Chapter 11

So they finished walking, and finally around 5:00pm they made it. Hey everyone I finally made it back. I need to talk to Master and Zuki. Are they here? Yeah. Said Tsuna. They are in Masters office. Go ahead on in with your friend. Thanks. Ok follow me.

Zorin knocked on Masters door and said Hey Master. Its Zorin. I have a visitor. OK come in. Hello there young lady. Hi nice to meet you Master. She bowed. Oh you don't need to bow. Its nice to meet you too uh? Oh sorry my name is Tania. Nice to meet you Tania. Hi Zuki. Zuki said Hi back. Master we both came here to talk to both of you. Ok well go ahead. He told them who she was and what she did. Well I'm sorry young lady for what you and Zorin have both been through. I am sure Jason would like to meet her as well. Oh Master I was wondering do you have an extra room for her to stay for a bit. She is temporarly staying just to see what it is like out of the village. Yes I do Zorin. Show her to room 8. OK thanks Master. Follow me Tania.

Here we are. Room 8. Do you want to rest first? We did just have a long walk. Do you want to meet my brother? Well I guess I can meet your brother. Its only fair. Also I would like to meet Raven if possible. Yeah sure why not. Follow me. I think I saw Jason here.

Hey Tsuna. Did I just see Jason here? Yeah he went to field a few min ago. OH good thanks. Hey Bro someone I want you to meet. Follow us for a min. OK Sure. Be right back Kiara. Said Jason. OH so your are training with Kiara. That's good. OK here we are. They sat on a bench away from people. This is Tania, she is the one that was controlling me and made me kill mom and dad. She was forced to use her power on me. She was only our age when she was forced. I was wondering what I would do if I met you. Now that I have heard your story, I won't do anything. It may take me awhile to forgive you, but I understand your situation. Thank you Jason. That's all I ask. Said Tiana. She will be staying here in room 8 Jason. Said Zorin. Well that's up to Master not me. I don't have a problem. I'm going to go back and train with Kiara. OK Bro see ya later. Yeah.

Ok well you met my brother. You said you wanted to meet Raven and Roxas? Yes I do. Well here they come. Hey Roxas, Raven. OH hey Zorin your back? Said Raven. Yeah. This is Tania. She was the one that controlled me, but she was forced to. I am sure Nico was too. He just did it so much he started to enjoy it. Said Zorin. Roxas didn't say a word. He just stared at her the whole time. Ok well we better get to what we are doing. Nice meeting you Tania. Yeah likewise.

Zorin. You said that your father had family. I would like to meet them and apologize. Is there a way I can? Well first I better get home to see my kids, and wife. If you want to come. Yeah I will join you. OK well I better tell Master. Hey Master I'm heading home. Tania is coming with me. Then I will head over to Zens, and be back to drop her off ok? Sure buddy go right ahead. Ok thanks.

OK lets go. We walk? Yeah its walking distance from here. To be honest. I like to use my powers. This time I'm going to enjoy it. Oh ok sounds good. So he walked home.

Hey Sapph I'm home. Daddy! Both kids came running up to Zorin, and he bent down and hugged them both. Hey kids I missed you too. Tania this is Zuri my little girl, and Slade my little man. This wonderful woman is my wife. He grabbed her by the hand and hugged her. Zorin really? Did you have to do that? Sorry had to show you off. She rolled her eyes. Well I am getting ready to cook dinner. Zorin you going to be home for dinner? Yeah I should be. I have to stop by Zens for a few min. Ok well don't be home too late. I'll try not to. Hey kids. I know daddy just got home, but I will be back soon ok? OK daddy. Said Zuri.

Hey Zen. Its Zorin. Zen came out from the back and said Hey buddy hows it been? OH hey there young lady. Hi Zenith. Nice to meet you. OH call me Zen. OK Zen. So Zorin who is this Lady? Can we talk privately? Actually I am about to close up. Then we can ok? Yeah sure.

An hour later, Zen finished closing and said Ok now tell me about yourself young lady. She told him who she was and what she did. Well like Zorin said they would have died anyway. At least one of the kids had a chance to say goodbye to their mom. Yeah I guess so. I am so sorry Zenith. About making Zorin kill your brother. I know you are Tania. My brother and sister in law were just hanging with a bad crowd. Yes I miss them, but you were in no better position at 16. I don't know if I forgive you yet or not. I'm sure I will soon enough. Zorin what about Raven and Roxas? Did they meet the person that controlled them? Yes his name was Nico. Raven forgave him but Roxas not yet, but will in the future. OK well I don't know about James, but you know my answer. Thank you Zen. For understanding. Your welcome Tania. What about you Zorin? Did you forgive her? Yeah I did. After I heard her story. I even told her, if I found out about her sooner I would have wanted to find and kill her. I am sure someone would have stopped me. Yes they would have. Said Zen.

By the way Zorin. You said you needed to talk to me about something? Oh Yeah I did. It's about my arm. I think something is wrong with it. Here let me see it. Zorin rested his arm on the counter and had Zen take a look at it. Tania said. Zorin if you don't mind me asking? How did that happen? Zorin would you like to explain? Said Zen. No I'm kidding I will. Yes. It was I who did it, but I wasn't himself. As for my arms, I haven't even told Zorin yet. When I do, you are welcome too. OK sure. Zorin come to the back with me. I see the problem. OK sure. Come on Tania. OK sure. If its ok? Sure it is. OK sure. Here we are. Wow lots of cool stuff in here. Yeah there is. Said Zorin. Oh what's this? Is it new? Yes it is. Zorin helped me with it. Its a shield that shoots flames. May I try it out? Said Tiana. Let me fix Zorins arm first. Then yes you may. OK thanks.

This thing got a little bent. That's why it was probably bugging you. Oh no wonder. Thanks uncle. Hey uncle I know I was asleep or not fully awake at the time because I was sick, but can you show me again sometime how to put these arms together? So I can fix the problem if I needed? Sure not problem. Not today its late. You better get home. Your wife is going to get mad. oh Yeah gotta go. Bye uncle. Bye Zorin. He said laughing.

After Zorin dropped Tania back off at the dojo, he went home. Hey Sapph did I make it in time? Just barely. I just finished making dinner. Oh good. Hey kids. Hi daddy. Said Slade. Oh yummy. One of daddy's favorite dinners. I thought I would make it to celebrate your return. I hoped you would have made it. I'm glad I did. Sapph when dinner is done, I have something to talk to you about. Ok sure Zorin. They ate their dinner and it was time for the kids to go to bed.

Night kiddos. Said Zorin. He tucked them in gave Zuri a kiss. Zorin said Hey little man. What would you like? Want a high five? Yeah. He gave him a high five goodnight. Ok kids see you in the morning. I love you. Love you too daddy. They both said. Then they went to sleep.

Zorin said Honey you go lay down. I will clean this mess up. OK thanks I will be in the room waiting to talk. OK sure. He cleaned up the mess and started the dishwasher for her. OK finally I'm here. OK so I had to see Zen because you know how my arm was bugging me? Yeah I do. Well something in it was bent so he fixed it. I asked him if he can show me how to put it together since I was sick last time. You were there too. Did you get how he put it together? No I really wasn't paying attention at all, but he showed me how to take the arm off, and put it back on. Just in case you had a problem. That was when you were sick too. Yes I paid attention to that. Also Sapph, that woman I was with? Is our age. She was the one that controlled me. What! Said Sapph. Are you serious? What was she doing in our house then? Woah slow down its ok. She told me she was being controlled when it happened. Like I said, she is our age. She was 16, and forced to do it. Nico was as well. At the time he was 16, 2 years older than Raven. I'm sure he was forced, but did it for so long he enjoyed it until he got older and got out of it. What did Jason have to say about it? Well Jasons face turned serious, and understood it would take awhile to forgive her. Zen said the same thing. Sapph said. If we were kids, I could picture you going after her, and killing her Zorin. Yeah I said that myself. Tomorrow we are going to meet up with James. Well that should be an interesting visit. Yeah I hope it goes well. That's all I had to talk to you about tonight. Should we go to sleep? Yeah good idea. Oh before we do, my dad said he wanted to see you. He had something he wanted to talk to you about. OK I will meet up with him tomorrow night honey. Night Zorin. They went to sleep.

The next morning, the kids went off to school on the bus. Zorin said Hey Sapph I have to meet up with Tania, so we can see James. After I will try to meet up with your dad ok? Ok I will let him know.

Zorin got his 4 wheeler and left for the dojo. Hey everyone. Said Zorin. Oh hey. Said Zuki. Tania said she is waiting for you by Masters Office. OK thanks. Zorin went to Masters office and looked confused. What's going on here? Said Zorin. Oh nothing. Said Master. She just told me she was meeting with James, and you are taking her. Yes I am. What's the problem? You know quite well Zorin, what the problem is. Yeah I know. Is that why she is here? Yes it was. OK well shall we go Tania? Hey Zuki we are taking your car to James house ok? Yeah sure but have it back soon I have to go somewhere ok? Yeah I'll do my best. OK here we go.

They finally got to James house. Zorin knocked on the door. Hey James. Said Zorin. May we come in? Sure come right ahead. You have the baby with you. Where is Zania and Tenma? OH they are on a misson right now. I am in charge of Zeth as well, when he gets home. Ok well this is Tania. Oh hey aunt Rose good timing. This is Tania. Is there a way you can put the baby down for a min so we can talk Rose? Yes hang on. I will put him in his playpen in my room.

OK I'm back. Now what's this all about? Tania told them what she told Zenith. He paused for a moment. Everyone was waiting, and cautious of what he might do. Ok everyone I will be right back. I am going to go in the training room for a few min then I will be right back. OK sweet heart. Said Rose. Tania. Said Rose. You were a teenager being forced to do something you didn't want to do at the time. You still made Zorin kill his brother, and Zorins father. I know. I don't blame him for feeling the way he did. I too was a victim of watching my family die. I wasn't being controlled or doing it at the time, but the person who killed them were the ones who force me to work for them until me and Nico escaped. You poor child. Well you have friends here. Even if they don't forgive you, they still care for you. I think they understand why you did what you did, but they don't want to see you get hurt of worse. Thank you Rose. I also have a daughter who is in school right now. She is 10 years old. I don't think anyone will ever want a person like me as a girlfriend. So I just gave up looking. I'm sure there will be a man out there one day, who will understand what you went through and go out with you. Just a matter of time.

James finally came out and took a deep breath, and exhaled. OK now. Said James. I feel much better. I would like to apologize for leaving like that, but he was my twin brother, and we were close for awhile. I stopped talking to him for a few years, but I secretly watched over the kids. I am sure he knew that. For some reason after they were a certain age, I stopped like an idiot. As for you killing my brother,you were a teenager after all. One who was forced to do bad things. I Can't forgive you right now, but maybe in the future I will be able too. Thank you sir. Call me James. Did you forgive her Zorin? I did after Someone I knew had a map of where all off her kind hung out. I wasn't sure what I would do. When I heard her story I forgave her. Jason and Zen said the same thing you did. I knew Zen would. I wasn't sure how Jason would react though. If it were my brother though, that would probably be a different story. Said Zorin. I probably wouldn't be as nice as James if you killed Jason. If anyone killed him.

Well I better get going. Said Zorin. I have to drop Tania off. I have some place to be. See you uncle. Ok Zorin. Thank you for bringing her over, and Tiana? Thank you for meeting with me. Your welcome James Bye.

OK here we are. They both got out of the car, and Zorin went to tell Zuki he was back. Hey Zuki I'm back. Thanks for letting me borrow the car. I'm taking my 4 wheeler to Sapphs work. Her dad needs to tell me something. OK well see you soon. After that. we need to talk ok? yeah sure see ya. He Zoomed off on his 4 wheeler.

Hey Sapph I'm here. Oh Hey Zorin. Just in time. Its almost dads break time. Oh good. So is there anything here I can help with? Well there is a scared little girl back there, who lost her parents and has no one else to care for her. We were going to look for a home for her. Zorin went over to her and started talking.

Hey little girl what's your name? Zara. My name is Zorin. How old are you? I am 8. Wow your a big girl huh? Yes I am. I lost my parents too. I was 16. I didn't think I had anyone either, until later when I found out I had a couple of uncles, and this woman named Raven showed up and took me in. Wait. The Raven? That saved the Magic school. I guess she is known all around huh? Yes. Would you like to meet her someday? Yes I would really like that. OK sure. Zorin. My daddy didn't die. He was my step daddy, my real mom died. Well still, it must have been hard. She shook her head yes. I have to go now, but I will ask around the dojo to see if anyone will take you in until we can find someone ok? Thank you. Oh and you know what? Have you heard of meditating? Yes. Do you know how to do it. No. You cross your legs sit up straight, close your eyes, and repeat this Breathe in the good thoughts, and out the bad ok? Thank you Zorin. Your welcome Zara see you later.

Hey Tony so whats up? First I would like to say thank you. You and Sapph are the only ones that are able to cheer that poor girl up. Hey why don't you guys take her in? You don't have anymore kids, and Sapph had been telling me how you guys want to adopt. Yes and we have been talking more about that too. We will make our decision by the time she is all better. OK well let me know ok? Yes sure. Anyway Tony. What is it you wanted to talk to me about? Its actually about one of the patients here. Let me take you to him.