Chapter 12

Who is this? Said Zorin. An admirer of yours Zorin? I don't know. What happened to him? He jumped in to save a little girl. The one you were just talking too. Thanks to him, she's alive. Hang on a second. Let me talk to the girl again.

Hey Zara. That man over there saved you right? Yes he did. Is he ok? I don't know. He is asleep right now. Do you know him at all? I don't know till I see him. OK well when he wakes up, I will have him come over ok? Ok.

Zorin went back over to Tony. She said she doesn't know until she sees a better look at him. When he wakes up, I will help him over to her. Yeah good idea. Tony did you get his name by any chance? When he was brought in? He wasn't brought in Zorin. He was all bruised barely walking. He managed to bring the girl here, then he collapsed and hasn't woken up since. Did you find any other injuries besides bruises? Scars, birthmarks anything? That can identify him? Actually Zorin. Look at his face again. Does he look familiar. Take a good look. Oh my gosh. Your right. Now that I do see his face more closely, he does look familiar.

The man closed his eyes tight, and moved around a bit. Starting to wake up. His eyes fluttered, barely open. Hey man. Said Tony. How you feeling? Like crap. How is the little girl I brought in? Is she OK? Yes she is fine. Do you know her? She looks familiar. I might. Zorin said Hey man you look familiar. Can you by any chance tell me your name? I guess it has been awhile since you haven't lived with Raven. I am her cousin Nate. NO way Nate? What the hell. I see you are doing good for yourself. I hear you got 2 kids and married Sapph. Jason has a couple kids and married Mystery. Happy for you guys. Yeah thanks. About the girl. Said Zorin. Right hang on. He tried to get up, but was having trouble. Zorin helped him. Thanks Man. Yeah. Said Zorin. Hey let me help you walk to the girl. She was worried about you too. Her name is Zara. She is 8. 8 years old huh? Wait a second. I do need to talk to her. Well here she is.

Hey Zara. Good to see you are ok? You Ok? That's good. Zara do you know who I am? Now that I see you, yes. Mommy gave me a picture of you. She said you were my daddy. I knew it. said Nate. Did you know your mommy's name? Yes mommy's name was Clara. Clara was her mother. I remember that night. She didn't tell me she was pregnant though. Daddy? Said Zara. Mommy had a note for you. She got the note out of her pocket and gave it to Nate. It read:

Hello Nate. Sorry I didn't tell you I was pregnant. If you have this letter it means something has happened to me. I can't take care of her anymore. I wanted you to know if anything happened to me, that her real daddy can take care of her. I hope you are in a good enough condition to take her in. She did have a nice stepdaddy. We just thought her real daddy would be better. Take care of our doughter. I looked everywhere for you. I tried to track you down but couldn't find you. I hope this letter gets to you and our daughter is ok. Love you lots. Clara.

Daddy? Can we go home? Honey I don't know if I am fit to take care of you. For 8 years I didn't know you were born. Let me talk to a few people first ok? Then I will let you know. OK daddy. Zorin take me back to my bed please. I need to rest after finding this out. OK sure.

Here you go. Thanks Zorin. Hey you helped me out. I thought I might finally return the favors. Yeah thanks. Hey can I talk to Tony and Emma please? Yeah sure I will go get them. Thanks Zorin. Nice to see you again. Yeah you too.

Tony. As you know the guys name is Nate. He just found out that girl is his daughter. He want's to see you, and Emma. I can help out if needed. Yeah sure Zorin. Can you be a waiter for us? Yeah sure. Emma will show you the chart.Zorin went in the back, and Emma showed him the ropes. Then she went back with Tony to talk to Nate about Zara.

Hey Nate its nice to see you again. Not in this condition. Yeah thanks. So I hear Zara is your daughter? Yeah I wanted to talk to you about that. I am not sure I am fit to take care of a child. Even if I found out she is mine. I told Zara I would talk to some people and let her know. I was wondering, until I make my decision to take care of any child. Do you think you guys will be willing to be her foster parent's? They looked at eachother and said Yes we would be happy too. In fact we were just thinking about adopting her. Also going to the orphanage and finding a little boy to look after as well. Thank you both. Let's start off with fostering for now. Why certainly. We are still going to adopt a child from the orphanage, that Bella and Rain came from. That would be nice thank you. Let me rest a bit. Then we can talk to her together ok? Tony and Emma? OK Nate. Thank you. Both of you.

OK. Said Tony. Back to work. Emma went to go find Zorin. Hey Zorin. How is it? Oh its crazy. Thank God your here. Here is the order for table 10. Thank you Zorin. You were a big help. Yeah sure. I don't see how you can do this. Your welcome. Hey where is Sapph? OH she is probably getting medicine for a patient. OK thanks. He went to where the medicine is stored, and found Sapph. Hey Sapph. Oh hey Zorin. Is everything ok? I will tell you at home. I'm going to go to the dojo, and then head home to rest. Zuki wants to see me now. Seems like I'm popular today. Yeah I guess so. Well have fun. See you later.

Hey everyone. Said Zorin. Hey Tsuna. Have you seen Zuki? Yes he is in with the Master right now. OK thanks. Zorin went to the Masters office, and knocked on the door. Hey its me Zorin. Come in Zorin. Said Master. Hey whats up? Said Zorin. First of all. Said Zuki. You look like crap. Thanks Zuki. Sorry waiting tables is tiring. I saw Nate after all these years. He just found out he had a daughter named Zara who is 8. So you know already. Know what? Would someone please tell me what's going on? We were going to tell you Nate was in town. Then after the accident, he ended up hurt. Wait Accident? Said Zorin. His daughter told me that the man who ended up being her dad, saved her from something. I don't know what exactly happened, but her mother Clara and stepdad died. You are right. Said Zuki. They did die. Nate did save her. So what's the problem? How long ago did this accident happen? Zorin it happend last night, when everyone was sleeping. They were at Zens workshop. No it can't be. What about Zen? Is he Ok? He is fine. He is staying with James right now. Oh good. I have to go. Zorin I would advise you not too. Said Master. Why not? If you go, you will find out why. OH you bet my ass I will go. He ran off before anyone can say anymore got on his 4 wheeler and left for James.

Zorin got to James house and knocked on the door. Hey James its me Zorin. James opened the door and said Come on in. What's going on? Said Zorin. Zen! What happened? Zuki told me there was an accident at your place. I met Zara and saw Nate who found out Zara was his daughter. I know. Said Zen. I knew she was. So answer me Zen. What happened? It had to do with the shield that we worked on together. I'm glad no one was killed. I hope that little girl and Nate are ok? Zorin said I saw Nate he finally woke up. It looks like the girl will be staying with Tony and Emma awhile. Thats good news. OK now continue what about the shield. I was testing it out like I always did. When the flame thrower was out, I was going to put another one in, but the shield itself caught on fire. It had a Blue flame Zorin. I don't understand. How could my flames cause the shield to burst into flames? Zen was the shield destroyed? Surprising not. Hey Zen. Do you know anyone besides Raven who might know? No I don't. Raven might.

Zorin went back to the dojo to see Raven. Hey Raven! Said Zorin. Hi Zorin. I heard. So do you know why my flames did that? The only time I used my flame on that is just to test it out. When it was first made? Yes it was. I do know Zorin. You probably didn't know cause no one told you. There is a certain metal that our fire cannot destroy. That certain metal is dangerous, and I am sure Zen didn't know either. I will let him know next time to be careful. He is staying with James now. It used to be his home too. If you want to tell him. By the way Raven. How do you know about this metal? I know because my parents made it. Then she walked away. Zorin started freaking out and looking for Zuki and having a panic attack. Luckily Zuki was close by.

Woah Zorin calm down. Take a deep breath. Come on Zorin. He tried but nothing could help him now. So he thought. Hang on Zorin. I will get Tsuna to watch you. I will be right back. Tsuna stay with Zorin. He is freaking out I will be right back.

Zorin hey. Calm down. Take a breather. I can't. He said sounding out a breath. Zuki came back with Chloe. Chloe said I haven't seen him this bad since I was 5 years old. OK Tsuna let's give them some privacy. Yeah sure. I hope it works. Yeah me too. Said Zuki.

Zorin look at me. Chloe what are you doing here? He said still freaking out. I am here to calm you down. She hugged him close and started singing him a lullaby. A song he used to sing to her when she started freaking out. She rubbed his back as she sang to him and slowly. He was calming down. Until evenutally he was calm.

Sorry Chloe. I know I am a bad role model for you. I just learned something new about my power. Hey can you get Zuki back here? Yeah sure. Also Chloe I need you to hear this too. OK sure. You rest here on the bench I will get him.

Hey Zuki. He is calm now. He wants to tell me and you about something he learned. Ok Tsuna thanks for helping. We better go see whats up. OK let me know ok? Sure.

Hey Zorin glad to see your calm. Yeah sure. I just learned the reason for that accident was my fault. I didn't know it til just now. He told them what Raven told him. Ravens dad made it huh? I wonder why? I don't know. She left before she can explain. Well I hope things go well with the visit. Until then have you made your decision about wheather to train the kids or not? Yes I have. I am giving the position to Mystery. Well then if that is what you decided, why don't we announce it later today. I already had all the kids meet up here after school. The young and the teens. Thanks. I guess I should make the announcement.

Later that same day, the kids started arriving. OK. Kids and teenagers. Can you hear me? They all said Yes.OK now. As of today I will not be teaching anymore. Everyone was was whispering. OK let me finish please! He yelled.This woman here is my sister in Law. Her name is Mystery. She is a good woman and trainer. If any of you still want to train with me for fun after training with Mystery. I will be willing to if I am not doing anything with my family. The teenagers looked more bummed than the younger ones.

After the Announcement, Zorin sat down to rest a little more. He looked more tired than usual. Zuki came over and said Hey man whats going on? You look really exausted. Want me to take you home? Actually yeah. That would be good. I told Sapph I would be home taking a nap after I stopped by the dojo for a bit. OK come on. I will help you up. Zuki helped Zorin up and into the car.

Zorin got the key to his house and opened the door. Zuki helped Zorin to his bed. Here you go Zorin. Thanks Zuki. Sure no problem. I will stay here until Sapph comes home with the kids OK? Yeah sure sounds good thanks. If you need anything, I will be in the living room. Zorin went to sleep.

Not long after all that, Sapph came home with the kids. Hey Sapph. Said Zuki. Hey Zuki what are you doing here? Oh Zorin wasn't feeling so well, so I brought him home. See for yourself. OK thanks Zuki. Kids go play in your rooms ok? Ok mommy. Said Slade. Hey Zorin. Its me Sapph. I'm home. Zorin was still fast asleep, and Sapph saw how tired he was. She went out of the room and said Zuki what the hell happened to Zorin? Well you probably don't know what happened. The reason that Nate was in your hospital was...before he can say anymore, she said I know about the accident. What does it have to do with Zorin? He told Sapph what Zorin told him. So he had a panic attack. That's what did it. Actually we was tired to begin with. After waitressing for your mom, while she talked to Nate. It went that bad huh? Sapph I really think something else might be going on with him. We just don't know what yet. He might not know.

Emma and Tony knocked on Sapphs door. Hello who is it? Its mom and dad. Coming. Said Sapph. She opened the door and said Hey mom and dad. Hi honey how is Zorin? Not so good. Go look in the room, you will see. I see. He looks horrible. I shouldn't have let him help. Its my bad. said Emma. No mom its not your fault. Something happened. She told them what Zuki said that Zorin told him. So he had another panic attack. He hadn't had one of those for 5 years. I know. poor guy. To think that Ravens father made the metal.

Zorin was starting to wake up. Zuki was beside him. Hey man. Said Zuki. How you feeling? A little better I guess. He said in a hoarse tone. You still sound hoarse though. Yeah I know. Zorin tried to sit up. He did but groaned in pain. Hey Zorin. Take it easy. Sapphs parents are here. They wanted to check on you. OH really? Yeah they worry about you Zorin. Yeah I know everyone does. I get into trouble a lot. Well I guess I will join everyone. I rested enough. NO Zorin you need more rest. I can't rest. I have to do some exercise or I will be fatigued. Just be careful then ok? Yeah sure. Zorin stood up and walked to the living room. Hey Sapph. Said Zorin. Hey honey feeling better? Yeah a little bit. Sorry about my voice. Oh its fine. Hey Zorin. Said Tony. OH hi Tony and Emma. How are you guys? We are good. Unlike you. Yeah I guess so. I'm going to head out and get some air. OK Zorin be careful OK? I will try.