Chapter 13

Mom. Said Sapph. Zuki and I think there is something else going on with Zorin that we can't figure out. Even Zorin himself might not know. Maybe you, Nate, Dr. Bone, or Sanchez can help. Yeah sure. When do you want us to check him out? Maybe when he comes back in. Ok sure.

Slade came out of his room. Grama Grampa. Zuri, Grama and Grampa are here. Zuri came out of her room. They both ran to Tony and Emma. Oh hello kids. How are you two doing? We doing good. Said Slade. They visited a while longer.

Zorin finally came in, and he looked less tired than before. Hey Zorin. Said Sapph. You look a little better. Oh yeah I feel a little better. Zorin is there anything else bothering you besides being tired? No not really why? Do you mind if mom and dad take a look? I have a feeling it might have something to do with your power. Not right now. Maybe in the future. Right now I have things to do. OK well be careful Zorin. Yeah thanks.

So mom, dad, are you still going to adopt? Why yes we are. We were hoping you would come with us. As well as Zuki. Oh sure of course. I will have to let James watch the kids. When are you leaving? Tomorrow morining. OK I will call James right now. Hello James its Sapph. Mom and dad are going to the orphanage to see a few kids. They want me there. Can you watch them for me? Yeah sure. Oh good thanks. We are leaving tomorrow morning. OK sure that will work. Thanks James. Sure. OK now thats done. He said he would.

The next morning Sapph took the kids to James house and met Zuki and her parents at the dojo. OH hey Zorin. I am going with mom and dad to the orphanage. Zuki is coming too. OK cool. See you later then. See you later honey. OK shall we go mom and dad. Sure lets go.

They got to the orphanage, and it looked a little crowded than last time. Hello. Is Mrs. Runner here? Yes she is. Hold on a min. Said Cook. Mrs. Runner we got company. Coming. She said. Well hello Zuki. How are the girls doing? They are doing good. Healthy and happy. That's what I like to hear. So what brings you and your friends here? Tony said Hello my name is Tony and this is my wife Emma and our daughter Sapph. We would like to look for a kid to adopt. Well of course you may a boy or girl? Maybe one of each. OK well let me get the kids calmed down a bit then you may have a look. .

OK kids. Said Mrs. Runner. We have some guests here who want to adopt. So let's calm down and be ourselves ok? Yes Mrs. Runner. They all said. OK good. She went back to Tony and the others, and said Follow me please.

Here we are. Wow that is a lot of kids. How many exactly do you have? Lets see about 20. Oh wow. Said Tony. Emma said Are there any kids who are siblings? Can't bear to be apart from eachother? I would like to look at those kids. Well certainly. There are about 6 of them like that. Right now anyway. Here we are over here. This is Aiden. He is 8. His little sister Alana is 6. This one here is Malachi he is 10 and his older sister Zaylee is 16. These other two pairs are friends who came in together and can't bear to be apart. The first two friends are Seth and Quinn. They are the same age which is 12. The other two are Zade, he is 13. His friend Zena is 12. Then they did the last two couple of kids those ages. Well lets see. Why don't we visit with each group individually to decide. Is that ok Mrs. Runner? Why sure it is. Ok you 6 groups follow me. They followed her to a room to hang out in until Tony was ready for them.

OK first group. Let's go with Zade and Zena first. said Emma. OK follow them you two. Yes maam. They said. So they followed them, and visited to get to know them better. They did it with the other groups, until finally they were done. OK. Said Mrs. Runner. Once the kids were back in the room. Which 2 kids did you like? Oh we really like Zada, and Zena. Its too bad we can't take all of them. I feel bad. said Emma. I know so do all parents who come here to adopt. OK I will go get them.

Here they are. Zade and Zena. These are going to be your new parents for a few months, until they decide. So be good ok? Yes maam. OK well go pack your things. Don't keep them waiting too long. So they did and met with Tony and Emma again. OK you kids ready? Said Tony. They shook their heads, and went in the Van off back home.

OK here is where we live. Once you put your stuff down in your rooms, we will head over to the dojo ok? Yes maam. Said Zade. Oh and Zade don't call me Maam. You can call me Emma,or mom.That includes you too. Ok Zena? OK Mom. Good thankyou. OH and Sapph. Here is your sister. Now so if we are ever busy, just ask her for help ok? Thank you Emma. Said Zade. Your welcome. OK here are your rooms. Now put your stuff down and lets go ok?

They got back in the van and brought their kids to the dojo. Hey everyone. Said Tony. I thought you might want to meet the new members of our family Zade and Zena. Zorin came over and said Hello I am your brother in law. My name is Zorin. I work up in that building over there. If you ever want to train with me, just give me a call. I would be happy too. Thanks Zorin. Said Zade. Yeah no problem. Is Zena Ok? Said Tony. Yeah. She is just shy. She will warm up eventually. Hey Zorin. Said Sapph. Can I talk to you for a min? Yeah sure. See you guys later? See ya Zorin. Said Zade.

Whats up Sapph? Said Zorin. I was in the orphanage, and there were these kids who couldn't bear to part. There are 5 more as of now. I was thinking. I know we have 3 kids right now. What do you think about adopting? I don't know Sapph. I will tell you what. Said Zorin. I will come look at them tomorrow, or maybe later today. Check them out, then decide ok? Thank you Zorin. She gave him a kiss on the lips. Zorin smiled. Ok well. If we do it later today, it will have to be about 4. I have to go back to work. OK honey be careful Ok? Yeah sure.

4:00 came around. Sapph found Zorin and Said Hey Zorin are we going today? Yeah we can hang on a second. Ok sure. Sapph why don't you get in the car I will be right there. Ok sure. She got in the car and not long after Zorin went in. OK Sapph drive away.

Here we are. Said Sapph. Ok let's go in an see this Mrs. Runner everyone talks about. Hey Cook. Said Sapph. I am back with my husband. After I came to look with my mom, I decided I wanted to adopt. Zorin here said he would meet the 2 I wanted to take in. I will go get Mrs. Runner.

Mrs. Runner. More Company. Coming. Hello Sapph. This must be your husband? Yes it is. Zorin is my name Maam. Oh Call me Mrs. Runner. OK sure. OK so who are the 2 you wanted to adopt? Cook told me. Oh yeah I would like to see Zaylee and Malaki. Sure let me go get them.

Zaylee and Malaki. Come with me please. Yes maam. Said Malaki. Zorin and Sapph were waiting in the meeting room. OK here we are. Said Mrs. Runner. Kids be on your best behavior ok? Yes maam. Said Malachi. The kids sat down and they visited with Zorin and Sapph. So how old are you kids? I am 16. Said Zaylee. Malaki said I am 10. So what do you guys like to do for fun? Malaki spoke first. I am a pretty good fighter. I got in trouble a lot for it here. Well there is a dojo I hang out at. It has classes for that type of thing. It will teach you more than fighting. What else do you like to do for fun? I like to go 4 wheeling if I ever had one. Your in luck I have a couple. Cool. One more question for you Malaki. Your favorite color or colors. Oh I like Green and Blue. OK Zaylee your turn. What do you do for fun? Oh I like to fight as well. Though I never fought as much as him, just self defence. Also I would like to go 4 wheeling as well. Ok cool. My favorite colors are Purple and Green. We have to tell you. We have 2 6 year olds, and a 17 year old living with us. Zaylee you will be sharing a room with her. Malaki you will be sharing a room with my son Slade. Oh and my little girls name is Zuri. You will be sharing a room with Kiara. Zaylee. I would like to get to know you guys better as your living with us. So please be open about it. Mrs. Runner knocked on the door and said Are we about done? Yeah we are done visiting. I will come back for the 2 probably tomorrow or so. Said Zorin. OK I will let them know to pack. Thank you both. Said Mrs. Runner. NO thank you. Said Sapph. Then they were off back home.

They were on their way to pick up the kids from James house. After they went home, where Kiara was hanging out in her room bored. They finally went in the house, and Sapph said OK everyone family meeting please. They all sat on the couch waiting for Sapph and Zorin to explain. OK. Said Zorin. We are thinking about taking in a couple of kids for a few months to see if we want to adopt them. Malaki is 10 and his friend is Zaylee 16. Kiara would you mind sharing a room with Zaylee? NO I wouldn't mind. In fact it would be nice to have a sister close to my age. What about you two? Said Zorin. Zuri and Slade. Would you like having another sister and even a brother? Slade was excited to have a brother. Not so much a sister. Zuri felt the same way about Malaki. Ok well you will have to get used to them. Hey Zorin? Said Kiara. Do they have powers? I am sure they do. Almost everyone there does. We just never asked. The ones who don't yet are too young. Tomorrow I will buy another bed to put in your room Kiara. As for where Malaki will sleep, I will buy a bunk bed for Slades room. Yes! Said Slade. OK kids moms going to get dinner ready.

The next morning, the kids were at school. Zorin and Sapph did the shopping for the kids beds and bed sheets to match their favorite colors. Once they got home they put the stuff together made the beds and were ready for them to sleep in.

Later that day, the kids came home. Kiara saw her room and Slade saw his. Cool! Said Slade. This is awesome he likes this stuff. Cool. Kiara said. She looks like she will be a cool sister. OK good. Now that we agree. I will be picking them up. Kiara will you stay here with the kids while we go pick them up? Yeah sure. OK thanks.

Just as they were about to leave, Zorin had a strange feeling. Hey honey I think you might have to get the kids yourself. Zorin don't tell me you have to turn to Bluefire right now. Yes I do. I will see them when I get home. OK I will just tell them you had work. Thanks Sapph. Yeah honey. So he turned to Bluefire and flew off.

Sapph drove off to the Orphanage. Alone .Here we are. Said Sapph to herself. She went inside and Cook saw her.. Mrs. Runner she is here. OK I will get the kids. Zaylee and Malaki. Say your goodbyes to everyone else. Bye guys Said Zaylee and Malaki. OK well off you go then. Bye Mrs. Runner. said Zaylee. Thank you for everything. Sure. Said Mrs. Runner.

The kids got in the car and Sapph drove home. OK kids here we are. Home sweet home. Ok let's go inside meet the rest of the family.They went in, the twins and Kiara were waiting on the couch for them to arrive. Kiara introduced herself. Hi I'm Kiara. Nice to finally meet you Zaylee and Malaki. Likewise said Zaylee. Zaylee you will be sharing a room with me. Sapph said This little man is Slade and this little one is Zuri. Nice to meet you all. Said Zaylee. Yeah it is nice to finally have a family. Said Malachi. Sapph said. If you guys ever want to talk about your parents death to me or Zorin, let us know. He lost his at 16. Both of them. Thank you Sapph. Said Zaylee. I think I just might one day. OK well why don't you kids put your stuff down in your room. Then come join us out here. OK sure. Said Zaylee. Kira escorted Zaylee, Slade escorted Malaki. Where is daddy? said Zuri. Oh sorry guys Zorin had an emergency at work. Once he gets back we are going to go to the dojo.

Bluefire went to check that strange feeling out. Of course who else could it have been. He said to himself. Jay you again? I thought we were going to help you. What happened? I can't...I can't...Jay come on man. What is wrong? He flew up to Jay to see if he could find out what is wrong. Villiany is all I have ever known. I don't know if I can stop. I feel wierd when I am not doing any villany. How does it make you feel to be a Villan? I don't like it. I never did. If I didn't do it, I would find a way to make it happen. I escaped from the people helping me. I'm sorry Bluefire. I have to fight you. I understand. They started fighting. Henchmen help please. Yes sir.