Chapter 7

. So Zune. Said Zuki. You are 40 years old? Yeah naturally. Did you know a woman named Serena? Yeah I did. Then I found out she died. It was a shame. Did you have a son with her, that you lost in the fire? How did you? Wait don't tell me your my son? Yes I am. I thought you died in the fire? Well I was told you died as well Zune. There is something I need to tell you Zune. You have a daughter as well. Mom left you because she didn't know how you would react. Once Bella was born, she left you a note. Tsuna took it before you could read it. He wanted you to finish college. When you gradutated, she was 4. Dammit! Glad Tsuna it doing well. I need to talk to that man. Zune? Do you mind if I call you dad? I'll tell you what, when this spell is lifted off of me, you can ok? Yeah good idea. Until then just call me Zune. Ok I can do that. Thanks. Well we better go.Wait! Said Zorin. Who do you think we should find first? Well Tania I think. Since your closer, and looking. Nico could be a wild goose chase. Well thank you Zune. Hey Zune do you mind if we come back on our way home? NO In fact. I encourage it. Tell me how everyone is, and let me know if the village has changed for better or worse. OK Good idea. Said Vale. We will see you soon I hope.

OK everyone, what we are going to do, is try walking straight there. 1 or 2 rests in between. If it gets dark, we will sleep for a couple of hours, and walk the rest of the way Ok? Yes. Let's go. Said Zuki. They walked on and rested 2 times. It was noon when they arrived at the village. Oh wow, I didn't think we would get here this quick. Said Vale. They were at the gate, and Vale was nervous. Zuki went over and said It's OK Vale. Zorin and I are here. We won't let anything happen to you OK? Ok thanks. She took a deep breath and exaled. They had their hoods over thier heads, so no one recognized them.

They were walking awhile, when someone Vale knew walked up to them. Hello. How may I help you people? Zorin spoke up. We are here to see the elder of the village please. Certainly follow me. Said the kind woman. Here we are. Go on in. Thank you. OH my name is Nesa. Thank you Nesa. Your welcome. Bye. She ran off.

Vale sort of recognized the elder, but wasn't sure if it was him. She took her hood off and said Hello head elder. My name is Vale. I have come to look for someone. Vale is that really you? Said the head elder. Yes. Who are you? I mean I recognize you, but forget your name. Its been almost 10 years. You look great. Its me. Neon Zoren. You wouldn't happen to be Nico's brother would you? Shh we don't talk about him here. Yes I am. Vale said Zorin go ahead, you too Zuki. So this is the boy that Tania controlled? Yes I am. Do you by any chance know where she is? Yes she is here in the village. Hey Neon. Has the village changed since 10 years ago? Yes it has. As you saw Nesa, you know her well. Yes I do. Things are changing slowly, but much since you were here. For the better, since I became head elder. My dad passed away and made me head elder. He died just about a month ago. Sorry. He was a good man. Mom died just recently as well. Almost a month. I'm sorry too. Zorin I am sorry for what Tania and my brother have done to you and Raven. I know your parents are dead. How is your brother doing? My brother is doing fine. I was the one having a hard time of it. I thought it was my fault for killing them, but once I found out they were going to die anyway, it made me feel even worse. I could have protected them. I don't know about that, but they are gone now. We can't change the past. Yeah I know I have kids of my own now. I have to stop blaming myself. Well anyway, enough chit chat. Said Vale. We are here to see Tania. Since Tania has powers, would it be bad if they used them in public? No I don't mind. Its not rare anymore like it used to be. More people here were born with powers. It's not a problem. Oh good. So where can we find Tania? Said Zorin. She is probably in the temple right now, but you can wait outside for her. Thank you Neon. Yes no problem.

Hey Vale? Can I ask you something before you go? Said Neon. Yes what is it? Its personal I hope you don't mind. NO I don't. Is Zuki your boyfriend? No we are friends right now, but hoping to be more in the future. Oh OK. Hang on guys. Said Vale. She knelt down to him, since he was sitting, and said It will be OK. You were one of my best friends. I hope we still can be? I know a friend who is a woman, who is looking for someone. Are you interested? I will talk to her I guess. Ok then. Next time I come visit, maybe I will bring her. Vale gave him a hug then a play punch in the shoulder. OK well let's get going guys. Bye Neon see you later. They put their hoods back up.

They finally made it to the temple. Tiana was already walking out. Excuse me. Said Vale. With her hood still up. I know that Voice. Vale is that you? she whispered.The woman looked up. Yes I am. Then she looked at the other two with their hoods up. Zorin spoke. Hello Tania. I was little when you killed my parent's. Is that Zorin? She started to run, when he said Wait!She stopped. She looked a little nervous. I just want to talk. I won't hurt you, I promise. Is there somewhere we can go to talk? Yes. She said. At my place. So they went to her place since she lived alone.

Here we are. Sorry the place is cluttered. There. Now all of you can sit on the couch. OK now I know why you are probably here. You want to talk about me controlling you, and why me and Nico did what we did. Yes that is why I am here. Well I do remember some things, but not alot. Let me tell you what I remember. We were only targeting people who have fire power like you. We thought maybe we could use you at the time, but then you got hurt. So we had to leave. As for Raven, when she was 14, Nico controlled her. She and her brother did stay with us at a time, but the reason she doesn't remember, or if she does now, I don't know. Is because one of the guys we were working for wiped her memory clean. When the baby was 5 years old, we did some experiments with him. It made him smarter. So that part was true. Raven told us about the experiments that happened to him. She knew she was being controlled. Yes that is true. But as for the reason, if I knew then, I don't know now. Its been a long time. Yes I was forced, but Nico wasn't. He was a really troubled child, because he loved doing it. As he got older, he just couldn't anymore. Thank you for telling me Tania. You do look familiar. Haven't I seen you somewhere before? Said Zorin. I don't know maybe you have or haven't like I said it was years ago. I'm sorry for everything Zorin. I know you are Tania. You were the same age as me and so was Nico. I don't think Raven would blame him either. Hey Tiana do you by any chance know where Nico is now? Last I heard he was in the mountains. OK thats what we heard too. Hey have you seen Zune lately? Said Vale. NO not since he left the villiage. Ok well, we better get going. Thank you Tiana. No thank you. I hope one day you will forgive me. Zorin said I have forgiven you years ago I just wanted to find you and tell you that. She was in tears and said Thank you Zorin that means a lot to me.

Ok now let's head to the mountains. Said Vale. Before they could head to the mountains, someone stopped them. Hey Vale. Said Nesa. It really is you? I knew you were ok? Why wouldn't I be? You and your family just left without saying a word. Yeah I know we had to. We escaped. Hey things are changing for the better. Maybe someday you can come by and visit again? Yeah maybe I will. I have to go now Nesa. I will see you again ok? OK Vale Bye. Bye Nesa.

Ok guys let's go. As they were heading through the mountains, Zuki spoke up. Hey Vale. You have so many people who care about you here. Are you sure you want to stay with me over by the dojo? Now that its changed here, I can see that the Neon guy liked you. Oh him. I had known he liked me for years, when I lived here. He was sad when I had to leave. He was my first friend here. That's why we were best friends. But I love you Zuki. We will talk about it more at home Ok? Said Zuki. OK that sounds like a plan. Said Vale.

They finally got to the mountain, and saw they had to climb. Zorin. What do you think? Should we use our power? Good idea. Zuki made a shield big enought for him and Vale, then Vale said Oh don't worry you may not have known this, since you never asked. I have a power as well. She made a flying skate board. I may not look it, but I still can work this thing. Wow pretty cool. Said Zuki. Ok well then let's go everyone. They started flying to the top of the mountain.

Once they finally got there, they decided to rest for a min. They thought of what to do next. They looked at the map again and Zorin said There should be a cave here somewhere. They got up, and followed Zorin. OH here it is. They made it to the cave, and covered their heads with the hood of black capes.They walked in, and saw they weren't the only ones with black capes. There were 3 others. They sat at the table where the other 3 were, to ask them questions. Zuki did the questioning. Hey we are looking for Nico. Have you guys seen him? Zuki whispered. Who are you? Said one of the guys. Why are you looking for Nico? We need to talk to him. Its urgent. We have business with him. Yes he is. In the back, follow me. They all followed the man in the hood. They went to a room in the back, and he took down his hood. He said I am Nico. What do you want with me? Vale put her hood down. So did Zorin and Zuki. Vale your finally back huh? Zorin? We thought you died. No I just got hurt pretty bad. Both my parents died. My brothers injury's were minor. Oh well I'm glad you are ok. What brings you guys here? Well we came here on behalf of the one you controlled when you were 16. Her name was Raven. Yes I remember well. I am 2 years older than her. I was a troubled child back then. Would you be willing to come back with us to talk to her? I don't know. Would she be willing to talk to me? I'm sure she will. We would have to put you in a magic chamber just to keep everyone safe. If you don't mind. I understand. Yes I will join you. Hang on a second though. He went to one of his buddies to ask them to help him off the moutain. Guys put your hood back up until we get out ok? Yeah sure. Thanks man. Said Nico. They were all finally down the mountain.

OK let's go. Said Vale. They were on their way back to the dojo now. Hey now that we aren't heading back to the village. Now. Said Zuki. Would it be ok if we used our powers? Yeah. Said Vale. Wait! Said Zorin. I will only be able to use mine until we get close enough. I will get in trouble if they found out who I really was. OK well until then, why don't we rest a bit under this tree. Said Nico. You guys look exausted. Yeah I think we will thank you. Said Vale. She laid down and closed her eyes along with the others. He himself took a nap.

It was an hour when everyone was waking up. Uhh that was a good nap. I feel like I can do anything now. Said zorin. OK is everyone still here? If you mean me. Yes I am, Said Nico. Oh good you didn't escape. No. I told you I would come with you. I meant it. OK Nico. You are going to ride with Zuki. Ok sounds good. Zuki put his shield up enough for 2 people. Vale used her power to make a board and Zorin flew with his feet. As they were flying slowly Zorin spoke up. Hey Vale can you shoot light balls too? Yes I can Why? Good Chloe was able to do that since she was almost 3. Do you mind showing her a few tricks one of these days? Sure why not. OK everyone said Zuki lets go to full speed.

Wait! Said Zorin. Aren't we supposed to be seeing Zune? We told him we would visit him on the way back. Oh crap yeah, we did. Said Vale. Let's head back over.Well its a day away. So they flew at full speed and got there in 12 hours. It was midnight. They hoped he would still be awake. He was. Hey Zune. Said Vale. OH hey guys glad you came. I was just about to head to bed. Who is this? Nico put his hood down. Nico is that you? Its good to finally see you. Yeah you too Zune. OK now that we are here, let's tell you that it is safe to go back. Neon is Elder now. Nico and Neons dad died a month ago. Dad died. Yes he did. I'm sorry. Since he became elder, things are slowly changing for the better. It has changed a lot since I last came here. I think I might check it out for myself then. Said Zune. Nico is coming with us for a bit. Then we will take him home if he wants us too. Zune would you want to come here and see Bella? I would like to figure out how to get rid of this spell first. Thanks though. Its the dojo in the Mountains right? Yeah. OK well I hope to see you again Nico. Glad to see you are alive son. said Zune. It was nice to see you. Until then, why don't you guys rest here. It is midnight after all. Yeah sure guys let's rest here tonight. Said Vale.