Chapter 9

People are after them. I helped Gray save his little friend, and now they are looking for them, and probably me now. Dammit! My arm hurts. Zorin your arm! Said Master. Yeah I busted it. The cell bars were made out of the hard metal impossible to break. I managed with my fist. Well at least you broke it. Yeah I did. Not without busting my arm. Hey Master got anymore spare rooms? Yeah lucky for you two, we only have one, but there are two beds in it. Zorin don't worry. We will have 2 guards by there door, and also following them around. Tsuna and Tenma. OK thanks. Its ok kids. Go ahead to your rooms I have some things to take care of. I will check on you in a bit ok? Yeah sure. Said Gray.

Hey Master I need to talk to you and Zuki. OK yeah sure. Here let's go into my office. OK so what is this about? Said Master. I'm thinking about quitting one of my jobs. It would have to be training. What? said Zuki why? Just calm down Zuki said Master lets hear him out. Zuki calmed down a little. Ok well I want to have more time with my kids,Sapph and Chloe. I consider Kiara my kid. Don't worry Zuki. If your worried about me not meditating or training at all, I will be fine. I will be doing it with my kids and Sapph as well. So I need to bump it up. Plus you know you are always welcome to come over too and train. Slade has been looking forward to training with you anyway. Oh really? Maybe I will come by then. Once everything settles down. I will know for sure. OK sounds good. Said Master. I guess so. Said Zuki. The kids will miss you. Hey its not like I'm leaving completely, just not there as often.

Now the next set of business. Said Zorin. About the kids I brought back. Gray is 17 and Levy is 12. Would it be all right if he lived here until he figures out what he is going to do next. Yes I think it is a good Idea. At least we still have 10 Rooms rented out, not owned. Haha. I guess so. Said Zuki. OK I will let the kids know what is going to happen. Hey by the way where is Raven and Roxas? Said Zorin. Oh they are on a mission. Will be back soon. OK well then business is done I guess. Thanks guys. Yeah sure.

It was finally getting closer to the time that Zorin had to leave. Hey Zuki. Said Zorin. Do me a favor? I have a mission soon that involves Vale. If we arent back by morning, could you take Nico home? Yeah sure I will. Zorin be careful. Yeah sure. I left Master a note in case I don't come back, to let him know where I will be.

OK I have to go see Nico before I leave. He went to the Magic cell, and Max was there. Hey Max I need to see the prisoner. Yeah sure there you go. Thanks.

Hey Nico. If I am not back by morning, Zuki will take you to your brother ok? I will be with Vale. We got some business to take care of. I can't tell you about it. That's fine. I'm getting ready to leave now. I just thought you should know who might be taking you home. OK well be careful then. Yeah I will do my best. Wait will you be ok with that damaged arm? I will have to be. When I get back I will have to go see my uncle Zen. He makes metal arms and legs. Oh good well hope to see you tomorrow Zorin. If not see you later ok? Yeah sure. Then Max let Zorin out and was off with Vale.

OK Vale. We are meeting at the place where we are forbidden to go. I have special privaleges now. Oh and Vale you need to promise me you will not tell a sole what you are about to see. Only few have seen. OK sure.

They finally got there, and Zorin said Remember don't tell a sole. He pushed his belt and turned into Bluefire. So you are Bluefire. Yep pretty cool huh? I figured as much. The way you act, and the arm. Yeah I guess anyone that knows me, probably already knew. They are just not saying anything.

Jay we are here. I have her. The woman you want to see. Jay flew down to the ground. You really are her. Aren't you going to follow us? We know about your power too. We researched you. They all flew up to the ship. Some others from the dojo showed up secretly without Bluefire knowing.

Before we talk. Said Jay. I want you to know who we are. Zada take off the Mask. OK Jay. Bluefire took his off as well. Mystery it was you. Why? Jay said he found the woman who killed our parents and he wouldn't tell me about her unless I joined. OK now we are here today. Said Mystery. You killed our mother. Vale said If you want to know I will tell you what happened. I was a 11 year old girl at the time and you were 13. No we weren't. She was living with us for awhile before she died. No she wasn't. Maybe a stepmom. Now do you want to hear or not? Yes we do. Said Jay. OK first I need to know her name. Her name was Tisa. Yes I remember. I was 11 years old. I was kidnapped. They had me do things I didn't want to do. If I didn't do them, I would die myself. Your stepmom put up a good fight though. I don't know the reason exactly why I had to kill her, just that I had to or I would get killed myself.

Jay heard a sound, so he interrupted. Shh quiet a min. Said Jay. Jay whispered I thought I told you to come alone Zorin. I did. They must have followed me here without me knowing. OK fine my henchemen were waiting for a fight. Jay went back and told the Henchmen to go out quietly then start attacking. Dammit! Said Zorin. I can't go back on my deal.

OK now back to business. Said Jay. So what you are saying? Said Jay. Is that you were only an 11 year old girl who was kidnapped and forced to kill our mother who we thought was with us all this time, and don't know why you did it? Yes that is correct. I came here to say how sorry I am about killing her. I hope one day you will forgive me? It will take awhile. Said Mystery. For both of us. Eventually I am sure we will. Thank you that's all I am asking. Now. Said Zorin. Jay and Mystery are you going to start Villianizing and go home? Well let's see. Uhh we will think about it. Plus. Said Mystery. I don't have a job now, since I quit my last one. Actually. Said Zorin. Once everything settles down. I am thinking about quiting training to have time for my family. Maybe I will look into that then. Even though I don't have powers, I will do my best. Said Mystery. Until then we will continue our viliany. Now get out so we can fight. Said Jay. Bluefire put his mask back on, and Jay kicked him out, knocked Vale out. Luckily Zuki was there and had his shield. Caught you. Zuki Said. She finally woke up and said Thanks Zuki. Zorin caught himself and flew back over to fight. Now I will fight Zada. You fight these guys Vale OK? Yeah sure. Chloe and all the kids from the dojo were there including Bella and Kiara. Dammit! Said Bluefire. Why are they here?

While Bluefire was fighting Jay, he said Hey Zuki what the hell are you and some kids doing here in the fight? Hey they have to be training for something right? Chloes words, Kiara agreed.Then Bella wanted to come and soon the whole teenage group wanted to come. How could I say no?

Chloe finally got knocked out along with Bella and Kiara. Dammit! Said Bluefire. Jay come on. Let the kids go please. Sorry no can do. Why are you doing this? Don't you have kids? Yes I do 4 kids. What example would you be showing them if you continued to do crime? Your right. When they are old enough, we will stop. Until then. He punched Bluefire in the stomach. Bluefire held his even more damaged arm on his stomach, and used a fire ball and hit Jay in the stomach. Pay back Jay. You jerk. Bluefire said Zada come on. In a strained tone. I said you would have a job. Plus you have kids too and what about your husband. I will see them again one day. You guys leave me with no choice. Said Bluefire. I just hope no one dies in the process while I do it. He thought of something he had a strong feeling for, and let out his secret power. Again like before there was an invisable wave and fire everywhere. Jay was still awake, Zada was knocked out along with a lot of others.

Fine you win Zorin. We will retreat. Next time when see you, I will make sure you are dead, and stay that way. Yeah I have heard that before. Tell Zada no matter what happens, she still has the job. Whatever. Said Jay. He got his men and flew off.

Bluefire flew down still holding his stomach with his damaged metal arm. He landed on his feet then kneeled on one knee coughing from the punch and probably from the power too. Zania had already cleaned up the fire and sent it somewhere else. Bluefire fell to the ground breathing heavily. Zuki ran over to him along with Raven and Roxas.

Hey Bluefire. You OK? Said Zuki. Yeah. He said out of breath. I will be. Hey is everyone distracted? Yeah they are. Good. Bluefire pushed his belt and reverted back to Zorin. Zorin coughed even more. Cough Cough Cough. Hey Zorin. You sure your going to be OK? Yeah. He said in a strained tone, while blood was coming out of his mouth. The power I let out, took a lot out of me. I don't think I will be able to get up for awhile? OK we will help you. Said Zuki. Raven. Help me Get Zorin up and into the Van. Yeah sure. Hey guys I'm sorry for this. Don't worry about it. Said Zuki. we are used to it by now. Hey can you have Chloe, Kiara, and Bella, in the same van as me? How are they by the way? OH they will be fine. They just got the wind knocked out of them. Oh that's good. Then Zorin passed out. Oh crap he passed out. OK well I better do this then. Zuki threw Zorin on his shoulder. Zuki! He isn't a kid! Said Roxas. I know. He is a lot heavier than last time I carried him when I was 12. Then why do you do it? Well its the quickest way to get there I guess. Well whatever.

Once everyone were in their vehicles, they all headed to the dojo. Hey. Said Zuki. Don't hi me. Said Master. You were told not to go, but you went anyway. Its a good thing we did anyway, cause look at the conditon everyone is in. Zorin as well. He could have been left there and we wouldn't have known what happened to him. I don't care what happened. Next time you disobey my orders, there will be a punishment ok? Yeah fine. Now let's take a look at the others. Zorin looks like crap, the girls look fine they don't need any medical attention. Just to be sure. Master knocked on the Healers door. Hey Healer its Master. Oh hey. He said yawning. What's up? We have some kids and Zorin to look at. The healler came out and said well the girls will be fine. Just a little rest. On the other hand, Zorin isn't looking to good. Yeah I know. Well lucky for him, I know how to take this arm off. As for having one I don't. Its fine tomorrow I will have Zorin get one from his uncle Zen. Good Idea. The healer started taking off Zorins arm. Zorin felt the pain, but was squeezing his eyes. Its the only thing he could do. OK there done.

Let me check Zorins temperature. He doesn't look good. He has a fever. Someone get me a bucket of cold water and a rag. A cup of cold water as well. Zuki ran and did both. Thank you Zuki. Zuki I want you to watch over Zorin. At least until he wakes up. Yes sir. Thank you. Sure I'm going back to bed. If anything happens wake me up again.

It was morning before Zorin started waking up. Zuki fell asleep on the edge of Zorin's bed. Hey man. Said Zorin. Oh hey Zorin. Finally awake huh? Yeah. I see the healler took my arm off. Yeah he did. Hey Zuki. Can you help me up? I don't have my metal arm to do it with. Yeah sure. Then Zorin sat up, and put his feet on the ground. Hey how are Gray and Levy? I don't know. Oh Yeah. I'm going to get up and check on them. Zorin you sure? You just woke up. Yeah I'm sure. OK then. Zorin got up and headed out.

Zorin took a deep breath and said Ahh fresh air. Then exhaled. Let's go check on the girls. Oh looks like they are up. Said Zorin. Thats good. He went over to the 3 girls to talk to them. Hey girls how are you feeling? We are doing better. Thank you. Said Kiara. You know I told Zuki not to come but he did anyway. Yes I know. Said Bella. When I heard Zuki say you were in trouble, I had to do something. Yeah and you know me Zorin. When it has to do with you we are family I have to come too. Hey I have to protect Bella. Said Kiara. She was my first friend. Well its over and done with now. Next time Zuki and you girls disobey my orders there will be a punishment ok? Yes Cousin. Said Chloe. Yes Zorin. Said Kiara. Fine. Said Bella. Good now that we know this I better go find Gray and Levy to see how they are doing. Oh That Gray guy, and Levy left. They told me to tell you goodbye and that they were not going back to those mean people. Said Kiara. Dammit! Where are Tsuna and Tenma? They should be watching them. Thanks girls. Yeah sure Zorin. said Kiara.

Zorin went over to Tsuna and Tenma. Hey guys what the hell happened? You were supposed to be watching Gray and Levy. Hey we tried to stop them, but they got away. Dammit! I don't have an arm. I can't go after them. Zuki I'm going over to Zens to get a new arm, and then I am going to go find the kids they could be in danger. Zuki I need you and Sapph to come with me. Meet me at the beach. If you happen so see the kids, try to grab them for me OK? Yeah sure leaving now. Zorin flew off to Zens.

Hey Zen its me Zorin. Hey Zorin what's up? Where's your arm? Badly damaged. Hey uncle I'm in a bit of a hurry. Could you fix my arm now please? Yeah sure. Hang on let me go get one. Here we are Zorin. This one is a stronger metal then the one that we said was impossible to break, but we don't have time to test it out, so let's get it on you so you can leave. Thanks uncle.

OK done there you go Zorin. How does that feel? Weird but light. Thanks uncle. How much do I owe you? Oh don't worry about it just go. We will work it out later. Thanks uncle see ya. Bye Zorin be careful, whatever your doing. I will try.

OK now to see Sapph. Hey Sapph I need to take the kids over to James house. I need you to come with me on a mission. Oh OK sure. Kids Daddy's here to take you to James house. OK mommy. Said Zuri and Slade. They hopped in the car and they left for James.

Hey James sorry to put them on you like this, its urgent. Sure no problem. Sapph going too? Yes I am. Ok well see you guys when you get back. Yeah sure. OK Sapph let's go.

They finally made it back to the beach. Back here Huh? Yeah we are. Hey Zuki. Said Sapph. Hey Sapph. OK the reason I brought Sapph here, is in case we need her power. Her vine power to tie someone up or some people up. Zuki you are here in case something happens to me, and you both will fight with me as well. Right. They both said. Zorin turned to Bluefire. OK let's go. Follow me.