Chapter 8

The next morning it was 9:00am. Morining guys. Said Zune. I wanted to wait till you guys got up to leave for the village. So you guys have a nice visit. I will be leaving now. Wait a min Zune. Said Zuki. Yeah what is it Zuki? I wanted to ask you something before you left. Well 2 things actually. I wanted to know what you originally called me. I know my name wasn't Zuki. Oh that. We didn't get a chance to name you yet. We had some names picked out. I was thinking of something like Jack or James. Your mother liked River or Daniel. Another thing. Are you going to the village to try to clear the spell? Yeah I am. I have been waiting 20 years to lift this spell. I was just afraid to go back to the village the way it was. Ok Zune thanks. Hope you find what you are looking for. Don't forget to come by and see us. I won't Zuki. So he left. OK guys we better get going too. Its not far from here. We can walk. Said Vale. OK let's go. Said Zorin.

They finally got to the gate of the dojo. Zuki was holding on to Nico's arm. Sorry I have to do this. NO Its fine. Master. Said Zuki. We have a prisoner. We need the Magic cell. Is it free? Yes it is, go on. OK thanks Master. Here we are, go on in. I will put a barrier up. Ok I will get a guard, to guard the door. I will talk to Raven ok? Said Zuki. Yes thanks. Actually Zuki. I need to talk to her if thats ok? Yeah sure. OK good. Hey Zorin before you leave, could you get Tsuna? I need him to guard Nico. Yeah sure hang on.

He got to the others and found Tsuna. Hey Tsuna. Zuki needs you at the Magic Cell to guard it. We have another prisoner huh? We have been getting a lot lately. Yeah I'll head over.

Hey. Said Zorin. Does anyone know where Raven is? Raven just got back from somewhere. I'm here. Just got back. What is it Zorin? Raven where's your brother? This concerns him too. He's right here. Whats going on? Come with me. We need to talk in the IR Room. OK lets go.

Once they got there, Zorin explained what happened. I would be willing to talk to him. Roxas what do you think? I can't look at him, but I will talk. OK well then, I will let Tsuna know. Hey Tsuna I need to take the prisoner into the IR Room. Ok sure thing. Ok. Said Zorin. They said they would talk to you. Roxas won't be looking at you just talking. I understand. OK lets go in.

Nico took a deep breath and exhaled. Ok here we are. You sit here Nico. I will sit beside you. Raven looked at Nico, and Roxas took a glance at him then looked down. Wait! Said Raven. You are the one who controlled Me? I have seen you somewhere before. Did we go to school together? Yes we did. I was 2 grades ahead of you. I remember hearing a boy who dissappeard, So it was you huh? What happened? OK well since we are here, I will tell you what I know. Zorin. Like Tania said, we were targeting kids with fire power. No matter how old they were. I was the one that controlled you at the time Raven. Tania controlled Zorin. We found you after you were passed out, and you had your baby brother with you. Once your brother was 5 we experimented on him. So the reason I probably couldn't remember what happened. Someone wiped our heads clean from that time huh? Yes someone did. The reason we were targeting people with powers, I still don't know. I am sure Tania doesn't know either. We found someone to take you kids in, so we left you there unconsious by her door. So that's how we ended up there. I was a troubled kid back then. I enjoyed my job controlling people making them kill others. As I got older, I couldn't do it anymore. I escaped with Tania. What exactly happened to you that made you enjoy what you did? Said Roxas. It was when I first got my power to control. I made someone I love kill someone they loved. I just said it as a joke,I didn't know what was going on. Since then I never saw that person again and was a trouble child. Now Roxas was finally looking at him. Then you should understand how Raven feels for having to kill our parents. I really don't know, but I bet it feels like your heart being ripped out of your chest. Yes it does. Said Zorin. Interrupting. Living with the guilt has been painful. I know. I came to say that I was sorry about what happened. That one day you will forgive me. Roxas said It will be awhile before I can forgive you but I am sure Raven is quick to forgive. Roxas is right Nico. Now that I have heard what happened, I do forgive you. On 1 condition. Anything. How many people have you killed over the years? Only the people they told me. So about 16 I think. Well I want you, if you can find out who they are. To go to their houses and tell them what happened. Wheather they forgive you or not. I will search for them. Thank you Raven. Of course.

OK Nico. You will sleep in the Magic chamber tonight. Tomorrow we can take you home if you want. Yes please. I would want to see my brother again. OK then. Lets get you in the chamber and have sweet dreams ok? Yeah sure.Ok well I gotta head over to my family now. Let them know I am back. Ok thanks for everything Zorin. No thank you and Tania for telling me what you could.

Zorin went back to the dojo and said Ok Zuki I am heading home let Jason know we are back Yeah just about to do that. OK see ya Zuki. Bye Zorin.

Hey Sapph I'm home. Oh good your finally back. How did it go? Daddy! Said Slade. Hey little man. Zuri came running too. I miss you daddy. Said Zuri. I missed you kids too. Daddy has to make a phone call. I will be right out ok Kids? OK daddy. Said Slade. Zorin went in his room to make a call to Jay.

Hey Jay its Zorin. I'm back. I found the people that did this to us. Thank you for the map. Now as for my end of the bargain, where and when do you want to meet Vale. The one who probably killed this person. Meet her at the place where you got trapped under rubble. Dammit! Fine and when? About 9:00 when everyone is pretty much asleep. OK fine deal. Come alone, with Vale. Fine but I can't control who comes with me. I will keep them busy with my henchmen if they do. OK fine bye. Oh goodbye.

Dammit! Said Zorin. Laid down on his bed. You kids have fun playing. I'm going to check on daddy. OK mommy. said Zuri. Sapph knocked on the door. Hey honey you Ok? OH Sapph come on in. Zorin was still laying down. I have to go somewhere tonight. Don't worry it shouldn't take days like the one I just got back from. It will be after the kids are in bed. Ok well at least you have time for the kids now right? Yeah but I do have to go to the dojo for a bit, so I will take the kids. Hey Sapph do you have a day off today? Yeah I do. would you like to go to the dojo with me and the kids. After go out as a family? Yeah sure that would be great! OK let's go then. OK Zorin. Why don't I drive. Sure why not.

Hey guys. Said Zorin. OH hey Zorin. Said Zuki. The girls are here. They want to say hi to you. Hi Bella. Hi Rain. They both said Hi to Zorin. Oh hey is Chloe here? Yeah she is in the field. Said Zuki. Oh and Zuki how is Vale doing since her visit? OK as can be I guess. We are going to talk tonight about it, then I will let you know for sure ok? Yeah sure. OK Sapph be right back I gotta talk to Chloe. Yeah sure.

Hey Chloe. OH hey Zorin haven't seen you in a few days. Busy with work huh? Yeah sorry haven't had much time to hang out. Hey Chloe, you know that Vale lady? Yeah why? Well she has the same power as you. She can do this cool thing where she can make a hover board with her power. I asked her if she can show you a few moves. She said one of these days she will. Once things calm down a bit with her and people she knows. Oh that would be cool. Ok Well thats all I came here to do. Maybe after things calm down. We can hang out together. Just you and me. Finally yes! Thats a good idea. Oh Kiara, me, the kids, and Sapph are going to the beach. Want to come? Nah I'll stay here and sparr a bit longer. Plus I invited Kiba here. Oh well ok then. See you later. Ok Zorin see ya later.

Ok Back guys. Hey I have an idea. Why don't we go to the beach Sapph? That's a good idea. Oh don't worry about packing their swimsuits, I already did it. I figured you would say yes. So I packed yours and mine too. OK well let's go then.

Here we are. Ok kids stay close to the shore. Don't go to far into the ocean ok? Ok Daddy. Said Zuri. Slade watch your sister ok? OK Daddy. They got their shovel and pail and started making sandcastles.

Hey honey. Said Zorin. I wish we can be like this more. We both get busy. If you really think about it, I have 4 jobs. The 3rd one is being Bluefire. The 4th is being a dad, which should be first. I know honey. Its just something that has to be done Right? I was going to talk to Master and Zuki to see if I can quit one of the jobs. I'm thinking of quiting the training. What? Zorin why? The kids love you. Your family is there too now. I know. Its just something I want to do. Can you at least sleep on it. At least until things settle down before you make it official? Yes that is the plan. Ok good. I am still going to talk to Zuki and Master about considering it. So I can have more time with you and the kids. Also for Chloe. Poor gir.l She has been asking when it will just be us too hanging out again. Kiara really hasn't mentioned spending time with us. When things settle down, I'm going to talk to her about having time together. Good idea. Hey Sapph why don't you go for a swim? I got the kids. You sure? Yeah. OK then thanks. Yeah sure. You work too much. You need to relax. Not as much as you Zorin. I will for a bit. Then you need to ok? Yeah sure.

Hey kids. Said Zorin. You building a sandcastle? Yeah daddy. Look. Said Zuki. Oh I see very pretty with the seashells on them. Yours looks good too Slade. A little flag in yours. Can daddy build one with you? Yeah sure. Said Slade. Zorin got the shovel and pale and started building one. OK now for the final touches. Slade and Zuri want to put a flag in? Yes. They both said. So they put the flag in and Sapph came back up to shore. Oh I see you guys made a sandcastle with daddy huh? Yeah daddy's is better. Said Slade. Its pretty. Said Zuri. Yes it is. Said Sapph. So is yours and Slades too. OK Zorin your turn to go for a swim. OK kids. Daddy will be right back ok? OK daddy. Zorin walked in the cold water, then dunked to get used to it. Then he went for a swim.

Hey kids. Said Sapph. Do you want to take a break and go in the water too? Yeah. Said Zuri. Me too. Said Slade. Ok kids here we go. She took them where they were to stay not go any further. So they played in the water for a bit.

Zorin noticed it was probably getting closer to 4:00. So he headed back. On his way back something happened. He heard of voice calling for help. He looked behind him there was a boy who looked like he couldn't swim. He swam as fast as he could to help the boy. The boy finally fell under and Zorin went under to get him. He got the boy in the nick of time. Zorin went so shore closest to where he was. He Brought the boy out of the water and checked to see if he was breathing. He wasn't so he did CPR. Did the breathing by himself. 1...2...3...Breathe he said to himself. 1...2..3..Breathe 1...2...3...Breathe Come on kid please make it. 1...2...3...Breathe. Then the kid coughed up water and started breathing. OH thank God. The kid woke up surprised. Then went back to his usual face. Thank you sir. He said. Your welcome kid. The names Zorin. What's yours? My name is Gray Zeal. Well Gray Zeal where is your family? I don't have one. I was being chased. I had no where else to go but jump in the ocean. Well why don't you come with me we will figure everything out. Where to put you OK? Wait I can't go yet. They have a girl captive. She is my friend. She is like a sister to me. I have to go back. OK just hold on kid. OK I have to tell my family where I will be. Follow me. OK sure.

Hey Sapph. This is Gray Zeal. I saved him from drowning. He doesn't have a family, but I'm going to try to help him save his friend. He was chased and jumped into the ocean. OK Zorin. Said Sapph. We will stay here a little longer and head home. Go ahead and use your flying power ok? Get back quicker. OK Sapph. OK Gray let's go. Thanks a lot Zorin. Yeah sure no problem.

Hey Gray how old are you anyway? I am 17 years old. Oh really? Ok well let's go then. Figure something out when we get back. How old is this friend of yours? She is 12 years old. She is an innocent little thing. Probably scared to death right now. OK well then we better hurry.

Finally they got to the place where the girl was. Hey Levy its me Gray. Gray please help me. I will. This is Zorin. He saved me from drowning, when I was chased. He's ok. OK then. How am I going to get out of here? Hey Gray what are these bars made of? Said Zorin. They are made of the hard metal that's impossible to break. If it's the metal I think it is, I had an arm like that. I don't know how strong this arm is. but hopefully it will do the trick. If it works, take Levy and start running. Run to my wife and kids. She will protect you. OK Zorin. First Zorin tried his fire and nothing. Levy Stand back.. He tried his fireballs. It only dented it. Then he used his fist with his metal arm, and it broke both the cell and damaged his arm. No! Go Run. Do as I say. Yes My arm is damaged I will be fine hurry they are coming. OK thanks Zorin. Yeah kid now run. So they Ran and headed to Sapph.

Dammit! Said Zorin. My arm is damaged. Who are you? Said one of the men. Don't worry about it. Said Zorin. They saw the cell and said What the. Did you do this? Why yes I did. Got a problem? Yes we do. They were our hostages. Now we are going to have to fight you. Come on just let me go this once. I have things to do more important than this. Sorry no can do. Ok fine I didn't want to have to do this, but he fought them and knocked the 2 out and ran out before anyone else showed up.

Hey Sapph we gotta go now! Said Zorin. OK kids let's go. We have to go. Said Sapph. OK mommy coming. Said Slade. He dragged Zuri with him. Ow Slade that hurts. Sorry Zuri mommy in a hurry. OK let's go. The kids got in the car along with Gray and his friend Levy. OK kids we are going to take you to a safe place. Said Zorin. Sapph you know where to go? The dojo. Right.

They finally got there and got out of the car. Hey Zuki an emergency. Where is Master? He is out in the field. Zuki stay with these kids. I will get Master. Yeah sure.

Hey Master we have a bit of an emergency. OK Tsuna I will be right back. The others joined him. This is Gray and Levy. We were at the beach having family time, then I rescued the boy from drowning. I had to do some CPR to bring him back.