right. Said Zorin. They were hidden, so no one could see people with powers. It was an hour when they were going to head back, when they heard something going on. Zuki I'm going to change into Bluefire. OK Go. I will head out too. OK I'll be right behind you. Zuki left and Zorin pushed his belt and flew after Them.

Hey good I caught up with you. Ready let's go. Then they went full speed. They finally made it to where the commotion was. Bluefire shouted Hey what the hell are you doing to these poor folks? No one here knows who you are looking for. For all you know, the person you are looking for is probably dead. NO she isn't. Said Jay. We have proof. So you do have proof after all. Where is this proof. Its in my ship. Well why don't you take it to the police and let them help? They tried that years ago. They let her go. They didn't have enough evidence. Think for a min. How old was she back then, when it happened? She couldn't have known what was going on. She could have been being controlled. Being controlled seems to be being common now these days. Back then it was rare. There was only 2 cases I have heard of. One was a friend of my sister Mystery's named Zorin, and the other was a 14 year old named Raven. That was the only ones I heard about. Even if she were still alive, would you even sit down and talk to her, to ask her what happened. Will you torture first and ask later? I...I... I don't know. Jay are you feeling OK? Stop just Stop Bluefire, Remember I know who you really are. Don't make me reveal it. Dammit that's right he does. Jay can I ask you something? Let me come in with you and Zada please. Let's have a talk. Then we can come out and have things resolved. Fine I will give it a try. Anyone tries anything, I will send out my Henchmen. Zada Stay out here, and be the lookout. If anyone tries anything, knock twice. Got it Jay. OK Bluefire come on.

OK we are here now what? OK first I want to take my mask off since you know who I am. Then I want to talk about the woman you are after. OK now I know the woman you are after. Her name is Nadine. I know you figured out she was Zacks sister. He doesn't know much about her these days. He hardly sees her. No one really knows what happened to her. But when your parents died, she was a kid herself. A teenager. She was an innocent girly girl back then. I can't see how she could have done something so horrible. Do you know if they ever found the person who controlled me or Raven yet? They haven't yet, but I have been doing research on it, since I was considered missing a few years back. What have you gotten so far? Well the only thing I have is where these people might be, but not who they are. Here is a map. I circled the possible places they could have been back then. Well when I am not busy with work, or catching bad guys like you. I will look into it. Mind if I keep this Jay? Go ahead I have copies. Now. Said Zorin. What about what I said? Will you sit and talk with her or not. If I found her. I will do my best. She killed my mother. I know you think that, and hey you said you have proof. Where is it? Oh here it is. This here is a picture of her back then. Jay. That's not Zack's sister. Its someone who looks like her. I know who exactly that is. She is alive and living at the dojo with a friend. I need to get back in a hurry. Please let me go Jay. People might be in danger. Fine but next time there will be a fight. I understand. Thank you. Zorin put his Bluefire mask back on and left.

We gotta go, and fast. You too. Bluefire turned back into Zorin, when the coast was clear. Zuki. Your girls might be in danger. Zuki rushed as fast as he could back home. Zuki and the others finally got back to his place, the girls were still fine. Oh thank God. Girls are you ok? Yeah why wouldn't we Zuki? Said Bella. Rain, Bella, get away from Vale please. Girls go with Jason. Have him take you to the dojo. Zorin and I need to have a chat with her. Ok Zuki. Come on Bella. It will be ok. By Zuki. Bye sis. See you soon. OK now that they are gone. Vale. Said Zorin. I heard what you did a few years ago. You killed my friends parents. I killed a lot of people in my younger days. I was forced too. If I didn't, I would be killed myself. Who was it I killed. I don't really know their names, but they were my friend now sister in law's mother. Well I can't help you there unless I know their name. I have changed so much since then. You should have told me. Said Zuki. When we met, you could have told me this. I was 11 when I started killing. If I killed one of your friends parents, they would have been 10 years old then. Not as early as they thought or told. How long were you there when you quit, or did you escape? I escaped 3 years after. I was 13. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran to where none of them could find me. I was homeless. A man helped me out. My boyfriend who died in the fire. He was handsome. I didn't think I deserved to be helped. I was not in a position where I wanted to be. When he and his mom took me in, I was going to run away. He was out waiting for me already. He pulled me back from running. He said What is there to run back to? Back to the people who did this to you? So I cried and sobbed in anger. I said Let me go! Let me go! He would not. He help me until I calmed down. That's when I started falling in love with him. Not knowing he felt the same way. About 3 years after we were together. I'm 16 now. When I had Rain, I was 16 . I would never hurt my child, or anyone else's for that matter. That was also how it was back then too. We were to kill adults. Not kids. I never knew why, but I didn't stick around to find out.

Were you still in town when Raven or I found out we were being controlled? You were 11 right? Yeah I was. Do you know who could have controlled us by any chance? I'm sorry I don't. Oh yeah I have a map. Vale do you think if I showed you a map, you would recognize an area? I could try why? Just can you please. Let's see the map. Zorin got the map from his pocket to show her. I know where these places are. I.... I used to live there. What? You did Vale? Said Zuki. Yes I did. I was raised there until I was 10 then we moved away because it wasn't a good neighborhood. So the guys that controlled me and Raven might have been raised here huh? If thats what those circles are. Yes. Vale. I know you might not want to, but would you be willing to take us there? I really need some info. I..I..guess so. I am a little scared to go back there, but yes I still know the way. Without me you wouldn't be able to find it anyway. Unless they changed it, there was a barrier that kepts people from finding it and getting in. Do you think anyone there would recognize you after all these years? I don't know. I hope so, for the good ones. I hope not for the bad. OK so when do we leave? said Zorin. I guess we can leave tonight. It will be a long journey. OK good idea. Oh and Vale. Said Zorin. When we get back, I need you to talk to these people who said you killed someone precious to them. Would you be willing? Yes I would. OK good.

Later that night they were getting ready to leave. Oh wait before we leave I have to make an important phone call. Said Zorin. Hold on a min. He went somewhere private and called Jay. Hey Jay you know who this is. I'm with the woman right now. We are heading to the spot on the map. When we get back, will you be willing to talk? She said she would. I guess so. I'd rather torture her, but yes. OK good. I gotta go. Talk later bye.

Ok sorry about that, let's go. Zuki, Vale, and Zorin, put on a black cape, and had packed bags. It would take a couple days to get there. Hey Zorin. Do you think it would be easier to use my shield? No. They might not be used to seeing someone with powers. Yes they are. Vale jumped in. They do have a few people who have them, but its really rare to have people born there with them. So unless you get permission, you should keep it underwraps ,or tell the head elder about it. We will be seeing him, when we get there. OK sounds good. Said Zorin. They were walking awhile, and decided to rest.

Uhh. Finally we can rest. Said Zorin. Hey I can still walk. Yeah well your younger than me, and you train more than I do too. All I do is interrogations and train with the kids. I don't have time for that stuff. Yeah I guess so. Said Zuki. Hey Vale? Said Zorin. What was it like growing up there? What was so bad that you had to leave? You will find out soon enough. Unless it changed, which I doubt. I guess I can tell you a little. When I was little we didn't have much money. We managed. As a little kid it was all fun and games. I was about 5 or 6 when things started getting bad. When I was old enough to clean, they tried to steal me away from dad, and sell me. Dad wouldn't have it. He fought back and made them a deal. He said he would do anything to save me. He never told me what he did, just that he was doing it for me. Then when things got worse, we escaped, and moved. So if anything bad happens, leave me and run. We can't do that Vale. I don't care who you were. We are not leaving you. We will fight for you, and won't do what they say. Thank you guys. Let's just get some sleep, and travel on in the morning. OK. Said Zuki. Let's get some sleep.

The next morning., Zorin woke up because he sensed something. Anybody there? He whispered. Huh? No one there I guess. He looked around and nothing. Zorin woke Zuki up, and Zuki Vale. Hey Zuki. I sensed something a min ago. Now its gone. I thought someone might be following us. Vale said I have felt the same presence before. If it is who I think it is, you don't need to worry. He's harmless. OK that's good to hear. Hang on I think I know where he is hiding. She walked a little ways away, pulled her hood down. Hello Zune. Oh it's you. Vale good to see you again after almost 10 years. Yeah it is. How is the village? Is it the same, or worse. I don't know. I haven't been there since you left. I have been hiding out here. We have to go to the village for these guys Sake. May I see their faces? Go ahead guys. This is Zuki and this other guy is...Zune spoke up and said Zorin? Zune how did you know his name? Please tell us do you know who controlled him? Yes I do and I know who controlled the other woman too Raven, I think her name was? Follow me quick. They all followed the strange man to a cave.

Once they got to the cave, Vale spoke up. Zune? You lived in this for almost 10 years? Yeah I had too. They killed my mother and father. I had to get away. I'm sorry Zune. My dad is still alive, but mom recently died from sickness. I'm sorry for you too then. Ok now the reason I brought you here, is because I know the person who controlled you Zorin, and Raven. It was 2 people actually. The woman controlled you Zorin, and the man Raven. I have waitng for this day a long time. Said Zorin. To find out who did this to us. Well you might be waiting a little longer. The woman is still here, the one who controlled you. Her name is Tania Rose. She is about your age. She was 16 or 17 when she controlled you. I was being held captive at the time. I overheard their converstation. What about the guy? Said Zorin. What is his name? Why will it take awhile? The man's name is Nico Zoren. Nico Zoren. Said Zorin. Wait I think I have heard that name before, but where? Well anyway, why will it take longer to meet him? Well he dissappeared. Someone spotted him somewhere. Hey Zune. Said Zorin. I don't mean to interrupt, but if I showed you a map, could you pinpoint where he was last seen? I could try. Let's see it. Zorin took out the map. That's how you found this place. Where exactly did you get this map? From a source I can't talk about, or I will be called a traitor. Ok well then, what exactly are the pinpoints? They are the places that people who controlled others hang out. That really is true. OK so this place here is where he was last spotted. In the mountains? said Zorin. I wonder why? Well he might not be there now, but was 16 back then when he controlled Ravern. He is older than you. So he was probably forced as well. Be cautious of both of them Zorin ok? Its been awhile since I was captured. Zune, I have a question for you. Said Zuki. If you don't know mind me asking, how old are you? Oh I am 40 years old. How come you look like you are in your 20's? Oh that. I have a spell on me. Someone cast it on me when I was in my 20's. I haven't aged since, but I'm sure when it wears off I will look my age. Hey Zune? Mind if I talk to you alone for a minute. No I don't mind. Ok we will be out here if you need us. OK thanks