Chapter 10

They finally got to the place Gray and Levy were before. Bluefire went to the Cell but no one was there. He checked every single one but nothing. Dammit! Said Bluefire.Where the hell are they?! Calm down Bluefire. Said Sapph. I know Sapph its just that they are still pretty much kids. I can't let them do something stupid.

Hey! Bluefire shouted. Anyone here? Show yourselves! Evil bastards. Some people came and got ready to fight. Hey did you get the kids back? No we didn't that any of us know of. Where is your boss? I need to talk to him. NO one see's our boss without an apt. Who is your boss? Said Bluefire. Jay and Zada. You idiot! Said one of the other guys. You weren't supposed to tell them. Oh he will see me. Trust me. Fine then follow us. Bluefire, and the other 2 followed.

They lead Bluefire to a door, and said Wait here. Fine. Said Bluefire. The man went in Jay's room and said. Boss there are 2 men and a woman here to see you. They said you would see them? Bring them in. I want to see who it is. Come on in guys.

Well if it isn't Bluefire. Or should I say Zorin. Oh and he brought his wife this time how nice. Jay do you have the kids or not. Said Bluefire. I do. I found them walking and grabbed them. I put them somewhere where no one would find them but me. Please Jay let them go. Why do you care so much about some kids you don't even know? Come on. They are kids. Who cares if anyone knows them. It should be natural for an adult to help kids. Nope we are interrogating them right now. About what? What could you possibly be interrogating them about? Don't worry about it. Its not your concern. It is my concern. Said Bluefire. I saved that boy and the girl. I took responsibility for them. Therefore it's my fault that they got away instead of having someone else watch them. I should have been there. Once we get the info we need from them, we will let them go. We will have no use for them anymore. What are you doing to those poor kids? OH we have ways of making them talk. Your not hurting them are you? So what if we are? Its our means of getting info from them. Dammit! Said Bluefire. Jay if one of them dies, I swear to god I will kill you and everyone involved in this. I don't care who they are. Bluefire, calm down. Said Sapph. I can't calm down. this is kids we are talking about.

Jay why don't we make a deal. We have a match. Me and you. If I win you let the kids come with us to get medical attention. If you win you can get info out of them you want, without hurting them and with my help. I like that deal. Ok Bluefire. Bluefire, come on you just recovered from your last encounter with him. said Zuki. I'll be fine. Plus I have to win. OK well no choice but to watch. said Zuki.

OK rules are. Said Jay. The first one who can't get up anymore loses. OK lets go. Said Bluefire. Then they started fighting. The fighting went on for about 20 min, then Bluefire knocked Jay down and he couldn't get up. I win said Bluefire. Now let the kids go. Fine get off of me. Bluefire offered a hand but Jay pushed it away. OK I will get the precious kids for you. So he did just that.

Zada came out and said Hey so he won, and he is getting the kids. Are we are going to come back on the good side? What does good even mean anymore? Then she went back in.

Bluefire was barely able to stand and kneeled on one knee. Hey You OK Bluefire? Said Sapph. Yeah I think so. He tried to get up, Zuki helped him and he was fine. Bluefire pushed his belt and reverted back to Zorin. Hopefully the kids aren't hurt too badly. Said Zorin. Yeah I do too. Said Zuki.

They kids came out all bruised and cut up, barely able to walk. Then Levy collapsed. She was still awake though. Zuki you know what to do. Sapph I want you to go with the kids me and Zuki will stay here for a few min. OK sure. Zuki made a shield put the kids on it and Sapph got on it as well. Sapph. Said Zorin If they try to get away, use your vines if you have to. Yes Zorin. OK see you at the dojo. OK. Shield go to the dojo. Off it went.

OK now as for what we are going to do, let's go see Jay. Hey Jay. Said Zorin. When are you going to stop this villiany? I... I don't know yet. I just. My heads all jumbled. I don't know what to do. Zada patted Jay on the back. Thanks Zada. We can help you Jay. Master, me, Zuki, and the others. I guess we can try. Said Jay. Zada you need to come too. As for the other guys, they said they would follow me anywhere. So off to the good side I guess. Let me tell them.

Jay said Henchmen gather. All the henchmen gathered ready for a fight. Jay said No need to fight them anymore. We are allies for now. Are you all still with me? If not I will understand. One of the men said We are with you to the end. Thanks guys. Why don't you all go home to your families for now. Meet me at the dojo tomorrow. Yes Boss. They all said. So they scattered and went home. Come on Jay I brought my car. Zada go ahead and take off your disquise. They already figured it out. She pushed her belt and reverted to Mystery. Plus I'm sure Jason will be happy to see you along with the kids. Yeah I missed them. OK well come on, get in the car. They all got in the car Zuki Drove.

OK here we are, finally back. Oh crap. Zuki, we forgot about Nico. We have to take him home. Zuki you and Master take care of these guys till me and Vale get back ok? Yeah sure.

Hey Sapph. How are the kids doing? The heallers did what they could. The kids are sleeping now. The girl is fine, but the boy, it's up to his will to live. Dammit I hope that boy has a strong will. Hey Sapph do you know where Vale is? Yeah over there. OK good thanks. I will probably be gone a couple days again. OK Zorin I understand.

Hey Vale I'm going to get Nico. Want to come with me? We are going to see Neon now. Probably next time. I would like to talk with Zuki first, then maybe I can next time. OK sounds fair. Well I better be off then. Wait Zorin. Said Sapph. You should at least have one other person with you. Like who? Everyone looks like they are busy. How about Roxas and Raven they look free. Fine I'll go ask.

Hey Roxas, Raven. I have to go take someone home which will take a few days want to come? Sapph wants someone with me in case something happens, which I doubt. Yeah sure we will go. Said Raven. OK come on. Follow me. I have to get Nico out of the cell. Wait we are taking Nico back? Said Roxas. I think I will stay here then. Raven take care of Zorin ok? I don't blame you but ok.

Hey Nico. Said Zorin. Sorry it took so long. Some kids got away from us and I ended up getting hurt in the process. Its fine. Is it time to leave now? Said Nico. Yes. Raven is coming with us, since everyone else seems to be busy, and Roxas won't come. I don't blame him one bit. After hearing what I did to his parents.

OK well shall we go? Said Zorin. Let's head out. While they were on their way out, Zorin said I want to check out a cave where Zune was. To see if he really decided to go back at all. Thats fine. Said Nico. I don't care what we do as long as I get to see my brother again. Hey Raven. Ready to go? Yeah let's go.

They were walking, and finally got to the cave. Hey Zune you in here? Yeah just a second be right there. Oh hey Zorin. Back so soon? Yeah bringing Nico to the village to see his brother. I see. I was about to head out myself. I finally got the courage to go. Why don't you join us then since we are going to the same place. Sure why not. The more the merrier right? Said Zorin. Oh by the way Zune, this is Raven. Ahh so this is the one that was controlled by Nico. I'm glad you were ok. How is your brother? Oh he is fine. OK now. Said Zorin. Let's not talk about gloomy stuff from the past. Lets talk more about what could happen when we go to the village. Yeah good idea. Said Zune. Hey Zune. Said Zorin. You got any friends or family still hanging around the village? I don't really know until I get there. I don't know if Zuki told you this yet, but I am his father. I only look 20 because of a spell. I want to go to the village to see if it can be taken off. What do you think? I would hope I still had some friends in the village. Good. What about you Nico? Besides your brother, did you have any friends besides Tania at the village. Yeah I did. I'm hoping they are still there as well. Well that's good. Oh Vale didn't want to come this time, but next time. She has confused feelings after seeing Neon. So she must have known all along he loved her. Yes she did. Now that she saw him, she has mixed feelings between Zuki and Neon. Who do you think she is going to choose Nico? It would be nice if she chose my brother and moved back to the village. But its really up to her. Yeah I think it would be best too.

1 day and a half later, they wanted to enjoy the time they had together, so instead they walked to the village instead of use their powers. Hey guys we are finally at the village. Said Zorin. Wow this is the village now? Said Zune. It has changed a lot in so many years. Your telling me. Said Nico. Ok lets head over to the elders place where your brother is Nico. Said Zorin. Zune you have to come too. Even if you are back. Yeah I know I was just looking around its amazing things look different for the better now.

OK here we are. Said Zorin. Wait right here. You too. I will give you the signal to come in. They both nodded in agreement. Hey Neon. OH hey Zorin. How have you been? Oh good. Hey I have a surprise for you. Actually 2. There are a couple of people you haven't seen in years, and I'm sure you have plenty of those but...He gave them the signal Nico and Zune walked in with hoods over their heads, then they put their hoods down to reveal themselves. Neon had a surprised face. Zorin you didn't. Yes I did. Thank you so much. Brother! Zune! Come here. He gave them the biggest hug ever. Thank you so much. In honour of your return, we will have a feast. We will invite all the villagers. Wow really? Things really have changed. Oh Zorin. Where is Vale? OH she didn't want to come this time. She said she has mixed feelings right now. After seeing you. When she knows she will come see you. Oh well I knew it would happen one day. OK well Zorin. Would you like to stay? I'm sorry I can't. I gotta get back to my family has well my 2 kids and Wife. Oh OK. Well thanks again. If you need anything let us know ok? Yeah I will thanks. Well I'm heading off now. Before I do, Neon have you by any chance seen Tania? Yeah after you talked with her, she has been acting strange. Strange in a good way or bad? I don't know right now. She is probably at the park at this time sitting on the bench. OK thanks see you some other time guys. Yeah thanks for bringing us home. Sure no problem.

He went to the park, and sure enough there was Tiana. He was hesitant to get near her, but took a deep breath, exhaled, and got the courage to say Hey Tania. Oh Hi Zorin. Why don't you come sit next to me? I can for a little bit I guess. So Neon tells me you have been acting strange lately. Yeah after that visit I haven't really been myself. I have had thought after thought. I have had that problem before, and still do sometimes. I manage. One time it got to where I had to take pills. I still do when it gets bad. Maybe I should see the doctor you saw. Maybe. Said Zorin. Well I have to get going but I want to ask you something if that's ok? Yeah sure. Do you like living here in the village? Well it's all I've ever known, but it would be nice to live somewhere else for awhile. Just to see how things are. Then come back and decide. Ok well would you want to come back with me? Master should still have rooms availiable. The other tenants have moved out now. Well if its not a problem. After all I did control you, and make you kill your parents. Yes but you were forced to. I already told you it happened years ago. I will explain to Master what's going on ok? Zorin thank you. Yeah sure. Before we go, we should let Neon know. So he won't be wondering wherer you are. Yeah I guess so. Ok good come on.

They went to Neons office. OH hey Zorin. Thought you were leaving? Yeah well I'm bringing her with me for a few days or more, depending on how long she wants to stay. We thought we would check in with you and let you know Well thank you. Tania you sure you won't stay for the feast? Yeah I want to go with Zorin. I will some other time. Ok well have fun. Yeah. Oh by the way Neon. Said Zorin. Since powers are common here. Do you by any chance have one? Actually now that you asked, let me show you. Not right now. I have to go. OK well I can tell you. I have the power of moving stuff with my mind and visions. Wow pretty cool. Ok well Tania. You ready? Yeah I am. Bye Neon. I don't know when I will be back, but I will. OK well see you soon.

Then they were on the journery back to the Dojo. They had been walking for hours and it was getting dark. OK let's rest here for the night. Said Zorin. Ok well sounds good. Hey Zorin? Yeah what is it? How could you forgive me so easily for making you kill your parents? Well to be honest, if I found out a long time ago when I was still in my teens, I probably wouldn't have. I might have wanted to kill you. When a friend of mine showed me a map of where mind controllers hung out, I was thinking to myself what would I do if I met the person who made me kill my parents. What would Raven do? So I thought about it, then decided I would find out the whole story before I did anything. You were the same age as me when you controlled me. You were forced. Plus, I found out later mom and dad would have died anyway by someone else. They hung out with dangerous people that would have killed them otherwise. My brother wouldn't have been able so say goodbye to mom. She cried when she heard that. Tania said I'm sorry you must have had a hard teen life. Yeah it was for awhile, but we found out we had an uncle or 2, and I met Raven and Roxas. If mom and dad hadn't have died, I would not have met these nice people I know now. So I guess in a way it was a blessing in disquise. Well I'm glad something good came out of it. Said Tiana. Yeah I guess so. Well we better get some sleep. I want to start early. Ok Zorin. Goodnight. Night. Then they went to sleep.

The next morning it was time to get ready to leave. Zorin got up stretched did his moring jog meditated. Tania said What is that you are doing? Oh sorry this is called mediating. It helps me relax my thoughts and emotions. You should try it? Sure. OK cross your legs and close your eyes. I teach my students, or soon to be former since I am quitting. To breathe in the good thoughts and out the bad thoughts and do it a few times. They both did it together. Wow it really is relaxing. Yeah thats what I said when I first did it as well. OK now shall we get going? We can eat on the way. I got a couple of bars to eat. Here have one. Thanks Zorin you are too kind.